The Latest Features in RocTopple
RocTopple is a dynamic analysis tool designed to help you overcome the most challenging toppling analysis problems. RocTopple can be used for rock slopes, rock cut and mining applications.
Stay up to date with the latest features and integrations that you can incorporate into your geotechnical projects.
September 2019
Support for Hybrid Block-Flexural Toppling Model
This new release introduces support for a Hybrid Block-Flexural Toppling model based on the limit equilibrium method presented by Amini, Majdi, and Veshadi in 2012. Block-flexure is the most common type of toppling failure in rock slopes, which occurs when some rock blocks fail due to tensile bending stresses and some overturn under their own weight.

The addition of the new model allows the factor of safety to be calculated for a slope with the potential to fail under both block and flexural toppling. This has the effect of widening RocTopple’s range of applications for analyzing toppling failure of rock slopes.
As part of the new feature, user controls have been added to where the normal force from the failing block above is applied for more flexibility. Users can now enter different ratios for cases when the above block is sliding, shearing, or undergoing flexural bending.

Learn RocTopple
Explore the RocTopple user guide for in-depth instructions on how to use the program and visit our library of learning resources, including case studies, past webinars, and articles, designed to expand your geotechnical knowledge and help you get the most out of your analysis.