Resizing the Views
Within the 3D Wedge View, you can change the relative size of the panes, or sub-views (Top / Front / Side / Perspective), within the view.
NOTE: This also applies to the Multi Perspective, Front / Perspective and End Wedge Views.
Maximizing a Pane
A quick shortcut to maximize any pane, is to double-click the left mouse button in the pane. For example: double-click in the Perspective view to maximize the Perspective view. Double-clicking again in the maximized view, will restore the default display of all panes.
Resizing the Panes
Alternatively, hover the cursor over the vertical or horizontal dividers between the panes, or over the intersection point of the dividers. The cursor will change to a "parallel line" or "four arrow" symbol. Press and hold the left mouse button, and drag to re-size the panes to any desired size.
TIP: If you have re-sized the panes and you want to quickly restore the default display, double-click in any pane to maximize the view, then double-click again to restore the default display.