Joint Orientations Overview
The orientations of three distinct joint planes must always be defined for an UnWedge analysis. Using Block Theory, UnWedge determines all of the possible tetrahedral wedges which can be formed by the intersection of the three joint planes and the excavation.
To define Joint Orientations:
- Select Input Data from the toolbar, the Analysis menu, or the right-click menu.
- Select the Joint Orientations tab in the Input Data dialog.
- For a new file, default orientations will already be provided for three joints. In the rows provided, replace the default orientations with the Dip and Dip Direction of the three joints you wish to use in the analysis.
The Stereonet at the right of the dialog displays a stereographic projection of the joint planes and tunnel axis.
- To assign Joint Properties to each joint, select the name of the Joint Property that you wish to assign to the joint, from the Properties column. The joint property determines the strength characteristics of each joint.
- Joint Properties are defined within the Joint Properties tab of the Input Data dialog.
- By default, the first Joint Property is initially assigned to all joints. If all three joints have the same properties and this is the first (or only) Joint Property that is defined, it does not have to be selected because it will already be assigned by default.
- If your joints have different properties, then you will have to assign the desired properties to the desired joints. If you have not yet defined the properties, then you will first have to define the Joint Properties before you can assign the properties to the joints. See the Joint Properties topic for details.
- Select the Apply button to view results without closing the dialog, or select OK to close the dialog.
Multiple Joint Combinations
If you have more than three joint orientations that you need to analyze, any number of joints can be defined in the Joint Orientations dialog using the Add
option. Then any combination of three joints can be selected with the Joint Combinations option. See the Multiple Joint Combinations topic for details.
Stereonet View
The Stereonet View allows you to view a full-screen stereographic projection of your joint orientations and tunnel axis. The Stereonet View also allows you to input or modify the joint orientations directly in the Sidebar.
Joint Colours
The Joint Colours are used to display the selected joints on the stereonet, and also to display the joint planes on the wedges in the 3D Wedge Views (the Colour Joints in 3D Views checkbox in the Display Options dialog). The Joint Colours are defined in the Display Options dialog under the General tab.