Bolt Properties Overview
To define Bolt Properties:
- First, you must be viewing one of the support design views - select either the Perimeter Support Designer view or the End Support Designer view.
- Select Bolt Properties
from the toolbar, the Support menu or the right-click menu.
- You will see the Bolt Properties dialog.
Bolt Properties Dialog - Default properties will already be defined for one bolt type. If you only need one bolt property type, then you can enter the properties and select OK.
- If you need more than one bolt property type, select the Add
button to create additional properties.
- Alternatively, you can copy current bolt properties to another bolt property, or import bolt properties from another UnWedge file.
- Copy Current Properties
: This will create a copy of the currently selected bolt property
- Import From File
: This allows you to import bolt properties from another UnWedge file. Enter a filename path in the edit box, or select the dialog button to navigate to a file.
- Copy Current Properties
- To define the bolt properties, click on the tab for each bolt property and enter the desired parameters.
When you add bolts to the model (e.g., Add Pattern Bolts), you will be able to assign a bolt property type to the bolts, by selecting from a list of the Bolt Properties types which you have created in the Bolt Properties dialog.
Overview of Bolt Support Implementation
For an overview of the way in which the bolt properties are implemented in the UnWedge stability analysis, see the Bolt Support Force topic in the Theory section.