Version 11.026 - February 19 2025 [Download]
- NEW Option to include or exclude the Python interpreter, Python Integrated Development Environment, and RS2 Python library during installation
- NEW Update Python to 3.13
- NEW Access to RSInsight
- NEW Read unknown boundary conditions from Slide2 models
- CHANGED Improved histogram average calculation for adjacent liner elements in Interpreter
- CHANGED Improve performance of seepage in highly nonlinear permeability models
- FIXED Incorrect node numbering for liner and joint elements in composite stacks touching joint elements
- FIXED Resolve visibility issue with expanded composite stacks containing liners and joints in Interpreter
- FIXED Joint elements in composite stacks sometimes are not correctly created and removed
- FIXED Correct drawing of excavated or uninstalled structural interfaces in the Modeler viewport
- FIXED Implement histogram drawing of joints, structural interfaces, liners, and bolts, considering both negative and positive side colors, as well as all drawing style options
- FIXED Exception caused by node changes in deleted pile elements
- FIXED Liner connection not created in thermal analysis
- FIXED Joint normal displacement results not plotted for models with midside nodes
- FIXED XFEM hydraulic results are not properly read and displayed by the Interpreter
- FIXED Cancel Material Dialog should undo modifications to spatial functions
- FIXED Reset spatial function stage factors to constant values when the main spatial property is not constant
- FIXED Statistics query data cannot be exported to Excel
- FIXED Bolt through composite liner causes issue with induced force tracking
- FIXED Changing node ids of elements intersecting bolts causes bolt result output to not appear
Version 11.025 - December 3 2024 [Download]
- NEW Spatial distribution for hydraulic properties - new seepage models
- CHANGED Updated material and support properties dialog UI
- CHANGED Improve RS2 Compute UI
- CHANGED Improve RS2 Scripting reference manual UI
More examples to RS2 Scripting reference manual, including import/export properties, hydraulic distribution functions, and webinar examples.
- CHANGED Improve transient groundwater models to better consider the unit system in calculations
More accurate permeability results
More questions in Knowledge Base, including SSR analysis vs. mesh density, strength factor vs. safety factor, and adaptive load step for highly non-linear material
- FIXED Incorrect bond strength calculation for material-dependent bolts (Swellex/Split-Set or Tieback)
- FIXED Dilation ratio should be dilation angle in Barton-Bandis model
- FIXED Custom u model for material stiffness should be pore pressure
- FIXED Dilation and friction angle validations in material properties
Version 11.024 - July 17 2024 [Download]
- NEW More accurate liner results: output at nodes and the Smoothing Limit
- NEW Liner strain results: Curvature and Axial Strain
- NEW Dynamic Analysis Export
- NEW Minimum and maximum time step for Transient Groundwater and Thermal FEA
- NEW Improved Joint Convergence for Shear Failure
- NEW Account for Water Content Compressibility for coupled groundwater analysis
- CHANGED Editing pile property without changes to geometry should not reset mesh
- FIXED Liner result node order on histograms and in charts
- FIXED PM4 silt auto-calculate nb dry flag reading
- FIXED Geometry cleanup should not remove pile elements
- FIXED Node numbering correction for backfilled Structural Interfaces
- FIXED Bedding strength function, Residual Shear Stress validation
- FIXED Material Piezo to use can be blank, Method can be incorrectly set when Piezo line is deleted
- FIXED Range contours can be shown incorrectly when custom range is selected
- FIXED Dynamic function input parameters should stay persistent
- FIXED Pore Pressure calculation when unused Grids are defined
- FIXED Binary Degree of Saturation and Liner Results reading
- FIXED Liner selection in Interpret
- FIXED Exception in Discrete Function import
- FIXED Quadrilateral mesh Query Line results
- FIXED Improved Induced load to better handle joints touching the excavation face
- FIXED Discrepancy in Consolidation Verification when run with 11.023 to 11.022 released builds
- FIXED Reset liner result statistics cache when Interpret version changes
- FIXED Joint element not using neighboring solid element to calculate Alpha Biot for coupled groundwater analysis
Version 11.023 - March 28 2024 [Download]
- NEW RS2 Scripting
- CHANGED Improve accelerate SSR calculation
- CHANGED Improve stress path option calculation
- FIXED mv values were used for all value of pore pressure in constant hydraulic model
- FIXED Unknown boundary condition uses small values of permeability in some cases
- FIXED History node gets an extremely large value at the beginning of a stage
- FIXED Pore pressure calculation error when Groundwater method is transient and stages are static
- FIXED Pile Property Mmax was visible when not being applicable
- FIXED Tunnel Wizard Width shows wrong unit for Shoulder Cavern Shape
Version 11.022 - January 25 2024 [Download]
- NEW Calculate effective stress in the unsaturated zone - new Unsaturated Behavior models
- NEW Detailed explanation for Mv parameter - new Mv models
- NEW Account for Moisture Unit Weight - Dry/Saturated/Moist Unit Weights
Alternative water content input mode: Degree of Saturation
Liner stage factors for unit weight and thermal properties
Added pile will replace underlying geometry
Better validation of properties required for SSR analysis
- CHANGED Permeability Water Content and Degree of Saturation logarithmic scale charts
- FIXED PWP grid function cannot be selected
- FIXED Joint element generation issue for Graded mesh wih refinement regions
- FIXED Exception when groundwater project settings are changed and material property tables exist
- FIXED Material property order in Field Stress and Load Split dialogs
- FIXED Visibility Tree not showing Liner Properties used in the the model
- FIXED Missing help link in advanced groundwater project settings
- FIXED Two-noded spring not connecting to structural interface, excavated on one side
- FIXED First stage date changes upon model reopening
- FIXED Induced Loads on Liner result inconsistency on model resaving
- FIXED Liner unit weight calculation
- FIXED When the reference stage is defined, dynamic queries do not plot all selected stages
- FIXED User-defined water content function writing issue
- FIXED Legend flips color scheme if viewing SSR results and custom range is in use
- FIXED 8-noded mesh deformation drawing
- FIXED Groundwater boundary Transient functio missing unit labels
- FIXED Some material stage factors were not applied
- FIXED Stress flow lines cannot be added to a model using 8-noded quadrilateral mesh
- FIXED Unable to show max/min joint shear displacement
Version 11.021 - September 18 2023 [Download]
- CHANGED Improved message for Maintenance+ subscription.
Version 11.020 - July 28 2023 [Download]
- NEW Liner expansion strain (including liner types of Standard Beam, Reinforced Concrete, Geosynthetic, and Cable Truss)
- NEW Improved Ponded Water Load and Induced Load display. Auto-calculated Ponded Loads show location of application in modeler. In Interpreter, induced loads can be viewed by Factor or by Location; Auto-calculated Ponded Loads can be viewed by Location or Value.
- CHANGED Converge check for
model that use consolidation analysis now will be the same for all unit
Undrained in material
hydraulic behaviour are double counted when stage was set to undrained in
Coupled Biot analysis
SRF graph in engine
Improvement in for
dynamic model that has transmit boundary condition in undrained materials
History output for
water was not updated correctly in dynamic and undrained analysis
Crash when an element
was excavated in models that use discrete function in material properties and
seepage analysis
Rigid hinge
Convergence plot for
seepage analysis
Engine crashes when
aborting for some models
Natural frequency dialog: "Apply alpha-beta to Project Settings" did not change Raylegh Damping mode in project setting
Use effective stress setting was not correctly written into compute file for models with Coupled Analysis
Removal stage was not
set during Add Pile command
Print preview shows
wrong model in viewport when multiple models are open
Interpreter User Data
equation results that references stress results should be disabled when only
water results are available
Structural Interfaces
that are not installed in any stage were not written into compute file
Time for Dynamic
functions was written into compute file using incorrect unit
Dynamic load were not
written in correct order into compute file
Import properties
dialog. Property names, colors were not presented in correct order.
Properties that reference other properties were broken after import.
"Override current properties" feature did not work. Tree item
selection did not work. Added validation for properties that cannot be
imported if number of properties would exceed maximum, or if properties
reference entities, or if selected properties reference properties that were
not chosen for import.
Part of toolbar was
cut off
Discharge Sections and Heat Transfer Sections values were not displayed
correctly, when a part of polyline is outside of External.
Information about
active Piezo Line and Water Pressure Grid in Property Tables and tooltips was
not correct, when stage factors are enabled.
- FIXED Material Property
Dialog Hydraulic Stage Factors show wrong label for MV parameter
Visualization of
ground water boundary conditions on Joint Networks
Undo command can lead
to incorrect stresses be written into compute file
Undo Command can lead
to incorrect joint elements be written into compute file when 4 or 8-noded
element mesh is used
Exception when Time
Query Line is edited
Exceptions when opening models in intepreter that has only water results or models that have convergence logs saved.
Context menu has inconsistent icon for Delete command
Exception in Define Materials Statistics
Exception in
Materials Dialog, stage factor tab, when Datum Dependent setting is enabled
incorrectly shows warning "unable to read log file" upon opening
Add to report View:
remove 80 symbol limit for reports. Report Title was not updated in the tree
while being edited.
History query viewport and chart have inconsistent label
- FIXED Exception in User Defined Permeability and Water Content dialog, after units are changed in project settings
Quad Mesher randomly
generates different mesh with the same settings
Don't allow
duplicated Define Shear/Normal Function names
Anisotropic surface IDs when entity is copied
Dock and Toolbar were
not sized correctly when panes are collapsed, context is changed, or dock
pane width is changed
Project settings
Dynamic stage time validation
Unit labels in Wick
Drain Properties dialog
- FIXED Exception in Node reaction query, when model has no stress results computed
Composite dialog
removal stage should show only available stages
Liner property
validation checks are negated when using stage factors of zero
Crash during Geometry
Cleanup for models with Joint Networks
Report Generator was
disabled in Property Viewer
Adding SSR search and
exclusion areas should not remove Mesh
Exception on External boundary creation
Material Property
names, colors were not present in correct order in Dock property picker, Load
split dialog, Filed Stress dialog, Assign Voronoi Materials, Define
Anisotropic Strength Function dialog, SHANSEP Material Dependent Vertical
Stress dialog, Soil Profile dialog, Context menus. Bolt and Joint properties
not present in correct order in Dock property picker.
SHANSEP Material
dependent vertical stress dialog was not showing error properly when there
are duplicated materials. Material dialog did not warn if SHANSEP function
was not defined.
Anisotropic material function chart was not drawn correctly when copied.
Generalized Anisotropic material dialog should warn if there are no available materials to be used in anisotropic function. Deletion of materials, used in anisotropic function should not be allowed. Incorrect warning when Anisotropic material is changed to a different Failure Criterion.
- FIXED Edit Material button in dock did not work
Assign Piezometric
Line to Materials did not work
Stiffness/spring loads are not displayed for SSR stages in interpreter
Materials used in
soil profiler can be deleted
Version 11.019 - May 16 2023 [Download]
Documentation on modelling undrained behaviour (RS2 Verification Manual – Stress #32 and Excavation Example Manual)
- NEW Automatic chart update
- NEW Large compressed files support
- CHANGED Log file warning for model that does not have restraints
- CHANGED Improved plastic liner behaviour by adding consideration of width
- FIXED Crash when use 2 node springs that attached both ends to composite or structural interface
Delete element that would assign auto calculated ponded water load
Liner displacement was show incorrectly when attached to a new joint that activated later
- FIXED Calculate degree of saturation for Simple Hydraulic model is more accurate
- FIXED Strength Factor contour issue for models containing Generalized Hoek-Brown material
- FIXED Automatically set load step project settings when Accelerate SSR is in use
- FIXED Geosynthetics Tensile Modulus unit
- FIXED User data function I\O order
- FIXED Display Yielded Elements not working for some combination of materials
- FIXED Wrong Joint Shear Displacement on composite elements
- FIXED 8-noded mesh value interpolation
- FIXED Speed up chart font update
Version 11.018 - February 8 2023 [Download]
- NEW Display Induced
Loading Magnitudes in Interpreter
- NEW Tabular strength for
- NEW Display pore pressure
on ponded water load
- NEW Print/Add multiple
results view
- NEW Switch joint
properties UI to grid
- NEW Output for 2 node
spring results
- NEW Stage liner
properties relatively to the installed stage
- NEW Add dilation angel
for Mohr Coulomb joint
- NEW Validate water
content and porosity input
- NEW Bring existing window to front when switching between minimized Modeler and Interpreter
- CHANGED Log file
warning for model that does not have restraints
Improve plastic liner
behaviour by adding consideration of width
- FIXED Joint slips were set incorrectly for some models
Unit for multiple
thermal results
Show/Hide flow
vectors from Display options not working
Joint properties:
consistent units
Joint staging dialog
differs depending how it was opened
Dynamic Free Filed
wrong material writing
Tieback compute file
elements go backwards
SSR for Hyperbolic
SSR was not user the correct SR value
Fix for undrained coupled when the material has high stiffness.
Output log file for
undrained coupled
Read time unit as
Month for thermal
Version 11.017 - October 21 2022 [Download]
- NEW Two-Noded Spring
- NEW Liner Connection
- NEW Edit multiple Bolts, Piles, Joints, Wick Drains, Structural Interfaces
- NEW PM4Sand and PM4Silt material
- NEW Improved Automatic Ponded Water Load: follow top surface movements
- NEW Thermal Display Options
- NEW Thermal Flow vectors
- NEW Fill out of Range for contour
- FIXED Matric Suction Unit and Water Content Chart drawing
- FIXED Ponded Water Load Drawing near Excavations
- FIXED Display Forces on Single Node Springs
- FIXED Flow vectors Scaling to all stages
- FIXED Display Settings I/O issue
Version 11.016 - August 03 2022 [Download]
- NEW Thermal Module
- NEW Plot History query graph from interpret
- FIXED Bolt with material dependent properties in soil/rock that have advance material models
- FIXED Apply SRF to tensile strength of joint was not correct in some cases
- FIXED Report the first non-converged stage in the Engine UI instead of the last one
- FIXED Stage time defined in the Project Settings, loses its accuracy when very high precision values entered
- FIXED Issues caused by Windows 11 graphics in various control dialogues
- FIXED Property tree and visibility tree exceptions on edit
- FIXED Dynamic function shows wrong function on edit
- FIXED Yielded elements were not shown for Visco-Elastic Plastic materials
- FIXED Reopening a model with SSR turned off, the SSR area is still shown even if it was removed
- FIXED Flow lines change type from stress to hydraulic unexpectedly when reopening models
- FIXED Distributed load was not written in the compute file in some cases
- CHANGED Updated the Stage Factors documentation for material properties
Version 11.015 - March 25 2022 [Download]
- FIXED Missing value on discharge section in the interpreter
Version 11.014 - March 17 2022 [Download]
- NEW New engine UI that displays more details on the process and progress of finite element solution
- NEW History query, new option for results visualization and report in RS2-Interpret
- NEW Offline help is no longer supported
- FIXED Fixed an issue in model with structural interfaces installed without any solid elements attached to them
- FIXED Fixed toolbar button padding
- FIXED Improved initial joint deformation calculations in models where joints are activated in later stages
- FIXED Material dependent joint properties is now updated correctly
Version 11.013 - December 20 2021 [Download]
- NEW Axisymmetric analysis documentation
- NEW Automatic Ponded Load for free surface
- NEW Warning for no restraint in solid; in fluid upon opening computed model
- CHANGED Disabled pretension for non-cable truss liners
- FIXED Various joints installation and removal bugs
- FIXED Crash when induce load applied on a staged joint
- FIXED Apply correct water weight for all unit system
- FIXED Fix a bug when the line load in axisymmetric was not correct. It was used as per rad instead of per arch length unit as shown in the modeller
- FIXED Time in visco material was not accurate in some type of analysis.
- FIXED Joints now can be added and remove in any stages.
- FIXED Print preview presets are implemented
- FIXED Link in Manufacturer Library dialog are broken
- FIXED Material Import: Discrete and Shear functions are ignored
Version 11.012 - September 30 2021 [Download]
- NEW Interval time frequency
- NEW Query points on joint intersection
- NEW Time query line: plot raw data
- NEW Improve Stress path option
- FIXED Prevent exception while panning/zooming chart
- FIXED Geometry Clean-up exception on models with Tractions or Joint Networks
- FIXED Soil profile: fails to assign materials correctly
- FIXED GSI Calculator: calculation of residual stiffness Erm
- FIXED Material property table edit column shows wrong items
- FIXED Bug fix in minimum bulk modulus value for the Barcelona Basic model.
- FIXED Improved Plasticity Integration algorithm for Visco-Elastic-Plastic models
- FIXED Displacement component of comprehensive criteria now check against the current total displacement instead of the displacement of the first iteration.
- FIXED Load apply on 3 nodes liners is more accurate
- FIXED Liner unit weight of 3 nodes liner is more accurate
Version 11.011 - August 6 2021 [Download]
- NEW Pile modelling using new pile elements
- NEW Additional SSR option for Hoek Brown Material
- NEW Viewing Horizontal and Vertical components of liner displacement
- NEW Add new option for automatic liner removal
- FIXED Van Genuchten Hydraulic properties should be read only
- FIXED Wrong alpha output for Non-Linear Isotropic Formula 3
- FIXED in updating the Void Ratio as one of Manzari-Dafalias constitutive model
- FIXED in storing the Shear Strain stat variable used for the degradation function of Small Strain Stiffness
- CHANGED If the model failed in Biot’s Coupled analysis, the next time step will use all the time left in the stage
- CHANGED Negative Pore Pressure Cut-off also activated for Static Water models for excess pore pressure
- CHANGED Updating the Hardening Soil model in keeping and storing the Stated-Dependent Material Properties as new set of State Variables on the corresponding Gaussian integration point.
Version 11.010 - June 7 2021 [Download]
- NEW Degree of Saturation data type is now available in groundwater results.
- NEW RSData integration.
- NEW “Material Dependent” property for XFEM joints is included
- NEW Models that created with older version will have to resaved with the current version in order to recompute
- NEW Biot’s Consolidation Analysis will try to adjust time step if the current time steps size is too large. It helps in cases when the large time step can result in false-non convergence.
- FIXED The max iteration in adaptive load step was not read correctly.
- FIXED Wickdrain/ relief well reading the wrong value of total head when total head was used as input
- FIXED Engine crashed when dynamic load was removed.
- FIXED Seismic loading not output for “Applied when body force is applied” option.
- FIXED Seismic loading errors when Stage Factors are in use.
- FIXED Missed Loads in compute file.
- FIXED Traction rendering on active Liner\Composite.
- FIXED Dynamic results interpretation error due to M+ 2018 version clash.
- FIXED Exception when model with Prop tables is re-open, property table is copied.
- FIXED Interpret: wrong result contours for Excess Pore Pressure, Pore Pressure with Referencing Stage.
- FIXED Automatic Liner removal when removal stage is defined, and when Liner is attached to External.
- FIXED Automatic Liner removal when beam is connected to Joint.
- FIXED Memory Improvement in storing Heaviside function for nodes and integration points (improvement).
- FIXED Enriched nodes can be assigned to Reset Displacement in desire stage.
- FIXED Mathematical updates in junction function to improve results when XFEM joints are crossing (improvement).
- FIXED Bug in File Writer for enriched node is resolved to reduce the binary file size.
- FIXED Undrained Unloading stiffness is now calculated correctly.
- FIXED Memory leak when using User Defined Model.
- FIXED Jointed material yielded information was initialized with correct number of joints
- CHANGED Updated integration algorithm for multisurface plasticity model for higher accuracy and more stability
Version 11.009 - March 26 2021 [Download]
- FIXED All the verification models are now included.
- FIXED XFEM tutorials are included in the installation folder
Version 11.008 - March 9 2021 [Download]
- NEW Add a separate suction cut off for unsaturated strength
- NEW Seepage face conditions for infiltration and nodal flow was improved
- CHANGED Elastic Anisotropic behavior, minor issue in the calculations of Stiffness Matrix
- CHANGED Improved the integration algorithm for Multi-Yield plasticity, applied to Hardening Soil and Soft Soil models
- CHANGED Updated Tech Support Dialog.
- CHANGED Updated Tensar Default Values dictionary.
- FIXED Bug in reading initial Vertical Stress for Elements that have SHANSEP material model
- FIXED Consistent load sub-increments for parallel computation
- FIXED Bug in reporting yield symbol for Tension failure only. It was reporting Tension and Shear.
- FIXED Incorrect Pore Pressure for Staged Piezo Lines.
- FIXED Hydro Stage Factors Grid shows wrong column.
- FIXED Hydro Stage Factors Grid repopulates itself.
- FIXED Hydraulic Properties Grid selection is disabled.
- FIXED Material Dependent Bolts output.
- FIXED Material with tabular/exponential cap hardening output.
- FIXED Water table is shown when water model is static.
- FIXED Handle Jointed Network-External intersections better.
- FIXED Toolbar rendering offset.
- FIXED Exception when Statistics dialog is initialized from Material Dialog.
- FIXED Exception when Property Table Content is reset.
- FIXED Number of Yielded Elements is double counted in text mode.
- FIXED Exception on Add\Edit Ponded or Induced Loads commands.
- FIXED Van Genuchten Plot Function doesn't use correct m value if "Custom m" is selected.
- FIXED Plot Permeability and Water Content for hydro function is disabled when consolidation in None or Uncoupled.
- FIXED Crash when trying to generate randomized vector of size 1.
Version 11.007 - December 12 2020 [Download]
- FIXED Program crashed when running SSR with model results saved in binary
Version 11.006 - December 7 2020 [Download]
- NEW Constant Ground Water Boundary Conditions
- NEW Constant Displacements
- CHANGED Dynamic and SSR analysis can be done simultaneously
- CHANGED Comprehensive review of dynamic documentation
- FIXED Open model in Interpreter command does not run when multiple models are open in Modeler.
- FIXED Models with undefined shear or normal function are not accepted for compute.
- FIXED Materials with shear normal function keep resetting selection.
- FIXED Restraints re-appear on open jointed nodes on external when mesh is changed.
- FIXED UDM linking issues in UDM sample solution and the engine
- FIXED Pore pressure force was calculated inaccurate when material behaviours was changed from undrained to drained
- FIXED Tensile strength correction for Phi B
- FIXED Calculate Mv more accurately for unsaturated zones
- FIXED Provide correct values for residual value of Young’s modulus for nonlinear elastic material
- FIXED Linked dialogs to help articles: Wick Drain, plot Time Query line, plot Time Query.
- FIXED Activate and bring to the front application window when launching Interpreter from Modeler and vice versa.
- FIXED Hardening Soil and Hardening Soil with Small Strain Stiffness material properties validation.
Version 11.005 - October 8 2020 [Download]
- NEW: Wavin Geosynthetic Dictionary
- Total stress was not output correct when negative stress cutoff option was selected.
- Pore pressure was missing in joint in SSR
- Imperial unit system was not working correctly with Simple hydraulic model in Transient mode
- Wickdrain sometime mistakenly computed as relief well.
- Tie boundary conditions have inconsistent results in parallel
- Mesh resets when non-meshable polylines are edited
- Mesh is not reset when meshable polylines are edited
- Exception on geometry change for models containing Joint Networks
- Some dialogs were not linked to online\offline help pages (i.e. Bolt Properties)
- Failed to show context menu for Anisotropic surfaces
- Anisotropic surface's vertices cannot be edited
- Improvements: Drastic Initial water interpolation speed up
- Footer block in Print preview does not update property, when width-height is set
- Reset "Accelerate SSR analysis" when SSR Step size is set to Custom
- Exception when Ground Water Boundary Conditions are added to the model
- Dynamic Pore pressure plotting, was setting wrong default min\max range
- Dynamic Chart: Function has incorrect tooltip
- Dynamic Chart: Stress\Strain wrong function's sign
- Large models with Joints and Static Water method slow opening by Interpreter
- Bolt\Wick drain auto uninstall
- Wick Drain missing middle nodes for 6 noded mesh models
- Initial Pore Pressure was not output for all nodes
- Wick Drain output zero length elements
- Fully Drained stages compute file writing
- Composite Properties Delete icon inconsistency
- Roc Data integration
- Material properties table does not show peak and residual value for Generalized Hoek-Brown materials
- Interpret "Go to stage" does not work on 4K monitor
- Set up excess pore pressure flag for legacy models
- Preview icon inconsistencies
- Soil profile delete crash; fixed
Version 11.004 - August 18 2020 [Download]
- NEW: User can assign anisotropic surface for anisotropic permeability
- NEW: Option to apply boundary conditions of seepage analysis to undrained material
- NEW: User will be able to select sides of joints to assign restraints
- Fixed: Bug in checking negative pore pressure in coupled consolidation
- Modifying the drift algorithm for Manzari-Dafalias model
- Fixed: bug in the number of state variables when a material replaces another material.
- Added: Material Dependent Joint properties has been extended to all material models (previously for Classic Elastoplastic materials only)
- Fixed: Report Generator and Tool tips show wrong Elastic/Plastic property for Materials
- Fixed: Wrong Dynamic Analysis command description
- Fixed: Exception in Interpreter when reference stage is set
- Fixed: Stress Analysis Number of Load Steps is not editable when SSR analysis is turned off
- Fixed: Material property Paste from RocData command does not work
- Fixed: Joint and Liner properties are reset to default when Property name is changed
- Fixed: Joint's Allow slip property is not output to the engine correctly
- Fixed: Cannot print result charts
- Added: Tooltip for K1 in Material property dialog
- Fixed: Induced stress was applied to removed joint elements
- Fixed: Show Values button in Interpreter does not work
- Fixed: Define ubiquitous joints button in Interpreter does not work
- Fixed: Drucker-Prager Dilation Parameter is not validated
- Fixed: Material Hydro Stage Factors Grid does not display relevant columns
- Disabled: Unimplemented stage factors
- Disabled: Legend Histogram
- Fixed: Joint node numbering issue
- Fixed: Additional Joint Pressure is not output unless staging is on
- Fixed: Mistake in End Anchored bolts output
- Fixed: Report Generator's views are not reloaded correctly
Version 11.003 - June 19 2020 [Download]
- NEW: Strain softening joint behaviors
- Fixed a bug for the case a Datum-Dependent Mohr Coulomb material is replaced by a Mohr-Coulomb material.
- Fixed a bug for passing the Pore Water Pressure to Gauss Points for User-Defined Materials.
- Fixed a bug in time increments used in Viscous and Swelling materials.
- Fix uncouple consolidation log file output
- Improve seepage face when working with soil of extremely low permeability
- Fix for model with free field boundary condition and non FE groundwater analysis
- Fix Bad Unknown BC Import
- Fix Joint water Can use null piezo
- Fix Reading RS 2019 models with Dynamic Loads, Nodal Mass, Hydro Mass
- Removed obsolete Earthquake function
- Fix custom stiffness tabular data
- Fix material is reset when non-meshable entity is added
- Fix Duncan Chang stiffness Unloading
- Fix Name and Unit for constant type in Hydraulic Properties
- Fix Compute file fails if Bolt is connected to removed Joint element
- Fix Interpret does not highlight liner element picked in Chart
- Fix Nodal mass conversion for files prior version 10.012
- Fix Error when Dynamic Hydro Mass IDs are written to Compute File
- Fix Dynamic Load dialog missed title label
- Fix Support Capacity Plot fails to initialize
- Fix Stage control crashes when number of Stages is changed to a value greater than 300.
- Fix Stage control asks time to be greater than 0.0 for not Dynamic and Static Stage
- Fix Stage control prevents user’s input for Dynamic and Static Stage
- Fix Stage control Dynamic Static Stage's time field is disabled
- Fix Stage control shows PWP method when Water method is Static, and Project is Dynamic
- Fix Stage control accepts Transient Stage with time equal to 0.0
Version 11.002 - May 20 2020 [Download]
- Maintenance+ version released.
Version 2019 10.012 – February 24 2020 [Download]
- Tractions now properly account for joint elements and joint nodes.
- Triangular tractions could be written backwards to the compute file. Fixed.
- Added more mass units for dynamic analyses.
Version 2019 10.011 – January 30 2020
- Fixed the bug that cause inconsistency in the results when advanced materials were used in the simulation.
Version 2019 10.010 – January 24 2020
- Hydraulic Staging Fix.
- Fixed bug where dynamic loads were not being removed at appropriate times leading to memory leaks, crashing, inconsistent drawing behaviour.
- Renaming staging to 'stage factors' in mat prop dialog.
- fix for applying unknown and seepage faces to surfaces with open joints.
- Don't draw old undefined (unknown) boundary conditions.
- Don't write the old groundwater boundary conditions to the compute file.
- Don't allow popup menus to have nodal unknown boundary conditions.
- Fixed issues with conversion from version 9 unknown boundary conditions.
- Fixed bug where it was impossible to properly clear edge boundary conditions on segments with open joint ends.
- Added new convergence option to better support old files.
- Improved the convergence defaults.
- Improved the setting of convergence parameters when reading old files.
- can now delete tools using del key.
- Fix the calculation of load step number.
Version 2019 10.009 – October 23 2019
- A bolt diameter issue with the range of possible diameters that could be entered in the bolt properties dialog was fixed.
- Fixed Epsilon issue that would prevent loads from being written to the compute file in some cases.
- Fixed Epsilon issue that sometimes prevented loads from drawing in the Interpreter.
- Added a warning to users that they won't see loads in the Interpreter if they are viewing an old file.
- Add an option to Use Unsaturated Parameters in the Strength tab of the material properties dialog. This is enabled when importing from Slide2.
- Fixed bug when changing element nodes accidentally remove element in linked element.
- Adding a flag for inclusion or exclusion of unsaturated shear strength for a material.
- The pore water pressure suction cutoff set to accept positive values only.
- Fixed a bug in the plastic potential function of the HSSmall model.
Version 2019 10.008 – August 1 2019
- A fix for copying boundaries, it did not properly store the copy.
- Fixed problems with loads that are defined off of a vertex and using custom discretization features.
- Bug fix for 'coupled' and 'steady state' analysis being allowed to be set in the project settings dialog.
- Bug fix for importing multi-scenario slide files where the user defined water conditions (e.g. permeability) weren't being read.
- Fixed order of bond strength and residual bond strength input.
- Fixed a bug where the unit for shear stiffness was (MN/m) instead of (MN/m/m).
- Ensured that no file reads in with none as a ground water method to prevent potential crashes.
- Added some logic to hide things that shouldn't be available from the viz tree.
- Properly hiding the wick drains and discharge sections in the model when in static water analysis.
- Give initial pore water pressure units of pressure, set default to 1 kpa, and also spell initial correctly.
- Fix for grid paste bug for single columns grids and clipboard text with commas.
- Fixed issue where users would try to enter residual == peak values in Snowden dialog and the input would get rejected because of rounding on the range values.
- Fixed the residual strength checkbox in the joints property window.
- Updated warning message in interpret when convergence fails in the groundwater engine.
- Fixed Piezo Drawing Crash.
- Fixed bug where the upper bound of the range for dilation angle was being set as residual friction angle, rather than the peak friction angle.
- Fix the bug that giving false warning of invalid elements when there is solid elements that attached to a joint element removed
- Pore pressure applied to the joint is now more accurate
- Fix the bug with manual SRF when the SRF was not applied correctly to the materials
Version 2019 10.007 – June 14 2019
- Joint network drawing fix.
- A fix to the plotting of dynamic data.
- DXF import crash fix.
- Negative pore water pressure cutoff fix.
- NorSand material model added.
- Fixed nonlinear isotropic control bug.
- Interpolation speed improvements.
- Fix for piezo lines by stage in the Interpreter.
- Fixed a bug with structural interfaces and bolts node numbering.
- Added new user data options for relative and differential 3D principle stresses.
- Fixed stage deletion bug.
- Fixed controls being incorrectly disabled when entering joint property dialog.
- Added copy only hydraulic properties option in material properties dialog.
- Fixed a crash when switching materials with the stage tab opened.
- Fixed a crash when cancelling the Add Load option.
- Changed default Stress analysis parameters. Accelerate initial stiffness is now on, alpha min is 0.2 and alpha max is 5.0, Use effective stress analysis is now on by default.
Version 2019 10.006 – March 25 2019
- Vertical and horizontal components of dynamic loads are now working together correctly.
- Improved convergence criteria in cases of small unbalance forces.
- Bug fix for Help system not being able to save whether it was searching internet or local help.
- Interpolation of discrete pore pressures and strength is now more robust.
- Fixed a bug with what values were being set to the residual young's modulus parameter and when the use residual Young’s modulus parameter was being changed.
- Now properly copying properties from the GSI dialog to the unloading conditions.
- Fix for strength factor and unsupported material models such as Anisotropic and Slide models.
- Added 3D principle stress user data types sig1, sig2, sig3. This will allow proper plotting of Anglier stress ratio.
- Now properly applying stage factors for unit weight during file saving.
- Fixed warning for generalized anisotropic material not having meaningful results for SSR analysis because the state of its constituent materials was not checked.
- Opening some groundwater files which had log (error) files would fail to open correctly.
- The groundwater error file wouldn’t open properly in Interpret on the initial file load.
Version 2019 10.005 – February 27 2019
- Compute: Increase the cut off value for base line correction so that the input motion may be truncated less than before.
- Compute: Improve the seepage boundary condition for highly nonlinear unsaturated soil model.
- Compute: Fix the bug that causes the dynamic load only act in one direction even when x and y components were input.
- Compute: Fix the convergence issue with models that include infinite elements.
- Modeler: Fixed conditions for when lambda-kappa value is written for mohr-coulomb with cap strength.
Version 2019 10.004 – February 19 2019
- Fixed a number of issues between selected strength models and the resulting allowed stiffness parameters.
- Removed unit for porosity value.
- Fixed a typo in the Cam-Clay Initial State of Consolidation combo.
- Fixed bug where the upper bound of the range of Residual Generalized Hoek-Brown "a" parameter was being set incorrectly.
- Moved Tensile Cutoff Options outside of the Peak Strength property group.
- Changed the range for Duncan Chang modulus exponent to 0 to 1.
- Fixed a bug where n/m exponent values were flipped for Duncan Chang model file writing.
- Changed Bulk Modulus exponent (n) to Bulk Modulus exponent (m).
- Fixed an issue with joint network models that would result in a hang during file loading.
- Geometry Cleanup defaults moved back to RS2 version 9 defaults for consistency.
Version 2019 10.003 – February 5 2019
- Accelerate stiffness was not working in all cases. Fixed.
- Added pore pressure in dynamic output.
- Improvements added for uncoupled consolidation in axisymmetric mode.
- Fix for issue with last failed stage for SSR.
- Improvements to visibility tree.
- Discrete function entities track visibility better when toggled through the vis tree.
- Fixed a crash when performing undo/redo after viewing the property viewer.
- Fixed a bug where GSI parameters would not reflect properly in the dialog.
- Fixed a crash when adding rows to certain stats grid controls.
- Added distribution icons to statistical field stress dialog.
- Fixed a bug where properties for computing rock mass elastic modulus were not being set correctly in GSI calculator.
- Added dilation angle 1 and 2 to anisotropic linear model.
- Fixed incorrect ranges for Phi 1 and Phi 2 parameters.
- Fixed a bug where range validation could sometimes being ignored when changing tabs in material dialog after editing.
- Fixed a bug where changing tabs in material dialog could sometimes erase property changes in other tabs.
- Fixed a bug where some loads were being incorrectly removed causing negative loads to be applied after the load should have been removed.
- Fixed a bug where some configurations of staged groundwater analysis would not read correctly in the Interpreter.
- Fixed a crash when toggling pan during an operation involving drawing a polyline.
- Fixed a bug where the scenario import dialog was not displaying for files with a single group and multiple scenarios.
- Fixed a crash when turning on drawing performance with no mesh.
- Fixed a bug where material assignments done through the property grid would reset when editing geometry.
- Fixed a bug where the incorrect units were being displayed in the chart for rotation displacement/velocity/acceleration.
- Fixed a bug where Slide transient files were not importing their boundary conditions correctly if user selected to generate midside nodes.
- Fixed a bug where non-transient Slide files were being imported with multiple stages.
- Fixed a bug where line loads were being applied with orientation opposite to what was described.
- Added units to E_Ref_50, E_Ref_eod, E_Ref_ur, p_limit, and G0_ref parameters of Hardening Soil models.
- Fixed bug where Porosity value was not always editable when it should have been.
- Fixed bug where Unit Weight was not always editable when it should have been.
- Changed advanced SSR convergence type default back to Absolute Energy.
Version 2019 10.002 – December 4 2018
- Release of RS2 2019.
Version 9.030 – February 6 2019 [Download]
- Fixed bug related to an issue reading joints.
Version 9.029 – September 29 2018
- Updates to support new help system on the website.
- Fixed issue of some elements being missed when writing initial stress due to gravity.
- Fix for not displaying initial k (ks) correctly in Info Viewer.
- Fixed tractions staged or installed over excavated regions not initialized correctly.
- Fixed bug where, in the groundwater file, joint elements were writing as SSR materials, which should only happen in the .fea file.
Version 9.028 – May 11 2018
- Fix for staged properties and support capacity envelopes.
- Fixed button size in liner properties dialog.
Version 9.027 – April 3 2018
- Now supports importing Slide 2018 files.
- Fix for crash in "Boundary Query" in Interpret.
- Some Windows 10 crashing issues were fixed.
- Plastic strains weren't reading correctly in Interpret if binary files were output by engine.
- Bolt and structural interface intersection bug fixed.
Version 9.026 – January 24 2018
- Fix for degree sign in info viewer in international Windows.
- Typo in update dialog.
- Adding fix for crash with bolts crossing joints - if joint shear is unchecked, bolts don't consider joints when calculating 'crossed elements'.
- Bug fix fully grouted tieback bolt intersecting a composite/joint on its initial point.
- Adding 'arc' and 'circle' feature to all drawn polylines (polyline tool, material series, etc.).
- Bug fix for load staging on a structural interface/beam.
- Bug fix for bolt on composite joint (searching for deleted element this time).
- Removing 'earthquake load' option.
- Adding warning if bernoulli liners with midside nodes are trying to be computed.
Version 9.025 – September 26 2017
- Fixed bug when induced stress and regular distrubuted force was applied at the same time.
- Fix for all issues with loads being removed due to excavated regions (and associated staging issues).
- Fix for persistent dialogs (like contour dialog) getting wrong view options if multiple views open.
- Fixed 'zoom window' to handle coordinate input from keyboard.
- Some minor slide file reading warning fixes.
Version 9.024 – August 24 2017
- Can now turn off high dpi setting in the technical support dialog accessed through the Help menu.
- Fixed "zoom window" to handle coordinate input from keyboard.
- Minor Slide file reading warning fixes.
Version 9.023 – July 11 2017
- Now supports high dpi graphics cards.
- Fix crash when mouse is over Recent File menu item and recent documents history is disabled with group policy.
- Added Windows 10 detection to tech support dialog.
- Bug fix for liner statistical graphing crash.
- Fixes for soil property table tool for softening/hardening and mohr coulomb with cap.
- Making seismic display properly in Interpret when staging.
- Fix for tooltip for change in materials being incorrect.
Version 9.022 – June 22 2017
- Fix for tooltip for change in materials being incorrect.
- Material property table tool fixes for Softening-Hardening / Mohr Coulomb with Cap.
- Making seismic display properly in Interpret when staged.
- Fix for bug with dynamic load applied in normal direction.
- Additional check for auto dynamic timestep by limiting it with integration error.
- Bug fixes for adaptive load method.
- Fix for "reset stress on material flag" - was looking at previous material's flag, not the current material.
Version 9.021 – April 6 2017
- Modification of effective stress definition for unsaturated conditions where Phi_B and Air_Entry_Value are included in the input parameters of Mohr Coulomb material model.
- Including stage factors for constant permeability.
- Add min and max values instead of one peak value for the dynamic analysis.
Version 9.020 – December 14 2016
- Compute: Bug fix for small unbalance force and adaptive load step option.
- Compute: Improvement to load step prediction accuracy for adaptive load step option.
- Compute: Set a threshold for when the "joint shear" option in bolts will be activated.
- Compute: Fixed a bug when joint stiffness was related to the surrounding elements.
- Compute: Fixed minor bugs related to staging of material properties.
- Interpret: Fix for min/max numbers in legend not working properly for "contour range auto (all stages)".
- Interpret: Show Values for joints didn't use number of decimals specified in the options dialog. Fixed.
- Modeler: Sigma2 wasn't saved properly in field stress calculation dialog. Fixed.
- Modeler: In rare circumstances, resetting mesh would result in an error. Better node location handling implemented.
Version 9.019 – October 24 2016
- Fixed a bug in the meshing of models with large joint networks. Bug was added in version 9.018. It is recommended that if you have problems with files created in 9.018, install 9.019 and REMESH the model.
Version 9.018 – October 13 2016
- Additional joint pressures were broken in 9.017 update. Fixed.
- Stress transformation dialog is now properly disabled for gravitational field stresses.
- An epsilon issue with meshing was fixed.
- Fix for tractions not displaying because they were attached to the wrong side of a structural interface.
- Fixed a typo in token name for plastic strain binary files.
- Fix for dimension angle/length "edit text" dialog (wrong edit text window came up).
Version 9.017 – August 17 2016
- Compute: Fixed an issue with a load applied to a joint added when the joint came into existence in a stage other than the first.
- Compute: Joint failure in binary mode correction.
- Interpreter: Bug fix for reading peak dynamic values from binary file.
- Interpreter: Now correctly plots ubiquitous jointed material failure for elastic elements.
Version 9.016 – June 1 2016
- Modeler fix. If stats is enabled but no variables have been defined user would get misleading message about component files not being saved upon pressing Compute.
Version 9.015 – May 2 2016
- Ponded water load using "Use calculated water pressure" and "Apply ponded water load" when assigning Piezometric Lines is now worrking correctly in SSR analysis.
- Improve the accuracy of the calculation when joints are added and the material is changed to a different material with initial element loading set to "Field Stress and Body Force".
- Bug fix for when the engine crashed with liners sticking out of a solid element in a Coupled Analysis.
- Would not calculate apparent dip/dipdir when using fisher distribution if "Use trace plane" was not on. Fixed.
- Tieback bolt grout just touching joint caused a 0 length element to be produced. Fixed.
- Interpolated water table now ignores reference stage info, just uses base data.
- Recomputing calculated water table in Interpret when changing reference stage. Fixed.
- Fix for associated ponded water load file writing (normal direction was wrong in some cases).
- Minor fix for tooltips for new ponded water loads associated with grids/piezos.
- Fix for ponded water drawing not always correct when groundwater boundary condition is on a structural interface node.
- Fixed mesh node and element number writing in info file.
- Added "Scale with zoom" to properties table tools (Modeler and Interpret).
- Added "StageTime" as title block option.
Version 9.014 – February 29 2016
- Compute. Fixed a critical bug with groundwater pore pressures in joints when associated with liners (composite and structural interfaces). In some cases, joints in a dry regions were wrongly being assigned water pressures.
- Compute. Bug fix for reading auto ponded water loads.
- Model/Interpret. Bug fix for the display of field stress K ratios in the Infoviewer.
- Model. Improvements to reading Slide files. Effective stress ratio field stresses set by default, anisotropic materials now read, tensile strength added.
- Model. Fix for Add/Delete stage factor buttons not being enabled or the opposite.
- Model. Bug fix for ponded water loads not writing correctly when midside nodes present.
- Model/Interpret. Added 'lock zoom' to modeler.
Version 9.013 – February 22 2016
- Modeler: Bug fix for joints being written after elements in groundwater file
- Modeler: Fix for importing Slide files and converting bolts to structural interfaces (material boundaries were overwriting structural interface bounds - changed how overlap ordering works)
- Modeler: Bug fix for writing bolts properly on structural interface installed after first stage
- Modeler: Fixed a crash when saving a file, material array bounds were not being done correctly
- Modeler: Fix for node numbers when joints appear, node numbering is improved
- Interpreter: Bug fix for add yield line - wasn't being created properly for models with midside nodes
- Interpreter: Added ability for Interpret to properly read old files with joints with old node numbering scheme
- Compute: Now properly counting the DOF in the compute engine when a material change occurs
- Compute: Add the coupling matrix for joint (basically pore pressure will be applied to normal direction of the joint only)
- Compute: Fix a bug causing a crash when we have an induced stress with joint and the material of joint has no water pressure
Version 9.012 – January 21 2016
- Export data to xlsx files to overcome 65000 row limit in xls files.
- Bug fix for dynamic - element id for hydromass was off by 1.
- Fix for crash reading certain older files.
- Can now plot support capacity envelopes for beams in structural interfaces.
- Fix for multiple SSR search/exclusion zones not all hiding/showing in Interpret.
- Now using MKL 11.2 to fix an AMD processor bug.
- Bug fix for 'delete liner' operation crashing program.
- Tractions on elements are now properly deleted before the element is deleted.
- Bug fix for reading new Slide 7.0 files with a profile.
- Changed tooltip for hydraulic properties, it was causing a crash.
Version 9.011 – November 25 2015
- Fix for groundwater conditions on a joint.
- Poisson vs Shear Modulus flag for the Cam Clay option was always getting switched in the dialog. Fixed.
- A minor fix for user-defined data with reference staging.
- Fixed a bug in applying pressure head transient boundary conditions.
- Fixed bug that caused unrealistic upheave behaviour when removing joint with water pressure.
- Software now looks for all usable licenses on all usable license servers.
Version 9.010 – September 14 2015
- Fix for groundwater boundary conditions on joints.
- Background material color can now be toggled on or off in the display options dialog.
- Fix for transient normal infiltration boundary condition.
- Fix for paste from RocData.
- Fix for time units display bug in modeler.
- Fix for old files with multiple groundwater grids.
- Fixed text tool drawing issue (for 'old' tools).
- Update the tensile strength equation to use the latest by Hoek and Martin (UCS/sigt = 0.7mi + 8.6)
Version 9.009 – July 31 2015
- Reset Flag was ignored in elastic materials. Fixed.
- Opening very old models caused the program to crash. Fixed.
- Materials are now drawn behind contours in the Interpreter.
- A min=0 pore pressure and pressure head contour option similar to Slide was added.
- Fix for disappearing menus and toolbars if user hits Ctrl+P in Print Preview.
- Poisson ratio is now properly written for reinforced concrete liner.
- Fix for chart export image for PNG.
- Tensile fix for plastic reinforced concrete, the correct tensile strength is now properly written.
- Shear support capacity curve update.
Version 9.008 – June 15 2015
- GW display drawing correction for old models (<8.0).
- Fixed bugs in Transient Groundwater flow.
- Fixed bug in calculations related to discharge sections.
- Fixed bugs in seepage face boundary condition used in Transient Groundwater flow simulations.
- Transient nodal flow/infiltration is now constant in all stages (cannot be removed or changed, else the BC is removed in ALL stages).
- Fix for importing slide model groundwater bc with transient stages (propagation corrected).
- Imported slide models now have 'use calculated pwp' ponded water loads.
- Disabling SRF if dynamic analysis is turned on.
- Transient boundary conditions from Slide weren't being imported. Fixed.
- Permeability conversion issues in transient models fixed.
- Transient dialog for user-defined function - time units weren't correctly displayed (always showed seconds). Fixed.
Version 9.007 – April 14 2015
- Interpret. Fixed Copy Liner Data for structural interfaces.
- Interpret. "Draw yielded joints" now toggles failed joint in a composite liner or structural interface, rather than "draw yielded liners".
- Interpret. Toggle drawing performance wasn't reshowing the mesh correctly. Fixed.
- Modeler. Fixed dxf import.
- Engine. Fixed INF bug that occurred when staging a Hoek Brown material.
- Engine. Displacement of the first SSR is no longer reset.
Version 9.006 – March 24 2015
- Compute. Improved the convergence criteria for coupled analysis.
- Compute. Improved the simulation of transient groundwater analysis. The simulation is now converged much better with unsaturated soil.
- Compute. For water pressure in joint, if the option "apply to liner side only" was selected, only joint with liner will be considered.
- Compute. Fixed bug with staging material with datum-dependent properties.
- Compute. Fixed bug with sliding gap in beam was selected. The beam was never activated.
- Compute. In SSR analysis, displacement will not be reset at the beginning of the SSR analysis.
- Compute. Fixed bug causing INF when staging Hoek-Brown material.
- Compute. Fixed bug in the input file and file reader for the Jointed Mohr-Coulomb Material that includes unsaturated strength parameters.
- Modeler. Reset stress flag wasn't being written to engine file if "apply stage factors" was unchecked. Fixed.
- Modeler. Setting pressure head propertly now in Interpret in a piezo/grid model.
- Modeler. Bug with pore pressures when a reference stage was used with initial groundwater piezo/grid.
- Modeler. Minor display change to allow drawing of dynamic loads without dynamic boundary conditions.
- Modeler. Bug with writing pore pressure correctly for transient groundwater analysis with grids as an initial state. Fixed.
- Modeler. Pore pressure results not read properly for initial stage. Fixed.
- Modeler. Minor fix for dynamic units in define load dialog.
- Interpret. Jointed material failure drawing fix.
Version 9.005 – March 4 2015
- Compute. Transmit boundary condition can now be used to simulate the free field effect in earthquake simulations.
- Compute. Added tie boundary condition.
- Compute. Added the compliance base option for the input of the motion at the base of the model.
- Compute. Added hydrodynamic mass to simulate the effect of water on the dam surface in earthquake simulations.
- Compute. Added drift correction for input motion (acceleration and velocity) to correct the measured data.
- Compute. Added power spectrum and frequency filtering.
- Compute. Added natural frequency analysis.
- Compute. Added the option that ponded water load can be calculated automatically from the pore pressure.
- Compute. Fixed bug when the option “Joint tension reduces joint stiffness“ is selected in dynamics analysis.
- Compute. Fixed bug when the engine crashes when the auto time step option was selected in dynamic analysis.
- Compute. In shear strength reduction analysis, if the load step of the shear strength factor of 1 is equal to the last stage before the SSR analysis, the two results are identical now.
- Compute. Improved the speed when using auto time step in consolidation analysis.
- Modeler. New Dynamic Boundary Conditions: Tied, Hydromass
- Modeler. Dynamic - Power Spectrum.
- Modeler. Dynamic - Natural Frequencies.
- Modeler. Added 'import tools' option.
- Modeler. Ponded water load total head can now be automatically calculated.
- Modeler. Fix for ponded water load caused by piezometric lines.
- Modeler. Fix for compliant base check.
- Modeler. Right click dynamic load deletion fix.
- Modeler. Dynamic load distributed delete fix.
- Modeler. Accumulate restraints option removed.
- Modeler. Auto Restraint surface sides option added.
- Modeler. May crash when attempting to copy material properties from one to another.
- Interpret may crash if file was saved in Intepret and then number of stages was reduced, file re-computed and loaded again into Interpret. Fixed.
- Modeler. Datum dependent properties of a material would sometimes get reset after viewing it in Define Material Properties and hitting OK.
- Modeler/Interpret. Last position and model scale in print preview is now remembered. This can be turned off/on in Preferences
- Modeler. When using GSI calculator while defining material properties Young’s modulus was not always set
- Modeler. Defining materials before turning on SSR in project settings would turn off their individual SSR flags thus not subjecting them to strength reduction
- Interpret. Fixed a bug with the support capacity curves. If a composite liner with 2 liners using the same liner material are used, and one of them is removed, the plot shows huge numbers in the removal stage.
- Interpret/Modeler. Improved Modeler and Interpreter performance for opening files with large number of joints.
Version 9.004 – November 18 2014
- Fixed the bug in shear strength reduction analysis that the program cannot find the safety factor.
- Compute. Bug Fix, Correct the p-wave velocity calculation for solid material (used to calculate the viscous damping).
- Compute. Bug Fix, Joint material dependent: fix the bug that the joint strength reduces with the iteration.
- Compute. Bug Fix, Correct the maximum displacement for each of the load step.
- Compute. New functionality, Drift correction for earthquake data.
- Compute. New functionality, Transmit boundary condition now work as free field boundary conditions (normally used for earthquake).
- Modeler. “Reset Stress” setting in material properties would not be remembered if “Stage Properties” was turned off.
- Interpret. Reduced disk usage for probabilistic models used by temporary files in Interpret.
- Interpret. Switching between data types in probabilistic mode would not always display data when results were saved in binary mode by the engine.
- Interpret. “Compute All Statistics” would only compute current data type in current stage instead of all data in all stages.
- Interpret. Display options, contour options, viewing stage and data type can now be saved with the file for current view.
- Modeler. Added Structural Interface toolbar button in 'Support Mode' and menu option in Support menu.
- Modeler. Jointed materials was not writing properly to the engine.
- Modeler. Groundwater infiltration on non-joints fix.
- Modeler. When infiltration is set by segment, infiltration appears on the active segment only.
- Interpret. Groundwater on joints is hidden/shown properly.
- Interpret. Added “hide/show all” flag in display options.
- Interpret. Would crash when Pasting from Slide Interpret (view menu). Fixed.
Version 9.003 – October 16 2014
- Commercial release.
Version 9.002 – August 18 2014
- Beta 2 release.
- Default flow line options now saved per document.
- Displaying wrong max values per stage for yielded elements and strength factors. Fixed.
- Dynamic model dashpot element bug. Fixed.
- Jointed properties for jointed materials now have Apply SSR enabled for all strength types.
- Yielded joints not drawing correctly. Fixed.
- Drawing issue in InfoViewer if displacements not viewed. Fixed.
- Jointed materials not writing correctly is "residual" was unchecked and Mohr Coulomb was selected. Fixed.
- Dimension Tools weren't reading properly from Version 8 files. Fixed.
- Custom keyboard shortcuts enabled.
- Slide Import issues: materials not properly assigned, compute wouldn't run. Fixed.
- Pore pressure units in Apply dialog were incorrect.
- Porosity value added to Material dialog when coupled analysis option is on.
- Material stage factors not saved properly in some cases. Fixed.
- Displacements can now be edited.
Version 9.001 – July 30 2014
- Beta 1 release.
Version 8.024 – March 3 2015
- Interpret. Fixed a bug with the support capacity curves. If a composite liner with 2 liners using teh same liner material are used, and one of them is removed, the plot shows huge numbers in the removal stage.
- Interpret. Copy Data now properly writes out the yield flag.
Version 8.023 – October 3 2014
- Now launches RocData 5.0 from Material Properties dialog.
- Fixed importing of Slide files with support outside external boundary.
Version 8.022 – August 12 2014
- In some cases, joints that yielded would not be drawn as yielded in the Interpreter. This is a display issue only, the stresses and displacements are computed correctly.
- Convergence criteria for SSR was fixed in simulations using more than 2 stages before the SSR analysis.
Version 8.021 – July 21 2014
- Can now define the default execution priority for the compute engine throughout the programs' context menu.
- Fixed a bug in the joint generation algorithm for apparent dip of 0 and non-infinite joint length.
- Fix for show values composite display bug when viewing a support layer other than the first one.
- Improved mesh generation and node numbering for structural interfaces and joints that are installed.
- Updated Help.
Version 8.020 – March 14 2014
- Fix the bug with the induced stress in effective stress analysis option.
- Fix the bug with the pseudo seismic load in the SSR + effective stress analysis. The bug only appeared when the seismic load has the direction from left to right.
- Update 8.019 broke the FS filter for support capacity envelopes. Fixed.
- Fixed bug with very small bolt segments crossing joints.
- Added online Help.
Version 8.019 – January 16 2014
- Interpreter User Data now supports equations with over 400 characters. The limit is now 5000 characters.
- Added the pow function to the user data.
- Fixed an issue with convergence of cable bolts. Fix the #QNAN in cable bolt in some cases.
- When a constant field stress is applied, and the option Use effective stress ratio is checked in the gravity option, initial joint deformation did not work properly.
- Fixed a bug with grouted bolts if they were very slightly overlapping an excavated area, so that they were not automatically uninstalled but still flagged an element that no longer existed.
- The custom field stress properties for a material was were not being reported correctly in the Infoviewer. This has no effect on the analysis or results.
Version 8.018 – October 11 2013
- Fix the bug when a small area is used for axisymmetric liners.
- Fix the bug in staging Young’s modulus for the plastic materials.
- Google Chrome support was broken by a Chrome update. Reverting help to use IE.
Version 8.017 – September 20 2013
- Updated Help system to support Google Chrome and IE10.
- The convergence criteria “Absolute Force & Energy” now working correctly in SSR analysis.
- Fix the bug when the Joint-Shear option of the bolts was checked and the bolts are installed in the Duncan-Chang material with zero cohesion.
- The convergence criterion for ground water flow analysis was modified aiming for a faster convergence.
- Bug fix in plotting the unsaturated functions (permeability and water-content versus matric suction).
- Tab order was fixed for dialogs.
Version 8.016 – July 31 2013
- The Infoviewer and Datatips now display for a given material the residual modulus, Generalized Hoek-Brown peak and residual values of GSI, mi and D.
- Interpret. Fixed visibility of structural interface boundary outline – it sometimes wouldn’t show if excavated.
- Interpret. Fixed drawing of the yielded joint elements – it wouldn’t draw as yielded if excavated in next stage.
- Can now move all boundaries and not have the mesh material properties reset.
- Fixed a bug that would cause problems when applying a line load to a composite liner.
- Improved DXF reading of the external boundary.
- Fixed a bug with locked-in stresses, their sign was wrong when the effective stress option was turned on in the field stress dialog.
Version 8.015 – July 5 2013
- Can now apply moment and hinge boundary conditions to structural interfaces.
- A warning has been added when using the Generalized Hoek-Brown Disturbance factor. The warning is to make sure people only apply the factor to rock in the vicinity of an excavation. Often people incorrectly apply a disturbance factor to an entire rock mass.
- Updated the mi table of typical values to be consistent with the latest version published in Practical Rock Engineering, Rock mass Properties chapter.
Version 8.014 – May 8 2013
- A combination of low joint stiffness and bolts that can fail in shear caused convergence issues. This has been fixed.
- Fixed issue with faint white lines showing on screen when printing to PDF printers. These were only visible on display and not on printout.
- Small improvements in Titleblock designer.
- Plotting of the permeability functions in the modeler would sometimes crash the program. Fixed.
- Sometimes plots/graphs in the Interpreter would not show. Fixed.
Version 8.013 – April 1 2013
- Modeler. Program now allows for zero spring stiffness. It used to have to be greater than zero.
- Compute: Fixed a bug for SSR analysis for models with joints if initial joint deformation is selected.
- When Total Heads are negative, pressure around excavation is not 0. This is regardless of interpolation method.
- The discrete function did not properly using modulus values.
Version 8.012 – December 3 2012
- Compute: Fixed a bug for removing liner in effective stress analysis if the liner weight is included in the analysis.
- Groundwater Compute: Improved the iteration of the unknown boundary condition.
- Fixed incorrect parameters in the liner properties table tool.
- Fixed an issue with the shortcut text for the Tools Edit Coordinates and Delete Tool being the same.
- Interpret. The Phase2 interpret crashes when graphing bolt data of bolt and rock displacement for all stages. Fixed.
- Compute. Fixed a bug in writing Swellex properties that caused the Compute engine to crash.
- For Barton-Bandis joints, added the 70 degree limit for the tangent friction angle as recommended by Barton and Choubey (1976).
Version 8.011 – July 20 2012
- Compute: Introduced the option to enter the residual bond strength for Swellex/Split-set bolts.
- Compute: Fixed a bug for constant pre-tension force option in bolts for SSR analysis.
- Compute: Fixed a bug in shear locking for Timoshenko’s beam for thin thickness.
- Interpret. Sometimes if a joint boundary is partially excavated it could not be selected for graphing.
- Modeler. Fixed a bug which would sometimes result in a crash when bolts ends were in an excavated region but not uninstalled.
- Modeler/Interpreter. Fixed bug in property table tool that improperly showed dilation angle / residual properties.
- Interpreter. Stress trajectory scaling is improved to better reflect the stress ratio.
- Modeler. Bug in liner properties dialog that would disable staging of liner properties if a concrete liner existed and the ‘Concrete’ option was unchecked.
- Modeler/Interpreter. Liner properties table tool would incorrectly display peak and residual tensile strength.
Version 8.010 – May 14 2012
- Modeler. During geometry building process the program might crash if vertices are too close and model extents are large. Added a message box instead warning user to run Geometry Cleanup first.
- SSR models using the effective stress flag would give incorrect results if the model was staged and material removal occurred.
- Improved the speed of saving models with large joint networks and pore pressure grids.
- Updated ‘Copy from Roclab/Rocdata’ function in material properties to correctly copy the peak/residual tensile strength.
- Importing Slide files with geotextiles and a groundwater finite element mesh did not properly mesh the geotextile elements. Fixed.
Version 8.009 – April 20 2012
- Compute. Improved the performance of infinite element for multi-material models.
- Compute. Introduced the option to handle changing material without resetting the material stress.
- Compute. Improved the performance of Timoshenko beam for thin thickness.
- Compute: Introduced new convergence criterion to check for both the force and energy conditions. This option improves results accuracy for models with extensive plastic failure zones.
- Compute: Fixed a bug for joint shear calculation for bolts that intersect joints.
- Compute. Fixed a bug with joint stiffness reduction for joint that failed in tension.
- Compute. Fixed a bug in the 3-node beam in axisymmetric mode.
- Compute. New and improved algorithm for cable bolts that handles accurately bolt failure.
- Compute. Fixed a bug for applying negative pore pressure in joints.
- Compute. Fixed a bug in effective stress analysis for both stress options (plane strain and axisymmetric).
- Model/Interpret. Added ability to control decimal places in ‘Show Values’ option.
- Model/Interpret. Missing residual tensile strength in the properties table.
- Compute. Cam-Clay yield flags are now properly set and displayed in the Interpreter.
- Model. A bug in the Voronoi joint creation was fixed.
Version 8.008 – January 24 2012
- Interpret. Fixed a bug which prevented user from opening a file if probabilistic analysis was turned on in Project Settings but no variables have been defined.
- Modeler. Fixed a bug that wouldn’t properly intersect composite liners with bolts
- Modeler. Fixed a bug that wouldn’t allow the liner removal stage to be updated correctly.
- Compute. Can now add files to the queue while the program is computing.
- Modeler. Rearranged boundary editing menu options – moved frequently used options from secondary popup to top “Boundary” level.
- Interpret. In multistage models where some bolts were uninstalled in intermediate stages it was not possible to view results for remaining bolts at later stages. Show values and plotting was affected.
- Compute: Improved calculation speed for models that have joints installed after the first stage.
- Modeler. Improved speed of saving files with large joint networks.
- Modeler. If you toggle on the factoring of joint properties with stage, yet do not stage any properties, slip starting at a particular stage did not work; the slip would not be turned on. The slip would only be turned on if one of the joint properties was also staged. This is fixed, now slip is turned on whether or not a parameter is staged.
- Compute. For the case of variable Poisson’s Ratio, the code will check that calculated elastic parameters are sensible when the minor principal stress approaches to zero.
- Modeler. Under certain circumstances, ponded water loads would flip direction on material boundaries when reading files.
- Modeler/Interpret. The residual friction angle (phiR for Barton Bandis joint shear strength) does not show up in the joint properties table. Fixed.
Version 8.007 – November 28 2011
- Interpret. Under rare circumstances node numbers on both sides of an excavated joint would be switched corrupting contours.
- Compute. Fixed a problem with induced stress loading option for multiple excavation models.
- Compute. Improved joint higher order formulation for better accuracy if it is used as interface element.
- Compute. Fixed a problem for spring element if initial force option is selected.
- Compute. Fixed a bug in liner shear forces for axisymmetric analysis method.
- Compute. Improved discharge section calculation.
- Compute. Fixed a problem with pore pressures in joints for SSR models.
- Modeler. The "Include Weight in Analysis" option in the beam properties dialog was not being saved properly.
- Interpret. Interpret would sometimes crash with an error saying that it is unable to open cache file or will show blank screen when opening files with SSR analysis.
Version 8.006 – October 18 2011
- Modeler. Now better handles the import of grids with negative pore pressures.
- Modeler. Added the option to allow input of Phib (unsaturated friction angle) for pore presure grids.
- Interpret. The tooltip will now show the info for the piezo line defined in the last stage for SSR.
- Modeler. Joints in composite liners was active in axisymmetric mode even though axisymmetric joints have not been implemented in Phase2. It is now properly disabled.
- Compute. Duncan-Chang model: The level of deviatoric stress is selected as the Loading-Unloading criterion. This proved to be a more stable criterion, especially in simulations that include self weight and settlement of layers of material.
- Compute. Duncan-Chang model: The simulations can start from a zero stress state, without crashing.
- Compute. Generalized Hoek-Brown model: The brittle behavior in this model was improved (this was done for Mohr-Coulomb model as well).
- Compute. Generalized Hoek-Brown model: Improved flow rule for materials with dilation. Derivatives of the plastic potential function are more accurately calculated.
- Modeler. Fixed standard deviation being reset to 0 when user simply clicked on the variable type column.
- Interpret. Minor fixes and improvements in beam graphing and data copying. Node number labels can now be toggled.
- Compute. A bug with how Cam-Clay materials are written to the data file was fixed.
- Modeler. Fixed a bug in the geometry cleanup code which didn’t properly prioritize boundaries that overlapped – the most recently added boundary now has priority when fixing overlaps, regardless of boundary ‘type’.
- Interpret. Added “keep text horizontal” option to show values feature. This option is now ON by default and it prevents value labels from auto-rotating.
- Modeler/Interpreter. Bug fixed: When there were too many stages and material properties being changed, the tooltip would overflow and cause an error message. The tooltip now shows information about any changing properties in the next 10 stages only.
- Modeler/Interpreter. Added joint network information to info viewer.
- Modeler. Fixed bug in joint network dialog which would cause the incorrect window positioning due to the scrollbar when switching between multiple joint sets.
- All. Fixed detection of another instance which sometimes would erroneously delete all temporary files thus causing troubles with undo, staging and mess up currently computing files.
- Modeler/Interpret. Online Help would now launch in Internet Explorer if Google Chrome is the default browser. The online help does not properly work in Google Chrome.
- Updated Help. New stress verification examples, numbers 30and 31, added to the Stress Verification manual in the Help.
- Modeler. Improved the Voronoi joint network creator.Much smaller networks with more Voronoi cells can be created.
Version 8.005 – July 14 2011
- Compute. Using effective K ratios with a groundwater analysis file did not work. Fixed.
- Compute. Improved the Duncan-Chang and Cam Clay models.
- Interpret. Improved drawing performance for models with very large number of joints.
- Interpret. Disabled “Alternative Contour Generation” option in preferences. This option causes a significant delay when switching between data types and stages on lower end CPUs.
- Modeler. When importing external boundary from DXF a warning about large coordinates relative to model dimensions was not issued.
- Modeler. When meshing a model with joint networks directly from Mesh Setup the window advising user to clean geometry would not show. This can potentially result in program crashing or poor mesh that would cause the engine to abort computation.
- Modeler. Improved Geometry Cleanup feature for very small models (less than 1 unit in both dimensions).
- Modeler. Mesh generation for certain models of small dimensions (less than 1 unit in size) could produce bad mesh.
- Modeler. Automatic geometry intersection and validation could fail for models of small dimensions (less than 1 unit in size).
- Modeler. When deleting boundary vertices an error message will no longer pop up if less than 2 or 3 vertices left on polyline or polygon boundary – such boundary will be simply deleted.
- Modeler. An error message will no longer pop up if a boundary has all coinciding vertices, fully or partially outside external. Such boundary or its offending segments will be simply deleted.
- Modeler. Improved performance of post processing geometry editing operations, and file saving for models with large number (thousands) of interconnected boundaries.
- Modeler. Prevented most crashes during meshing of models with poor geometry. An error message will now pop up informing user of failure and advising to run geometry cleanup.
- Modeler. Expand/Shrink external would not check if user entered the same starting and ending points. An error message is now displayed.
- Compute. Prevented crashes when opening files with joints that have invalid node numbering. Such meshes could be generated for models with bad geometry or with very dense joint network. The Compute module would now simply abort computations.
- Interpret. Added differential stress data to available statistical data types.
- Interpret. Added a progress bar for very large models when contour generation process causes significant delay.
- Interpret. Sped up loading time for very large files with multiple stages and large number of joints.
- Modeler. Sometimes right-clicking on a tool and selecting an option from context menu would not work.
- Modeler. Improved performance of modeling with large joint networks and FEA groundwater analysis. Previously, applying new groundwater boundary conditions or changing material assignments for models with lots of joints could take a very long time.
- Modeler. Improved the composite beam node numbering for cases with slip. Beams that tie into the composites are now properly numbered based on the stage in which the interface is added.
- Modeler. Joint internal additional pressure was incorrectly being accumulated if multiple stages had additional pressure. Fixed.
- Compute. Improved error handling for joint models with corrupted mesh. The engine would not crash anymore, but abort early during file reading with an error.
- Compute. Groundwater hydraulic functions for simple model other than “General” soil type were not working in the engine. Fixed.
- Modeler. Deleting SSR search areas through the menu did not work. Fixed.
- Compute. A fix to the liner hinge.
Version 8.004 – June 1 2011
- Fixed a bug that would cause the program to crash while importing properties from a Phase2 7 file.
- Compute. Improved the option to reduce stiffness of joints when failed in tension.
- Compute. The number of yielded joints was sometimes incorrectly written to file.
- Modeler/Interpreter. Number of yielded joints was reported incorrectly in the Infoviewer and on the status bar for multiple stage models.
- Modeler/Interpreter. Fixed a bug which didn’t allow custom resizing of property table tool cells and row heights.
- Modeler. Statistical variables with standard deviation of 0 are no longer used in file generation for probabilistic analysis
- Modeler. If user selected “Use GSI, mi, D” in statistical properties window, but didn’t add residual properties as variables, there was no way to define them later.
- Modeler. Redesigned Hoek-Brown parameters calculator window to allow users to define and save peak and residual parameters separately.
- Added residual Young’s modulus to the list of possible statistical variables.
- Modeler. Selected value was not immediately visible when clicking on GSI chart window. Windows Vista and 7 only.
- Interpret. About window would not show whether the application is 64 or 32 bit.
- Compute. About window would not show whether the application is 64 or 32 bit and Parallel or Sequential.
- Modeler. Fixed a bug where re-saving file with results would crash Interpret if user tried to open the file in it. This bug would only happen if a filename contains a ‘.’ in it.
- Modeler/Interpreter. Added “stage name” to dynamic text for Textbox tool.
- Modeler/Interpreter. Fixed a bug in the bolt properties table that displayed incorrect out of plane spacing
- Modeler/Interpreter. Fixed a bug in the bolt properties table with Bolt Model type
- Modeler/Interpreter. Added ability to see application of SSR for joints in the info viewer and joint properties table
- “Compute (groundwater only)” would do both the groundwater and stress analysis. Fixed.
- Compute. Fixed a bug in the implementation of changing modulus with depth.
Version 8.003 – April 28 2011
- Show failed joints did not work properly.
- Fixed.
- Huge display spaces (large resolutions on large monitors) would have trouble rendering the CAD view. Fixed.
- Joint node numbering for multiple intersections of joints at the same point on the external boundary now properly handled.
Version 8.002 – April 20 2011
- Initial program release.
Version 7.020 - July 14 2011
- Compute. Fixed a bug in the implementation of changing modulus with depth.
- Support for multiple monitors.
- Phase2 import properties – will now change duplicated names of materials, liners, etc. to something unique (the original name + _1).
- Phase2 material properties bug –when ‘show used properties’ was checked and properties other than those that were shown had duplicate names, some bugs would occur. These are fixed.
- Model. Models with infinite elements and either composite beams with a joint or structural interfaces did not write the data file correctly. This resulted in either a crash or incorrect results. Fixed.
- Interpret. Log File window title would say “Info Viewer” and sometimes Log File window contents would also reset to Info Viewer results display.
- A fix to the liner hinge.
Version 7.019 - March 29 2011
- Modeler. The import of Slide files with a vertical seismic coefficient would flip the direction. This is because Slide’s convention is positive down and Phase2’s convention is positive up. Fixed.
- Modeler. When a stage where joint network is installed gets deleted, joint network is no longer visible, but is used in mesh construction. The joint network is now drawn in faded color allowing user to select it for editing or removal.
- Modeler/Compute. Improved the transfer of displacement to joint nodes that come into existence in a particular stage.
- Compute. In some cases running new instance of the engine could wipe out results of a model in the currently running engine.
- Compute. Slide 6 FEA engine and Phase2 engine shared the same temp folder. Running both engines at once could wipe out results of another instance. Fixed.
- All modules. Added error checking for “Access denied” case when saving or updating FEZ file. If a file is in system protected location or locked by another process, Phase2 would not report the error.
- Compute. Fixed a bug in axial stress calculation when using Area & Moment of Inertia option for plastic liners.
- Compute. Shear failure of bolts crossing joints had a small bug. The tensile strength used in the computation of K had the wrong sign.
Version 7.018 - January 18 2011
- Compute. Fixed a bug in axial stress calculation when using Area & Moment of Inertia option for plastic liners.
- Modeler. Staged displacement boundary condition where a node is free in one of the directions, would be incorrectly saved as having that direction pinned instead of free.
- Modeler. Pore pressure grid names can now start with a number.
- Interpret. Improved contouring speed.
Version 7.017 - November 25 2010
- Modeler. Fixed rendering of Windows visual styles for GUI which was broken in 7.015.
- All. Under rare circumstances Phase2 will fail to open a fez file and will pop up a message: System Error Code 131 “An attempt was made to move the file pointer before the beginning of the file”.
- Interpret. In axisymmetric models, the value for hoop moment and hoop axial force for the first component was written for all components when doing the copy function from the graph liner dialog. Fixed.
- Compute. The bolt-joint option for bolts had a bug for specific combination of rock and bolt strength. Fixed.
- Interpret. The strength factor contours for Generalized Hoek-Brown material model would display as a white patch when sigma3 was close to zero. Fixed.
Version 7.016 - September 12 2010
- Modeler: Import of RocData/RocLab data can now be converted according to the units used in Phase2 versus RocData/RocLab.
- Modeler: Program would crash when reading DXF files with certain rare geometry.
- Compute: Fitting of strength envelope for SSR files with Generalized Hoek-Brown materials was improved.
- Modeler: Expand/Shrink External boundary did not allow the typing in of coordinates. Fixed.
- Interpret: Drawing of the water table in a groundwater analysis would sometimes result in a mesh being drawn. Fixed.
- Interpret: Using Stage Settings and toggling between All Data and Displacements Only would result in an invalid contour range. Fixed.
- Model: Files with load splitting that were changed from multiple stage to single stage would retain the load splitting info but disable the load splitting dialog. Users can now edit load splitting data for single stage models.
Version 7.015 - August 5 2010
- Modeler/Compute: Added ability to disable tension cutoff for Hoek-Brown and Generalized Hoek-Brown materials.
- Compute: Fixed a bug in the Plain Strand Cable Bolt formulation that would sometimes cause numerical instabilities.
- Interpret: Fixed plotting of joint data on structural interfaces. This was broken in 7.014.
- Modeler: Sliding gap strain for liners can now be defined as a floating point value instead of an integer.
- Compute: Bug fix for 3 noded geotextile elements.
- Compute: Bug fix for Duncan-Chang material model when an element goes into tension.
Version 7.014 - March 29 2010
- Modeler: A bolt that intersects a structural interface at a node would sometimes write the incorrect element numbers to the data file and crash compute.
- Modeler: Removing the bolt at the same stage where it is installed would reset install stage to stage 1. Now the bolt will be completely un-installed from the model.
- Modeler: Fixed an incorrect example value in the Van Genuchten water parameter dialog.
- Modeler: Now reads transient water pressure grids from Slide 6 transient analyses.
- Compute: Fixed memory leak in formulation of shear bolts, tiebacks and cable bolts.
- Modeler: Fixed a bug with the staging of unit weight if the user starts deleting stages.
- Compute: A crash when using joint networks and bolts was fixed.
- Compute: Fixed bug in axisymmetric Bernoulli beams.
Version 7.013 - February 01 2010
- Modeler/Interpret: Now supports a greater number of different materials and liners in teh same model. 100 different materials up from 40.
- Modeler: Improved joint node numbering for joints that intersect at the external boundary.
- Modeler: Improved Slide file reader.
- Compute: Staged properties for hyperbolic joint properties had a bug. Fixed.
- Compute: Beam self-weight calculation had a bug if combined with the" Area and Inertia" cross-section option. Fixed.
- Compute: Hyperbolic non-linear material had a bug for high pretension loads. Fixed.
- Compute: Implemented more robust Intel solver to solve models with liners unattached to rock/soil.
- Modeler/Interpret. Fixed drawing of the infiltration groundwater boundary condition.
- Interpret: Added new options for plotting of trajectories. Can now scale them according to the stress state. Can now plot failure trajectories at points with factor of safety <1.0 and failed elements.
- New Help System.
Version 7.012 - November 30 2009
- Modeler: Added geometry cleanup option to Slide file import. It is on by default.
- Interpret: Fixed drawing of deformed mesh for models with joint elements.
- Modeler: Sometimes node number drawing at midside joint nodes would be incorrect.
- Interpreter: For support capacity plots, fixed the Filter Data by FS to work correctly with shear FS.
- Interpreter: Added coordinate update in the Support Capacity plots.
- Interpreter: Added the display of the force and moment data on the prompt line for picked liners.
- Compute: SSR with staged joint properties caused Compute to crash.
- Compute: Improved the face plate logic for bolt with face plates.
- Modeler: Generalized Hoek-Brown parameter calculator fixed for non MPa units.
- New Help System.
Version 7.011 - October 13 2009
- Modeler: Stage piezo lines was broken in the 7.010 update. Fixed.
- Modeler/Compute: If a bolt and joint intersect an excavation at the same point, and the bolt comes into existence prior to the material inside the excavation being excavated, the compute engine would crash. Fixed.
- Modeler/Compute: Improvements were made to bolts crossing structural interfaces and composite liners with joints. In the case of composite liners, the joint now effects the behavior of the bolt.
- Interpreter: Spring forces would not display when selected in the Show Values dialog. Fixed.
Version 7.010 - September 29 2009
- Compute: Optimized shape function calculations (solid calculations only). Improved speed by ~ 10%
- Compute:Fixed bug for bolts crossing joints that are excavated.
- Compute: Axial force calculations in shear bolts more accurate.
- Compute: Cam-Clay model was improved.
- Modeler:A bug when switching between bolt types when bolts are set to elastic was fixed in the bolt properties dialog.
- Modeler/Interpreter: Number of nodes and elements reported in Info Viewer and status bar now include joint elements.
- Modeler: Fixed Voronoi joint network generation. For very dense networks some segments of Voronoi cells were discarded during generation process.
- Modeler: Phase2 import of Slide files with geotextiles would not correctly install the geotextiles.
- Compute: Locked in stresses for models with field stress and a groundwater analysis were written to the data file with the wrong sign. Fixed.
- Interpreter: Added the ability to add grid lines to graphs.
Version 7.009 - July 24 2009
- Compute: Fixed bug for liners with internal hinges.
- Modeler: Added right-click menu option for bolts to reset removal stage.
- Interpreter: Would sometimes crash when opening large files. Fixed.
Version 7.008 - July 13 2009
- Interpret: Would not run under Vista32.
Version 7.007 - July 7 2009
- Under rare circumstances the clipboard would be corrupted. Fixed.
- Excel charting of multiple datasets would sometimes not work with Excel 2007.
- Modeler/Compute:If the first material was not being used in a groundwater analysis, warnings would result in the groundwater compute engine.
- Modeler:The combo box for the groundwater analysis permeability function, in the groundwater properties dialog, would disappear if the check box for show used properties was checked.
- Compute: Pressurized joints when used with groundwater analysis computed pore pressures did not work.
- Modeler/Interpreter. Material properties table now lists material's groundwater parameters.
- Modeler. Advanced discretization (regions) did not work if there were any Joint Networks present.
- Modeler. Increase Discretization Density did not work on Joint Network boundaries.
- Modeler. Improved joint set selection in Joint Network dialog.
- Modeler. Fixed a crash that would sometimes occur when deleting dimensioning tool by clicking on it and hitting DELETE key.
- Interpret. When opening large fez files (compressed), a progress bar appears sooner and Interpret doesn't appear to be frozen.
- Fixed a bug with the spacing of parallel statistical joints when their inclination was 0 degrees. In previous versions the spacing would be constant (the mean value) whether or not a user specified a statistical distribution.
- Added the ability to specify cross-jointed bedding networks with fixed spacing for the cross joints and offset adjacent rows of cross joints.
- A bug in updating the tensile strength for Hoek-Brown materials was fixed.
- Modeler. Selecting Delete Stages in the project settings dialog would sometimes crash teh program.
- Compute. Staged groundwater boundary conditions now works properly.
- Compute:Fixed bug for residual strength of bolts crossing joints.
- Compute: Fixed a problem with pretensioning bolts and the redistribution of shear force when a bolt yields.
- Security system update to allow for educational updates and improve commercial network version.
Version 7.006 - May 4 2009
- Compute: Resetting of joint nodal displacement (slaving) did not work correctly with backfilled joints.
- Compute: Improvement to Swellex and Tieback bolts to better handle shear failure.
- Compute: Improvement to Queens cable bolt model.
- Interpret: Fixed a drawing issue with ponded water loads.
- Modeler: Groundwater Seepage Face boundary condition is now the default when doing infiltration.
- Interpret/Modeler: Fixed Interpret Print To Scale option that was always disabled. You can now define scale for printing by going to File -> Print Scale. Added Print Scale to Modeler.
- Interpret: Fixed Interpret Zoom Lock feature that was always disabled. Zoom Lock allows one to maintain the same viewing window between 2 or more side-by-side windows.
- Interpret: Added new title block with "Scale" box to show user defined print scale. This is now the default footer for CAD view in both Modeler and Interpret.
- Interpret: Can now see the yielding of bolts across a joint. They are drawn as failed in the region around the joint-bolt intersection.
- Interpret: Can now toggle on/off element numbers and markers in the liner/joint/bolt graphs. Improved the plot generation speed.
- Modeler: In the Project Summary form (Analysis/Project Settings/Project Summary) horizontal scrolling is not working, neither by horizontal slider nor automatically when typing in Project Title and other fields. Fixed.
- Model: The writing of staged liner material properties sometimes didn't work correctly.
- Compute: When computing groundwater with Intel solver, program used to abort when there were no restraints. This is fixed. Program no longer aborts but returns 0 head for all nodes (same as non-Intel solver).
- Modeler: In Add Vertex mode Snap option was applied always, even when coordinates were entered through prompt line. This prevented users from entering new vertices close to existing vertices. Also there’s now a message telling user if inserted vertex already exist instead of generic message “Point is not on any boundary”.
- Interpret: Improved the generation of flow lines, the agorithm now uses Runge Kutta integration with adaptive stepsize. The old algorithm (Euler integration) sometimes resulted in flowlines that crossed.
- Interpret: Added the ability to plot major prinmciple stress flow lines. Look in the Analysis menu under Stress Flow.
- Updated Help system with new tutorials.
Version 7.005 - February 2 2009
- Modeler: Midside node numbering problem with structural interfaces fixed.
- Compute: Fixed a bug with the Intel solver when using displacement boundary conditions. Program gave wrong results.
- Modeler: Fixed a bug when exporting to a Slide file when no finite-element mesh existed. The program would crash.
- Compute/Modeler: Bolts would sometime crash compute due to a bug in writing them in the modeler. Excavated elements would be written in the list of elements crossed.
- Modeler/Interpret: DXF import was improved to get rid of memory leakage.
- Modeler:.A bug that caused the program to crash when using secondary bond length was fixed.
- Modeler:.A bug that caused the program to crash when using mapped meshing and nodal forces was fixed.
- Updated Help system.
Version 7.004 - December 15 2008
- Modeler: Selecting Voronoi joint network would crash the program.
Version 7.003 - December 12 2008
- Modeler: In the joint network dialog added ability to randomize all joint sets of a joint network. Clicking on the arrow of the "Randomize" button brings up menu with Randomize All or Randomize Current Set choices.
- Modeler/Interpret: Fixed circle tool. Rectangular bounding box was always drawn around the circle/oval, while it is only supposed to show up when adding or editing the tool.
- Modeler: Fixed nodes/elements indicator on status bar was not updating after using right-click menu to increase element density of SSR zone
- Modeler: Fixed a refine mesh problem. Inverted elements were being created.
- Modeler. Change was made to allow user to select "Automatically Mesh" option when importing Slide files that have existing groundwater mesh without resetting boundary conditions.
- Modeler. Improved Geometry Cleanup feature. It now deletes end segments below the threshold distance and also snaps vertices to segments if they are within the threshold distance. Added option to run the cleaner multiple times for more thorough results.
- Modeler: For Joint networks, changed the trace plane convention so that Trace Plane Dip Direction points into the screen (and not out of the screen).
- Modeler: For joint networks, fixed a bug with Baecher networks that caused joint traces not to be plotted whenever the dip direction of a joint was parallel to trace plane dip direction.
- Modeler/Compute: The groundwater pressure inside joints can be factored at stages.
- Modeler/Compute: Secondary grout length for tieback bolts has been implemented.
- Compute: Fixed speed issue on Vista 64 bit computers with more than 4GB of memory. Engine with Intel solver was performing a lot slower than non-Intel version due to incorrectly determined available memory.
- Compute: Small bug fix in plain strand cable bolts.
- Interpret: Interpret. Added ability to export all or selected lines, queries and tools to a separate file so that they can be imported later into another model. Lines, queries and tools can now be imported from another Phase2 7 fez file.
- Modeler/Interpret. Fixed circle tool. Rectangular bounding box was always drawn around the circle/oval, while it is only supposed to show up when adding or editing the tool.
- All modules. Fixed minor potential memory leaks.
- Modeler: Fixed a bug in the mesher, sometimes holes would be created inside the mesh.
- Modeler: New boundary simplification option has been added.
- Updated Help system.
Version 7.002 - October 28 2008
- Modeler: Midside node numbering problem with composite liners.
- Modeler: Joint plasticity was not set correctly when using SSR search regions.
- Modeler: In the Reinforcement database dialog, the title of the Designation group box always says Designation (Imperial) even if you select Metric.
- Modeler: Fixed a bug where rectangle for joint network generation would always stretch to point 0,0.
- Modeler: Improved mesh smoothing to prevent inverted elements. This mostly affects models with joint networks that didn’t compute.
- Modeler: A bug in the geometry cleaning would prevent overlapping line segments from being deleted.
- Modeler: Composite liners with multiple liners and slip between liners did not install correctly if all the liners were installed in the same stage.
- Modeler: Help links for Material, Joint, Bolt, and Liner Properties dialog have been fixed.
- Modeler: Fixed removal of overlapping joint network sets. Previously user was asked the question, but the sets were not removed.
- Modeler/Interpreter: Info Viewer display options allow to add/remove various sections with information.
- Compute: Conjugate gradient solver did not work. Fixed.
- Compute: Cable truss liners can have only tensile axial forces.
- Interpret: Support capacity plots didn’t work with composite liners with joints.
- Interpreter: Fixed bug with displacement vectors not scaled properly if the absolute maximum value is below 1e-6.
- Interpreter: Support capacity envelopes now support staged liner material properties. The envelope will change depending on the properties of the stage being plotted.
- Interpreter: A crash when drawing joint slip directions has been fixed.
- Interpreter: Improved drawing of joint slip directions.
- More tutorials added and an updated Help system.
Version 6.028
- Compute: Under certain conditions, hinges would not work correctly. Fixed.
- Interpret: Ponded water loads would sometimes be drawn with twice the load applied. This had no effect on the analysis results. Fixed.
Version 6.027
- Modeler: Fixed a bug that caused incorrect material assignment on some elements after restoring a previous state with Undo or Redo function. This would happen only if the mesh had one or more bad triangular elements.
- Compute: Staging of material properties of geotextiles caused the compute engine to crash. Fixed.
- Interpret: Fixed a bug that isoline export would only export a portion of the isoline.
- Updated technical support dialog.
- Added new stress verification examples (#16-Classical beam verification and #17-Tunnel stability in purely cohesive soil)
Version 6.026
- Compute: Negative value had to be specified for pre-tension forces in Swellex bolts. Changed to be consistent with other bolt models.
- Compute: Euler (classical) beam had a problem in yielding. Fixed.
- Compute: Pressurized joints incorrectly accumulated the pore pressure from stage to stage. Fixed.
- Compute: The effect of porewater pressure in joints had a bug. Fixed.
- Compute: Engine was crashing when seepage calculations were aborted. Fixed.
- Compute: Bending moments for liner elements had a bug for the "Area and moment of inertia" option. Fixed.
Version 6.025
- Compute: The unloading-reloading stress paths were different for Duncan-Chang. Now they're the same.
- Compute: Yield flags for liner elements had a bug for SSR analyses. Fixed.
- Compute: The Duncan-Chang material model had a bug for a specific case in which initial loading is set to "body force and field stress" and material cohesion is zero. Fixed.
- Modeler: Fixed a bug where Duncan-Chang Hyperbolic model was not allowed with Axisymmetric model.
- New tutorial on flow through a levee (including a toe drain) was added to the Help.
Version 6.024
- Modeler. A bug was introduced in 6.021 which prevented user to add a row with stage factors of all 1’s in Staged Material Properties dialog.
- Compute: Yield flags for solid elements had a bug when materials changed properties with stages. Fixed.
- Compute: Duncan-Cheng material model had a cut-off value for the maximum initial stiffness(Ke*Patm). This cut-off has been removed.
Version 6.023
- Compute: For composite liners with joints, there was a bug in the calculation of liner axial forces when the joint is pressurized by a water table. Fixed.
Version 6.022
- Compute: There was a bug in the calculation of body forces for Timoshenko beam elements. Fixed.
- Compute: The seepage face condition check box for the infiltration boundary condition was not working. Fixed.
- Compute: Yield flags for solid elements were not working correctly. Fixed.
- Interpret: Copy Data for liners did not work under certain circumstances.
Version 6.021
- Modeler/Compute/Interpret: Strain sign convention now updated to match the stress convention. compression +.
- Compute: Tension yield flag did not work when changing materials. Fixed.
- Compute: Infinite elements had a bug in analyzing multi-stage models. Fixed.
- Compute: Infinite elements did not work for plasticity material models. Fixed.
- Compute: There was a bug in calculating liner axial forces and bending moment for models that combine geosynthetic and regular liners. Fixed.
- Modeler/Compute/Interpret: There is a new boundary condition for liners. It specifys fixed liner rotation.
- Updated Modeler/Interpreter printing to be compatible with Adobe PDF driver.
- Help system updated. New Groundwater verifications. Updated stress analysis verification #10. New strain equations document.
Version 6.020
- Compute: Effective stress ratios combined with groundwater finite-element generated pore rpessures did not work. Fixed.
- Compute: there is now an option in the advanced SSR properties for allowing the factoring of Mohr-Coulomb tensile strength. By default the tensile strength is now factored. This can be turned off so that tensile strength is not factored.
- Modeler: When importing Slide files, an option has been added to the import dialog to allow the user to see all the assumptions made during import.
Version 6.019
- Compute: A bug fixed was related to Duncan-Chang material with only body forces.
- Compute: Tie-back bolt forces were not computed correctly for cases in which large bolt shear stiffness values are specified.
- Modeler: Negative dilation parameters can now be defined for a material.
- Help system updated. Updated Strut tutorial to include mention of Automatic Liner Removal. Improved Sliding Gap documentation.
Version 6.018
- Compute: A bug with incorrect results for Duncan-Chang material under unloading condition was corrected.
- Compute: The accelerated routine to reduce the computational time for SSR was not working for cases with groundwater analysis. It is fixed.
- Compute/Modeler: A modification to Duncan-Chang material model to have the possibility to assign either constant or stress dependent Poisson’s ratio.
- Compute: Self weight for 3 noded Timoshenko beam elements attached to 6 noded triangles was not computed correctly.
- Modeler: Import of Examine2D files added.
- Help system updated.
Version 6.016
- Groundwater Compute: Version 5 Phase2 files would sometimes crash the program.
- Compute:Duncan-Chang materials with a groundwater seepage analysis would crash the program.
- Modeler: Added warning when ratio of the model coordinates to the model dimensions is too large. Warning appears after adding an external boundary either manually or from a DXF.
- Help system updated.
- New slope stability verification examples have been added.
Version 6.015
- Modeler: Staged moment boundary condition was not written correctly to the file for any stage after stage 1.
- Compute: Tiebacks with out of plane spacing greater than 1 did not work correctly.
- Modeler: A new option for the adding of a linearly varying head boundary condition in a groundwater analysis has been added.
- Interpreter: more keyboard shortcuts were added to main menu items.
- Interpreter: Dimensioning, polyline and polygon tools did not display proper units.
- Modeler/Interpreter: Improved tabs for multiple windows - tabs are now reduced in size to fit in window
- Interpret: When editing tools, line styles other than "solid line" can be picked for line thickness of more than 1 pixel.
- Interpret:"Enlargement factor" option was missing from Image Export feature for charts.
- New Help system updated.
- Interpret. "Copy Data" option that puts data from material queries to Windows Clipboard is now presented in tabular form for easier export to spread sheet programs.
Version 6.014
- A bug with out of plane spacing and swellex bolts was fixed.
Version 6.013
- Compute: A bug with incorrect results for a swellex bolt with a pull-out force added is fixed.
- Compute: SSR analyses with Duncan-Chang materials is now supported.
- Modeler: Default values for swellex bolt properties have been modified based on information supplied by Atlas Copco.
- fez file reading and writing has been improved to better handle network drives.
- Interpreter: Ctrl-S keyboard shortcut now saves the Tools file.
- Modeler: Ctrl-T keyboard shortcut now runs Compute (now consistent with Slide).
Version 6.012
- Compute: 2 noded liners with tractions on them gave wrong axial forces.
- Compute/Interpret: Improved log files for SSR analyses.
- Update to the security class. Improved error messages for hardlocks and commercial network licenses.
Version 6.011
- Compute: Multi-stage groundwater analyses would crash the Interpreter.
- Compute: Progress bar did not update correctly for multi-stage groundwater analyses.
- Modeler: Allow negative values for m and n parameters of Hyperbolic Duncan-Chang material model.
- Modeler: Default values of tolerance and number of iterations for custom SSR analyses is changed from 100 to 500 iterations and a tolerance of 0.002 to 0.001.
- Interpreter: Fixed precision issue in tools file. The precision for location of tool objects was not adequate. This especially affects contour labels.
- Interpreter: Fixed phantom contour label at position 1,1 from appearing in the Tools file.
Version 6.010
- Modifications to material input dialogs for specifying input properties for Cam Clay and Modified Cam Clay materials. a. Ability to either specify initial stress conditions for a Cam Clay and Modified Cam Clay material through preconsolidation pressure or through overconsolidation ratio. b. Ability to enter either specific volume of the normal compression line at unit pressure, N, or specific volume of the Critical State Line at unit pressure.
- Specification of either constant shear modulus or constant Poisson’s ratio for Cam Clay and Modified Cam Clay strength models.
- More robust and efficient approach (stress point return algorithm) for integrating Cam Clay and Modified Cam Clay constitutive models over finite strain increments.
- Option to automatically select convergence criterion, tolerance value, and maximum number of iterations for Shear Strength Reduction (SSR) analysis in Project Settings dialog.
- Option to speed up factor of safety calculations using SSR by halving number of iterations in subsequent load steps once solution does not converge during a load step.
- For structural interfaces and composite liners, ability to apply water pressures in joint to only an adjacent liner (and not to surrounding continuum / solid elements).
- Application of distributed loads directly to liner or structural interface elements. When distributed load is applied, if a Liner or Structural Interface is active in that stage, it will applied directly to liner element, otherwise it will be applied to the solid element.
- Ability to use effective stress ratios for models involving finite element seepage analysis.
- Improved tolerance and iteration factors for SSR analyses.
- Improved help system including new tutorials.
- Modeler/Interpreter. Data tips state is applied to ALL documents instead just the current one.
- Modeler. Discharge sections can be added as polylines instead of just lines as previously. Total discharge and discharge per segment values are displayed in Interpreter.
- Modeler. Fixed a problem when files in compressed fez format could not be saved on to a network share. The problem showed only with certain combinations of network permissions and antivirus program settings.
- Modeler/Interpreter. Page setup settings were not saved after a program exited.
- Modeler/Interpreter. "Show Coordinates" feature has been added to both Modeler and Interpreter. All boundary coordinates are displayed in the Infoviewer by default. This can changed in Preferences. Coordinates can also be displayed on screen for all or selected boundaries.
- Modeler. Added option to change Structural Interface orientation. Also added display options to show Structural Interface's orientation and expand structural interface's display to its components.
- Modeler. Fixed Ponded Water Load creation when importing some Slide models with geotextiles.
- Modeler/Interpreter. Fixed a problem where Infoviewer would truncate some information at the end for multistage models.
- Modeler. Improved file saving speed for large models with "Use actual ground surface" option in the Field Stress.
- Modeler. Fixed a problem where midside node groundwater boundary conditions were not loaded properly. If you saved a file and then loaded it again, groundwater boundary conditions were gone.
- Modeler. Fixed a problem where a distributed load applied to a structural interface boundary was not properly saved.
- Interpreter. "Liner Numbers" display option now actually shows liner numbers instead of only liner node numbers as before.
- Interpreter. "Show Yielded Liners" option was fixed. It was not flagging all yielded liner elements before. Some of the liner elements could be shown as yielded in one stage and not yielded in the next stage.
- Modeler. Added option to automatically add midside nodes to imported Slide models with FEA groundwater.
- Modeler. Fixed automatic bolt installation/uninstallation. Sometimes changing installation stage of a bolt would randomly change installation stage of another bolt.
- Interpreter. Fixed a bug where for certain models with intersecting joints installed in different stages results could not be displayed in Interpret.
- Interpreter. Maximum Shear Strain was calculated incorrectly for axisymmetric models.
Version 6.006
- Gravitational stress fields with both ground surface elevation and effective stress ratios defined gave garbage results. If the actual ground surface was used with effective stress ratios, then the results were fine. Fixed.
Version 6.005
- Now supports multiple HASPHL locks on the same USB hub.
- Compute: Duncan-Chang materials would sometimes crash the compute engine. Fixed.
- Interpret: Normal and shear displacements on a joint did not plot at all.
Version 6.004
- Compute: Pressurized joints incorrectly accumulated the pore pressure from stage to stage. Fixed.
- Added HASPHL hardlock support
- Interpret: In some very rare cases, the display of factor of safety for Generalized Hoek-Brown materials was incorrect.
Version 6.003
- Model: Joint renumbering bug. Excavating a joint did not reset the node numbering if the region around the joint was backfilled.
- Model: Improved the way restraints are restored on external boundary when remeshing.
- Model: Additional pressure inside a joint option did not work correctly.
- Compute: Pressurized joints did not work correctly.
- Compute: Duncan-chang multistaging with plasticity did not work correctly.
- Interpret: Files with liners with axisymmetry crashed.
- Interpret: Files with infinite elements crashed.
- Interpret: Files with SSR and finite element groundwater crashed.
- Interpret: Printing by hitting "Printer" toolbar button sometimes prints the wrong window.
- Interpret: The command prompt text shows up in bold now just like in Modeler.
Version 6.002
- Model/Interpret: Faster file reading. Interpret is now faster when switching stage tabs and when switching data type. Especially if there are joints or structural interfaces in the file.
- Model: Load splitting coupled with effective horizontal stress ratios for gravitational initial stresses did not work properly. Fixed.
- Model: Pore pressures defined using grids or Ru factors were not split when using load splitting. Only pore pressures defined using piezo lines were split correctly. Fixed.
- Model: Bolts that cross elements that were attached to joints or structural interfaces did not work correctly if elements on either side of the joint were excavated.
- Model: GHB materials during import of Slide files are given a default modulus more indicative of rock.
- Model: The import of Slide files would sometimes crash. Fixed.
- Model/Interpret: Print Header/Footer did not work correctly when metric units were used. Fixed.
- Model: Bolt installation stage was not working correctly for bolts crossing previously excavated regions.
- Model/Interpret: Menu checkmarks would sometimes not be rendered correctly.
- Compute: Acceleration of the SSR analysis by reducing the number of iterations after failure was removed. It would create odd looking (although not inaccurate) results.
- Compute: Pretensioning of swellex bolts did not work correctly.
- Model: Phase2 would crash if Enter key was pressed with Infoviewer up.
- Interpret: The material name of an excavated region in the Infoviewer was not correct.
- Interpret: Changed default animation time to 0.5 seconds instead of 0 seconds.
- Model: Internet update would crash the modeler.
- Model/Interpret: Hatching of ponded water when joints existed did not work correctly.
Version 5.048
- Compute: A bug introduced in version 5.047 for liner with plastic material type is fixed.
- Model: The Piezo indices were not being updated correctly during cycles of deleting and adding of the piezometric boundaries.
- Modeler - DXF import of Arcs was improved.
- Compute: Fixed a strain calculation problem for 6-noded axisymmetric element.
Version 5.047
- Model: DXF import has been improved to include support for ARCS and CIRCLES. Polylines with arcs are now supported. Discretization of arcs is controled through the Preferences dialog in the File menu.
- Model: Residual tensile capacity would not be disabled for elastic swellex/split-set bolts.
- Model: The compressive strength parameter for the Hoek-Brown failure criterion caused confusion. This parameter is the unconfined compressive strength of intact rock. To reduuce the confusion, the label for the parameter has been changed from compressive strength to Intact UCS.
- Compute: Plate force for Swellex/Split-Set bolts was not being applied at the face of an excavation. This is fixed.
Version 5.046
- Interpret. If staged material properties were defined for a material, the strength factor calculations would, incorrectly, use the properties applicable to the previous stage. This is fixed. Files do not need to be re-computed, but should be re-examined in the Interpreter
Version 5.045
- Model: DXF import of bolts has been improved. Added option to Preferences "Automatically clip bolts when added". If selected, newly added bolts will be clipped to excavation boundaries and to stage boundaries. The option is turned off by default.
- Model: DXF Import and Export of pinned joints was inconsistent with the layer name.
- Model: Interval on the ruler was fixed in Modeler. Previously the default was set to 8 divisions (as for imperial units). Now the interval is 10 divisions.
- Model: Reducing the number of stages to 1 when you had liners installed in a stage greater than one would result in a case where you could not install the liner in stage 1.
- Compute: For brittle materials with a residual strength less than the peak, if tensile failure occurs, the materials strength was not being reduced to the residual strength envelope.
- Interpret: The units for joint cohesion were incorrect in the Infoviewer. The problem was only with the text displayed for the units in the Infoviewer. The value shown in the infoviewer, and the results were not effected. Files do not need to be re-computed.
- Interpret: Effective Sigma Z was actually showing Sigma Z. This problem was introduced in version 5.036, and is now fixed. (viewing "szz" user data was not effected, and the calculation of the strength factor was not effected. Only viewing "effective sigma z" was effected). Files do not need to be re-computed, but should be re-interpreted if results from effective sigma Z were used.
Version 5.044
- Model: In version 5.043 we broke the pore pressure grid functionality when we fixed the composite liners.
Version 5.043
- Model/Compute:Previous to version 5.043, pore pressures were not calculated correctly, if the model also had composite liners that had a "Composite Type" that included " with slip". In order to cause a problem, the composite liner had to be used in the model (only defining it in the dialog did not cause problems).To fix the problem read in any old files, re-save, and re-compute the files.
- Interpret:Fixed the strength factor calculations in Phase2 interpreter. Lode angle should be limited to a range of PI/6 and –PI/6 for both Mohr-Coulomb and Hoek-Brown failure equations.
- Compute: Swellex bolts with zero residual capacity did not yield thus behaving elastically.
Version 5.042
- Compute: If the value of the Mohr-Coulomb Tensile strength was being staged (changed from stage to stage), the program did not use the updated tensile strength, only the original. Fixed.
- Interpret: When copying liner data, the coordinates of the nodes are now listed. Previously, only the node numbers were listed.
- Model: Pinned joint ends is now the default. Joints that do not end at a free face or another joint should be pinned. If the ends are not pinned, gaps open in the mesh and invalid result files can be generated.
- Model: Staging of joint properties did not work correctly if the joint was part of a composite liner and there were no natural or artificial joints in the model.
Version 5.041
- Interpret: Bolt results would not be read if ".fea" occurred anywhere in the path (i.e.. if one of the folders had .fea in the name). Fixed.
- Model: Snap did not work on a vertex that was already selected. This made moving vertices to coincide with another vertex hard. This is fixed.
Version 5.040
- Compute: Pretensioning of bolts has been enhanced. In version 5.037, pretensioning became a boundary condition, meaning the axial force in the bolt was equal to the pretensioning force at the end of the installation stage. Prior to version 5.037, the pretensioning force was applied at the beginning of the stage, but deformation could affect the final axial force in the bolt at the end of the stage. Since instances exist where both methods are required, we now offer a "Constant Force in Install Stage" check box in the pretensioning area. If the check box is enabled, the axial force is equal to the pretensioning force at the end of the installation stage while if the box is unchecked, deformation will effect the pretensioning force.
- Model/Interpret: File reading speed has been improved.
- Model/Interpret: When files are opened, a progress bar now reports the status of the file reading. Large files would often take a long time to load when the user pressed the Interpret button in the Modeler. The result being that the user would think the file wasn't loading or the Interpreter wasn't working.
- All: Multiple serial number support.
- Interpret: A bug with the display of axial forces and moments through the "show values option" is fixed. Sometimes the forces/moments would be plotted on the wrong side of the excavation.
Version 5.039
- Model: Pore pressures for the nodes on the edge of an excavated boundary could have lower pore pressures than expected. To fix the problem files should be opened, re-saved with the latest version of Phase2, and re-computed. Only nodes on the boundary between an excavated region, and a region filled with material are effected.
- Interpret: Improved the warning dialog for non-convergence in the plasticity calculations in the finite-element computation. Also added a section to the help file explaining the possible reasons for non-convergence.
- Model: Improved DXF import and Export. Program now exports Autocad Polyline entities for exterior, excavation, material, stage, piezo, and joint boundaries instead og Autocad Line entities. This makes it easier to transfer DXF files between Slide and Phase2.
- Model:Pinned and artificial joints now supported through DXF import. If the joint is not on an appropriate layer, the program will ask for the type of joint. New layer names have also been added for pinned and artificial joints. See the help system for these layer names.
- Model: Program would crash if the Infoviewer was up and you hit Undo or changed the number of stages in the Project Settings dialog.
- Model:Materials that had an Initial Element Loading of "Body Force Only" or "None", and also had "Custom Load Split" checked, would act as if they had the load split turned on, regardless of whether the "Enable Load Split" checkbox was checked or not. (i.e.. de-selecting the "global" Enable Load Split checkbox would not turn off the load split for these materials). The problem would only occur the first time the file was saved. If the file was opened, and re-saved, the problem would not occur.
Version 5.038
- Compute: Springs with plasticity still did not work correctly. They are now fixed.
- Compute: In some cases, the pretensioning would not work correctly. This bug was introduced in version 5.037.
- Interpreter: The drawing of "show values" was improved for liners. Previously, if an excavation had liners around the entire perimeter, a gap would appear in the show values line (the gap would appear between the first and last points that were entered, when the excavation was created). The gap does appear anymore.
Version 5.037
- Modeler: "Piezos by stage" did not show the piezo lines for materials that used the "peizo to use" setting, but did not have "stage piezo lines" checked. This only affected the display in the Modeler; results were not affected.
- Compute: Pretensioning bolts to a particular load in a stage now ensures that the load in the bolt at the end of the stage is the pretensioning force.
- Compute: Springs when used in models with plasticity did not work correctly.
- Compute: Displacements at a node are now reset to zero if the node is physically removed from the analysis through excavation.
- Compute: A bug with stiffness formulation for Swellex bolts was fixed.
- Modeler/Interpreter: Nodal Forces were not being read from the file correctly, if "stage nodal forces" was used (via checkbox in the "Nodal Forces" dialog). Forces are stored in the .fea file as cumulative values. Previously they were read in as absolute values, now they are read in (properly) as cumulative values. Any files that use staged nodal forces are affected by this change.
- Interpreter: The display of the values of forces was improved (changed from "%.2f" to "%g").
- Interpreter: The "Yielded Elements" data type now considers shear and/or tension failure in the solid elements for the calculation of the value. Previously, only shear failure was considered.
- Interpreter: The "Yielded Elements" data type did not work properly for differential stages (i.e. when using reference stages).
- Interpreter: Pore pressure did not contour properly when there were both piezo lines and infinite elements used in a model.
- Interpreter: Strength Factor was calculated using the original material properties, even if factors were defined for stage material properties. The staged properties are now used.
Version 5.036
- Interpreter: When plotting queries, you can now choose between effective and total stress, when plotting the normal and shear stress on a line (useful for models with groundwater).
- Interpreter: New user-data variables.
- "evol" - which is the same as the "volumetric strain" data type.
- "emax" - which is the same as the "maximum shear strain" data type.
- Interpreter: Strength Factor is now calculated using effective stress. Previously the calculations had used total stress. Models that had groundwater will have different values for strength factor because of this change.
Version 5.035
- New Feature: Residual strengths can now be defined for both end-anchored and swellex bolts.
- New Feature: In custom load splitting, you can now apply the split to either body forces or initial stresses or both.
- New Feature: You can now Pause the compute engine while it is computing or put it into an IDLE state.
- Compute: Improved the transfer of stiffness from the bolt elements to the solid elements.
- Compute: In some cases, on slower machine, the compute engine would finish but the customer could not open the results for a few seconds. File writing is now better synced with program termination.
- Modeler: Custom Field Stress Properties, and Groundwater properties were only read from the file for the first 10 materials. This is fixed.
- Intepreter: Labelling of the bolt forces (show values) would sometimes not be in the correct location.
- Interpeter: User Data equations greater than 80 characters had problems.
- Intepreter: x,y location added to the list of user data available data.
Version 5.034
- Compute: Cable bolt elements did not use the out of plane spacing. Now they do.
- Modeler: Having the Infoviewer up while trying to edit geometry caused problems with screen updates and was extremely slow.
- Interpret: Polygon fill was not saved to the tools file.
- Interpret: Copy of the screen image to the clipboard would clip the legend so that it was not entirely visible (unless it was docked).
- Interpret: When plotting horizontal and vertical displacements, the contour range would pick up the sign even though the values are absolute.
Version 5.033
- Compute: Brittle plastic, liners where the residual strength is less than the peak, now properly use the residual strength when they yield.
- Compute: Liners now reported as yield if they break in tension.
- Compute: The staging of liner strength properties for plastic beams did not work correctly.
- Compute: Improvements made to the Cable bolt model to improve accuracy.
- Compute: Sign convention of all the bolt models now consistent.
- Model: Improved the joint properties dialog for staging joint properties. Customers would commonly not set the starting stage for slip resulting in elastic joints even though they had set there joints to be plastic. Now the joint dialog starts the joints out as being plastic in stage 1 for staged properties and plastic joints.
Version 5.032
- Compute: Swellex bolt element that fails in tension was not working correctly.
- Compute: Sign convention for axial force diagram for Swellex bolt was made similar to other bolt models.
- Compute: Delete liner element will crash the engine. This bug is introduced in version 5.03.
- Interpret: Minimum value of shear force diagram for Swellex/Cable bolt was given for wrong location.
- Interpret: Deformation vector and stress/displacement diagram for joint elements were plotted for excavated elements. This bug is introduced in version 5.03.
- Interpret: Joint normal and shear displacement were shown for excavated joint elements. This is fixed
Version 5.031
- Compute: Timoshenko beam elements with midside nodes (used with 6 and 8 noded solid elements) did not work correctly. This bug was introduced in version 5.03.
- Compute: Improvements to the bolt models. A complete check of the code for the bolt elements was done. A verification example, dealing with the split set/swellex model, was added to the verification manual.
- Compute: Pull-out force and pretensioning now works correctly for the split-set/swellex bolts.
- Model: Bolt end points can now both lie on exterior boundary.
- Model: Snap is on by default.
- Model: Reading version 4 files that had sliver elements did not work correctly.
- Model: Checks for invalid cable bolt data have been added. Specifically, cable diameter=borehole diameter and zero water to cement ratio.
- Model: Boundary conditions for nodes on the exterior boundary that did not exist in stage 1 were not being applied correctly when they came into existence.
- Model: Residual plastic material properties were being updated to the peak values when changes were made to the peak values. This no longer occurs.
Version 5.03
- Model: Fixed a bug with a joint spanning the external boundary. It would not get clipped.
- Model: Made DXF layer naming consistent.
- Model: Improved undo/redo. If multiple instances of the modeler were running, the undo/redo could be corrupted.
- Model: Bolt import from a DXF file would incorrectly switch the end points during the clipping process. This was introduced in version 5.024.
- Interpret: Switched the shear force convention to be consistent with moments.
- Interpret: A note was added to make it clear that differential bolt data is not calculated when doing differential stresses/displacements through the stage settings dialog.
- Interpret: A rare problem with graphing moments in liners was fixed. Sometimes the nodes where not being graphed in the right order according to distance along the boundary.
- Compute: Split set and cable bolts now use relative displacements from the time of installation.
- Compute: Shear forces in liners have been improved by minimizing shear locking.
- Compute: Water and quad elements was not working correctly.
Version 5.028
- Model: Added a new option for applying pseudo-static seismic loading. You can now apply the load in the stage of your choosing.
- Model: When changing the number of stages the load split would be reset. This has been changed such that it is no longer reset.
- Interpret: Graphing and copying data (such as bolt data, or query data) did not work in the last stage for 50 stages models. Only files that used 50 stages were affected. (50 is the maximum number of stages allowed in Phase2 5.0).
Version 5.027
- Model: Material boundaries entered before the existence of an external boundary would crash the program. This bug was introduced in version 5.024. This bug showed up during both material boundary entry and DXF import and is now fixed.
Version 5.026
- Model: Axisymmetric models with materials with custom gravitational field stresses did not work correctly if the horizontal stress ratio was not equal to 1.
Version 5.025
- Compute: If plastic liners were added in any other stage but the first, there existed the possibility that the engine would incorrectly report that a yielded liner did not yield. This resulted in the "Display yielded liners" option in the Interpreter not correctly showing which liners had yielded. This in no way effects the stress, moment or displacement results in the analysis which correctly account for the yielding of the liners. This has been fixed.
Version 5.024
- Model: Stage and material boundaries that are completely outside the exterior boundary are now properly removed.
- Compute: User-defined number of load steps now works correctly.
- Interpret: Maximum value quoted on status bar could be too large when using reference stages (data types affected were: x,y,total displacements, total head, pressure head, pore pressure).
- Interpret: In some cases, files with infinite elements may cause the Interpreter to crash.
Version 5.023
- Model: A bug with how stresses and body forces were handled for elements that change materials between stages was fixed. In all cases the stresses and body forces are reset to the initial element loading state.
- Model: A bug with the reset of the default initial element loading state after using the field stress menu was fixed.
- Model: Residual values of strength parameters are no longer limited to values less than the peak.
- Model: DXF import of material boundaries no longer require the existance of an external boundary.
- Model/Interpret: Initial printing configuration is now set properly.
- Interpret: A bug with the update of contour labels between stages has been fixed.
Version 5.022
- Improved performance for beige hardlocks.
- Update to auto-update code and nodelock code.
- Bug fix for network version and path path dialog.
Version 5.021
- Model: New and improved help system.
- Compute: The Split Set/Swellex bolt model was improved and fixed for cases with face plates.
- Interpret: When using references stages, a graph of a query would not properly label the available plots according to the reference stage. The output graph and data were fine, just a labelling problem.
Version 5.02
- Model: Greatly improved the speed of saving files with pore pressures. If you have multiple stages and files with piezo lines, then saving the file will be a lot faster.
- Interpret: Under certain circumstances, material line geometry would not be clipped correctly resulting in portions of the lines being visible inside excavations.
Version 5.019
- Interpret: ComboBox on Toolbar (to select the visible data) did not show all of the items, if there were a large number of user data items. Fixed.
- Interpret: The "Graph Material Query" dialog could change the contour range, if multiple stages were picked in the dialog, and "copy" was pressed. Fixed.
Version 5.018
- Modeler: Material properties dialog has better error checking when entering values like poisson ratio, angles and dilation parameters.
- Modeler: Files may be written incorrectly for staged joint properties. Load your file into this version, and re-save the file.
- Modeler: Mesh quality toolbar button.
- Compute: Execution priority can now be changed. Useful for running large jobs in the background, while you work with other programs.
- Interpret: Composite Liner data did not list all levels of the composite liner, when copied to the clipboard. Fixed.
- Interpret: Water Symbol Drawing Tool has been added.
- Interpret: Various preferences (Interpret->File-Preferences).
- Interpret: Delete Yield Line option has been added.
- Interpret: Objects that are right-clicked are now highlighted, for better visibility.
- Interpret: Context sensitive help in the dialogs.
- Interpret: EMF/WMF image files now export correctly.
- Interpret: Updated help.
- Interpret: Query All Nodes option automatically creates a point query at each node of the mesh, allowing the user to view the exact interpolated value of the currently contoured variable, at each node of the mesh.
- Interpret: Export Value At All Nodes (File menu), allows the user to export the exact interpolated value of the currently contoured variable at each node of the mesh, to a file.
- Improved license management for network versions.
- Improved look under WinXP.
- A new preferences dialog has been added to the file menu. Using the preferences dialog you can choose the new XP menu style and tabbed views. Tabbed views allow you to quickly change the view through tabs at the bottom of the screen.
Version 5.017
- Modeler: Mapped Meshing would crash the program under certain circumstances. Fixed.
- Composite liners with slip, that span the intersection of a natural joint with an excavation now number the nodes differently. The numbering is such that the liners now span the joint and provide resistance to slip.
- Interpret: A bug in plotting composite liners with slip data has been fixed. Under certain circumstances garbage data was being plotted.
Version 5.016
- Interpret: Fixed a bug on Win9x that the cursor would disappear when adding tools.
- Interpret: Drawing Tools now have an "Apply to All" for making all drawing tools have a similar appearance. (Right click on a tool and select "Format...")
- Interpret: A custom range in Contour Options was not always kept when switching between data types. Fixed.
- Interpret: Fixed link to manuals.
- Interpret: Fixed a bug in Boundary Queries.
- Model: The worst single element for each category is now hi-lighted with a different colour. (See Phase2->Mesh->Mesh Refinement)
- Model/Interpret: Cool XP style menu's on WinXP.
Version 5.015
- Modeler: Staging of material properties for composite liner elements did not work properly. You could not harden or soften the various components. Fixed.
- Compute: Output data files of models with a number of different types of bolt elements (end anchored, fully bonded, cables) would not be written correctly. Fixed
Version 5.014
- Modeler: Under very rare circumstances, tractions would not be applied to the last element along a line segment.
- Modeler: A bug with Undo/Redo was fixed.
- Modeler: Mapped meshing with quad elements would sometimes crash the program.
- Modeler: The status line and right-click context menu's were not updated correctly during edits.
- Modeler: You can now apply relative moves during editing by using the @ symbol when asked for a base point. For example, typing @10,20 for a base point would move the object 10 units in the x and 20 units in the y direction relative to the objects current position.
- Modeler: The Groundwater properties dialog now allows the user to copy the properties from a single material to any other material (instead of all other materials!) through the Copy To... option.
- Modeler/Interpret: Scale factors for tractions has been added back.
- Modeler/Interpret: Printer logic has been changed. Printers are now set up just before printing. This isolates a problem with printing to some HP printers due to a HP driver bug.
- Interpreter: Units for Cable and Split Set bolts are now correct when graphing and when using Show Values.
- Interpret: Tools have been improved.
- Interpret: Snap improved, now can use ORTHO and OSNAP modes similar to Autocad. Toggle them using the status bar.
- Interpret: Export Image now remembers last file type.
- Interpret: If grid and snap were enabled the cursor would disappear.
- Interpret: Defaults for tools (colors, font, line thickness etc.) can now be restored.
Version 5.013
- Compute: Automatic load step calculation improved.
- Modeler: Load split is now applied to the pore pressures.
Version 5.012
- Compute: Improved the iteration mechanism for the cable bolt model.
- Interpreter/Modeler: Printer is now initialized just before printing instead of when the program starts.
- Interpreter: A bug was fixed with printer setup.
- Interpreter: A new pencil tool has been added (Tools...Pencil).
- Interpreter: Custom ruler sizes now possible (View...Ruler).
- Interpreter: Recent directory list has been added (File...Recent Directory).
- Modeler: If a file had a title with a quote in it then the Compute Engine wouldn't run the file. This has been fixed. Just save the file in the modeler again.
- Modeler: A bug in the Groundwater Properties dialog would sometimes crash the program. Fixed.
- Modeler: Fixed a bug when custom load splitting was on for a material. If the split was initialized to 0 it was not being written to the file. This has been fixed.
- Modeler: If the custom load-split was on for a material, body forces were always being written to the file. Fixed.
- Modeler: Mesh quality statistics have been improved in the Infoviewer.
- Modeler: When using Mesh Quality, the worst quality element is now shown.
- Modeler: Fixed a bug in the auto update.
- Compute: Disk space is now displayed correctly.