3D Stress Analysis Software

Utilizes the boundary element method for large-scale underground structures including mines, tunnels, and caverns.

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3D Stress Analysis Software

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Boundary Element Method and Stress Analysis

Perform faster analysis of underground excavations using the boundary element method, which only requires surface meshing for simpler and more efficient discretization. EX3 is perfect for modelling infinite and semi-infinite elastic domains.


Boundary Element Method and Stress Analysis

Perform faster analysis of underground excavations using the boundary element method, which only requires surface meshing for simpler and more efficient discretization. EX3 is perfect for modelling infinite and semi-infinite elastic domains.


Full Scale Mine Analysis

Define and model large-scale mines with ease using EX3’s advanced features. You can import geometry, design excavations, backfill in different stages, and visualize results on the mine's surface and at pre-defined field points.


Full Scale Mine Analysis

Define and model large-scale mines with ease using EX3’s advanced features. You can import geometry, design excavations, backfill in different stages, and visualize results on the mine's surface and at pre-defined field points.

3D Geometry

Import various 3D geometries, including *.obj, *.stl, *.dxf, and *.dwg file types, then analyze your models to find and repair discrepancies in minutes.


3D Geometry

Import various 3D geometries, including *.obj, *.stl, *.dxf, and *.dwg file types, then analyze your models to find and repair discrepancies in minutes.

Check out the full list of technical features in EX3

See Specs

EX3 Across Applications

  • Excavations
  • Mining
  • Tunnels


Model any type of excavation and incorporate staged excavations with ease.



Efficiently model underground mines and investigate all aspects of your design using pre-defined and user-defined results.

Mining Application


Model underground tunnels to determine stress intensity at the intersection of multi-crossing tunnels and more.

Tunnels EX3

EX3 Seamlessly Integrates With

  • RS3


Seamlessly import your RS3 models into EX3 or vice versa. You can convert geometry, assign materials, field stress, and regions of interest to create a computation-ready model after loading.


The Latest Features

Learn more about all the new features in the latest release of EX3. Read article
  • Fast Multipole Method (FMM)

    Solve large-scale 3D elastoplastic analysis with the Fast Multipole Method (FMM). This technique reduces computation time and memory usage using complex-variable asymptotic approximations around “poles.”

  • General Contour Planes on Field Point Boxes

    Better visualize stress and displacement distribution by defining the counter plane in a desired orientation in the field point box.

  • Field Points Defined on Any Surface

    Pick any surface in your model and visualize the results of that specific area.

Fast Multipole Method (FMM)
Contour Planes
Field Points Defined Image

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Article thumbnail 3 D Modelling Underground Excavations EX3 RS3

3D Modelling of Underground Excavations with EX3 and RS3

Article thumbnail Underground Excavations EX3

Useful, Practical Modelling of Underground Excavations with EX3

Integrations map horizontal updated Jul 2023

The Definitive Guide to Rocscience’s Geotechnical Software Integrations


Get EX3 today. Choose your license below:

Personal Lease

$3,699.00 USD / year
  • One Seat
  • One User Device
  • Cloud-Hosted Licensing
  • Managed in the RocPortal

Flexible Lease

$5,599.00 USD / year
  • Multiple Seats
  • 5 User Devices Per Seat
  • Cloud-Hosted Licensing
  • Managed in the RocPortal
If you’re interested in hosting your flexible lease licenses on a local server, contact us.
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