RSWall Stands Above the Others
RSWall was developed from the ground up, considering the limitations of existing tools on the market and the evolving challenges in retaining wall design. Whether you currently rely on Excel sheets and hand calculations, or currently have a design software, RSWall's capabilities extend far beyond simple retaining wall design, providing a robust platform with advanced functionalities.
Design Multi-Segment Walls with the Wall Wizard
One of RSWall's standout features is its ability to design multi-segment walls, going beyond the limitations of single wall analysis. This capability is crucial for projects with complex geometries, such as:
- Retaining walls with corners
- Walls with changing soil elevations
- Terraced wall systems
RSWall's multi-segment wall design feature is built into a step-by-step wizard. You simply input /import the coordinates of the soil profile and RSWall will automatically created walls for each soil profile segment, and you can modify the width and height of the walls. The program behaves each wall independently.

Export Hand Calculations with New Report Generator
The newly redesigned report generator addresses the need for detailed documentation required by many government agencies and clients. RSWall’s report generator will:
- Export hand calculations directly to PDF format
- Include formulas and equations coming from design standards
- Provide detailed calculations of different failure modes
The ability to generate comprehensive reports with hand calculations enhances transparency and facilitates an easier review process. This feature sets RSWall apart by bridging the gap between the insight of advanced software analysis with traditional engineering documentation requirements.

Extending your Analysis through Geotechnical Integration
RSWall's seamless integration with Slide2, our flagship 2D limit equilibrium slope stability analysis program, allows you to export RSWall models directly to Slide2 to assess overall soil stability to ensure retaining walls are designed in harmony with surrounding geotechnical conditions. When you import your RSWall files into Slide2, you will maintain consistent geometry, soil properties, reinforcement properties and design standards which saves users time and need to recreate the model for the overall stability analysis in a Limit Equilibrium program.

The ability to transition from retaining wall design to slope stability analysis within minutes eliminates the need for manual data transfer and model reconstruction. This integration surpasses other programs by leveraging Slide2's advanced capabilities, such as:
- Consideration of complex soil stratigraphy
- Analysis of various reinforcement types
- Evaluation of seismic loading conditions

Furthermore, RSWall's multi-segment wall designs can be imported as different group scenarios in Slide2, allowing for comprehensive analysis of complex wall systems and their impact on global stability.
Continuously Expanding Library of Design Standards
With the release of RSWall, there will be the following design standards are built-in to RSWall available for your projects:
- Australian Standard
- British Standard
- Eurocode 7
- User-defined
As you are designing your retaining walls, the design standards are used as recommended range. Should your design fall outside of the approved parameters as listed in the design standards, you will receive a warning message in the program.
Additionally, in the future, as these design standards are updated, we will add newer versions into the latest version of RSWall, while keeping the existing standards. If you are in a region that follows a different standard, feel free to reach out to us and we can look into adding it into an upcoming release.
Get Started with RSWall
Whether you're working on infrastructure projects, commercial developments, or specialized geotechnical applications, RSWall provides the reliability and precision you need in a user-friendly software program.