Tutorials Overview
All Tutorials

1 - Quick Start
- Deterministic Analysis
- Tunnel Opening Section & Properties
- Joint Orientations & Properties
- Perimeter & End Wedges

2 - Scaling Wedges
- Joint Persistence and Trace Length
- Tunnel Length
- Wedge Size
- Factor of Safety

3 - Perimeter Support
- Bolt Patterns
- Bolt Properties
- Bolt Force Diagram
- Shotcrete

4 - Joint Combinations
- Import DXF
- Joint Combinations
- Combination Analyzer
- Support Pressure & Design Factor of Safety

5 - Field Stress
- Field Stress Analysis
- Factor of Safety
- View Stress Contours

6 - Intersecting Tunnels
- Intersecting Tunnels
- Importing DXF
- Scaling Wedge Size
- Spot Bolts

7 - Probabilistic Analysis
- Probabilistic Analysis
- Random Variables & Statistical Plots
- Probability View
- Mean and Picked Wedges

8 - Importing a Dips File
- Importing a Dips File
- Probabilistic Analysis
- Fisher Distribution

9 - Probabilistic Support
- Joint Persistence
- Bolt Pattern Spacing & Offset

10 - Ground Surface
- Add Ground Surface
- Import DXF Ground Surface
- Move Ground Surface

11 - Advanced Joint Combinations Analysis
- Probabilistic Analysis
- Joint Combination Analysis

12 - Batch Compute
- Adding UnWedge Models
- Output Analysis Results File(s)

13 - Automate Deterministic Analysis
- Deterministic Analysis
- Automate Inputs from Excel Template
- Output Analysis Results Files(s)

14 - Automate Probabilistic Analysis
- Probabilistic Analysis
- Automate Inputs from Excel Template
- Output Analysis Results Files(s)

15 - Tunnel Orientations Analysis
- Combinations Analysis
- Automate Inputs from Excel Template
- Output Analysis Results Files(s)

16 - Truncation Surface and Planes
- Perimeter Truncation Surface
- End Truncation Planes
- Effects of Truncation on Wedges/Supports

17 - Vertical Shaft
- Vertical Shaft
- Water Pressure