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Dips Maintenance+ Update History

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Version 8.029 - January 31 2025 [Download]

  1. NEW RSInsight access from Help menu
  2. CHANGED Project Summary separated from Project Settings Dialog

Version 8.028 - October 21 2024 [Download]

  1. FIXED Crash on Add Set when Filter(s) exist.
  2. FIXED Temporary set windows on Add Set is not being shown when Tools visibility is off in Plot Options.
  3. FIXED Dips rounding large values to scientific notation with 5 decimal values when data is imported from ShapeMetriX File.
  4. FIXED Issue preventing symbol editing in Symbol Editor.
  5. FIXED Dips crashing when Filter is changed in 'Symbolic Pole Vector Display'

Version 8.027 - April 18 2024 [Download]

  1. NEW 3GSM ShapeMetrix integration with Dips.
  2. FIXED Missing sampled cross hairs in Kinematic Sensitivity chart view on Show Sampler.'
  3. FIXED Symbolic Plot Options dialog opens when switching Data Filters while not viewing Symbolic Pole/Dip Vector Display.

Version 8.026 - October 11 2023 [Download]

  1. FIXED Crash on loading Dips File in Symbolic Plot Preset
  2. CHANGED Updated Splash Screen

Version 8.025 - October 11 2023 [Download]

  1. FIXED Symbolic Plots not updating with data types other than ID

Version 8.024 - September 14 2023 [Download]

  1. CHANGED Improved message for Maintenance+ subscription.

Version 8.023 - August 17 2023 [Download]

  1. NEW Author and Company can now be saved as defaults in Project Summary dialog
  2. CHANGED Select Poles Datatip now displays Dip with 2 digits consistent with Dip/Dip Direction orientation convention
  3. FIXED Selecting or switching between filters does not reset the Data Type in the Symbolic Plot Options dialog
  4. FIXED Declination angle in project settings now works properly and updates on click OK

Version 8.022 - June 19 2023 [Download]

  1. NEW Added Collar Data to Linear BH Oriented Core and Linear BH Televiewer types in Traverse Information dialog.
  2. NEW Added Compute Locations option to determine the spatial X, Y, Z locations of planar measurements recorded along a borehole traverse.
  3. NEW Added X, Y, Z columns as optional predefined columns in Grid Data view. Toggle the display of X, Y, Z Columns in Project Settings.
  4. NEW Added Persistence column as optional predefined column in Grid Data view. Toggle the display of Persistence Column in Project Settings.
  5. NEW Added Histogram Plot View and Best Fit Distributions for plotting and fitting quantitative column data from Grid Data.
  6. NEW Added Cumulative Plot View for plotting quantitative column data from Grid Data.
  7. NEW Added Scatter Plot View and Regression Line for plotting and correlating two quantitative column data from Grid Data.
  8. CHANGED Updated predefined Dips Import Wizard templates for Rockmass Technologies' Face Mapping and Scanline.
  9. CHANGED Modify Project Settings dialog and move Project Summary option out of Project Settings dialog.
  10. FIXED Fixed default colours not saved correctly on OK in Display Options dialog.
  11. FIXED Joint Spacing chart not created correctly for bin sizes smaller than 2 decimal places.
  12. FIXED Contours not drawn on Load Template in 2D Stereonet View.

Version 8.021 - June 7 2022 [Download]

  1. FIXED Pasting a range of cells from Excel was not working in Traverse Information dialog.
  2. FIXED Inconsistent data validation behaviour in Traverse Information Dialog.

Version 8.020 - May 16 2022 [Download]

  1. FIXED Slow Export to Excel when Export Critical Intersections Only is selected.

Version 8.019 - March 23 2022 [Download]

  1. FIXED Add Line dialog not opening after adding Trend Line to 2D Stereonet View.

Version 8.018 - February 11 2022 [Download]

  1. FIXED Export and copy image produces blank images in 2D Plot View (i.e., 2D Stereonet Plot, Rosette Plot).
  2. CHANGED Add option to Auto-Format Symbolic Plot Quantitative Data based on All (20 symbols) or based on the Allocated (or Number of Intervals).

Version 8.017 - December 22 2021 [Download]

  1. NEW Batch print 2D Stereonet Plot, 3D Stereonet Plot, and Chart views.
  2. NEW Added Import and Export options in Symbol Locker dialog to save and load user-defined Symbolic Plot locked symbols.
  3. NEW Added Edit Legend option for specifying custom ordering and visibility of 2D Stereonet Plot view Legend entries.
  4. NEW Added Chart Settings option to chart views. Modify, save, and reset formatting (Options, Colors, Labels, Fonts, Axes) settings as default. Added Change Plot Data option to chart views.
  5. CHANGED Remove local offline help. Help topics are redirected to
  6. CHANGED Increased maximum number of symbols available in Symbolic Plot from 10 to 20 symbols.
  7. CHANGED Allow for multiple filters to be imported in the Filter Options.
  8. CHANGED Added option to Maximize/Restore Import Wizard Dialog pages for Traverse Information Import and Grid Data Import.
  9. CHANGED Add popup when inserting Sets and Planes from Import Sets/Planes/Tools option which allows user to select whether to overwrite existing Sets and/or Planes. Existing Sets and/or Planes were previously automatically overwritten.
  10. FIXED Web updates URL.
  11. FIXED User-defined "SET" extra column incorrectly removed when removing predefined "Set" column.
  12. FIXED Kinematic Analysis Wedge Sliding Critical Zone 1 highlight on wrong side in 2D Stereonet Plot View when Friction Angle is set to 0 degrees.
  13. FIXED Kinematic Analysis Direct Toppling Critical Zone 2 highlight does not extend to friction cone in 2D Stereonet Plot View when Friction Angle is set greater than Slope Dip.
  14. FIXED Increase timer on Kinematic Analysis numeric inputs before error validation and redraw.
  15. FIXED Crash when importing filters in Filter Options dialog.
  16. FIXED 2D Stereonet Plot View not updating contours when loading from View Template.

Version 8.016 - September 30 2021 [Download]

  1. FIXED Incorrect wrapped Curved Set Window extents resulting in incorrect pole association and mean set plane calculations.
  2. CHANGED Convention control from an editable Dropdown to non-editable Droplist. Affects Edit User Planes, Edit Sets, Add Set Window, and Intersection Calculator dialogs.
  3. CHANGED Delete Sets with no poles (in Unfiltered data).

Version 8.015 - September 17 2021 [Download]

  1. FIXED Incorrect symbol colors in Symbolic Plot with more than 2000 poles.
  2. CHANGED Options to render Intersections, Vectors, and Planes using high quality graphics in 2D Stereonet view.

Version 8.014 - August 10 2021 [Download]

  1. NEW Improve responsiveness of 2D Stereonet view rendering with display of large number of poles and grid data planes. Added options in Preferences dialog to set upper limit of pole/dip vectors and grid data planes to draw.
  2. FIXED Missing Collar Data and Survey Data tabs in Import Wizard for Curved BH Televiewer traverse type.
  3. FIXED Fixed default name counter when adding a new item to a list. Affects the display default name of newly added filter and template items in Filter Data, Add View Template, and Import Wizard dialogs.
  4. FIXED Fixed some inconsistent behaviour in Contour Options dialog.
  5. FIXED Fixed unexpected behaviour in Symbolic Plot Options dialog when opening Symbolic Plot from Grid Data View.
  6. FIXED Fixed edit box control issue which was not allowing for double-precision "." entries in several dialogs.
  7. CHANGED Allow users to retain Data Filters even with no Grid Data matches.
  8. CHANGED Improve Import Wizard dialog responsiveness when importing from a large number of Excel files.
  9. CHANGED Relax the error validation constraints for blank or non-numeric import data. Add extra error check for use of reserved Dips headers.

Version 8.013 - May 18 2021 [Download]

  1. FIXED Dips Import Wizard "Traverse Does Not Exist" error when importing a Traverse that is not Linear, in conjunction with Grid Data.

Version 8.012 - May 14 2021 [Download]

  1. NEW Added Dips Import Wizard to import Excel column data into Dips' Grid Data and/or Traverse Information.
  2. NEW Added RockMass Technolgies' Import Settings Templates for importing Axis Mapper data.
  3. NEW Import Settings Template for renaming, deleting, renaming, importing, and exporting user-defined settings. This is for use in conjunction with Dips Import Wizard.
  4. CHANGED Various UI changes including updated dialog layouts, and new icons.
  5. CHANGED Change orientation data types stored in Traverse Information dialog from integer to double precision.
  6. CHANGED Apply consistent rounding of double type orientation data to integer type. Note: This may result in an approximately 1 degree difference in orientation results compared to previous versions of Dips.
  7. FIXED Fixed Kinematic Analysis overlay on Stereonet not updating when Kinematic Sensitivity Plot is open.
  8. FIXED Show Print Preview when clicking Print in Qualitative/Quantitative Chart view.
  9. FIXED Disable Process Data and Rotate Data options in Analysis menu if no Grid Data or invalid Grid Data exists.

Version 8.011 - March 18 2021 [Download]

  1. FIXED Incorrect %Critical Reported for Sets in Kinematic Analysis when using Filtered data.
  2. FIXED Issue with Distance column not being created properly in processed Grid Data from Rotate Data and Process Data features.

Version 8.010 - March 9 2021 [Download]

  1. FIXED Updated .html help links for new help output.
  2. CHANGED Updated Technical Support dialog to replace email link with link to support form. Added System Information for Display resolution and scaling.
  3. CHANGED Updated splash screen.
  4. FIXED Additional checks for Wedge Sliding failure mode in Kinematic Analysis. Ensure that intersection dip (Primary Critical Zone) and pole dip (Secondary Critical Zone) is greater than friction angle to be considered critical.
  5. FIXED Fixed display of validation text not showing in the Sidebar of the Grid Data view when opening a Dips document.
  6. CHANGED Update filter label text format in 2D Stereonet View. Add option to toggle on/off filter label in Display Settings.
  7. FIXED Fixed Legend Location and Legend Scale issues in 2D Stereonet view.
  8. FIXED Added error validation for Distance column in Grid Data view. This checks that the cells under the Distance column are numeric and >= 0 when filled. If the cell is invalid, the error cell will by highlighted, and text will display in the Sidebar.
  9. FIXED Fixed cell highlight issue in Grid Data view when displaying error cells.
  10. FIXED Fixed incorrect drawing of critical poles from Kinematic Analysis in 2D Stereonet view when Filter is applied. Note that the results for number of critical poles and % critical are unaffected.

Version 8.009 - November 19 2020 [Download]

  1. FIXED Bugfix for Edit User Planes dialog incorrectly renaming plane label.
  2. CHANGED Modify Edit User Planes dialog layout. The "Label" edit box has been removed and "Label" column has been added to the grid.
  3. FIXED Bugfix for data validation in Grid Data View where blank rows remained incorrectly as pink highlighted error cells.
  4. FIXED Bugfix for crash in Filter Data dialog when selecting Delete, Import, or Export with no filters.
  5. FIXED Bugfix for missing option icons in menus of Kinematic Sensitivity, and Joint Spacing chart views.
  6. CHANGED Update online and offline help links.

Version 8.008 - October 19 2020 [Download]

  1. Retarget solution to VS2017 SDK 8.1 (Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2017).
  2. Upgrade Objective Grid Libraries to Stingray 2019.

Version 8.007 - September 4 2020 [Download]

  1. Bugfix for Joint Spacing chart data not updating when toggling Chart Settings > Setup > Set in the Sidebar.
  2. Bugfix for Export Image File to DXF in Dips Stereonet View. DXF was not being exported correctly when using large Centre Coordinates to translate the Stereonet location, due to insufficient numerical precision when saving.

Version 8.006 - August 18 2020 [Download]

  1. Bugfix for crash when using Process Data or Rotate Data because the "Distance" column does not exist in the Grid Data view.
  2. Bugfix for Stereonet Kinematic Legend not showing updated weighted and unweighted critical All Set Planes, and Set vs Set Planes intersections when toggling Terzaghi Weighting. Only affects Wedge Sliding and Direct Toppling Kinematic Analysis.

Version 8.005 - July 20 2020 [Download]

  1. Bugfix for crash when applying Sets From Cluster Analysis. Crash would occur sometimes with large cluster sizes, resulting in an improperly formed freehand-shaped set window.

Version 8.004 - June 24 2020 [Download]

  1. Bugfix for crash in Kinematic Sensitivity dialog when performing Set vs Set intersections.
  2. Bugfix for Kinematic Sensitivity charts when more than one instance of the chart is open. Previous chart settings were not retained when a new instance was opened.

Version 8.003 - May 25 2020 [Download]

  1. Optimize computation speed of Dips files with filters applied.
  2. Optimize memory management of Dips files with filters applied. Minimize memory used for storing pole intersections.
  3. Added Auto-requery Filters option to Analysis menu. User has the option to requery filters automatically or manually after changes to Grid Data, Project Settings, Traverses, and/or Sets. Note: Turning off Auto-requery Filters minimizes the number of times data is recomputed which is recommended for large Grid Data.
  4. Bugfix for Select Poles when working with filtered data. Only poles included in the selected filter can be selected.
  5. Bugfix for Set column not updating after Paste or Edit grid cell contents in Grid Data view.
  6. Bugfix for Fold Analysis in 2D Stereonet causing crash and not updating correctly when working with filters.
  7. Bugfix for Global Best Fit Plane in 3D Stereonet not updating correctly with Terzaghi Weighting.
  8. Bugfix for Export Data to Excel. Fixed Grid Data Planes "ID" column not populated. Fixed Critical Plane Intersections where "Plane ID #1" and "Plane ID #2" columns were not populated.
  9. Modified Export Data to Excel to not include and count invalid intersections in Plane Intersections.
  10. Bugfix for All Planes and Set vs Set Planes pole Intersections not updating intersections count in Legend when Terzaghi Weighting is applied.
  11. Bugfix for Qualitative/Quantitative Chart of ID for Unfiltered Data when working with filters.
  12. Added a warning message when opening a file version newer than the program version. The user has the option to proceed or abort loading the file. No results from newer file versions are read.
  13. Modified Update Available dialog to include Maintenance+ information.

Version 8.002 - March 9 2020 [Download]

  1. Bugfix for error message pop-up when opening a file with Stereonet Plot set to Symbolic Plot Preset.
  2. Bugfix for crash after adding Sets from Cluster Analysis while in a filtered Stereonet Plot.
  3. Bugfix for crash when opening Filter Data dialog.
  4. Bugfix for freezing when a Filter is toggled or selected in Filter Options dialog. Event occurred when the Filter Data, Operator, or Operand strings contained special characters reserved as tokens for parsing (e.g., "(", ")", "&", "|", "=", "<", ">").
  5. Optimize engine compute time for Dips file with no filters.

Version 8.001 - February 19 2020 [Download]

  1. Maintenance+ version released.

Version 7.018 - January 17 2020 [Download]

  1. Fixed bug when renaming columns in Grid View using Edit Name option when no Stereonet Plot View is open.

Version 7.017 - January 10 2020

  1. Fixed bug in Kinematic Analysis dialog where Pole and Dip Vector Modes were not being initialized correctly for Wedge Sliding Failure Mode.

Version 7.016 - April 22 2019

  1. Copy/pasting to the data grid could carry over invisible carriage return symbols resulting in file corruption later.
  2. Changes in traverse column that affected only weighting score did not cause full recompute which could affect existing plots.
  3. Previous change (7.012) for calculation of weighted CBH-TV traverse data was done incorrectly. Fixed.

Version 7.015 - March 19 2019

  1. Fix for plotting curved televiewer traverse. The same correction for curved oriented core traverse now applies.

Version 7.014 - October 15 2018

  1. Fixed some issues with the drawing of sidebar controls on Windows 10.
  2. Fixed links to the new website.
  3. Updated the help system, context sensitive help now works again.
  4. Display bug fixed. Traverse symbol for "Curved BH Televiewer" was showing the wrong orientation on the stereonet.

Version 7.013 - May 11 2018

  1. For 64-bit version, the limit on amount of poles for intersection calculation was increased.
  2. Fixed bug preventing label customization for joint Frequency and RQD graphs.

Version 7.012 - January 24 2018

  1. The Curved Borehole Televiewer traverse type was ALWAYS using the Positive Down / Negative Up convention for Survey Data Plunge, even if the Negative Down / Positive Up convention was selected in the Curved Borehole Options dialog. If you entered survey data for a Curved Borehole Televiewer traverse using the Negative Down / Positive Up convention, then Terzaghi weighted plots will be incorrect and the traverse locations will be plotted incorrectly. This has been fixed.
  2. If you used the Fold Analysis option or the Global Best Fit option, the calculation of Woodcock parameters listed in the Info Viewer was incorrect (S1/S2 was being used instead of S1/S3). Fixed.

Version 7.011 - August 24 2017

  1. Linear borehole televiewer traverse could not be used with Joint spacing analysis. Fixed.
  2. New Window did not work when in plot view. Fixed.
  3. When pasting row in traverse dialog, hidden new line character was added corrupting saved files. Fixed.
  4. Traverses with negative plunge were plotted outside of stereonet. Fixed.
  5. Deleting sets would sometimes crash the program when saving file or opening Info Viewer. Fixed.
  6. Can now turn off high dpi setting in the technical support dialog accessed through the Help menu.

Version 7.010 - July 11 2017

  1. Now supports high dpi graphics cards.
  2. Fix crash when mouse is over Recent File menu item and recent documents history is disabled with group policy.
  3. Added Windows 10 detection to tech support dialog.

Version 7.009 - June 22 2017

  1. When reading old (before v7.0) files set uncorrected slope direction which is now used in kinematic

Version 7.008 - April 6 2017

  1. Running a new query immediately after the first query would result in error message. Fixed.
  2. Distance column was being converted to user column on query if Set column was present. Fixed.
  3. On query, rotate, process data column names for SETID, TRAVERSE could be duplicated. Fixed.
  4. Contours were not recomputed when display settings were loaded from file and hemisphere or projection changed. Fixed.

Version 7.007 - October 13 2016

  1. Fixed Paste bug in spreadsheet (cells adjacent to blank cells were merged).
  2. The added column in the spreadsheet is now selected to make adding multiple columns more convenient.
  3. Fixed bug where very first undo in the spreadsheet would remove all rows.
  4. Joint frequency plots were incorrect for interval values other than 1. Fixed.

Version 7.006 - May 2 2016

  1. Export Image - DXF export format now available again, was accidentally removed.
  2. Fold analysis planes - popup tooltip now shows weighted or unweighted results.
  3. InfoViewer - minor typo correction.
  4. Set vs Set Interactions dialog - help ? button now links to help topic.
  5. Import Sets/Planes/Tools option menu name is now consistent with Export menu name.

Version 7.005 - March 30 2016

  1. For joint spacing chart settings, the set label and set id are now both displayed in the sidebar selection combo box
  2. Info Viewer: units and distance column now listed under general settings
  3. Added copy bitmap function to 3D view
  4. Added option for size of north arrow in 3D view sidebar display options (north marker > small arrow / large arrow). Small size arrow is now the default.
  5. Traverse dialog: for a planar traverse, when changing the data orientation format the traverse format is now immediately updated in the dialog
  6. Improved behaviour of popup dialog buttons beside some sidebar menu options (e.g. Symbolic Plot). The button would not always display. Also keeping them on screen for longer.
  7. Disabled unnecessary legend in bar and line charts
  8. Can now toggle the weighted option for joint frequency charts in the sidebar options
  9. Fixed bug with initialization for symbolic plot from right click menu
  10. Global best fit tooltip now displays both weighted and unweighted coordinates
  11. Added intersection calculator to default tool colour options in sidebar

Version 7.004 - February 9 2016

  1. Allow multiple traverse selection for RQD and Joint Frequency graphs
  2. Fixed crashing when entering numbers in sidebar for Kinematic analysis
  3. Graphs fixes and improvements
  4. Improved performance when using lots of entries for survey data for curved borehole traverses
  5. Improved performance for spacing and RQD analysis
  6. Fix for stereonet view not properly showing text labels in native Windows language
  7. Improved speed of contour generation for column quantitative data on stereonet

Version 7.003 - January 29 2016

  1. Beta 3 release
  2. Fixes an issue with running on Windows 10 machines
  3. Add option to switch sets on joint spacing chart
  4. Add orient core description to traverse button popup
  5. Individualize view names for spacing, RQD, and frequency
  6. Modify intersection and sub sections to add set labels in kinematic legend and infoviewer
  7. Set labels now displays in various locations: infoviewer, kinematic legend, and set intersection dialog
  8. Update kinematic sensitivity error check. Now only check on ok.

Version 7.002 - January 26 2016

  1. Beta 2 release
  2. Added printing, image export right-click menu to 3D sphere view
  3. Numerous fixes related to 3D sphere view
  4. Added Terzaghi weighting to Kinematic analysis results. It's now displayed in Info Viewer and on stereonet if the option is enabled and checked
  5. Fixed problem when saving a version 6 file in Dips 7 would overwrite it instead of prompt to save as new v7 file
  6. Fixes for large system font and systems with high resolution displays
  7. Added global mean display in legend
  8. Added ability to define custom color scheme for contour intervals

Version 7.001 - January 18 2016

  1. Beta release. See What's New in Version 7.

Version 6.017 - November 25 2015

  1. When switching between views, if toolbar height grows, bottom of view got cut off. Fixed.
  2. Fix for crash in kinematic analysis with specific values.
  3. Fix for never-ending Info Viewer printout when too many traverses in a table.
  4. Software now looks for all usable licenses on all usable license servers.

Version 6.016 - November 4 2014

  1. When adding a user plane, "snap to pole" option did not work. Fixed.
  2. Added a warning to sidebar in grid view when a row contains an invalid data causing the rest of the rows to be ignored.
  3. When using Process Data or Rotate Data if any of the rows didn't have a traverse assigned its orientation would be copied from a previous row. Fixed.
  4. If any of the cells had text more than 20 characters long, Process Data would overwrite data in remaining columns. The limit now is 50 characters and text is truncated without overwriting following columns.

Version 6.015 - April 16 2014

  1. New help system.
  2. Safenet update to LDK and version 6.6 of the runtime.

Version 6.014 - January 16 2014

  1. Quantity*W column was not being handled properly with Process Data option.
  2. Major Plane IDs were incorrect in Excel Output of intersection data when using both Set Planes and User Planes simultaneously.
  3. Excel output Major Plane sheet was being overridden if Grid Intersection sheet was present.

Version 6.013 - September 20 2013

  1. Updated Help system to support Google Chrome and IE10.

Version 6.012 - July 5 2013

  1. Pasting rows of data to Traverses grid would cut off last digit for each value in pasted cells.
  2. Fixed export to Excel 2013.
  3. Clicking on “?” from Symbolic Pole Plot dialog would result in topic not found. Fixed.
  4. Help system update.
  5. Help system now works properly on IE10.
  6. Drop-down list in the Symbol Editor would have symbols for Triangle Up/Down reversed.
  7. Added ability to restore original program defaults for symbolic plot symbols.

Version 6.011 - May 2 2013

  1. Safenet LDK update.

Version 6.010 - April 1 2013

  1. Dips 6.009 did not run on XP. Fixed.
  2. Added silent install capability.

Version 6.009 - March 26 2013

  1. Fixed a bug where Dips would crash when displaying flexural toppling with a dip direction of 329°.
  2. Fixed a bug where exporting data to excel would fail with a large number of intersections.

Version 6.008 - January 17 2013

  1. Fixed incorrect rounding of computed trend and plunge values when traverses were being used. The numbers were simply truncated instead of rounded to nearest integer.

Version 6.007 - December 3 2012

  1. Shift+C shortcut was changed to Ctrl+Alt+C because it was conflicting with entry of capital letter ‘C’ in the spreadsheet.
  2. Fixed bug with symbolic plot of processed orientation where symbols in the legend would not correspond to plot symbols.
  3. Fixed bug where Traverse IDs would be modified when pasting in traverse dialog.
  4. Fixed bug where contour range values would be incorrect in the legend when using less than 10 contour intervals.

Version 6.006 - October 10 2012

  1. Fixed a bug with histogram plot generation when custom axes ranges are used.
  2. Added more keyboard shortcuts to menu and toolbar options.
  3. Fixed bug with loading of wrapped windows from Dips v5 and Dips 6.004 files.
  4. Miscellaneous minor fixes.

Version 6.005 - August 30 2012

  1. Update Help system including new tutorials.
  2. Added legend scaling and fixed contour legend scaling issue.
  3. Fixed contour DXF output.
  4. Improved Info Viewer formatting.
  5. Added user plane lineation’s to Info Viewer output.
  6. Fixed wrapped curved set window resizing bug.
  7. Fixed major planes label display bug.
  8. Fixed sidebar grid expanded sections resetting to default.
  9. Added option to use degree labels around stereonet instead of NSEW.
  10. Fixed enhanced metafile output to file and clipboard.
  11. Added saving/restoring of defaults for symbols (general, symbolic plot, scatter).
  12. Add import and export of user planes, set windows, tools
  13. Improved saving/restoring of defaults for contour options
  14. Many miscellaneous fixes.

Version 6.004 - July 10 2012

  1. Initial program release.

Version 6.003 - June 28 2012

  1. Beta release.

Version 6.002 - June 15 2012

  1. Beta release.

Version 6.001 - May 18 2012

  1. Beta release.

Version 5.109 - April 20 2012

  1. Online Help would now launch in Internet Explorer if Google Chrome is the default browser. The online help does not properly work in Google Chrome

Version 5.108 - July 7 2009

  1. Under rare circumstances the clipboard would be corrupted. Fixed.
  2. Excel charting of multiple datasets would sometimes not work with Excel 2007.
  3. Security system update to allow for educational updates and improve commercial network version.

Version 5.107

  1. Files which used a very large number of traverses (e.g. > 1000) were extremely slow to load, plot, save etc. This has been greatly improved, so that large numbers of traverses can be processed without a significant slowdown of the program.
  2. If data was pasted into the Traverse dialog and new rows were automatically created, the new rows after the first would be partially blank. This has been fixed so that automatically created new rows have information in all cells.
  3. The width of the Traverse ID column in the Traverse dialog has been expanded. Previously, if numbers with 4 digits or more were entered, only 3 digits were displayed, although the correct values were saved. Now Traverse ID numbers with up to 7 digits will display correctly in the dialog.
  4. Updated technical support dialog.

Version 5.106

  1. Improved help system including new tutorials.
  2. Creating a traverse when a view other than the spreadsheet view is selected, might result in the traverse column not being created in the spreadsheet view. If the file is saved in this state, it can not be reloaded.
  3. The bias angle was not being restored properly when loaded through auto options.

Version 5.105

  1. Now supports multiple HASPHL locks on the same USB hub.
  2. Supports multiple files on the commandline and tiling options.

Version 5.104

  1. Added HASPHL hardlock support

Version 5.103

  1. Support for new Educational system. Also update dll's to latest microsoft versions.

Version 5.102

  1. Improved the set logic for deleting and editing sets. A number of issues with crashes when deleting sets where fixed.
  2. Custom variability and confidence values were sometimes not updated correctly.
  3. Sometimes sets were not saved correctly. Especially when added planes existed.

Version 5.101

  1. The apply button in the Edit Sets dialog did not properly apply changes to the custom confidence and variability value. Fixed.
  2. When pasting data in the Traverse dialog, if the number of rows in the pasted data exceeded the number of rows in the dialog the program could crash. This is fixed.
  3. When adding new rows in the Traverse dialog, the new row is a copy of the last existing row. This makes it much faster when adding a lot of similar traverses.

Version 5.1

  1. Tools such as Cones, Text and Arrows are now automatically saved.
  2. New options in the preferences dialog for automatically saving and restoring tools and sets, and for automatically opening stereonet views at startup, and automatically filtering out SET columns,
  3. The Help system has been updated.
  4. Stereonet overlays and line contours did not work correctly.
  5. Changing data in the grid view would destroy set information for all but the last set.
  6. Overlapping sets in planes files did not correctly compute set statistics when the planes file was read.
  7. Terzaghi weighting factor is now document based. All views are correctly updated when a change to this factor is done.
  8. Global weighted mean vector now uses the Bias angle.
  9. When the global orientation format is dip/dipdir, values of dip and dip direction were given as integer values in the Infoviewer. This has been changed so that the values are now floats.
  10. The pole vector/plane vector convention is now saved in the registry so that it remains the same between program uses.
  11. Toolbars have been updated and improved.
  12. A recently used folders option has been added. This makes it easy to move to different folders containing Dips files.
  13. You can now open multiple Dips files at the same time in the File...Open dialog.

Version 5.083

  1. In the edit planes dialog, and the edit sets dialog, Dips would crash if you were editing the label column, and your typed: "Ctrl+Shift+an arrow key". This is fixed.

Version 5.082

  1. The mean plane was not being calculated correctly, if multiple set windows were used for a single set. The mean plane would only be calculated for the first window, and was not re-calculated if subsequent windows with the same Set ID, were added. This bug was introduced in version 5.07 (earlier versions work correctly).
  2. DWP files were not always read correctly. This could result in plane colour or label information being read incorrectly and displayed incorrectly. For example, if multiple set windows were defined for a single set, the visibility and colour information in the file might get displayed as the plane label. Or in some cases, label information would not be read at all.

Version 5.081

  1. Line contours with a custom range did not work correctly.
  2. Text labels for sets now scale according to the view size.
  3. Declination text in the Infoviewer was wrong, it said W Positive. It has been changed to the correct E Positive.

Version 5.08

  1. Hardlock and Nodelock software update.

Version 5.079

  1. The orientation formatting of the Major Planes stereonet legend is now consistent with the rest of the program.
  2. A query with the not equal to operator would not work correctly for sets and traverses when blank rows existed.
  3. A new grid view (Window menu) would not display set information if it exists.
  4. If sets exist, a query renames the Set column as SET and treats it as an extra column. Sometimes this renaming did not work correctly.
  5. The Set column in processed files was being renamed as SET ID instead of SET. This has been fixed and the processed files now rename the Set column to SET.

Version 5.078

  1. Improved performance for beige hardlocks.
  2. Update to auto-update code and nodelock code.
  3. Bug fix for network version and path path dialog.

Version 5.077

  1. Sometimes Dips would crash after a Query.
  2. New PDF tutorial manual.

Version 5.076

  1. Empty traverse cells sometimes caused shifting of data in the spreadsheet when the file was saved then read in again.
  2. Updated hardlock code to current API.

Version 5.075

  1. Program no longer requires administrator privileges to properly update itself through the web.
  2. Program no longer registers itself through the Windows Shell in such a way as to allow new files and printing through the windows context menus.

Version 5.074

  1. EMF/WMF image files now export correctly.
  2. Improved license management for network versions.
  3. Improved look under WinXP.

Version 5.073

  1. The legend in the major planes plot now lists only the visible planes.
  2. Program would crash if you opened a new file, created a pole plot, and tried to Select...Query Data. Fixed.
  3. A new preferences dialog has been added to the file menu. Using the preferences dialog you can choose the new XP menu style and tabbed views. Tabbed views allow you to quickly change the view through tabs at the bottom of the screen.

Version 5.072

  1. A bug with Clipboard Copy and Paste of a stereonet view is fixed. In some instances the image would not be transferred to the clipboard correctly resulting in junk when the receiving application tried to paste.
  2. Context sensitive help has been added to all the dialogs.
  3. Accelerators now work correctly in right-click context menus.

Version 5.071

  1. If a processed file was saved, and multiple sets existed, and the "Negative Set ID for wrapped data" checkbox was selected, and extra columns existed, then the SET ID column which got saved in the processed file, would get duplicated N times, where N=number of sets. This displaced other extra column data to the right,, and the rightmost columns would be lost. This has been fixed.
  2. Display and visibility options for sets and planes are now saved with the DWP file. You now have an option of reading them when you import a DWP file.
  3. Saving and deleting sets and planes could crash the program.

Version 5.07

  1. Automatic update technology added. Customers with a web connection will automatically be notified and allowed to update when a new minor version is released.
  2. A bug with adding and deleting sets in conjunction with adding and deleting user specified planes is now fixed.
  3. A new splash screen.
  4. Nodelocking now possible.

Version 5.06

  1. The export of Autocad DXF files has been added to the Export Images dialog. Dips can now export DXF files.
  2. The pasting of data now properly expands the number of columns and formats the Dips spreadsheet correctly.
  3. The user can now remove, or insert zero's into rows containing invalid orientation data when pasting data from the clipboard.
  4. A warning dialog is now displayed if data exists beyond the last valid row in a Dips spreadsheet.
  5. A section in the on-line help on importing data from Microsoft Excel was added. Items 2 and 3 above greatly improve this process.
  6. A bug with the job title and line feeds was fixed.
  7. A bug in the drawing of line contours which could cause a crash was fixed.
  8. Resource modifications to improve overall stability.

Version 5.051

  1. A bug in the Query Data option was fixed. Column data with a mix of numeric and alphabetic characters would not work correctly if the first letter is a number.
  2. Charts no longer quote mean and standard deviation for orientation data. The user will have to refer to the Infoviewer for this information. The mean was incorrectly calculated for orientation data in the chart.
  3. A bug in the Planes file (dwp) caused problems if the set was wrapped and there were no poles in the wrapped portion. This is fixed.
  4. Pressing tab at the end of a row now wraps around the the start of a new row.

Version 5.05

  1. Column widths were not updated correctly when saving a file.
  2. The 18 character column width limit was not being applied correctly. This resulted in bad files if a user put more than 18 characters in a column.
  3. A bug with adding planes was fixed. If you used a global orientation of Dip/Dip Direction, pole snap, and used Dip/Dip Direction coordinates then the added plane would be incorrect.
  4. More precision was added to the set and global means in the infoviewer.
  5. The drawing order of the equatorial/polar grids has been changed. By default they now draw before the poles, planes, text etc. The grids tended to obscure these items. If you want to go back to the old method, there is a new display option Draw Overlays First.

Version 5.041

  1. An infrequent crash when a set was defined with no poles in it has been fixed.
  2. Labels for sets are now saved in the DWP file.
  3. Line contours were not being properly grayscaled. This is fixed.
  4. Tech Support Dialog for sending Rocscience system information when you have a problem. Just copy the info in the dialog and email it to us with your problem.

Version 5.04

  1. Many memory leaks were plugged. Under win98, the program would crash after prolonged use.
  2. The query dialog no longer aborts on a bad query.
  3. An added plane or set label could not be changed, this has been fixed.

Version 5.03

  1. Exporting JPG and BMP image files would eat up system resources since memory was not being released properly. This is fixed.
  2. Settings for image size and/or enlargement factor in the image file save dialog were not being saved properly. This is fixed.
  3. A small left margin was placed in the infoviewer to improve readability.

Version 5.02

  1. New Feature - View->Planes option. Can now toggle planes on in a pole plot. All great circles associated with the poles are drawn on the stereonet.
  2. Grayscale option has been added to the toolbar.
  3. Both the Grayscale and title options have been added to the Setup menu.

Version 5.01

  1. New Feature - Symbol locking (View menu) allows users to associate a symbol with a qualitative data type in the symbolic pole plot.
  2. New Feature - Can now define the resolution of the exported image files (JPEG/BMP).
  3. New Feature - New utility JTDIST which allows users to create synthetic datasets. Very useful for educators wishing to generate data for problem sets etc.
  4. New Feature - A title option in the right-click menu for all stereonet plots. The user defined title in the Job Control is displayed on the plot.
  5. Improved network hardlock support.
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