February 24 2025
- NEW Added groundwater levels 'Short Term After Drilling' and 'Long Term After Drilling' to boreholes.
- NEW Added an option for handling SPT refusal on a seating set. See new options on Settings page > Data Entry tab > SPT Rules tab.
- FIXED A bug where the lines at the top of the second page of a Graph log column would be shown with the wrong angle.
- FIXED Overlapping of Graph log column legend text with the adjacent log column.
- FIXED A bug where a user-defined field test with space in its name wouldn't show the data on a Graph log column.
February 11 2025
- NEW User can set a default line type for bottom of layers in the borehole log (Settings page > Data Entry tab > General tab)
- NEW Gradation log column was upgraded and now it shows Fines sub-column in addition to the other sub-columns.
- NEW Method of Investigation log column was upgraded to show the drilling method Symbols instead of the full text. In addition, borehole diameter is now shown in this log column.
- CHANGED On stratigraphy edit dialog box:
- the Cementation dropdown is now moved to the General tab. Previously this was under Components tab.
- the compiled text of each soil component is now separated from other parts of the text by a semi-colon.
- for a rock layer, the Fracture Width textbox is now turned to a dropdown containing standard options from USBR 2001.
- the Cementation dropdown is now moved to the General tab. Previously this was under Components tab.
- FIXED A bug where weathering level (for a rock stratum) would be repeated in the compiled text of layer description.
- FIXED A bug in gINT import tool where Sample Length was not properly taken into account when importing samples.
- FIXED A a bug where project summary would not include lab tests for samples with identical sample numbers in different boreholes.
January 27, 2025
- NEW To minimize the risk of data loss, RSLog now asks for user confirmation before closing the browser or leaving the page.
- NEW When presenting SPT blow counts on the borehole log, edit the log column and select the checkbox "Draw 'Guide' Lines" to indicate the top and bottom depths of SPT tests on the log.
- NEW When Drilling Method element is present on the header or footer of a borehole log, the borehole diameter is now added to the output e.g. “Hollow Stem Augur (5 inch)”.
- NEW Added the following features to the Atterberg limits graph on the borehole log:
- User can now customize the maximum of X axis.
- The appearance of the LL/PL legend was improved on the column-header to avoid overlap of labels.
- If LL and PL values are entered as zero on the Lab Tests page, the test results will be indicated as “NPL” on the borehole log.
- NEW On borehole edit page if the location of a borehole is specified by clicking on the map, the word "Approximate" will be added to the Horizontal Survey Method textbox.
- CHANGED The built-in field tests and sample types are now editable on the Settings page.
- CHANGED The data entry for unit weight of a stratum is now optional.
- CHANGED On SPT data entry (Field Tests tab), whenever P1 to P4 values are changed, the program now automatically updates the Drive Length and Recovery Length.
- CHANGED On stratigraphy page for 'Poorly Indurated' rocks, and/or rocks with weathering level being 'Decomposed', or 'Intensely Weathered to Decomposed':
- The 'Poorly Indurated' checkbox is now moved to the Advanced tab,
- The 'Decomposed' and 'Intensely Weathered to Decomposed' checkboxes are moved to the Weathering dropdown on the Advanced tab,
- To edit the description of the soil behavior for these rocks, use the new 'Edit Soil Description' link on the Advanced tab.
- CHANGED On borehole edit page stratigraphy tab for rock Advanced tab Fractures table: the Fracture Width textbox is replaced with a dropdown.
- FIXED On the project edit dialog if project location is specified on the map dialog box, it wouldn't save the location.
- FIXED In certain cases, blank pages would be added to the borehole log.
January 13, 2025
- CHANGED The Drilling Method database field in the log template now prints a list of all drilling methods (comma separated) for the subject borehole.
- CHANGED The Atterberg limits graph on the borehole log now indicates if a sample is non-plastic (NPL).
- CHANGED Now when you leave a page or close a tab, you will be prompted to confirm before leaving/closing the page.
- CHANGED When compiling layer description data (Detailed mode) the text for Interbedded Soil/Rock is added at the end of layer description. Previously this would be added in a new paragraph.
- CHANGED The items in Relative Density dropdown now show the range of blow count in tooltip.
- FIXED A bug that prevented AGS boreholes to show on the GIS map.
- FIXED A bug where AGS and AASHTO interim changes would not show properly on the borehole log.
- FIXED Grain size dropdown (for rock stratum) now loads from the Rock Types data on the Settings page (customization)
December 16, 2024
- NEW Added a default 'depth interval' to all field tests. During data entry, the depth for a new field test record will be automatically filled in by the specified depth interval. Edit the default depth interval on the Settings > Field Investigation tab > Field Test tab > edit desired field test.
- NEW Added a feature to allow user showing the list of lab tests for a sample on the borehole log. To use this, edit the Comments log column and select the "Include the list of lab tests carried out on samples" checkbox under the Settings section.
- CHANGED Improved the layer description compiler engine for a more fluent combination of percentage and gradation of sand and gravel. For example, instead of "20% SAND, from fine to medium" it would compile the text to "20% fine to medium SAND".
- CHANGED On Test Holes page improved the export to CSV and Excel to include the following columns: Horizontal Survey Method, Elevation Survey Method, Structure Name, Structure Number, Station Line, Station Number, Offset, Location Details/Notes, SPT Hammer Type, SPT Hammer ID, and SPT Hammer Energy.
- CHANGED On stratigraphy page:
- when entering data for a rock stratum, user can now select the Rock Name before selecting the Rock Category.
- when entering data for a soil stratum in Components tab, user can enter text for size of cobbles and boulders e.g. "40 to 60 mm" instead of a number.
- FIXED A bug where SPT N60 auto-calculation feature would overwrite user's N60 blow count.
- FIXED An error with importing the RSLog Excel templates containing groundwater data.
- FIXED When presenting sample data in the log, the bottom bounding line would not properly drag down to fit the text.
- FIXED Import or export of an AGS log template would throw an error.
- FIXED A bug with Wincore import when the CLG file does not contain borehole coordinates.
December 2, 2024
- NEW Modified Burmister soil classification system is now added to RSLog. To use this feature, on stratigraphy page select Mod. Burmister and follow the steps to select Principal Component and then add Minor Components as required.
- NEW Added Munsell soil colors for rock. To use this feature, while entering data for a rock stratum in Detailed View > General tab, use the Color picker.
- NEW Program now calculates N60 based on the calculated N-value and the SPT energy level entered by user in General tab > SPT Hammer & Sampler section.
- CHANGED Munsell colors now show for the color picker when adding an Interim Change record.
- FIXED For a rock stratum:
- The Grain Size dropdown would not properly update based on the rock type selected.
- The infill Thickness dropdown for fracture density is now connected to the list on the Settings page > Rock Classification > Defects > Infill Thickness
- FIXED A bug in the borehole log template where the page number would not follow the format specified by the user.
- FIXED An issue with soil stratum data entry in Detailed View > Components tab where the Percent dropdowns.
- FIXED Issues on the stratigraphy dialog where unit weight data entry would not accept data.
- FIXED An issue with the CSV import of boreholes list where borehole collar elevation was missing from the list.
November 15, 2024
- NEW The moisture level of a stratum is now calculated automatically based on the moisture levels of its samples.
- NEW User can now set the vertical text alignment for SPT N-values (relative to the SPT sample depth) in the borehole log. This can be set on Settings page > Data Entry tab > SPT Rules tab.
- NEW On stratigraphy page the Interim Changes records now work with more variables to reflect minor changes of material properties in depth of a borehole: color, moisture, consistency, apparent density, structure, plus any changes in soil components (fines, sand, gravel, cobbles, boulders).
- NEW For the piezometer / well groundwater readings table in the borehole log, user can now choose the column-header text of the first column from various options.
- NEW features in Cross-Section Designer module in LoTB page:
- Survey methods are now printed at the top of the drawing for each borehole, and
- Added a Lithologic Description property to allow user selecting to show Layer Titles or Layer Descriptions on the right side of the boreholes.
- CHANGED User can now edit the configuration of built-in field tests such as SPT.
- FIXED a bug where sometimes the line at the bottom of the last drill run won’t be drawn in the log.
- FIXED a bug where the compiled layer description would repeat the moisture level.
October 31, 2024
- NEW Added CBR and Proctor test to the Lab Tests page.
- NEW Added the following data entry for a test hole: Weather condition, Air temperature, Start time, and End time.
- NEW When defining project’s coordinates system, by choosing Manual option user can enter ESRI codes.
- NEW On borehole data entry > Piezometer/Well tab, added Elevation axis to the groundwater monitoring graph.
- NEW CSV import feature now remembers user’s last column mapping for each type of import.
- NEW On the header & footer designer
- Added a ‘Boxed’ property that specifies whether the header or footer should be boxed in the borehole log.
- Added the following data Sources to a borehole Database Field: Drill method, Groundwater notes, UTM zone, Weather condition, Air temperature, Start time, and End time.
- Improved the behavior of Source search for Database Field elements.
- NEW SPT blow counts and penetration values are now calculated per ASTM D1586M.
- NEW SPT samples and SPT blow counts are now synced automatically.
- NEW Added the following data entry for a Sample: SPT blow counts, Pocket penetrometer, Torvane, Vane shear test.
- NEW On template edit page for Samples log column added the following sub-columns: Recovery %, Recovery Length, Blow Counts, Pocket Penetrometer, Torvane, and Vane Shear.
- CHANGED When presenting drill run’s weathering, strength, or alteration, user’s selected colors (from Settings page > Rock Classification tab) will be applied to their log columns.
- CHANGED To prevent crowdedness of graphs, the minimum and maximum values (X axis) are removed from the column-header legends.
- CHANGED On stratigraphy edit page,
- The ‘Detailed View’ is now available for AASHTO and AGS soil classifications.
- Made several improvements and fixes with regards to the use of Interim Changes and rock parameters.
- FIXED The text in Lithologic Description log column sometimes slightly overlaps with the right edge of this column. This was fixed by applying a 1 mm margin.
- FIXED A bug was fixed where the footer of the cross-section report would not be rendered in the PDF.
- FIXED Fixed a bug on stratigraphy edit page where Consistency dropdown would show for both fine-grained and coarse-grained soils.
- FIXED Duplicating a project sometimes does not show the copied project on the Projects List.
September 26, 2024
- NEW Added field logs to the OnSite app. Users can now generate borehole logs on the field as they enter the data.
- NEW Introducing ‘Nested Piezometers’: user can now add more than one piezometer / well to a test hole.
- NEW Added a new log column (graph) for Drill Runs > Joint Spacing.
- NEW Added a new log column (graph) for Discontinuities > Alpha.
- NEW Users can now add a column to their Field Tests that is automatically generated by concatenation of other columns.
- NEW Added new formats (Tabular / Summary) for Discontinuities log column (text, specifically to address text overlap issues.
- NEW On the log template user can show groundwater level on more log columns (previously this was limited to Depth Scale column and Piezometer column).
- NEW On stratigraphy dialog, the consistency / apparent density is now automatically set for a new layer (based on SPT blow counts).
- NEW Added several new features to the Test Holes Logs page:
- User can generate separate PDF files for each selected borehole,
- Added an option to directly download the borehole log instead of showing the preview in RSLog,
- User can add a watermark to the test hole log,
- Multiple users can review a borehole log and leave comments,
- Other users can address a review comment, and mark it as ‘Fixed’,
- Multiple users can approve a borehole log,
- Admin can lock a borehole to avoid accidental changes once a project is completed.
- NEW On stratigraphy dialog, added two buttons for copying the material description of the selected soil classification, to the Layer Description textbox.
- NEW Added soil classification for Frozen Soils (ASTM D4083).
- NEW Added new properties to samples:
- Location / Status: represents the current location or status of the sample. The options are customizable on Settings page > Field Investigation tab > Sampling & Boring tab.
- Recovery %: represents the value of sample recovery. This can now be calculated based on the Recovery Length entered by user.
- CHANGED The bottom of sample can now extend below the final depth of the borehole.
- CHANGED On Test Holes page, export to CSV now contains actual latitude, longitude / Easting, Northing in separate columns.
- CHANGED During import of a RSLog Excel Template, if a worksheet is not found, a proper message will be shown.
- CHANGED Several improvements on Spreadsheet style (Excel-like) edit of tables.
- CHANGED Unit is removed from the label of Infill Thickness on the Discontinuity edit dialog.
- CHANGED Made improvements on Copy Layer dialog where the source borehole depth and strata description will be previewed. This helps user finding the right strata to copy.
- CHANGED Several improvements on Cross-Section Designer.
- CHANGED Sample recovery can now exceed 100%.
- CHANGED Made improvements on Manage Files dialog (for PDF attachments to the log) on Test Hole Logs page.
- FIXED The text overlap issue on Discontinuities log column by introducing the new Summary format for this log column.
- FIXED A bug where a line at the bottom of the last layer would not show in Lithologic Description log column if the layer has no description.
- FIXED Switching the Active Project while editing a borehole could cause the borehole to move to the new project.
- FIXED A bug where export to PNG and SVG, or printing the cross-section profile to PDF does not show the entire model.
- FIXED A bug in CSV import when the “ character would turn to \ character.
- FIXED A bug when User-Defined table on Lab Tests page would not show if the borehole has no samples.
- FIXED A bug when the units of cobbles / boulder size would always show mm.
- FIXED A bug on stratigraphy dialog where the Rock Type property would not save / load properly for Cobbles and Boulders components.
- FIXED On Settings page > Templates tab, the “Do not repeat lithologic description on page breaks” checkbox would not save.
- FIXED A bug where the Layer Description compiler (Detailed View) repeats the Msoiture and Structure in the layer description.
August 7, 2024
- NEW Added localization and language support for Portuguese, Spanish and Turkish. To change the language please go to Settings page > Data Entry tab > Language section.
- NEW Added new permission for Summary Report page. Admins can check the User Management > Roles page to manage this permission for users.
- NEW Added an option to Samples log column to show Sample Depth in 'from - to' format (e.g. "2.5 - 3.3") on the borehole log.
- FIXED Bug where contacts were being duplicated when importing data.
- FIXED Bug where users were having issues rendering AGS log templates.
- FIXED Bug where some users where having errors and issues with notifications.
- FIXED Bug where Projected and UTM coordinates could not handle negative values in some cases.
- FIXED Bug where negative values were not saving for borehole plunge.
- FIXED Bug where some users were not able to find uploaded images.
August 2, 2024
- NEW A new version of the Cross-Section Designer module is released with the following improvements:
- For new sections created, the scales and font sizes are now optimized to avoid too small or too large texts.
- Adding text annotations is now easier. The program will automatically zoom to the text area, allowing for easier data entry.
- Improved the speed and accuracy of export to DXF and Google Earth.
- The inclined boreholes close to horizontal, are now displayed with proper thickness (including their piezometers).
- In PNG and SVG export, the gridlines are now behind any other drawings.
- Several bug removal and performance enhancements.
- NEW User can include the Progress Status during CSV import.
- CHANGED The Page Number element on the Header/Footer Designer no longer prints the word “Page”, instead, it only includes the page number with the format selected by the user.
- CHANGED An attempt by a second user to login with the same username/password will automatically logout the first user. This avoids data conflicts created by two users using the same credentials, and ensures the integrity of data is maintained.
July 9, 2024
- NEW The first version of OCR feature is released. Please see this page for documentation.
- NEW Users can now upload their own hatch patterns. Please see this page for documentation.
- NEW The new Spreadsheet View feature allows editing tables in an Excel-like data entry mode.
June 14, 2024
- NEW RSLog's AGS add-in for Excel is released. To learn more about this feature please see this page
- FIXED Minor improvements and bug fixes.
May 31, 2024
- NEW During importing stratigraphy from a CSV file, users can now import geologic unit data.
- NEW On borehole data entry page, added Sampler Type and Inner Diameter data entry fields in General > SPT Hammer & Sampler section.
- NEW On Export page > Export to JSON feature, the web address to download the project photos is now added to the JSON file.
- NEW Added a new log column Strata Properties that displays various properties of a soil / rock layer in the borehole log.
- NEW Two Factor Authentication is now available for login.
- NEW On borehole data entry > Instrumentation > Piezometer tab, users can now indicate a ‘dry’ water level condition.
- NEW Borehole elevations are now imported from Wincore CLG files.
- CHANGED Changed the grouping of columns on Lab Tests page for a better presentation of test results.
- CHANGED When exporting boreholes as Microsoft Excel files (on the Export page), the file names now include borehole name instead of their database IDs.
- CHANGED Added validation for percentage columns (e.g. silt, clay etc) on the Lab Tests page to minimize data entry errors.
- FIXED Bug where Drilling Observation for a stratum would not show on the borehole log.
- FIXED Bug was fixed that caused the lines at the bottom of strata to show as solid lines in the borehole log, regardless of user’s selection of line style.
- FIXED Bug where some lab test results won’t be shown on the borehole log.
April 22, 2024
- NEW Explore RSLog’s OnSite mobile app for field data collection during site investigation. OnSite works both online and offline and works on iOS and Android.
- NEW Use the Split Character to display your SPT blow counts vertically in your borehole log. See this page for more details.
- NEW Added a new type of report that generates PDF / Excel summary of project boreholes, samples, lab tests, field tests, and groundwater readings. Please see this new feature under Reporting > Project Summary menu (see documentation).
- NEW In log template edit page > Samples log column edit > added Sample Description to the list of items (if you would like to create a log column displaying sample description).
- CHANGED The design of the Import page was updated to include for an easier import process and file uploads.\
- CHANGED Added RQD and Core Recovery columns to the list of Samples on borehole data entry page.
- CHANGED On Test Holes page you can import list of boreholes from a CSV file. In this update, the program updates borehole data (depth, coordinates, notes etc) if the borehole already exists in the project. Previously, importing a borehole with existing name would create a duplicate borehole.
- CHANGED Minor improvements of user interface on various pages.
- FIXED a bug in importing Excel templates where the latitude and longitude would be swapped.
- FIXED a bug where on Setting page, adding geologic unit did not work properly.
March 25, 2024
- NEW During import of a borehole log template, if the template includes Extra Tags, those will be automatically created for the user.
- CHANGED The behavior of the legend was adjusted for when it is pinned to a corner of screen.
- CHANGED The design of the Import page is changed to unify the import process for gINT, DIGGS and Wincore.
- CHANGED When adding a text annotation to the Profile view, the viewer zooms to the text until the edit is completed.
- FIXED Fixed a bug where the List object wouldn't be rendered with the correct width on the header/footer of the log template.
- FIXED The following issues were fixed in Cross-Section Designer:
- 3D mode could crash when the terrain model is generated with a large Radius and very high resolution.
- When drawing a lens that is connected to a single borehole layer, sometimes the color of the lens polygon would be incorrectly assigned.
- FIXED Sample type and sample moisture level dropdown labels were incorrect on the Samples tab.
March 4, 2024
- NEW For Depth Scale log column, you can now set depth label intervals as well as frequency of tick marks.
- NEW On Header/Footer Designer, added a new item Groundwater Notes to the list of Source options for Database Field objects. This Groundwater Notes is entered on borehole data entry page > General tab > Groundwater dialog box.
- NEW Added a feature to allow import/export of borehole log templates; The main purpose of this feature is to allow sharing log templates between Departments of Transportation (DoT’s) with consultants. During importing a log template, if Extra Tags, field tests or lab tests included in that template do not exist in your account, RSLog automatically adds them for you.
- CHANGED On borehole data entry page, added more details about the Extra Tags data type.
- CHANGED In CSV import dialog box the list of columns is now sorted in the dropdown. Also marked all mandatory columns properly.
- CHANGED On the header/footer of borehole logs:
- The Groundwater Depth/Elevation (Database Field object) now prints the unit next to the value (e.g. "2.3 m" instead of "2.3").
- Sub-header font is now consistent with the header font style.
- CHANGED On Cross-Section Designer page:
- Made several performance improvements.
- The Samples menu for a borehole now selects items by clicking on labels.
- Fixed Help button URL.
- Improved performance of 3D zoom and rotate.
- CHANGED Made multiple minor improvements in gINT import feature.
- FIXED Importing from Excel for updating the data of a borehole was not able to find the borehole in database.
- FIXED Saving interbedded / isolated layers would throw an error in some cases.
- FIXED On Settings > Data Entry tab the import button would not import all demo templates.
- FIXED In the borehole logs and figure reports the hyperlink labels would not work as a link.
- FIXED On Cross-Section Designer, the export to DXF did not carry the fill color of polygons.
- FIXED On the log column edit dialog box, the header text would disappear when editing a field test graph.
- FIXED Export to Excel would not write piezometer/well data to the Excel file.
February 3 2024
- NEW Added an Archived tab on Projects page to allow archiving the completed projects.
- NEW Added online transfer feature that allows transferring a project from one RSLog account to another. This is specifically useful for sending a project to your clients (e.g. to Department of Transportation / Ministry of Transportation).
- NEW On Settings > Theme tab, user can now select separate map markers for drill holes and test pits.
- NEW In Cross-Section Designer page on Profile view:
- the list of all cross-sections of the project is shown on the top-right portion of screen. This allows for an easier switching between cross-sections.
- lab tests results can now be plotted alongside the boreholes. This can be done by selecting a borehole and using the Test Results property.
- samples can now be shown alongside the borehole. This can be done by selecting a borehole and using the Samples property.
- graph data can be shown in tabular format by selecting a graph and using the Display Options property.
- user can import a polyline or polygon from a CSV file (Import menu).
- NEW In Cross-Section Designer page on Plan view:
- user can add geometric shapes to the map and set their color and height to represents structures.
- user can import a cross-section polyline from a CSV file (latitude / longitude data).
- NEW In Cross-Section Designer page on 3D view, the export to Wavefront Object format now includes all colors and texture files.
- NEW Added Elevation log column to log templates.
- NEW Added customizable Graph log column to log templates (overlay multiple parameters on the same graph).
- CHANGED Improvements for Header/Footer Designer:
- new paper size settings,
- improved Source property dropdown for Database Field elements and added search feature.
- the user-interface for List element is improved to allow an easier column resizing.
- CHANGED On Test Hole Logs page:
- the PDF attachments are now visible company-wide (previously this would be only visible to the user who uploaded the file).
- the list of templates is now sorted alphabetically to make it easier to find a template.
- CHANGED The loading time of Test Holes page for projects containing tens of boreholes is significantly improved.
- CHANGED The user-interface design of the Settings > Soil Classification tab is updated by moving each table to its own sub-tab; This makes it easier to find what you are looking for.
- CHANGED Updated RSLog documentation pages for template design: General Settings, Header/Footer Designer, and Log Columns.
- FIXED Drilling observations would be repeated on the next pages of the borehole log.
- FIXED Empty lines couldn’t be added to Layer Descriptions for a stratum.
- FIXED Some hatch patterns wouldn't show in the DXF exported from the Cross-Section Designer.
- FIXED For the last drill run in a borehole log, the line at the bottom of the drill run wouldn't be drawn.
- FIXED The full sample number wouldn’t be shown in the borehole log if the sample number was long. Now the long sample number wraps to the next line.
- FIXED Some lab tests with zero test results may not show on the borehole log.
- FIXED Line style is not honoured when exporting an image to PNG or SVG from Cross-Section Designer.
November 20 2023
- NEW The data structure of Project and Test Hole is now extended by introducing Extra Tags. This way user can add any additional data entry field to projects and test holes.
- NEW In Header/Footer designer page user can add an Extra Tag to the template. The value of the Extra Tags will be written in the borehole log.
- NEW Added a built-in role View Only to RSLog. Users under this role won’t be able to edit or delete data. Use this feature to grant access to your contractors or clients.
- NEW On Stratigraphy modal, added shortcuts to layer description textbox for changing selected text to bold, italic or underlined.
- NEW On Test Holes page > Map View user can export the map to PNG.
- CHANGED Borehole logs are now generated much faster.
- CHANGED The behaviour of the test holes list to assure the edit, delete and duplicate buttons are always visible for all rows.
- CHANGED In gINT import user can now determine the units (mm / inch) for Sample Length.
- CHANGED In gINT import now more fields may be imported from the gINT file (County, Route, Postmile, Structure Name, etc).
- CHANGED User-interface improvements for importing lab test data from CSV file.
- CHANGED Behaviour of Export buttons was modified so that the dropdown menu would close by clicking elsewhere.
- CHANGED My profile page has a new design and is easier to change password.
- CHANGED On Settings page > Hatch Design tab user can assign any color to a hatch. Previously user could only select from 8 pre-defined colors.
- FIXED A bug where conversion of Projected coordinates (using EPSG code) would lead to incorrect geographic coordinates.
- FIXED A bug on Reporting > Figures > Projects Map page where the Generate Report button was disabled on page load.
- FIXED A bug where user could downgrade permissions of the admin user.
- FIXED On Test Holes page > Map View fixed a bug in exporting test holes to GPX where the latitude and longitude were switched.
- FIXED On Users page importing from a CSV would make this page inaccessible.
- FIXED A bug where AASHTO hatch pattern wouldn’t show correctly on the borehole log.
October 7 2023
- NEW The user-interface has been updated to offer a more user-friendly experience. Major changes are in the left navigation panel and in tables.
- NEW Plan for your next site investigation using the new Pre-Investigation Planning feature.
- NEW Added export borehole data to Civil3D.
- NEW New features on project data entry page:
- RSLog now supports State Plane Coordinate System (SPCS) and over 7500 EPSG coordinates (see the Projected CRS).
- New properties for a project (see Additional Settings on project data entry page): Structure Name, Structure Number, County, Route, Postmile.
- NEW New features on test holes page:
- In addition to viewing the list of boreholes, user can view them on the map using the new Map View.
- User can now make n copies of a test hole with one click! Previously this was limited to 1 copy at a time.
- NEW New features on test hole data entry page:
- New properties for a borehole: Horizontal Survey Benchmark, Horizontal Survey Method, Elevation Survey Benchmark, Elevation Survey Method.
- Samples now have Sample Recovery (%) and RQD (%) properties.
- User can select which column is plotted on Field Tests tab.
- Added AASHTO soil classification to Stratigraphy tab.
- On Stratigraphy tab a new Detailed Mode is added for visual description (after ASTM 2488) according to Section 2.5 and 2.6 of Caltrans Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation with major options for:
- Detailed description of each soil and rock components,
- Borderline Symbols
- Interbedded and Isolated Layers
- Using Munsell Color Codes
- Entering Drilling Observations
- Entering ‘Interim Changes’
- On Drill Runs tab added new properties for Solid Core Recovery (SCR %) and Total Material Recovery (TMR %).
- The new version of Cross-Section Designer comes with several new features:
- In Plan mode (map):
- The cross-section line is now independent of borehole locations (i.e. not necessary to ‘connect’ the boreholes). The program ‘projects’ the boreholes on the cross-section line.
- The map works as a GIS map where you can import/export GIS layers.
- All public historic boreholes within 5 miles of the site will be added to the map (for US projects only).
- Generate ‘virtual boreholes’ based on a database of over 100,000 historic boreholes (for US projects only).
- In Profile Mode (cross-section design):
- Added Color Scheme for a more efficient color settings.
- Added Groundwater Options to allow showing the piezometers beside the boreholes.
- Added property Display Units where user can switch between feet and metres.
- Added ‘line breaks’ to indicate where along the cross-section polyline there is a change in direction.
- Added a feature to connect strata in different borehole by 2 clicks.
- Several new properties were added to the property grid when a borehole is selected:
- List of strata, field tests and groundwater levels.
- Stationing and offset from the CL of the profile.
- Strata descriptions and borehole title now have their own font styles.
- In 3D Mode:
- Performance improvements and bug fixes.
- Added vertical exaggeration.
- Optimized export of section polygons.
- Expanded the import/export features.
- In Plan mode (map):
- NEW Added import from Wincore files.
- Added several new properties to borehole and project objects in Header / Footer Designer.
- The following features were added to the GIS page:
- Import KML, KMZ, GeoJSON, WKT and Shapefiles to the GIS map.
- Ability to show all boreholes on the map (previously this was limited to projects).
- Ability to show projects only, but turn on the borehole of a specific project.
- Add geology maps to the GIS page (US, Canada, Australia, Europe).
- User can add any external OGC data source (WMS and WMTS) to the GIS page.
- External projects now use geocoding to obtain the project coordinates (i.e. if coordinates are unavailable but a civic address is available).
- Improved the export to KML feature. Added export to PNG.
- NEW New tabs on Settings page:
- Status options for boreholes and projects.
- Several new Rock Classification settings.
- Soil Classification for customization of layer descriptions
- Layer Description Compiler settings.
- In Hatch Design tab:
- User can export a legend of their soil hatch patterns (Excel).
- User can customize AASHTO hatch patterns.
- Geologic Units settings.
May 10 2023
- NEW A new version of log template header/footer designer is released:
- Piezometer Readings: when linking a database label to borehole data, under the Groundwater group user can select Piezometer Readings. This will print a table with depth and elevation of all groundwater level measurements entered in Instrumentation tab of borehole data entry page.
- User can now set vertical alignment of texts.
- NEW A new version of Cross-Section Designer is released:
- Added "Vertical Exaggeration" to 3D mode to allow better visualization of larger sites,
- Added separate Borehole Display Sizes for 3D and Profile views,
- Added a new feature to export all cross-section polygons to JSON format (from Export button on the top toolbar > click List of Polygons menu)
- Pressing Esc button will no longer close the page; This prevents accidental closing of the Cross-Section Designer page,
- Clicking on a field test graph now allows customizing the appearance of the graph. The following properties were added to graphs:
- Data Column: user can select the column to plot. For example for a CPT test you can select to plot qc, fs, u2 etc.
- Style: allows user to select whether the field test data is shown as a graph or as a table
- FIXED Export to DXF would miss some of the hatch patterns,
- FIXED Print function which prevented from creating the PDF report,
- FIXED Polygons with solid color (i.e. no hatch pattern) would not show properly in the 3D viewer.
March 20 2023
- NEW New RSLog Excel templates have been released. The new templates are fully compatible with the latest version of RSLog.
- NEW A new version of RSLog Offline application has been released which is fully compatible with the latest version of RSLog.
- NEW In log templates user can select to show/hide Sample Number sub-column.
- NEW On Lab Tests page, in additional to other test results user can now import Dry Density, Gs, Cc, and Cs from CSV file.
- NEW Several improvements and new features added to the Cross Section Designer:
- Several stability fixes on Plan view and 3D view.
- Added Vertical Exaggeration property to 3D mode to help visualizing the depth in large projects with several boreholes.
- The Pattern Type dropdown for a soil/rock layer is re-designed with much easier selection of hatch patterns (USCS, AGS, Rock etc).
- Font sizes are now automatically adjusted for a new cross section.
- User can choose between hollow/filled groundwater symbols.
- Automatic handling of deleted layers and deleted boreholes.
- Clicking on field test graphs now properly loads the property grid.
- Use can delete a polygon by pressing Delete button.
- Faster loading and saving of cross section models.
- The terrain map is now automatically moved close to the boreholes and cross sections when loading it for the first time.
- A bug was fixed where some project boreholes would be displayed outside of the gridlines.
- Borehole Display Size in 3D is now adjusted automatically to avoid ‘hidden’ boreholes in large projects.
- Added anti-aliasing and soft rotation to 3D view.
- CHANGED The import process for gINT and DIGGS files is now more user-friendly as some settings are now automatically applied:
- User's default sample type, drill method, unit system, coordinate system and field test type are now automatically loaded from their RSLog Settings page.
- The following lab tests can now imported to RSLog: Dry Density, Gs, Cc, and Cs.
- User can select between importing PL or PI from a gINT or DIGGS file. If PI is imported, RSLog will back calculate the PL automatically.
- FIXED A bugs was fixed in the borehole log templates where latitude/longitude of the borehole would be switched on the log header/footer during generating borehole log.
- FIXED The hatch pattern for piezometer backfill type “Drill Cuttings” would not display in the borehole log.
- FIXED Borehole log would not be generated if piezometer type and plug type were not specified for a borehole.
- FIXED For boreholes with long layer description text at the bottom of the borehole, the text would enter the footer area in some situations.
- FIXED A bug was fixed where borehole log would not be generated when the borehole included a layer with thickness of less than 0.1 m.
March 1 2023
- NEW Field tests now can have multiple test results; this was previously limited to one result for each test. For example, for SPT blow counts user can define multiple columns such as N1, N2, N3, N4 (blow counts per each 6 inches of penetration) in the Settings > Field Investigation page. For existing projects with field tests saved in a single column, the data is saved under the ‘Reporting Value’ column.
- NEW Bulk import for list of boreholes is now available from the Test Holes page by importing data from a CSV file.
- NEW Added drill run graphs to the borehole log for Strength, Alteration and Weathering levels.
- NEW Added a feature to allow duplicating a project. Use the top toolbar for Projects list to duplicate (copy) a project.
- NEW A new version of RSLog Offline application is released. This version is fully compatible with the latest updates of RSLog.
- NEW User can enter default text for boreholes Completion Notes (Settings > Data Entry page). Some pre-defined ‘placeholders’ such as {name}, {depth}, {elevation} can be used in Completion Notes.
- NEW New version of template Header/Footer Designer is released: a more user-friendly property grid, the list of available ‘fields’ for a Database Field is now properly grouped so you can find a field much easier, use these additional borehole properties in header/footer: Datum, Entered By, Location Description, Offset, Start Note, Termination Note, SPT Hammer, borehole geographic coordinate is now acting as hyperlink in PDF, select multiple elements and right click for more options, add tables to your log template, add list of Sample Types or Drilling Methods to your log template, specify Text Angle for a label.
- NEW Added a Groundwater Observations page to the borehole data entry (General tab) to allow entering more details regarding observation of groundwater level during drilling.
- NEW RSLog is now integrated with Geosetta and generates borehole logs based on DIGGS data generated on their website.
- NEW Added more fields to Boring Details tab. User can now specify drill hole diameter, casing diameter, type of drill bit and rod, backfill pattern and date/time. User can indicate if an instrument is installed in a section of the borehole. This additional data could be displayed in the borehole log.
- NEW Dashboard page is updated and now provides more relevant information.
- NEW The Role edit page now offers permission levels for each tab of the Settings page.
- NEW Added new hatch patterns for Water and for Wood.
- NEW When importing project data from gINT, DIGGS and AGS user can select to create a new project or import boreholes into an existing project.
- NEW User’s settings for the number of records to show in a table is now saved for every page of RSLog.
- NEW User can now create a cross section with one borehole. Previously, this was limited to minimum two boreholes in a cross section.
- NEW User can create a project that follows AGS data template.
- NEW Added a feature to allow preparation of a ‘Photo Report’ from selected photos of a project (Reporting > Figures > Photo Report menu).
- NEW When editing Sample data, user can define the list of moisture status options (Settings > Field Investigation page).
- NEW Added ‘Entered By’ (i.e. the name or initial of the person who enters borehole data into RSLog) to the borehole page (General tab).
- NEW When defining piezometer/well for a borehole, user can now choose the type of end cap, and enter pipe diameter and stickup (if applicable). In addition, three Casagrande piezometer types are added to the list of piezometers to choose from.
- NEW User can choose the marker size and label font size for how boreholes are shown on the maps (Settings > Theme page).
- NEW Added several pages to RSLog documentation (help pages).
- NEW KML Export feature on GIS Map page now includes both RSLog Projects and External Projects.
- CHANGED Improved the import from DIGGS, AGS and gINT files by eliminating mapping the soil classification between the source file and RSLog. This is now done automatically.
- CHANGED On borehole page, the following tabs are not applicable for a test pit and are hidden: Verticality, USACE, and SPT Hammer.
- CHANGED Improved the look of Atterberg limits graph in the borehole log (line thicknesses, legend, etc).
- CHANGED For a new cross-section design it always shows ‘feet’ as the depth unit. Now the depth unit in a new cross-section model follows the unit system of project.
- CHANGED Improved the way lines are drawn in the borehole log PDF. The main improvement is that all lines now follow the line thickness that is defined in the log template.
- CHANGED The depths at which moisture content, Atterberg limits, and gradation test results are printed in the borehole log now perfectly align with the depth column (previously they were slightly off).
- CHANGED Improved user experience when defining a new Role on User Management page. Improved logic of role assignment to a user.
- CHANGED Various improvements with the way new cross sections are created. A number of improvements in cross section designer.
- CHANGED In log template page, the column width displayed in the table is rounded to 2 decimals.
- CHANGED Improved loading time on several pages.
- FIXED Downloading RSLog Excel templates wouldn’t include user’s Rock Classifications from the Settings page.
- FIXED Drill Run and Discontinuities columns in borehole log wouldn’t honour the font style selected in the log template.
- FIXED The coordinates of boreholes with ‘local’ coordinates wouldn’t show on the Test Holes page table.
- FIXED Opening older log templates would return an error message.
- FIXED User-defined laboratory test values wouldn’t show on the borehole logs.
- FIXED Duplicate button was missing from the top toolbar on the Templates page.
- FIXED Minor issues on the borehole data entry page were fixed.
- FIXED AGS hatch patterns now load in cross section designer.
- FIXED Fixed a bug where an Admin could change its own permission levels (this could limit Admin’s access to some pages).
November 14 2022
- NEW RSLog is now integrated with Slide2. Design your cross sections in RSLog and easily import it to Slide2 in a few seconds.
- NEW CVS import feature now allow filtering the records based on user-defined criteria.
- NEW On Test Hole Logs page, user can override the Page Depth without the need to edit a log template.
- NEW Upgraded toolbars at the top of tables. Users can now easily export a table to Excel, PDF and print them with a click on one button. In addition, user can search/filter the records in a table.
- NEW Now on the Test Hole Logs page user can see the username and time where a borehole log was ‘reviewed’ or ‘approved’. In addition, users can leave comments about each borehole log (e.g. fixed typo etc).
- NEW A list of all PDF borehole logs generated for a project will be shown on the Test Hole Logs page. This makes is easier for users to download a log (instead of re-generating it).
- NEW User can now determine if depth and elevation shown at the bottom of each layer in the borehole log to be printed “As Entered”, “Always in Feet” or “Always in Metres”.
- NEW User’s UTM zone is now automatically detected based on the device location (requires user’s permission for Location Services).
- NEW On Settings page in Rock Classification tab user can re-order the items visually by drag & drop. User can assign a background color to each item for presentation in the borehole log.
- NEW Added a feature on report template design page allowing user to see a preview of the template.
- NEW If UTM coordinates are entered for a borehole, it will be converted to latitude/longitude automatically to place the borehole on the map.
- NEW When entering Drill Run data on borehole edit page, user can enter the “total length recovered” and the Total Core Recovery (TCR) will be automatically calculated. Accordingly, the RQD will be calculated based on the “total length of pieces > 100 mm”. In addition, a new field was added for “Joint Spacing”.
- NEW On Discontinuities dialog box on borehole edit page, added Joint Roughness Coefficient (JRC) and its table.
- NEW Drill Runs can now be printed in the borehole logs with background colors associated to each Rock Strength, Alteration Level, or Weathering Level. User can choose colors on the Settings page.
- CHANGED Improved import from Excel templates.
- CHANGED Improved loading of the Lab. Tests page and borehole edit page.
- CHANGED The preview of AGS legend codes will be shown on the Stratigraphy tab of borehole edit page.
- CHANGED Added toolbar to the list of report templates to allow easier user interaction.
- CHANGED Improved the way user & project assignment works. Now multiple projects could be assigned to multiple users.
- CHANGED Removed the print button from borehole log preview page, as this would lead to low quality printing. Users should download the PDF version of the borehole log and print after downloading to achieve highest resolution.
- CHANGED Improved the way Rest to Default button works on the Settings page.
- CHANGED On the borehole edit page, “Logged By” and “Reviewed By” are now optional.
- CHANGED All pages are now shown in full width; this allows presenting more details on each page.
- FIXED A bug was fixed where print dialog box in the cross-section page wouldn’t show the list of report templates.
- FIXED The page number element in the borehole log template is now using the total pages of each individual borehole.
- FIXED Performance improvement in cross section page.
- FIXED Fixed a bug in borehole log where groundwater symbol, field test and laboratory test values are printed slightly lower than their depth.
- FIXED A bug was fixed that prevented showing projects on GIS Map page where no active project had been selected by user.
- FIXED Bulk delete of boreholes would throw an error.
- FIXED A bug was fixed where the direction of Drill Run graphs were incorrect in the borehole log.
- FIXED Fixed a bug where changing the line type on Stratigraphy tab of borehole edit page would freeze the page.
- FIXED Fixed a bug where the program would not honour unselecting the bottom line on Stratigraphy tab of borehole edit page.
- FIXED A bug was fixed where user-defined sample type icon would not show in the borehole log.
September 28 2022
- NEW Added a new feature that allows importing from AGS files. Use the Data Entry > Import page to access this feature.
- NEW Added 158 AGS legend codes to RSLog. The new AGS hatch patterns can be used in borehole edit page in Stratigraphy tab and will be displayed in the borehole log.
- NEW User can now import stratigraphy data from CSV files containing AGS legend codes.
- NEW Export all your RSLog projects to Google Earth KML. Visit GIS Map page to export to KML.
- NEW Added a feature that allows user to select foreground and background color for each hatch pattern. Use the new Settings page > Hatch Design tab. The borehole log will now use these colors when rendering the log.
- NEW Further integration between RSLog and other Rocscience programs (more details to come).
- NEW In project edit page, user can draw polyline or polygon on the map to represent plan extent of the project.
- NEW User can now enter UTM coordinates for boreholes and they will be automatically converted to latitude/longitude. This allows the borehole location to be shown on the map using the UTM coordinates.
- NEW When editing/creating a soil layer, user can view the list of field and laboratory tests within this layer by clicking on ‘See Field Tests’ and ‘See Lab. Tests’ links.
- NEW On Piezometer/Well tab, clicking on Image button will now download the groundwater monitoring graph both in PNG (raster) and SVG (vector) formats.
- NEW On Setting > Theme tab, preview of selected font family and date format is shown beside the dropdowns.
- CHANGED Improved user interface of the Report Templates page by grouping the templates into Borehole Log Templates, and Figure Templates tabs.
- CHANGED It is now easier to open a project from the Projects page (by one click).
- CHANGED CSV import for stratigraphy data no longer needs Material Type (uscs, rock, misc.) in the CSV file. All classification codes are now automatically recognized and applied to each stratum during import.
- CHANGED Moved USACE fields in borehole edit page (General tab) to the accordion located on the right side of the page.
- CHANGED When editing/creating a soil layer by clicking on Layer Symbol category the dropdown will be automatically opened. This makes the data entry easier and more user friendly.
- CHANGED On borehole edit page clicking on Instant Preview button (magnifier icon) will now open the list of log templates automatically.
- CHANGED Improvement of existing documentation and addition of multiple new pages.
- CHANGED Made improvements in import from gINT and DIGGS features. Now more fields are automatically mapped, for example Layer Symbols (hatch codes) are now automatically imported with no need for data mapping.
- CHANGED Added support of AGS legend codes in import from Excel templates.
- CHANGED On Reporting > Export page when user exports project(s) to JSON or Excel, the records are now sorted by depth before exporting.
- CHANGED Improved the user interface of Support page.
- CHANGED Bug fixes and improvements for RSLog Offline Application.
- FIXED News Feed page now properly loads the geotechnical news from various sources.
- FIXED Bugs fixed within the cross section designer feature.
- FIXED A bug fixed where clicking on the map icon at the right side of a project in Projects page would not show project location.
- FIXED A bug fixed on Stratigraphy tab of the borehole edit page where the title of a stratum wouldn’t show on the table if no hatch pattern was assigned to the layer.
- FIXED Fixed a bug in Lab Tests > User Defined Tests dialog where a test could be created with empty title.
- FIXED A bug fixed on Cross Section Figure page where selecting a cross section with no preview image would throw an error.
July 5 2022
- NEW Import from gINT is now available as beta version. In order to use this feature go to Data Entry > Import menu and click on ‘gINT Project Database’ button to start importing
- NEW The entire data of a project can now be exported to JSON format. In order to use this feature go to Tools > Export menu.
- NEW If the project data is imported from other database files (e.g. gINT, DIGGS, AGS), a ‘Miscellaneous Data’ tab will be shown on project edit and borehole edit pages. This tab provides the miscellaneous data that could not be cast into RSLog data entry pages. This way, all data from the original database file is brought into RSLog.
- CHANGED Updated projects list by adding an icon next to the project name that provides a snapshot of the project data. In addition, if project was imported from other database files (e.g. gINT, DIGGS, AGS) a grey badge will eb displayed next to the project name indicating the source.
- CHANGED On borehole data entry page (General tab) if all mandatory fields are not entered, user will be directed to correct the error before switching to other tabs.
- CHANGED During the data entry for the first borehole of a project, when locating the borehole location on the map, the map now navigates to the project location. This makes it easier for user to specify the borehole location.
- CHANGED In project edit dialog, if QR code URL link is entered without http or https prefix, at the time of saving data http:// will be automatically added.
- FIXED Fixed a bug when UTM zone numbers would not be saved in project edit dialog.
June 3 2022
- NEW User can specify the minimum, maximum and interval for the field test graphs in the borehole log.
- NEW Added a field to the log template to allow defining the height of borehole log column header area.
- NEW Added some validation rules to the CSV import feature for stratigraphy tab of borehole edit page.
- NEW Added the borehole log print scale to show the scale of log page (e.g. 1 cm: 1.5 m).
- NEW Added a dropdown to Settings page so user can show/hide all product tour pages. Added a product tour to the template edit page.
- NEW Added a new tab on borehole edit page > Instrumentation tab for Borehole Survey. This allows assigning any dataset (verticality log, sonar caliper, inclinometer, etc.) to a borehole.
- NEW User can now customize the lists for sample types, drill methods, field tests, and borehole survey.
- CHANGED Write borehole collar elevation at the top of the log (above the first layer).
- CHANGED Added toolbar to all tables to allow import and export of CSV files. Improvement of user interface to allow easier interaction with all tables across the application.
- CHANGED Adding terrain data, piezometer data and 'borehole survey' to the cross section data file (in preparation for the next version of cross section designer).
- CHANGED Allow user to specify narrower columns for the Depth log column.
- FIXED Fixed an issue where paper type is shown incorrectly in the header/footer designer.
- FIXED Fixed an issue where clicking on column headers of borehole table wouldn't sort the records.
April 12 2022
- NEW Added a feature to duplicate a borehole (copy).
- NEW Allow user to change the column header text for depth scale log column.
- NEW Sample length will be shown in the borehole log as a rectangle, showing top and bottom depths of a sample.
- NEW Added a feature to GIS Map page to allow user importing the list of their old projects to RSLog GIS map by importing from CSV file.
- NEW Added a feature to GIS Map page to allow searching the map for a city, project title or project number.
- CHANGED Improved the user interface of font settings on log template page.
- CHANGED Improved the warning text where wrong credentials entered on the login page.
- CHANGED User data will be automatically changed on borehole page when user switches to a different tab.
- CHANGED Email address is now optional for a Contact.
- CHANGED User interface upgrade of registration page (added help link).
- CHANGED User interface upgrade of support page.
- FIXED Fixed a bug where changing the unit to metres on cross sections page did not take effect in the cross section designer.
- FIXED Fixed a bug in borehole log where page numbers were not correctly shown.
- FIXED Fixed a bug in borehole log, where the column width was not correctly shown for field tests (graph) and piezometer/well log columns.
- FIXED Fixed a bug where piezometer/well type and cap were not saved when editing a borehole.
- FIXED Fixed an issue with depth log column where some numbers at the bottom of page would not show properly.
- FIXED Fixed a bug in borehole log where the text of the boring method was not shown properly.
- FIXED Fixed a bug where in some cases water level was not shown at the right depth in the borehole log.
- FIXED Fixed a bug in borehole log where bold texts were shown with regular font style.
- FIXED Fixed a bug where admin user was unable to edit roles.
March 21 2022
- NEW Added a feature to duplicate a log template (copy)
- NEW Added product tour pages to log column edit modal
- NEW Added a feature to allow tab customization on borehole edit page. User can hide/show certain tabs, and can change the order in which tabs are disaplyed.
- CHANGED Improvement of how elevation and depth numbers are written at the bottom of each layer in borehole log (lithologic description log column)
- CHANGED Improvement of user interface in the modal for editing the permissions of a role (in User Management page)
- CHANGED Improvement of all product tour pages
- CHANGED Minor improvement of user experience on log column edit modal (in template edit page)
- CHANGED Improvement of login and registration page
- FIXED Fixed a bug where borehole log PDF would be generated without a margin
- FIXED Fixed a bug where in some rare cases the wrong drilling contractor will be shown on the borehole log
- FIXED Fixed a bug in adding a new user-defined lab test
February 23 2022
- NEW Added drill run log column to the borehole log when a borehole is drilled in rock.
- NEW Added CSV import capability to stratigraphy tab of borehole edit page.
- NEW Added a new borehole log column to present discontinuities data.
- NEW Completion of the User Guide website for RSLog, and adding help links to all pages.
- NEW Added a feature to allow assigning users to a specific project (other users won't be able to see the project).
- NEW Adding a capability to role permissions, to create read-only permissions for a role.
- NEW Adding a format dropdown to Settings page to allow user select the date format used to display dates across the application.
- NEW In Drill Run and Discontinuities tabs, added links to Rock Classification tabs so user can customize the lists.
- NEW Added a Discontinuities tab to borehole edit page. This allows user to record all defects observed in a borehole.
- CHANGED Improvement of user interface on Company Account page to show more details in License tab.
- CHANGED User experience improvement on borehole edit page, especially with regards to editing and saving a borehole location on the map.
- CHANGED Improvement of user interface on cross section page, especially when adding a new cross section on the map.
- FIXED Fixed a bug where product tour pages keep showing even after user turns them off.
- FIXED Fixed a bug where the reset password link showed a page with 500 error.
- FIXED Fixed a bug where Active Project would be reset after changing a field in company profile page.
January 31 2022
Commercial Release