Export Data for RocTunnel3
The Export Data for RocTunnel3 option allows users to export UnWedge model parameters to a special file format to be read into RocTunnel3 to create the equivalent UnWedge model.
The following UnWedge data is exported:
- Tunnel geometry to create the RocTunnel3 External consisting of an Excavation volume and Geology bounding box
- Rock Unit Weight to set the RocTunnel3 applied Material Property
- Joint geometry to create RocTunnel3 Measured Joints or Joint Surfaces
- Joint 1
- Joint 2
- Joint 3
- Truncated Faces (if applicable)
- Joint properties to create RocTunnel3 Joint Properties
- Units
- Design Standards
To export data to RocTunnel3:
- Set the Wedge Visibility in the 3D Wedge View. Only visible wedges will be exported.
- Select File > Export > Export Data for RocTunnel3
- In the Save As dialog, set the file name and click Save to save the file. A single UnWedgeToRocTunnel3 file with the *.weg2roctunnel extension is saved.
To import an UnWedgeToRocTunnel3 file to RocTunnel3, see the Import UnWedge File topic from the RocTunnel3 User Guide.
- UnWedge Probabilistic analysis files are not supported by RocTunnel3.
- UnWedge Joint Combinations are not supported by RocTunnel3. Only the current selection of Joint Combinations under Joint Orientations tab in the Input Data dialog is exported.
- UnWedge Water, Seismic, Field Stress, and Loading input data are not exported.
- UnWedge Bolts, Shotcrete, and Support Pressure are not exported.
- UnWedge Truncation Surface and Truncation Planes are not exported.