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Slide2 Maintenance+ Update History

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Version 9.038 - March 3 2025 [Download]

  1. NEW RSWall Integration
  2. NEW Undrained/Vertical Stress material failure criterion
  3. NEW AASHTO and Australian design standards
  4. NEW CNI material failure criterion
  5. NEW Menu option to launch RSInsight+ in Help menu
  6. FIXED Support "Done" option not working
  7. FIXED Lambda versus FS graph not visible for circular surfaces
  8. FIXED Issue selecting anisotropic surface in material dialog for Snowden Mod. Anisotropic Linear strength model
  9. FIXED When a design standard is selected that is not available, program will show multiple Improper Argument warnings
  10. FIXED Load sensitivity analysis performed on wrong load when multiple loads exist and some loads do not use statistics
  11. FIXED Helical Piles with single plate have no force
  12. FIXED Launched soil nail bolt showing "Unknown" failure mode when it is really "Tensile and Shear"

Version 9.037 - December 4 2024 [Download]

  1. NEW Option to export a range of samples and multiple materials as a discrete function or Ks grid from property viewer
  2. NEW Copy, hide, and edit coordinate options in right click menu of hydraulics query
  3. NEW Advanced option for computing the model at the origin
  4. FIXED Correlation lengths not saving when changing between materials in the statistics dialog
  5. FIXED Corrected discrete function data exported for spatially variability of undrained strength
  6. FIXED Models with extremely large mining coordinates give inconsistent results (results of models with large mining coordinates might be affected)
  7. CHANGED Remove cutoff of negative pore pressure from property viewer

Version 9.036 - October 18 2024 [Download]

  1. FIXED GSI, mi, D values reset to default when GHB material is not by depth
  2. FIXED Issue viewing results when a mix of methods are used during compute
  3. FIXED Error during compute when weak layer exists with no valid surface

Version 9.035 - October 10 2024 [Download]

  1. NEW Hydraulic statistics: Ability to carry out probabilistic analysis considering random and spatial variability of soil hydraulic parameters and considering their cross correlations.
  2. NEW Ability to see the relationship between Lambda and FS for GLE and Spencer methods
  3. NEW Prompt to add Spencer or GLE method when using non-circular surface generation method
  4. NEW Option for custom RSLog server in preferences
  5. FIXED Large number of decimal places shown in Edit Coordinates dialog
  6. FIXED Exporting group to new file does not prompt save
  7. FIXED Fixed application of bond strength factor to helical anchor
  8. FIXED Error appears sometimes for anisotropic materials when assigning a surface
  9. FIXED Fixed directional-based calculations for user defined supports
  10. FIXED Improved process for querying a spatial grid value
  11. FIXED Fixed Slide handling negative pore pressures in certain scenarios
  12. FIXED Blank correlation error description when attempting to create new group with already equated materials
  13. CHANGED Advanced settings cleanup of some obsolete settings (two settings are checked and removed, might cause minor results change in old models)
  14. CHANGED Don't allow stage selection while in property viewer
  15. CHANGED Allow users to duplicate 3D anisotropic functions
  16. CHANGED Check DXF "Move closer to origin" by default if min coordinate is greater than 1e5

Version 9.034 - April 24 2024 [Download]

  1. FIXED Unsupported Argument error when pressing OK in project settings dialog after defining generalized anisotropic material

Version 9.033 - April 10 2024 [Download]

  1. NEW Block Model: Ability to read and analyze a block model section exported from Slide3
  2. NEW Ability to define tensile strength for all failure criterion
  3. FIXED Paste from RSData option in material dialog not applying values
  4. FIXED Issue running the analysis with unit weight as a spatial property with many vertices in the model
  5. FIXED Editing name of Anisotropic Function sometimes caused non-selected function to be renamed
  6. FIXED Updated Ito & Matsui Calculations
  7. CHANGED Added option to define boundary conditions with coordinate entry in command line
  8. CHANGED Hide "Surfaces to optimize" section when not applicable in the Optimize Surfaces Settings dialog

Version 9.032 - March 11 2024 [Download]

  1. NEW Back analysis for support available for non-circular surfaces and different LEM approaches
  2. NEW Option to show angle between the bolt and the slip surface
  3. NEW Bolt force arrow display options
  4. NEW User-Defined slip surface option
  5. FIXED Model not finding slip surface when damage region assignment is invalid
  6. FIXED Incorrect c and phi values used in Ito & Matsui shear force calculation with multiple materials
  7. FIXED Correctly reverted material properties of shear COV materials after conducting sensitivity analysis
  8. FIXED Blank water parameters tab in material properties dialog when using Steady State FEA
  9. FIXED Validation missing for saturated unit weight and some functions
  10. FIXED Failure Criterion dropdown not opening through arrow button
  11. FIXED First project info displayed in the Import RSLog Data dialog is blank
  12. FIXED For models with very large coordinates, default slope limit values are wrong when adding a second set of limits
  13. FIXED Unit weight reset when editing water parameters
  14. FIXED Display of Ks units not matching selected units in property viewer tooltip
  15. FIXED Updating Master Scenario D Parameters not updating child scenarios
  16. CHANGED Improved searching for critical ky during advanced seismic analysis, for case when a seismic load actually helps slip surface converge (e.g. large support force present).
  17. CHANGED Ability to query invalid surfaces
  18. CHANGED Add "Optimize Surfaces" surface option selection to report

Version 9.031 - November 08 2023 [Download]

  1. FIXED Improper argument error when opening unsynced scenarios.
  2. FIXED Editing slope limits in .sli or .slim files causes crash.
  3. FIXED Very old models unable to view global minimum in Interpret if old display setting was used.

Version 9.030 - October 25 2023 [Download]

  1. NEW Show warning when reading newer file in older version.
  2. NEW Option to consider sliding along interface of geosynthetic (treated as weak layer).
  3. NEW Heuristic weak layer handling option added for Particle Swarm Optimization method
  4. FIXED Projection angles for block search weren't being updated (visually) in child scenarios. They were updated during computations.
  5. FIXED Display glitch when copying materials in Material Properties dialog.
  6. FIXED Global minimum FS after Surface Altering off by a negligible tolerance in rare cases.
  7. FIXED Pore pressures calculation in first stage of transient groundwater analysis in case when "Use water content function to determine Phi b" is checked.
  8. FIXED Unit discrepancy when importing imperial material properties.
  9. FIXED For spatial models, spatial correlation lengths now also imported when statistical material properties are imported.
  10. FIXED Display issue of "maximum single support force" in Report Generator in cases where shear capacity is on.
  11. FIXED Some problems with the Pause button in the compute window.
  12. FIXED Memory leak in the Report Generator.
  13. FIXED In Hydraulic Properties dialog, show default value of mv used in program when it is unchecked.
  14. FIXED Child scenario slope limits not updated correctly when parent scenario slope limits are changed.
  15. FIXED Crash after importing material properties in some cases.
  16. FIXED Display glitch when moving materials in Material Properties dialog.
  17. FIXED Multiple particle swarm crash when more than 50 particles defined.
  18. FIXED Computation freezes in case of models with multiple friction factors all defined per-material in Support Properties dialog.
  19. FIXED Updating water parameters in master scenario not updating children.
  20. FIXED For probabilistic analysis, statistics plots are now disabled for transient stages which don't calculate FS.
  21. FIXED Ability to import DXF for material boundaries before having an external boundary.
  22. FIXED Property Viewer was displaying the wrong properties in case when "specify alternate strength type above water surface" was checked. Display issue only.
  23. FIXED Editing slope limits in a child scenario removes the results from adjacent scenarios.
  24. FIXED Bonded (grouted) length input for grouted tiebacks now must be greater than zero.
  25. FIXED Issue turning off Grid property in material dialog.
  26. FIXED Invalid selected RSLog import file exits program.
  27. FIXED Undrained behavior option is missing in material properties dialog when staged pseudostatic strength is ON.
  28. FIXED Graph scenarios causes crash in interpret when only groundwater is computed.
  29. FIXED In Material Properties table, remove Phi b and Air Entry Value options if "Use water content function to determine Phi b" is checked.
  30. CHANGED Interpreter slice viewer shows material name instead of its position on the material properties list.
  31. CHANGED Correlation length database in Material Statistics dialog updated in accordance with latest research.
  32. CHANGED Refine method of computing with coefficient of interaction for geosynthetics.
  33. CHANGED Slight improvement to surface altering as there was an issue with occasionally not properly retaining some of the slip surfaces tried during the local optimization.
  34. CHANGED Reading of RSLog files. SIDE EFFECT: Integration only works with Slide2 v9.030 onwards.
  35. CHANGED Added video processor details to technical support dialog.
  36. CHANGED Manufacturer factor dialogs are now clickable.
  37. CHANGED Update progress bar in compute window to display current transient stage being computed for all search methods.
  38. CHANGED Wording of error -109 changed to be more accurate.
  39. CHANGED Remove use of "yes" and "no" next to checkboxes.
  40. CHANGED Change to the Progress Bar control in compute dialog.
  41. CHANGED Remove "None" option if a function is defined where applicable in Material Properties dialog.
  42. CHANGED Warnings added to recommend weak layer handling algorithms to the user where applicable.

NOTE - Results have changed in this version.

Version 9.029 - September 12 2023 [Download]

  1. CHANGED Improved message for Maintenance+ subscription.

Version 9.028 - June 13 2023 - [Download]

  1. NEW Mapping Function options added to Generalized Anisotropic.
  2. NEW Copy Boundary (Multiple): Ability to copy boundaries multiple times along a direction.
  3. NEW Advanced option in Generalized Anisotropic dialog.
  4. CHANGED RSLog Import dialog interface.
  5. CHANGED Dialog added with sequence of steps for case where file is inexplicably missing external boundary. Aim is that customers will send in the steps allowing developers to reproduce the issue.
  6. CHANGED New set of updated and refreshed tutorials released for Slide2, replacing the old set.
  7. CHANGED Updated Material Properties dialog
  8. CHANGED Three borehole cross section can now be imported from RSLog with a warning.
  9. CHANGED B-bar added to Material Properties table.
  10. CHANGED Improvements to PSO algorithm (can be toggled off in Advanced Project Settings).
  11. CHANGED Ability to define slope wizard coordinates through command prompt.
  12. FIXED Strength functions (e.g. Shear/Normal, C/Phi, Generalized Anisotropic) assigned to weak layers weren't included in Report Generator.
  13. FIXED Moving a boundary very close to another boundary caused a crash in rare case.
  14. FIXED Assigned property changes after undo in rare cases.
  15. FIXED Multiple PSO crashes the engine when the number of particles exceeds 50.
  16. FIXED Unnecessary warning when equating materials in Material Statistics dialog.
  17. FIXED Multiple PSO sometimes computed slightly different search results between computers with different numbers of threads
  18. FIXED Disabled Undrained Behaviour with B-Bar method for incompatible strength types.
  19. FIXED Incorrect file path in text box.
  20. FIXED Two Vertex Controls had the same keyboard shortcut.
  21. FIXED Damage region not assigned to child scenario in rare cases when following certain sequence of steps with scenarios.
  22. FIXED Slide2 can now import cross sections created in the new version of RSLog.
  23. FIXED C/Phi chart now shows the correct interpolation of the points (curved lines rather than straight).

Version 9.027 - February 13 2023 [Download]

  1. NEW Integration of Slide3 files with Generalized Anisotropic when exporting to Slide2
  2. NEW Added warning messages when there are near-coincident vertices in model
  3. CHANGED Wording in Tension Crack Properties dialog
  4. CHANGED For seismic files with seepage, seismic symbol will be moved to the left of the legend by default
  5. CHANGED For multi-scenario files with only one scenario, compute warnings will display in the same way as single scenario files
  6. CHANGED Only allow import of RSLog section that is strictly two-dimensional
  7. CHANGED Do not allow reversing direction in tension crack and damage region polylines
  8. CHANGED Where slip surfaces intersect a tension crack multiple times, they will now clip to the intersection closest to the crest
  9. CHANGED Revised truncation behavior of tension cracks to clip at the intersection with the tension crack region rather than just the polyline
  10. CHANGED Windows 11 now detected in Tech Support dialog
  11. CHANGED User asked if they want to see release notes upon downloading a new update
  12. CHANGED Added error message in RSLog wizard for case where RSLog cross section was created but not opened in RSLog
  13. FIXED Ability to detect RSPile v.3015 and up.
  14. FIXED Crash when converting from one boundary type to another in some cases
  15. FIXED If water table grid edited in master scenario it will propagate to the children scenarios
  16. FIXED Surface contour colours are off if default contours are modified in Newmark analysis
  17. FIXED When using Generalized Anisotropic type "Angle or surface, A, B" with a Generalized Hoek Brown material with parameters that vary by depth, varying parameters were not considered
  18. FIXED When exporting weak layer polylines to DXF and reimporting them to a new model, their number and material assignment changes
  19. FIXED Error when using advanced correlation option with less than five materials defined
  20. FIXED Ability to copy/paste support elements between groups or scenarios
  21. FIXED Some polyline entities (anisotropic surfaces, weak layers, damage regions) were not selectable during Boundaries > Convert Boundary
  22. FIXED Slope limit changes in master scenario weren't reflected in child scenarios in some cases
  23. FIXED Using up/down arrows in Material Properties dialog changed the water parameters in specific cases.

Version 9.026 - November 22 2022 [Download]

  1. CHANGED RSLog now points to
  2. FIXED Model with many vertices and soil profile mode on, froze in soil profile workflow tab.
  3. FIXED Connection issue with RSLog sometimes required multiple login attempts.
  4. FIXED Rare issue of clipping slip surface with weak layers that end at vertical walls.

Version 9.025 - October 17 2022 [Download]

  1. NEW RSLog integration: Import your RSLog cross sections into Slide2.
  2. NEW Unit selection added when importing user-defined manufacturer library.
  3. FIXED Percent of Length displayed in support properties table even when it is not used.
  4. FIXED Unknown boundary condition calculation for seepage updated to be in accordance with the latest method in RS2. Fixes memory leak.
  5. FIXED Sensitivity analysis required at least two support types selected in the Add Random Variable wizard.

Version 9.024 - August 05 2022 [Download]

  1. NEW Addition to Generalized Anisotropic strength function, with ability to assign multiple anisotropic surfaces and support blended properties via A and B angles.
  2. NEW c/phi function: new material strength type added
  3. NEW Synteen added to geosynthetic manufacturers.
  4. CHANGED Soil profile material boundaries displayed while editing other components in Geometry tab.
  5. CHANGED Generalized Hoek-Brown min input ranges for mb, mi, GSI, modified to be strictly greater than zero.
  6. CHANGED Display warning message if one of the materials of Generalized Anisotropic is also defined as a Generalized Anisotropic.
  7. CHANGED Multiplication and division symbols added to Design Standards partial factors for clarity.
  8. CHANGED Equation images in Material Properties dialog updated.
  9. CHANGED Remove requirement that shear be increasing in Snowden Modified Anisotropic Linear.
  10. CHANGED DXF import wizard added to Interpret.
  11. FIXED Tension crack water property was updated from the master scenario.
  12. FIXED Undrained cohesion not displayed correctly in property viewer for F(Depth from Top of Layer) case.
  13. FIXED During Sarma method, generalized anisotropic material does not consider tensile strength of some child materials leading to non-convergence
  14. FIXED Discrete GHB giving zero shear strength during Sarma method
  15. FIXED Legend was covered by left side pane in Property Viewer in some cases.
  16. FIXED Horizontal scrollbar not appearing in Document Viewer.
  17. FIXED Validation rule added: input for Ito & Matsui diameter cannot be bigger than spacing.
  18. FIXED Polylines and polygons can now be exported to dxf.
  19. FIXED Fixed rare case of coordinate entry snapping to closest vertex.

Version 9.023 - May 26 2022 [Download]

  1. FIXED Manufacturer Library values not converted after switching to imperial units.
  2. FIXED Spatial variability analysis of cohesion with Strength Type = Undrained, was not displaying the probabilistic results.
  3. FIXED Allowable/long term strength in geosynthetic Manufacturer Library were not updated if factors had been previously modified, upon initial dialog re-loading.

Version 9.022 - April 20 2022 [Download]

  1. FIXED Tension crack ignored for non-circular surfaces if no weak layer in model and automatic weak layer handling is enabled.

Version 9.021 - April 12 2022 [Download]

  1. NEW Ability to add or import user-defined geosynthetic manufacturers in Manufacturer Library.
  2. NEW New support type: Helical Anchors.
  3. NEW Coefficient of Interaction and Friction Factor inputs added to Geosynthetic support.
  4. NEW Degree of Saturation results added to seepage analysis.
  5. NEW Upon installing & launching a new update, the user will be taken to the Release Notes page.
  6. NEW Geomatrix manufacturer added to Manufacturer Library.
  7. CHANGED Warning message added if user selects Sarma and staged pseudostatic option that is not Effective Stress.
  8. CHANGED Added compatibility of sensitivity analysis with COV method.
  9. CHANGED User-defined design standards now shared amongst all scenarios in a file.
  10. CHANGED Added option of coordinate entry when moving load.
  11. CHANGED Validation allows for decreasing shear with increasing normal in shear/normal function.
  12. CHANGED Error message shown when trying to load an RSPile file with no piles defined.
  13. CHANGED Importing properties now also imports cross-correlation coefficients.
  14. CHANGED Gray lines around support elements scaled better in print preview.
  15. CHANGED Offline help option removed and offline help no longer included in install.
  16. CHANGED Updated interface for Manufacturer Library
  17. CHANGED Manufacturer type added to support property table and data tip.
  18. CHANGED Option to eliminate vertical segments in non-circular search added to Project Settings > Advanced.
  19. FIXED Do not display "(Applied)" tag in Design Factors tab of Support dialog when manufacturer is selected for supports that are not Geosynthetics.
  20. FIXED Enabled Edit > Copy to Clipboard in Interpret.
  21. FIXED Automatic mesh size calculation in spatial analysis modified to handle very large models with very large correlation lengths.
  22. FIXED Error when switching from multi-scenario to single-scenario and back to multi-scenario.
  23. FIXED Geometry Cleanup in Soil Profiles View
  24. FIXED Rendering issue showing entire circle for circular slip surfaces in the Interpreter
  25. FIXED Some slip surfaces generated during the global search had incorrect geometry
  26. FIXED Tensile strength cutoff for Generalized Hoek-Brown now updated for each probabilistic simulation.
  27. FIXED Clipping to weak layer overrides a tension crack defined in the same location
  28. FIXED Support properties dialog display bug when clicking on statistics button and then closing it.
  29. FIXED GSI mean parameters in statistic dialog not updating in Material Properties dialog in case where both mb,s,a and GSI,D,mi random variables exist in the same file.
  30. FIXED Sarma didn't output results when staged pseudostatic was checked on and other limit equilibrium methods were also selected.
  31. FIXED Probabilistic option disabled when Particle Swarm with Multiple failures had been selected previously.
  32. FIXED Convex checkbox was always on for Particle Swarm regardless of whether it was checked in the dialog.

Version 9.020 - December 14 2021 [Download]

  1. NEW New Retaining Wall (EFP) support type added. Defined with equivalent fluid pressure
  2. NEW Ability to view support pressure diagram for Pile/Micro Pile: Ito & Matsui and EFW. Likewise for new Retaining Wall (EFP) support.
  3. NEW File > Force Save All introduced to save all scenarios in a multi-scenario file to the latest version.
  4. NEW Strong/weak axis selection for RSPile integration
  5. CHANGED Refresh button added to Block Search dialog to allow for previewing projection angles.
  6. CHANGED Refreshed look for support dialog.
  7. CHANGED Clean-up and consistency changes for rotate tool.
  8. CHANGED Clean-up and consistency changes to chart menu options.
  9. CHANGED Cuckoo search parallelization modified to eliminate rare case of inconsistent results
  10. CHANGED Tolerance for seepage analysis changed to tolerance used in RS2
  11. CHANGED File > Save As will now save all scenarios in the file to the latest version.
  12. CHANGED Slip surfaces generated with non-convergent RSPile results are now discarded with error code -415, in addition to existing warning.
  13. FIXED Hatches for materials not shown correctly in the hydraulic properties dialog.
  14. FIXED Incorrect (but generally conservative) RSPile reaction for some models with non-zero effective ground slope and governed by shallow soil wedge failure using any of the following lateral material models: Soft/dry/modified clay, Sand, API Sand, Silt
  15. FIXED Show Coordinates option in Interpret.
  16. FIXED Chart properties not reacting when selected from Chart menu.
  17. FIXED Units in Discharge Sections Table
  18. FIXED Export DXF crashes the file.
  19. FIXED Display of geosynthetic ultimate tensile strength in Report Generator not updated in some cases.
  20. FIXED Shen (2012) units in Coefficient of Variation dialog
  21. FIXED Line load display glitch in Report Generator.
  22. FIXED Fix print presets getting automatically created in some cases.
  23. FIXED Updated broken links in Manufacturer Library dialog.
  24. FIXED Removed some unnecessary columns in support property tables
  25. FIXED Support property table displays blank for RSPile: Apply Batter and Ground Slope Modifiers

Version 9.019 - September 10 2021 [Download]

  1. NEW Damage Regions: Ability to define nonlinear change of disturbance factor with depth
  2. NEW Ability to define discrete Generalized Hoek Brown material properties
  3. NEW Finite element groundwater engine updated to latest RS2 engine
  4. NEW Addition of Naue Secugrid HS to Geosynthetic Manufacturer Library
  5. CHANGED GHB parameters that vary by depth are now sampled based on an average of values along the slice base
  6. CHANGED Wording of "reference height" to "reference elevation" in geosynthetic support dialog.
  7. CHANGED Clear Manufacturer from Support dialog and Report Generator if manually modified. Add Reduction Factors to Report Generator.
  8. CHANGED FS in FS dropdown in Interpret updates for files with transient and slope stability.
  9. CHANGED "Number of Failures" option moved out of Particle Swarm hidden options, and display adjustments to Surface Options dialog
  10. CHANGED More input validation added to Shear/Normal functions
  11. CHANGED Van Genuchten hydraulic parameters are read-only in database
  12. FIXED Format of copy/pasted tools between groups
  13. FIXED Fixed RSPile All Files Import Option & Added Validation on Filtering
  14. FIXED Bonded length of support not drawn correctly in some cases.
  15. FIXED Property viewer display issue with SHANSEP shear strength.
  16. FIXED Units in User Defined support type.
  17. FIXED Setting and restoring surface filters to default
  18. FIXED Modify support option in support menu.
  19. FIXED Hover text cut-off in Surface Filters dialog.

Version 9.018 - June 30 2021 [Download]

  1. NEW Update RSPile integration for compatibility with new RSPile 3.006 release
  2. NEW Display warning message in Interpret if RSPile file didn't converge
  3. CHANGED User must save file before using Slope Angle Wizard
  4. CHANGED Printing options made more concise
  5. FIXED Ability to copy/paste method results table
  6. FIXED Export option in Data > Graph Scenarios
  7. FIXED Clear Selection in Manufacturer Library shouldn't reset values in support dialog
  8. FIXED Input of tools by coordinate in Interpret

Version 9.017 - June 3 2021 [Download]

  1. CHANGED "Slope Angle Wizard (Scenarios)" option renamed to "Slope Angle Wizard (Groups)"
  2. CHANGED Material properties dialog linked to RSData.
  3. CHANGED Updated icons in Project Settings > Design Standards
  4. FIXED Stats Drawdown Line Property Viewer Not Working
  5. FIXED Weak layers no longer assumed to extend in the x directions.
  6. FIXED Multi-scenario files with different design standards defined were not applying the correct design standard in calculations
  7. FIXED Deleting unused supports affects material-dependent bond strength in soil nail
  8. FIXED Bug related to deleting user-defined design standards.
  9. FIXED Viewing partial factors when importing user-defined design standard.
  10. FIXED Changing order of support crash
  11. FIXED Added units for Reference Strain in Newmark Analysis dialog.
  12. FIXED Manufacturer Factors and Design Factors Both Applied

Version 9.016 - May 7 2021 [Download]

  1. FIXED Property Viewer Crash when changing Property to Pore Pressure
  2. FIXED The plotting of GHB function in the material properties dialog does not work if GSI,mi,D are the definition method
  3. FIXED Fixed end of file error reading certain files in Interpret.
  4. FIXED Defining a plate capacity to zero for soil nails does not get written to the compute file correctly
  5. FIXED Fix to truncated normal distribution in case of very large relative min or max for a probabilistic analysis.
  6. FIXED Fixed some issues with convergence of Factor of Safety in models containing materials with tensile strength.

Version 9.015 - April 26 2021 [Download]

  1. NEW Size and color display options for discharge sections
  2. NEW Print Presets save to file and can be imported.
  3. NEW Engine icon updated for consistency with other programs.
  4. NEW Discharge section data added to Report Generator.
  5. NEW Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V shortcuts can now be used with copying/pasting tools.
  6. NEW Ability to set axes in Print Preview
  7. NEW Ability to export discharge sections to Excel.
  8. NEW Ability to define property table for discharge sections.
  9. FIXED Support Table Crash in Interpret
  10. FIXED Repaired verification files included in install.
  11. FIXED Ponded water hatch style display glitch in Interpret.
  12. CHANGED For Shear/Normal Function dialog, wording changed from "Normal" to "Effective Normal" for clarity.
  13. CHANGED Ability to use relative coordinates for tools in Interpret.

Version 9.014 - April 8 2021 [Download]

  1. FIXED Ito & Matsui support missing 'location of force' input.
  2. FIXED Launched soil nail support missing 'bond strength'.
  3. FIXED Resistance Type for RSPile should only show up for RSPile version 1 files.

Version 9.013 - March 22 2021 [Download]

  1. NEW Design Standards and Custom Partial Factors can now apply to RSPile piles.
  2. NEW Geosynthetic now has connection strength input option. Input can be depth-dependent or constant.
  3. NEW Option in the Display Options in Interpret to "Copy Modeler Tools On Open." This can be saved as the default.
  4. NEW Sirive anchors added to Manufacturer Library
  5. CHANGED Updated Design Standards to latest. Added single source assumption option.
  6. CHANGED Re-design of the support properties dialog.
  7. CHANGED Improved Report View functionality
  8. CHANGED Updated information in Technical Support dialog.
  9. CHANGED Modified Weak Layer File Writing to print less data
  10. CHANGED Updated splashscreen
  11. CHANGED Location of Synchronize Views button in Interpret for consistency with Modeler.
  12. CHANGED Updated help links for new help system and fixed broken help links.
  13. CHANGED Improved handling of surfaces with vertically adjacent points.
  14. FIXED Crash when importing Water Pressure Grid from model that doesn't have one.
  15. FIXED Fixed some versioning issues in Manufacturer Library
  16. FIXED Long file name causes report to be empty
  17. FIXED With v7 files, crash after converting, closing scenario and re-opening.
  18. FIXED Hydraulics table wasn't showing weak layer materials
  19. FIXED Ability to set column or row size of property tables by percentage
  20. FIXED Bug with adding a random material variable - the last one from list per material.
  21. FIXED Delete Query Label Crash
  22. FIXED Edit Table Option doesn't update the table accordingly
  23. FIXED Table Still Exists When No Properties are Used
  24. FIXED Display of bond length for support.
  25. FIXED Cleaned up display of property table in printing
  26. FIXED Print in chartview crashes the Interpret
  27. FIXED Fixed Variation By Depth From Datum Bug With GSI/Mi Parameters
  28. FIXED Fixed property viewer print in interpret

Version 9.012 - December 12 2020 [Download]

  1. FIXED Launched soil nails not computing
  2. FIXED Enum exceptions being caught by int causing occasional crash
  3. FIXED Slight slow down in computation time in case of high numbers of support items present

Version 9.011 - December 7 2020 [Download]

  1. CHANGED Update the Ito and Matsui method of pile force calculation
  2. CHANGED Tensar geogrid charts
  3. FIXED Weak layer extrapolation was snapping points downwards instead of upwards
  4. FIXED Draw Results in Property Viewer Crash when Show Slices is Enabled
  5. FIXED Display Minimum Surfaces is broken
  6. FIXED Shrink external should allow typed points
  7. FIXED Excessive memory use when large number of samples and random variables defined

Version 9.010 - October 15 2020 [Download]

  1. FIXED Interpret not opening with Slope Search and Max Data mode.
  2. FIXED Crash when adding soil profile boundary.
  3. CHANGED Changed tolerance to optimization tolerance for samples when running sensitivity analysis or probabilistic global minimum analysis, with optimization on.
  4. FIXED Project Summary (date, author, company).

Version 9.009 - September 28 2020 [Download]

  1. NEW Define probabilistic shear strength with COV
  2. NEW Multi-Modal: Finding multiple global minimums
  3. NEW New weak layer algorithm checks all weak layer surfaces
  4. NEW Wavin added as a support vendor for common types dialogs
  5. NEW Move entire model
  6. NEW Can now read pore pressure grids from other multi-scenario files (slmd files)
  7. Set as default in edit table
  8. Ability to link views from the toolbar for print preview
  9. 'Lock View' button in batch print preview
  10. Add FS in combobox next to method
  11. Surface Options dialog UI improvements
  12. Print Preview Pan Button
  13. RES: Problems with re-running analyses
  14. Support force values font size
  15. Slope ratios can now be shown when drawing polylines
  16. Models with borehole & profile now doesn't use the deleted material when computing
  17. Define support dialog crash; fixed.
  18. Slide2 Add Support/Material Properties Undo Crash; fixed.
  19. Memory consumption is reduced for large models with large numbers of vertices and different unit weights above and below water surfaces; fixed.
  20. Print in Property Viewer crashes the program; fixed.
  21. Doing Simplify Boundary or Geometry Cleanup crashes file; fixed.
  22. Selection in scenario viewer was not consistent and it is fixed now
  23. Interpreter does not load if sensitivity analysis does not output global min; fixed.
  24. Report Generator was disabled in Property Viewer when in Interpreter and is fixed and enabled now.
  25. Checking "Transparent Background" in Format Tool resets Header/Data color Is fixed.
  26. Newmark Analysis Table is Enabled when the seismic option is off in Project Settings is fixed and disabled
  27. Bad formatting with Gen Hoek Brown material table in report Is fixed
  28. Discrepancy between modeler & interpret Property Viewer, and disabled Property Viewer when spatial is on; fixed.
  29. During grid search with max data, bolt data is getting erased on all surfaces except the last circle per grid point, This is fixed now
  30. All Error Codes are now printed.
  31. 'Duplicate' button in dockform isn't rebuilding scenario tree; fixed.
  32. Help button in bolt properties doesn't work; fixed.

Version 9.008 - June 16 2020 [Download]

  1. Anchor Capacity for “End Anchored” bolt type saving issue has been fixed.
  2. Define Support dialog crashing when having more than five bolts has been fixed.

Version 9.007 - May 29 2020 [Download]

  1. A bug where the property viewer would hang due to duplicate groundwater grid points was fixed.
  2. Fix for report generator crash if EFW piles existed in the model.
  3. Fixed link to help in mesh error message.

Version 9.006 - May 20 2020 [Download]

  1. Fix for tensile and plate capacity not saving for certain bolt types.
  2. Added ability to change property table columns and rows while update table is on.
  3. Added ‘Transient Groundwater’ boundary condition back to toolbar.
  4. Fixed property table not updating from context menu edit table option.
  5. Fixing 'edit multi-doc properties' dialog (scenario and group names weren’t editable).
  6. Fix rapid drawdown parameters dialog spacing display issue.
  7. Fixed opening transient file causing report generator crash.
  8. Fix for text tool crash in preview view.

Version 9.005 - May 6 2020 [Download]

  1. If a version 8 or earlier file was read that contained geotextiles, and the geotextile properties dialog was opened and saved, the geotextile would be given the default tensile strength properties. The default tensile strength is shown in the dialog prior to saving.

Version 9.004 - May 5 2020 [Download]

  1. Header and footers in report generator weren’t working; fixed.
  2. Tools in interpret weren’t syncing with multi-scenario files; fixed.
  3. Property tables that are ‘docked’ don’t participate in zoom all anymore; fixed.
  4. Property table ‘dock’ wasn’t an undo/redo state; fixed.
  5. Preview images in scenario selection dialog weren’t working; fixed.

Version 9.003 - April 27 2020 [Download]

  1. Licensing issue with groundwater compute fixed.

Version 9.002 - April 24 2020 [Download]

  1. Fixed a bug with the material properties and bolt properties dialog that changing the name of the material would reset any changes you may have made to parameters.

Version 9.001 - April 21 2020 [Download]

  1. Maintenance+ version released.

Version 2018 8.032 - March 12 2020 [Download]

  1. Fixed bug with large number of quad elements causing crash.
  2. Can now enter negative suction values in the user defined permeability function dialog.
  3. Fixed a bug with anisotropic material index not being correct when moving material order in the material properties dialog.

Version 2018 8.031 - January 30 2020

  1. Fix for running multiple groundwater analyses scenarios in the same file.
  2. Particle Swarm Optimization now works for Overall Slope analyses.

Version 2018 8.030 - January 13 2020

  1. Removed limits on power curve parameters.
  2. Fix for 'last folder location' going 'up' when it's not supposed to.
  3. Fixed a bug with reading exported Slide2 files from Slide3 (bbar for loads).
  4. Changing the Optimization checkbox for linked scenarios does not propagate, fixed.
  5. Restore defaults for particle swarm optimization searching does not work, fixed.

Version 2018 8.029 - October 29 2019

  1. Fixed a synchronization problem with the lateral combo box in the RSPile support dialog for RSPile version 1 files.
  2. Fixed an issue with RSPile models where the maximum displacement was set as zero.
  3. Fixed an issue with copying anchors.
  4. Fixed an issue with statistical variables associated with materials that are later deleted.
  5. Updated compiler for groundwater engine.
  6. Updated licensing.
  7. Updated to include seismic records.

Version 2018 8.028 - August 28 2019

  1. A model with RSPile support using ultimate capacity did not work correctly and could result in support forces in the wrong direction.
  2. The installer now installs the Gemalto Sentinel LDK 7.92 runtime.
  3. The installer now installs the Gemalto Sentinel LDK 7.9 vendor library.

Version 2018 8.027 - August 2 2019

  1. Fixed bug where water table check wasn't being applied correctly when interpolating pore water pressure grids.
  2. Fixed a bug where modifying the external would break the behaviour of the property viewer.
  3. The default minimum slice width has been reduced by a factor of 10 reducing -124 warnings.
  4. Info file tables print a bit better in the browser.
  5. Fix for copy/paste to clipboard with multiple tools.
  6. Fix for right click 'done' when copying to clipboard in Interpret.
  7. Fix for grid paste bug for single columns grids and clipboard text with commas.
  8. Fixed bug where deleting materials or supports could cause the table tools to crash or show incorrect data.
  9. Fix for RSPile and failure surfaces intersecting the very bottom of the pile.
  10. Wasn't saving shared properties file on first save when directly converting to mutli-secnario from single scenario file.
  11. Fix for single scenario files not reloading in Interpreter once results recomputed.
  12. Added a check for sarma vertical method and excess pp / rapid drawdown. They are not supported.
  13. Fixed a bug that did not account for methods that did not generate any valid global minimum surface. In the global min probabilistic analysis, results from invalid methods are skipped without causing any problem.
  14. Fix for materials addition and moving up/down in the list reodering materials in a materials mesh in another scenario.
  15. Fixed issues with property table tools in Interpret synchronizing incorrectly.
  16. Fixed a bug with weak layers and failure surfaces not properly tracking along them.

Version 2018 8.026 - June 14 2019

  1. Bug fix for polyline focus for the block search, the right and left end condition were improperly applied in some situations.
  2. Bug fix for detecting when water assignment to a material actually changes so that water/piezo assignments propagate to linked scenarios correctly.
  3. Detecting changes to RU, HU, anisotropic surface selection to better sync with linked scenarios.
  4. Fixed bug where the depth was not being found correctly in some cases in the calculator for the property viewer.

Version 2018 8.025 - May 28 2019

  1. Bug fix for reading distributed loads and displaying info in info viewer. Just a display issue.
  2. Fixed a problem with the statistics and Latin Hypercube sampling. Sometimes it would hang.
  3. Clipping external to excavated profile section bug fix.
  4. Fixed a memory leak.
  5. Updating engine display to show model (group) name as well as scenario name.

Version 2018 8.024 - April 18 2019

  1. The Compute dialog now contains information on the scenario being calculated and the progress.
  2. The path to the file being calculated in the compute dialog has been removed.
  3. Fix for opening very large files in Interpret.
  4. Fix for reading user-defined water conditions in multi-scenario files.
  5. Added new Assign Properties dialog (same as RS2).
  6. Fix for Import Tools copying tools twice in the imported scenario.
  7. Update to (-) button functionality in Interpret dockform. Master Scenario no longer opens when pressed, just expand/contract functionality.
  8. Fixed problem with Interpret not detecting if results don't need to be re-read.
  9. Fix for DXF import issue when bringing in certain dxf arcs.
  10. Added warning message when operation causes external to go beyond the defined soil profile extents.
  11. Fixed certain "linking" issues with material boundaries and external.
  12. Fix for converting single-scenario to multi-scenario not remembering file name.

Version 2018 8.023 - March 27 2019

  1. Models with the Sarma non-vertical analysis method did not work with Newmark. Fixed.
  2. Models with the Sarma non-vertical analysis method and weak layers did not read properly into the Interpreter.
  3. New weak layer drawing method which better shows the material associated with the weak layer.
  4. Bug fix for bolt pattern modification in multiple scenarios.
  5. Fixed anchor pattern syncing for multi-scenario.

Version 2018 8.022 - February 27 2019

  1. Modeler: Fixed the issue that the interface could say that a material with other than Mohr-Coulomb or Shear Normal strength has undrained behavior for Rapid Drawdown analyses.
  2. Modeler: Some in use properties weren't being added to the text box tool.
  3. Modeler: Adding a new group wouldn't automatically set groundwater unit weight correctly for imperial units.
  4. Modeler: Fix for bug where moving the external or material boundary in a scenario wouldn't reset the groundwater meshes in sibling scenarios.
  5. Project summary wasn't being read properly in Interpret for multi-scenario files. Fixed

Version 2018 8.021 - January 11 2019

  1. Multiple scenarios with transient analyses and steady state initial pressures would crash or hang on loading into the Interpreter.
  2. Improved the import properties.
  3. Adding a user defined header/footer when printing did not work correctly, fixed.
  4. Added more keyboard accelerators for menu options.

Version 2018 8.020 - December 12 2018

  1. Saving tools in the Interpreter would reset the materials table. Fixed.

Version 2018 8.019 - December 5 2018

  1. Fix for GSTABL files and earthquake acceleration.
  2. Fix for bug where phi was seen as constant with discrete function materials and the property viewer.
  3. Fix for bug where file sizes grow with each save.
  4. Fix for using materials that are to be deleted in the material dialog.
  5. Fix for file saving issue for multi scenario files where user scenario files were being deleted.
  6. Fix for filenames ending in periods or spaces.
  7. Improvement in anisotropic direction when point of computation is close to the anisotropic surface vertex.
  8. Changed the material stats grid to enable users to select columns for pasting.
  9. Fix for multiple end connected weak layers.
  10. No longer copying and overwriting slmd file in engine due to possible file errors (scenarios disappearing).
  11. Fix for Block search polyline type not being applied to locked scenarios / master scenario propagation.
  12. Adding message box if no scenarios are selected for compute.
  13. Fix for artifact on edges with scenario preview images.
  14. Fix for axial only RSPile integration.
  15. New import properties dialog.
  16. Fixes for import tools.
  17. Fixes for import properties (stats).
  18. Project summary option for different project summaries in all scenarios.
  19. Fix for crash in Interpret when reading weak layers.

Version 2018 8.018 - October 1 2018

  1. Interpret crashed when reading maximum data mode files with support. Fixed.

Version 2018 8.017 - September 27 2018

  1. New Feature – Can now input LRFD partial factors for support..
  2. New Feature – Maximum single support force data is now written to the Infoviewer.
  3. New Feature – Can now export the bolt force diagrams to Excel by right-clicking on the bolt.
  4. New Feature – Can now graph probability of failure for probabilistic models in 'graph scenarios' option.
  5. Modified static boundary constraints in SA to respect the slope limits in special cases where surface end points sit on vertical slopes.
  6. Default execution priority for the compute engine has been changed to below normal.
  7. Removed Chugh and LTPS from borehole interpolation.
  8. Fixed bug where angle labels were written backwards
  9. Modified the internal tolerance used in surface optimization not to exceed the global tolerance used in the project settings.
  10. Fix for DXF import and profiles with large coordinates.
  11. Simulated annealing now uses 2000 iterations as the default.
  12. Can now enter a lower factor of safety tolerances than 1e-7.
  13. Fixed crash when opening the infoviewer with certain configurations of newmark analysis.
  14. Fixed bug with how piezometric lines were appearing in the property grid.
  15. Updated context sensitive help and website links to work with new website.
  16. Fixed bug with the units displayed in the property grid for infiltration boundary conditions.
  17. Fixed a bug where newmark seismic records would sometimes be scaled when the user did not want them to be.
  18. Fixed a can scale with zoom bug where users would randomly be unable to edit this setting.
  19. Fixed a bug in Kriging interpolation.
  20. Fixed a bug in static boundary constraints in SA.
  21. Certain rare combinations of model geometry and different unit weight setting above the water table would incorrectly intersect material boundaries with the failure surface.
  22. When reverse curvature tension cracks were added, water pressure was always applied in the crack. Now no water pressure is applied. User can change this in the tension crack properties dialog.

Version 2018 8.016 - July 24 2018

  1. A DXF import bug resulting in a crash was fixed.
  2. A fix for opening multi-scenario files where in-use bolt properties had been deleted. Fixed crash.

Version 2018 8.015 - July 17 2018

  1. Now saving view state selection in the Print Preview even when opening/closing print preview.
  2. Many bug fixes to the RSPile 2018 integration.
  3. Some bug fixes to the Newmark calculation for the special case that all displacements are zero.
  4. Bug in Infoviewer for scenarios.
  5. Multiscenario files printing now opens browser for printing due to table bug.
  6. Adding correlation data to scenario-specific material data.
  7. Updated help links for new website integration.
  8. Now opens default browser for local help.
  9. Fixed a number of engine crashes.
  10. Fix for property viewer and vertical stress ratio shear strength plotting. Now properly computing effective vertical stress.
  11. Now hiding property contour options dialog when closing the property viewer.
  12. A crash when optimizing surfaces with tension cracks was fixed.

Version 2018 8.014 - June 5 2018

  1. Fix for spatial. Program crashed if a material not being used had the spatial settings turned on.
  2. A bug when trying to view spatial materials in the property viewer.

Version 2018 8.013

  1. Program would not output slice information for Spencer or GLE in the rare case that the Bishop and Janbu factors of safety are within the convergence tolerance.
  2. Fix for bolt properties dialog crash.
  3. Program would sometimes crash when opening the bolt properties dialog.
  4. In rare cases, slice data would not be written to the Interpreter.

Version 2018 8.012 – May 24 2018

  1. Minor fix for Info Viewer.
  2. Adding "analysis method" to text boxes.
  3. Making analysis method dynamic text in text boxes properly capitalized.
  4. Fixed a bug with composite surfaces and water tables that follow along the composite surface.
  5. Improved the searching of models with infinite concave boundaries that allow slip.
  6. Fix for infinite boundaries with a lot of vertices.
  7. Fixing the file open of the examples and tutorials directory in Slide engine.
  8. Added a limit of 0.01 degree to the rapid drawdown friction angle. 0 degrees would cause a crash.
  9. Now looks for RSPile file in the same Slide folder if the specified path is not found.

Version 2018 8.011 – May 11 2018

  1. RSPile 2018 integration.
  2. Fixed small issue with RSPile file tooltip in bolt dialog.
  3. Minor text fixes in bolt properties dialog.
  4. Update property viewers in Modeler and Interpret to add water grid into the contour mesh to generate better contours.
  5. Fix for right-clicking bolts in Interpret and having them stay selected.
  6. Fixing file saving issues when closing the program/window with a new multi-scenario file that hasn't been saved.
  7. Parallel implementation of the Generalized Hoek-Brown shear-normal envelope.
  8. Fix for reading new multi-scenario files if just groundwater has been computed.
  9. Bug fix for project summary not syncing properly between scenarios and Modeler/Interpret.
  10. Update Slope/W file importer to import version 9 files.
  11. Fixed a bug in Surface Altering optimizatino where all surface points were removed for being located in a tension crack.
  12. Better handling of linking scenarios and assigning a material at a certain point.
  13. Updated the EFW bolt model to better handle constant pressures
  14. Tile scenarios for multi-scenario groups fixed.
  15. Fix for Interpret crashing if groundwater files computed without initial state set properly.
  16. Fix for "font" button in show values dialog (Interpret) not working.
  17. Fix for right-click compute scenario issue where groundwater would always re-compute.
  18. Improved Newmark computations for files with all methods (rigid, coupled, decoupled).
  19. Fix for an erroneous .slw file check in Interpret when it wasn't necessary.
  20. Fix for deletion of vertex in master scenario removing boundaries in other scenarios.
  21. Fixed a bug computing the layer height with Sarma vertical slice method.
  22. Fixed a bug with files not computing when a large number of vertices (some really close to each other) existed.

Version 2018 8.010 – April 17 2018

  1. More improvements and fixes for Newmark analyses.
  2. More improvements and fixes for Kc analyses.
  3. Fixed saving/loading "ru" values for multi-scenario.
  4. Fixes to bolt force diagrams.
  5. Fixes for issues that may occur when converting to weak layer and opening the weak layer material dialog.
  6. Multi-doc sync issue with anchor pullout/bond strength by material. Fixed.
  7. Added extra safety to handle exceptions in parallel region in Cuckoo (to avoid occasional freezing after user abort).
  8. Added tools as selectable entities for "convert boundaries" mode.
  9. Support legend in Interpret wasn't displaying correctly. Fixed.
  10. Crash fixed when files have piles.
  11. Fixed issues with user defined boundary conditions for transient - now saving / loading by scenario.
  12. Fixed a bug for Pile/Micro Pile tooltip where force direction and distribution type are not displayed properly.
  13. "Simplify boundary" now works with all polyline boundaries, not just material and external.
  14. Added the option to draw slices to the property viewer.
  15. Fixed bug where results of un-opened un-synced files weren't being deleted.
  16. Added materials used in weak layer assignment to material property table tool.
  17. Fixed bug in SA that occasionally could allow non-convex surfaces to be stored as global minimum.
  18. Fixed bug when having Cuckoo with convex only plus SA with concavity and sensitivity and probabilistic on the global minimum.
  19. Bug fix for tiebacks.
  20. Added ability to define the force angle for end-anchored, tiebacks and soil nails.
  21. Improvements in user-defined bolts.

Version 2018 8.009 – April 13 2018

  1. Improvements to the bolt force diagrams. Added diagrams for Ito & Matsui and Launched Soil Nails.
  2. Version 7 files using RSPile support, read into 2018, did not recognize the piles. Fixed.
  3. A rare crash in the probability engine was fixed.
  4. Fix for transient boundary conditions set by scenario.
  5. Pile/Micropile tooltips improved.
  6. "Simplify Boundary" now works with all polyline boundaries, not just material and external.
  7. Can now define the orientation of the support force for End Anchored, Tiebacks, and Soil Nails.
  8. Added an option to draw slices to the property viewer, can also be used to draw the failed soil mass differently.
  9. Fixed a bug where results of un-opened un-synced files weren't being deleted.
  10. Adding materials used in weak layer assignment to material property table tool.
  11. Fixed a bug in SA that occasionally could allow non-convex surfaces to be stored as global min.
  12. Fixed a bug when having a Cuckoo Search with convex only, plus SA with concavity, and sensitivity and probabilistic, on the global minimum.
  13. Now abort in the compute dialog should work all the time for circular/non-circular auto-refine search and grid search.
  14. Fixed a Newmark bug with how the global minimum was being set.
  15. Fix for Newmark data initialization.
  16. Improved speed of Newmark analysis.
  17. Fixed a bug where bond strength for Grout Tieback is not updated properly.
  18. Fixed a bug re display of invalid values in the compute console for Newmark analysis.
  19. Fix for invalid characters in worksheet name for Excel export.
  20. Compute Engine will now try to automatically launch ground water engine if results are not present.

Version 2018 8.008 – April 3 2018

  1. Newmark analysis fix.
  2. Under rare circumstances the path search would not compute the slope height correctly resulting in poor or no surfaces being generated. Fixed.
  3. Some Windows 10 crashing issues were fixed.
  4. Fix for profile materials reassigning on geometry change.
  5. Fixed issue with the title in Property Viewer legend.
  6. Fixed bug with the first property being displayed in the Property Viewer.
  7. "Free updates" link wasn't working in the help menu. Fixed.
  8. "Contact Us" wasn't working in Interpret. Fixed.

Version 2018 8.007 – March 23 2018

  1. Commercial release.

Version 7.038 – March 12 2019 [Download]

  1. A combination of Sarma nonvertical slices method and Newmark displacements did not work. Fixed.
  2. Fix for reading GSTABL 7 files with earthquake loading.

Version 7.037 – October 1 2018

  1. Fixed a bug where newmark seismic records would sometimes be scaled when the user did not want them to be.
  2. Certain rare combinations of model geometry and different unit weight setting above the water table would incorrectly intersect material boundaries with the failure surface.
  3. When reverse curvature tension cracks were added, water pressure was always applied in the crack. Now no water pressure is applied. User can change this in the tension crack properties dialog.
  4. Fixed bug with the units displayed in the property grid for infiltration boundary conditions.

Version 7.036 – May 24 2018

  1. Minor fix for the InfoViewer.
  2. Added "analysis method" to text boxes.
  3. Made analysis method dynamic text in text boxes properly capitalized.

Version 7.035 – May 11 2018

  1. Bug fix - all stages of some slmd transient files weren't being read properly in Interpret.
  2. Minor fix for rspile filepath tooltip in bolt properties dialog.
  3. Fixed a bug computing the layer height with Sarma vertical slice method.
  4. Update Slope/W file importer to import version 9 files.
  5. DXF import for polyline/polygon tools now retains colors.
  6. Fix for interpreter crashing if groundwater files computed without initial state set properly.
  7. Fix for 'font' button in show values dialog (interpret) not working.

Version 7.034 – April 17 2018

  1. Fixed bug with transient boundary conditions being erased.
  2. Added all polyline types to "simplify boundary" option, not just materials and external.
  3. Bolt material dependent bond/pullout strength wasn't syncing in multi-scenario. Fixed.

Version 7.033 – April 3 2018

  1. Under rare circumstances the path search would not compute the slope height correctly resulting in poor or no surfaces being generated. Fixed.

Version 7.032 – March 21 2018

  1. Fix for newmark contour drawing bug.
  2. Fixing possible bug with adding polylines in interpret.
  3. Water table wasn't writing unique id so it wasn't able to sync when 'lock scenarios' was on.
  4. Bug fix for bolt pattern crashing after deleting external boundary.
  5. Elevations weren't displayed properly in info viewer.
  6. Bottom elevation wasn't refreshing properly in borehole dialog.
  7. Bug fix in project settings dialog - if 'restore defaults' is performed, control was becoming visible when it shouldn't be. Also, slices should be set to 25 if sarma is selected.
  8. Fix for pathsearch and convex surface setting.
  9. Changing maximum length of lines when reading materials/anchors (no bug reported, just for safety).
  10. Improved slice width check in compute engine.

Version 7.031 – January 24 2018

  1. K angle range for permeability now -360 to 360 degrees.
  2. Support force now added to last slice when support crosses a tension crack.
  3. The depth filter now works correctly with the slope search.
  4. More error handling during DXF import.

Version 7.030 – November 24 2017

  1. A proper error message is now displayed when reading a DXF file with a problem.
  2. Support passing through a tension crack in left to right models would generate support forces with wrong orientations. This did not happen with bolt forces aligned to the direction of the support.
  3. Fixed Hoek-Brown parameter display in the Info Viewer.
  4. Added Arc and Circle options to drawing polylines in the Interpreter.
  5. Fixed some issues with grid data in property tables.

Version 7.029 – October 20 2017

  1. Fix to some bugs with the property grid for property tables.
  2. Modifying contour display so that all contours above/below the min/max show instead of being hidden, giving the surface filter proper control of what surfaces are shown rather than the contour options overriding the filter.
  3. Fix for number of vertices issue for Sarma nonvertical.
  4. Fix to data tip bug when looking at search grid.
  5. Fix for tools incorrectly being deleted when soil profile boundary is deleted.

Version 7.028 – September 26 2017

  1. Fixed a bug with SHANSEP materials with ponded water.
  2. Disabled ability to add profile if more than one multi-scenario model (was too complicated, wasn't working properly).
  3. Bug fix for syncing changing project settings like units for multi-scenario.
  4. Update tooltip for soil profile.

Version 7.027 – August 24 2017

  1. Can now turn off high dpi setting in the technical support dialog accessed through the Help menu.
  2. Fixed 'zoom window' to handle coordinate input from keyboard.
  3. Added fix for sync bugs.
  4. Fix for groundwater properties multi-scenario un-synced bug.

Version 7.026 – July 11 2017

  1. Now supports high dpi graphics cards.
  2. Fix crash when mouse is over Recent File menu item and recent documents history is disabled with group policy.
  3. Added Windows 10 detection to tech support dialog.
  4. Fix for opening certain multi-doc files in Interpret. (was crashing)
  5. Fix for infinite error message popup when balloon type popups are disabled system-wide.

Version 7.025 – June 22 2017

  1. Fix for pore pressure head transient ground water conditions not being written to engine correctly.

Version 7.024 – May 16 2017

  1. Assigning materials with dialog in profile and locked scenarios would cause issues. Fixed.
  2. Fixed dxf import crash bug.
  3. Added option for importing just tools or just summary or both when importing tools file.

Version 7.023 – April 6 2017

  1. Bug fix for Kc mode and rapid drawdown.
  2. Seismic loads weren't syncing when 'locked scenarios' was turned on. Fixed.
  3. Overall support forces and moments now output for global minimums.
  4. Updated warning message for scenario syncing in mat prop dialog.
  5. Added restriction to bolt length and strip coverage, must be >=1.
  6. Bug fix for slope limits 'define 2nd set' checkbox not syncing.
  7. Fixing bug with supplemental contours syncing with FOS contours.
  8. Supplemental contours now can be synced for multi-scenario files.
  9. Default horizontal axis position to 'bottom'.
  10. Fixing message box appearing when selecting 'export' in discrete function dialog.
  11. Fixing syncing bug where search methods were changed (when they shouldn't be) if project settings dialog was opened and scenarios were 'locked'.
  12. Fix for phib from water content for transient analysis.
  13. Noncircular surfaces with tension cracks now takes the right most or left most point.
  14. Fix for opening .sli files in interpreter while mutli-scenario files open.
  15. Fix for multi-scenario groundwater files not opening iterations or log history file.
  16. Fix for multi-scenario groundwater files not checking for convergence.
  17. Update mechanism now uses zip files.

Version 7.022 – January 19 2017

  1. A synchronization issue for multi-scenario files was fixed. Checks for synchronization issues was added to ensure old files are valid.
  2. Files with water grids would not compute on 32-bit platforms.
  3. Geotextiles with end points entered opposite to the direction of failure would not apply the anchorage correctly. This would happen for geotextiles on the back of narrow embankments or with the slope point entered internally to the slope. Both rare cases.

Version 7.021 – December 14 2016

  1. Compute: Bbar rapid drawdown now works for all effective material models.
  2. Fixed broken help links.
  3. Interpret: Added scroll bar for graph query dialog.
  4. Modeler: Fixed bug with closing page setup dialgo with file that had uppercase SLIM extension instead of slim.
  5. Modeler: Minor fix for visibility of a group box control in Project Settings dialog.

Version 7.020 – October 27 2016

  1. New Feature: Can now plot vertical stresses and vertical effective stress along the slip surface in the Interpreter. Useful for liquefaction analyses.

Version 7.019 – October 13 2016

  1. Speed and accuracy improvements for interpolation. Improvements made in both the engine and Interpreter, for both water pressure grids and discrete strength functions.
  2. Supplemental contouring speed improved.
  3. Fix for direction flag sometimes being set incorrectly in multi-scenario files. Fixed.
  4. Now adds water intersection without material intersections for Sarma.
  5. Water force computation fix on interslice boundaries for Sarma analysis.
  6. Fix for crashing in Slide Interpreter with multi-scenario groundwater files.
  7. Fixed display bug with KS units in sidebar.
  8. Fixed bug in Kriging interpolation.
  9. Improved computation of files with Snowden material models.
  10. Updated slope stability verification manual and new index by file summary.

Version 7.018 – August 17 2016

  1. Added warning message for graphing non-global queries in "Standard" output mode.
  2. Fixed potential memory leak in interpolation.
  3. Bug fix for moving center of circular surface by typing coordinates.
  4. Changes to histogram plot settings to improve appearance of grayscale charts.
  5. Minor fix for histogram color.
  6. Bug fix for adding bad focus search window (error message would loop).
  7. The system default browser now opens the Help.
  8. Fixed issues with quick stats dialogs.
  9. Enabling option for user to pick "perform geometry cleanup" after dxf import.
  10. Fixed issue with text being cut off in hydraulic properties dialog.
  11. Fix for multi-scenario transient files (in some cases they were not being read properly in Interpret).

Version 7.017 – June 1 2016

  1. Bug Fix. Info viewer "current stage" wasn't being updated.
  2. Bug fix for Overall Probabilistic analysis along with surface optimization.
  3. Changed the default maximum concave angle to 2 degrees for monte-carlo optimization.
  4. Fixed a minor bug regarding number of valid/invalid surfaces.
  5. Fixed a memory crash in case of "Overall Slope" probabilistic analysis combined with Monte-Carlo surface optimization.
  6. Fix for reading seismic records into a Newmark analysis if the file uses imperial units.
  7. Properly reads material assignments as well as excavated areas from GeoStudio.
  8. Fixed issue with program hanging when reading back imported GeoStudio file.
  9. Added ability to change profile color.
  10. Bug fix for water tables created by boreholes but no external boundary defined. (was crashing)
  11. Bug fix. Moving distributed loads on soil profile boundaries wasn't working.
  12. Bug fix with multi-scenario files. Interpret groundwater wasn't reading properly when "Calculate SF' for that stage was enabled.
  13. Bug fix. Converting a boundary with "lock scenarios" turned on would crash the program.
  14. Feature. Saving "sync interpret view" options such as "sync method" and "sync tools" for multi-scenario files.
  15. Bug fix. When recomputing and saving multi-scenario files, interpret tools file would sometimes be overwritten.

Version 7.016 – May 10 2016

  1. Bug fix for a scenario geometry syncing issue.
  2. Files with a huge number of materials would limit the number of scenarios possible (reduced # of GDI objects used by mesh).
  3. Fixed a crash associated with interpolation of pore pressures.
  4. Now properly updating display grid when opening a file in Interpreter.
  5. Fixed crash when adding bolt pattern with certain (rare) geometries.
  6. Fixed memory leak in models with pore water pressure grid.
  7. Bug fix for crash after deleting tool with delete key after clicking inside external boundary.

Version 7.015 – May 2 2016

  1. Bug fix for crash after deleting tool with delete key after clicking inside external boundary.
  2. Fixed epsilon issues with determining slice weights with large models and a lot of material and external boundary vertices (100s).
  3. Slightly restructured snapping in Monte Carlo random walk. Now, if snapping is selected, it always applies to all search surfaces.
  4. Fix for negative pore pressure cutoff. Back to version 6 implementation for water tables.
  5. Added lower limit to Cuckoo search initial number of vertices (>2).
  6. Fix to convex hull for colinear points. Was causing a problem with interpolation and contouring in the Interpreter.
  7. Better error handling when multi-scenario file fails to open one of the scenarios. Rest of the scenarios should still be available now.
  8. Added an extra checking criterion for mismatch of SLW data with gw mesh.
  9. Fix for distribution of bolt forces over slices the bolt intersects.
  10. Material property table had dimensions for Shansep s and m. Fixed.
  11. Fixed units for Shansep A.
  12. Negative datum / cohesion change was not being allowed in material properties dialog. Fixed.
  13. "Datum" value wasn't showing up in Info Viewer. Fixed.
  14. Moving limits when scenarios locked wasn't marking other scenarios as modified. Fixed.
  15. Importing view state files in Interpret now works properly with multi-scenario files. Added feature.
  16. Improved supplemental contour in Interpreter.

Version 7.014 – March 30 2016

  1. Fixed a bug with memory cleanup of models with pore water pressure
  2. Very minor fix for error code text
  3. Assign properties with 'lock scenarios' turned on was only syncing the material changes the first time, all subsequent assignments were only being performed in one scenario.
  4. Added stage name and number options to title blocks (print preview)
  5. Display bug fix to help single slices for non-vertical Sarma to draw correctly when selected (some slope geometry resulted in inaccurate slice drawing)
  6. Added 'StageTime' as title block option
  7. Fix for left clicking on a tool and then converting it into a boundary sometimes crashed the program
  8. Fix for getting materials mesh boundaries _without_ discretizations in Compute module
  9. Improved the drawing of supplemental contours
  10. Fixed a bug in the compute engine when tensile check flag is set on. It will disable this flag for the initial run of bishop and janbu methods.

Version 7.013 – February 29 2016

  1. New Feature: 'Copy to clipboard' for all tools in right click menu (Modeler and Interpret)
  2. New Feature: 'Copy to clipboard' now works for tools from main menu option (Modeler and Interpret)
  3. New Feature: "Copy Tool to Scenarios' for tools in Interpret
  4. Bug fix: Interpret crashed in multi scenarios sometimes after Copying Tools from Modeler
  5. Fix for bolt properties dialog not validating values correctly
  6. Improving speed of 'duplicate model' on network drives
  7. Adding circular/noncircular and search method information to result datatips
  8. Added 'lock zoom' to modeler (for all files, not just multi-scenario)
  9. Interpret. Convergence plots now work for groundwater analyses.

Version 7.012 – February 12 2016

  1. Dialog fixes for text being cut off with large fonts.
  2. Fixed dialog text for Newmark, acceleration to g's.
  3. Feature: added ability to select custom colors for "anchor force diagram" on bolts.
  4. Bug fix for copying boundaries in multi-scenario. Wasn't creating unique IDs for boundaries so they would look like they were being "deleted" when a change happened.
  5. Added check for Cuckoo search number of surface vertices to be less than the number of slices.
  6. "Import Materials" can now import from multi-scenario files.
  7. Import tools now allows you to select which scenarios to import into.
  8. "Copy tools from modeler" now works with multi-scenario files.
  9. Added fix for multiple surfaces at the same center and showing slice data.
  10. Improved reading/writing of multi-scenario files accessed on a network drive in modeler and interpret (10x speed improvement)
  11. Reorganized toolbars
  12. All valid (computable) scenarios in multi-scenario files will now compute if manually added to the engine
  13. Help IDs updated for statistics dialog
  14. Bug fix for dynamic text in text boxes (Interpret)
  15. Bug fix for snapping shallow surfaces

Version 7.011 – February 2 2016

  1. Bug fix for soil profile boundaries not being recreated correctly, especially with boreholes.
  2. "Close all but this" now closes all scenarios in ALL groups, not just scenarios of the same group.
  3. "Excavate above boundary" was not syncing among all groups. Fixed.

Version 7.010 – January 21 2016

  1. Slice angle validation for customer defined Sarma nonvertical slices.
  2. Opening material/support properties dialog was resetting material assignments when profile existed for multi-scenario files.
  3. Fixed a bug in Monte-Carlo optimization of surface followed by Auto Refine Search method
  4. New staging of strength of layered embankments using the SHANSEP method (see tutorial on this).
  5. InfoViewer updates
  6. Added ability to create water table from boreholes
  7. Improved auto refine search method for circular surfaces
  8. Minor fix for updating displayed factor of safety in the engine console
  9. Added borehole information to InfoViewer
  10. Unit fix for SHANSEP constant
  11. Fix for issue with "computable" scenarios - check wasn't being run all of the time, giving false positives
  12. Modified Sarma optimization to yield better results for models with generalized anisotropic material property
  13. Added a slope angle wizard for scenarios
  14. Fix for profile changing when external is moved outside original boundary - wasn't syncing with other groups
  15. Added Vandenberge and Wright (2016) interpolation method for Rapid Drawdown and Staged Seismic analyses
  16. Improved the imperial values used for default bolt and material properties
  17. Fix for line load visibility in Interpret
  18. Fix for InfoViewer not displaying the correct rock mass strength function for materials
  19. Fix for crash when left clicking on a region assigned the very last material property in the properties database.
  20. Added undrained strength interpolation method to InfoViewer
  21. Removed headers from Copy (list of coordinates) for queries
  22. Groundwater compute engine fix for AMD processors, updated to MKL version 11.2.
  23. Info Viewer error with results - sometimes was cutting off first digit in tables
  24. Addition of surface average height and surface horizontal width to output
  25. Adding info viewer visibility options to save/restore defaults
  26. Bug fix for closing interpret with a modified multi-scenario document and selecting 'yes' to save sometimes crashed the program
  27. Added 'Group name' and 'Scenario name' to custom title block text.
  28. Fixed a crash when adding image and hitting 'cancel' in Interpret
  29. Changed 'Add Image' in interpret to be consistent with Modeler (now has transparency tools)
  30. bug fix for property grid display of modified snowden anisotropic angle value
  31. bug fix for material property dialog launching Rocdata (wasn't finding it correctly)
  32. bug fix for paste non-circular failure surface from clipboard
  33. bug fix for multi scenario files not resetting variables properly in compute (causing files not to be able to be read in interpret)
  34. added 'delete all results' and 'refresh icons' options for multi scenario files in right click dockform menu
  35. User defined slices for Sarma’s nonvertical analyses are now drawn in bold.
  36. Changing units also reset material & support names and hatch/colors. Now retaining this information when changing units.
  37. Bug fix for circular grids, in some cases not all the intermediate surfaces were being computed. Global minimum not affected.

Version 7.009 – December 11 2015

  1. Can now manually define orientation and strength for Sarma nonvertical interslice boundaries.
  2. Multi doc filename now in Infoviewer.
  3. Multi-scenario filename now in title bar.
  4. Fix for 'coefficient of correlation' footer in chart - was not updating all the time.
  5. Correlation equating fix. The error for shape of the equated distributions was incorrect.
  6. Fix for deleting profile boundaries not syncing.
  7. Setting unsaved scenarios as unsynced.
  8. Improved arc drawing.
  9. Syncing seismic load and seismic statistics when scenarios are locked.
  10. Syncing 'back analysis' when scenarios are locked.
  11. Fix for sarma non-vertical drawing slices (clipping wasn't always working).
  12. Fix for back analysis syncing.
  13. Fix for exporting tools and groundwater when exporting scenario files as single Slide files.
  14. Minor fix for show indices/coordinates for synced entities (multi scenario).
  15. Added feature to duplicate scenario in new group.
  16. Copy scenarios wasn't copying tools.
  17. Back analysis fix for Janbu corrected.
  18. In a Sarma nonvertical analysis, an option to prevent the program from adding slices at material intersections was added.
  19. Infoviewer fixes for Sarma.
  20. Fix for writing back analysis data in multi_threaded search routines.
  21. Fix for "unable to copy" message.
  22. Added an option for SHANSEP and Vertical Stress Ratio materials to limit the shear strength (Maximum shear strength cutoff).
  23. Fixed a bug in initializing nonvertical vertices.
  24. Fixed a bug in setting upper/lower boundaries for Sarma optimizer.
  25. Added hyperlinks to scenario warning messages.

Version 7.008 – December 2 2015

  1. Added advanced correlation stats to the info file
  2. Fixed error with validating seismic record and newmark analysis (if advanced was unchecked, would still validate)
  3. Fixed bug for duplicating scenario with groundwater file if unsaved
  4. A radius corection error was being incorrectly being issued for Sarma analysis with #slices
  5. RSPile analyses within Slide now uses material unit weights and water table from the Slide analysis.
  6. Added 'apply to all views' button in contour options
  7. Added 'edit table' link to right click table tool menu and made link in display grid work
  8. Fixed a bug in block search
  9. Improvements to locking contours/method
  10. Now syncs 'view mode' as well (e.g groundwater)
  11. Added 'apply to all scenarios' button for display grid
  12. Minor fix for modeler/interpret consistency
  13. Fixed scenario syncing with the 'define slope limits' dialog
  14. fixed bugs in storing optimized surfaces
  15. Optimization counter is now displayed only for one thread
  16. Bug fix for bolt properties dialog (force direction for micro-pile was hidden)

Version 7.006 – November 30 2015

  1. Units now displayed with Newmark displacement
  2. Add option for the number of materials and bolts in the properties dialogs
  3. Newmark fix for Ky=0
  4. Changed the text “Kc” to “Ky” in both the modeler and Interpreter for Ky mode
  5. RSPile now uses the Slide unit weights and water table to compute the pile force diagram.
  6. Overall slope probability now works with Ky and Newmark
  7. Fixed reliability data in grid search
  8. Fixed valid/invalid counters in .s01 files for overall probabilistic analysis
  9. Some fixes in writing probabilistic data
  10. Fixed bugs for generating reliability information for noncircular surfaces and probabilistic analyses
  11. Fixed a bug in multithreaded probability computation
  12. Added simple text box back
  13. Added dropdown arrows to groundwater compute and groundwater interpret from the modeler
  14. Exporting all scenarios to Slide version 6 option
  15. Parallel block searches
  16. Fix for line / distributed loads syncing when locked scenarios
  17. Infoviewer updates (more tables)
  18. Context help for new dialogs
  19. Can now move distributed loads
  20. Fixed a bug in the initialization of non vertical Sarma wedges
  21. Mesh discretization’s now visible after selecting discretize option
  22. Russian font was not displayed correctly for buttons in Assign materials
  23. Enabled "Sarma non-vertical optimization in all samples" if selected from the project setting
  24. Keyboard shortcuts in modeler and interpret
  25. Bug fix for reading transient files
  26. Critical surface (ri) text box font same size as other query fonts
  27. White lines pdf fix (restoring from slide 6)
  28. Bug fix with print preview window open
  29. Fixed text box and old tool issues
  30. Added small/large icon preference back
  31. Added seismic load button
  32. Surface options in most model modes (flowbar) now
  33. Changed tension crack default to dry and default create tension crack on reverse curvature to off
  34. Added 'method results' table tool

Version 7.005 – November 10 2015

  1. Beta Release. See What's New in Version 7.0

Version 6.039 – May 11 2016

  1. Importing SlopeW files: fix for incorrect indexing of reinforcements in properties.
  2. Fix for bolt properties dialog not validating values correctly.

Version 6.038 – January 8 2016

  1. Improved the imperial values used for default bolt and material properties.

Version 6.037 – November 25 2015

  1. Fixed contouring range issue for pressure head and pore pressure in the Interpreter.
  2. Fixed a bolt memory utilization issue.
  3. A correction to the bolt force diagram for bolts in compression was added.
  4. Improved the tension check.
  5. Added v7 compatibility checking.
  6. Software now look for all usable licenses on all usable license servers.

Version 6.036 – July 31 2015

  1. Slope search bug fixed. A combination of single slope limits and a point focus would crash the engine.
  2. Error code 107 and 108 for negative and zero driving moment warnings have been improved to account for noncircular surfaces with offset normal forces. This generally means more converged surfaces.
  3. The option to force m=0 for pore pressures and pressure head in the Interpreter has been improved.

Version 6.035 – April 27 2015

  1. Improved convergence of models with materials using the Hoek-Brown failure criterion.

Version 6.034 – March 10 2015

  1. Compute. Improved calculation of instantaneous c and phi for Original Hoek-Brown materials.
  2. Interpret. Improved zoomall when there are property table tools.
  3. Interpret. Histogram edge condition fixed.
  4. Interpret. Property table tool ignored "scale with zoom" OFF setting when printing. Fixed.
  5. Modeler. Reverse curvature circular surfaces, with a grid search, are now not computed by default.

Version 6.033 – January 20 2015

  1. Materials whose strength is a function of depth, that lay below an infinite strength material, would have the depth and strength computed incorrectly.
  2. An advanced option was added to allow addition of slice boundaries at water table or piezo line intersection points with the failure surface.

Version 6.032 – November 25 2014

  1. Bug fix for infiltration boundary conditions on finite element meshes including second order elements (6-noded and 8-noded quadrilateral elements).

Version 6.031 – October 17 2014

  1. Bug fix for transient infiltration and nodal flow boundary conditions.

Version 6.030 – Octdober 3 2014

  1. Only show used functions in Infoview.
  2. Removed water surfaces from soil legend if doing FEA analysis.
  3. DXF update.
  4. Improved inverse distance interpolation.
  5. Compute can now define default startup priority.
  6. Creating a generalized Anisotropic strength function before the slope geometry could cause a crash. Fixed.

Version 6.029 – April 25 2014

  1. Broke the Discharge sections for groundwater analyses in version 6.028. Fixed.

Version 6.028 – April 16 2014

  1. Added correlation of beta and triangular variables for probabilistic analyses.
  2. Fixed an issue with vertical infiltration, it was being ‘flipped’ sometimes when you remeshed then saved/closed/opened the file.

Version 6.027 – March 17 2014

  1. Fixed a minor convergence issue for the case when the option “Scale tolerance according to time units” is selected.
  2. Negative effective stresses on tiebacks are now set to zero effective stress.
  3. Online Help option added.

Version 6.026 – January 16 2014

  1. Fixed bug in default titleblock for “Project title, Page#” header.
  2. Material dependent reinforcement was not being reported correctly in the support properties table.
  3. Coordinate table is now available for the polyline tool in the Interpreter.
  4. Added display option to toggle water pressure grid drawing
  5. Fixed a problem that when a surface vertex was extremely close to a material vertex, the weight of the slice was not being computed correctly. This rarely shows up during the optimization of noncircular surfaces.
  6. Models with 500 materials now run correctly.

Version 6.025 – September 20 2013

  1. Updated Help system to support Google Chrome and IE10.
  2. The convergence criterion for ground water flow analysis was modified aiming for a faster convergence.
  3. When importing dxf files, can now pick multiple dxf files to read from in the file open dialog.
  4. Entering a large number of flow lines with small step sizes would result in an out of memory error. Fixed.
  5. Bug fix in plotting the unsaturated functions (permeability and water-content versus matric suction).
  6. Under extremely rare circumstances, the weight of a slice was not been computed properly. This happened when a vertex in the failure surface approached a vertex of a material boundary during optimization. The model would also have to have a high width to height ratio and have large coordinates.

Version 6.024 – July 31 2013

  1. The graphing of distance versus support force for custom support did not properly label the x axis in the plot. The x axis showed normalized distance. This had no effect on the actual data or the results.
  2. When doing a transient analysis and importing a soil-water characteristic curve (SWCC), the values would be pasted into both the permeability and water content tabs. This would incorrectly over-write any hydraulic conductivity function (HCF) that was already defined. Fixed.
  3. Fixed bug in import user defined permeability function where both WC and Peremeability imported the same function, rather than just the currently selected option.
  4. Multilayer polylines in DXF files are now supported.
  5. The plotting of permeability functions for groundwater analyses was not correct. Pressure head was not being converted to pore pressure correctly. This had no effect on results, it was simply a graphing problem in the data input dialog.
  6. The restriction of 50 time steps for transient analyses has been removed.

Version 6.023 – July 5 2013

  1. Can now define a residual water content for transient water functions.
  2. The plotting of all values for a bolt force diagram would sometimes give you a different min and max when compared to the min-max option.
  3. Interpret. Fixed excessive memory usage by groundwater results module which would prevent Interpret from loading files with larger number of nodes.
  4. Improved the Import Properties option to allow the user to specify at what material index the newly imported properties get loaded into.
  5. Updated the mi table of typical values to be consistent with the latest version published in Practical Rock Engineering, Rock mass Properties chapter.
  6. Often people incorrectly apply a disturbance factor to an entire rock mass.
  7. If opening a file in Interpret resulted in “Unexpected end of file. Unable to read file” error, it only meant that previously saved custom contour format got corrupted. The error is no longer displayed and the contours are simply reset to default “Hot to Cold”.

Version 6.022 – May 8 2013

  1. Eliminated a crash when editing model geometry with very large coordinates relative to the size of the model.
  2. Noncircular autoslope search when used in conjunction with overall slope probability would sometimes crash the program. Fixed.
  3. Fixed issue with faint white lines showing on screen when printing to PDF printers. These were only visible on display and not on printout.
  4. Small improvements in Titleblock designer.

Version 6.021 – April 1 2013

  1. Increased the cutoff for slopes of vertical lines. Improved the accuracy of vertical slopes.
  2. Window position of the application was not correctly restored if it was on a second monitor when it was closed.
  3. Fix for support forces graph defaults.
  4. Fixed a problem with noncircular Auto Refine searching method. If the number of initially valid surfaces is small, with only a few divisions containing valid surfaces, the algorithm would prematurely exit creating invalid files.

Version 6.020 – December 3 2012

  1. Added an Advanced option to correct the radius of circular surfaces when there are a small number of slices (less than 5) and the center of the base of each slice is not close to the circle arc.
  2. An advanced option to factor the normal force on the base of a slice was added for passive support forces. This is now the default case.
  3. A problem with the auto slope search not working correctly if you previously used a grid search with a point focus was fixed.
  4. Modeler/Interpret. Snapping bug was fixed.
  5. Compute. Optimized surfaces with a limit on concave angle sometimes violated this angle. Fixed.
  6. Compute. A new option for limiting total concave angle was added to the optimization settings.
  7. A bug in the program that prevents the noncircular auto slope search working when the elevation checkbox is being used. Fixed.
  8. Interpret. Added ability to change the font of the safety factor text for queries.
  9. Modeler. The project settings dialog now doesn’t allow you to go below the maximum used material property.
  10. Groundwater Compute: Improved the iteration of the unknown boundary condition.
  11. New advanced project setting was added to filter out surfaces with slice widths below a certain user defined value.
  12. New advanced project setting was added to filter out surfaces with slice weight below a certain user defined value.
  13. New advanced project setting was added to filter out surfaces with slice base angles above a certain user defined value.
  14. Fixed an issue with the shortcut text for the Tools Edit Coordinates and Delete Tool being the same.

Version 6.019 – October 3 2012

  1. Groundwater Compute. Fixed a bug for the transient seepage analysis for problems with specified mv.
  2. Groundwater Compute. Improved solution convergence for transient problems.
  3. Compute. Improved the way the water table and piezolines compute pore pressure when the polylines double back on themselves.
  4. Modeler Added a check to disallow infinite, no strength and undrained materials from being assigned to a water table.
  5. Interpret. Fixed Autoformat saving for contours of factor of safety and supplemental contours.
  6. Interpret. Fixed a bug where Add Query (for FEA groundwater) would not allow user to enter a single point query.
  7. Interpret. Changed naming of ‘Axis Placement’ chart setting for FEA groundwater query to make it less confusing.

Version 6.018 – July 20 2012

  1. Groundwater Compute. Fixed a bug for the transient infiltration boundary condition when seepage face condition is selected.
  2. Groundwater Compute. Fixed a bug with the unknown boundary conditions for transient analysis.
  3. Modeler/Compute. Introduced the flexibility to enter mv for transient groundwater analyses.
  4. Modeler. Increased precision when saving loads, loads would not have enough precision when coordinates were huge.
  5. Modeler. Added check in groundwater material properties dialog to ensure that permeability must be greater than zero.
  6. Modeler. Added warning to scale infiltration conditions when time units are changed and infiltration boundary conditions exist.
  7. Modeler. When adding transient groundwater stages using the ‘date’ option, dates were not being converted into other time units correctly.
  8. Modeler. Added checkbox in tool properties dialog for units.
  9. Compute. For the ordinary method and circular surfaces, the radius is now computed to the center of the slice base instead of using the circle radius used to define the surface. This really only matters if there are only a few slices.
  10. Compute. In very rare cases, the global minimum computed through optimization was not properly displayed in the Interpreter. You would see this as a jump in FS in the compute dialog just as the computation ended.

Version 6.017 – May 14 2012

  1. Modeler/Interpret. When showing print preview the viewport is now always reset to the same viewport as the model view window. Previously it would switch to last saved preview settings.
  2. Modeler/Interpret. Fixed scaling for loads and other symbols – it no longer scales up on zoom in as was done in previous version.
  3. Modeler/Interpret. “Scale with Zoom” option for Property Table and Textbox tools is now off by default.
  4. Scaling bug with slope limits selection caused inaccurate behaviour when model was zoomed in.
  5. Fixed bug when exporting query data to excel where interslice and slice data were switched.
  6. Fixed a bug that disabled copying/pasting queries from Interpret to Modeler when certain dynamic text boxes were present.

Version 6.016 – April 20 2012

  1. Modeler/Interpret. Function keys for Snap and Grid did not work.
  2. Modeler/Interpret. Improved scaling of textbox and property table tools when printing. Their size and location should better match on-screen size.
  3. Modeler/Interpret. Improved overall scaling of display item.
  4. Interpret. In the Show Coordinates dialog in the Interpreter (View Menu), the Coordinates on Selected Vertices option didn’t work.
  5. Modeler. When selecting Save As… the default location in the file selection window is now always the same as the source file.
  6. Modeler/Interpret. A number of fixes for the properties table.
  7. Interpret. Now properly exports to Excel the minimum in each bin when plotting FS along the slope.
  8. Modeler. In the Surfaces…Edit…Delete option, right-clicking and selecting the selection filter would result in “Encountered an improper argument” error message.
  9. Compute. Combining support with the advanced option of applying support forces to interslice boundaries would result in a crash if the slope segment on which the support was added was vertical.
  10. Modeler. Fixed a problem with the program performing extremely slow when working with files on a network share. The problem would manifest after you compute the model or simply re-save a file that was saved to network drive.
  11. Modeler. Interpret icon on the toolbar is now enabled regardless whether the loaded file contains results or not.
  12. Interpret. In rare cases a file would give an error when reading it.
  13. Modeler/Interpret. The status bar buttons (Snap and Grid) would sometimes get blacked out.

Version 6.015 – January 24 2012

  1. All property table tools now have units, if applicable.
  2. Modeler/Compute. The BS8006 design standard had the friction and cohesion factors switched. Fixed.
  3. Modeler. Infoviewer now reports the material dependent pullout strengths for grouted tiebacks with friction.
  4. Modeler. Fixed a display bug that would incorrectly display metric units on the plan view after the external boundary was deleted.

Version 6.014 – December 5 2011

  1. Added new material type: Snowden Modified Anisotropic Linear.
  2. Modeler. Fixed a bug when modifying bolt patterns and sometimes wrong settings would be presented in the edit window. This would happen when user deletes and adds new patterns.
  3. Modeler. Fixed option for deleting or assigning individual bolts in a pattern. Right-click menu didn't work properly in this mode.
  4. Modeler. Changed the way Compute and Interpret toolbar buttons function to make them less confusing to the user.
  5. Fixed an issue with combining the elevation with the depth filter. Improved accuracy for large extent models with small slopes.
  6. Modeler. Improved GSlope import – added detection of failure direction and import of specified slip surface.
  7. Added Earth Resistance to the BS8006 design standard. This implements the moment correction factor (pg104, BS 8006:1995).
  8. Interpret. When adding polyline tool or groundwater query pasting coordinates into coordinate table (press ‘t’ on prompt) didn’t work if the first point was not entered.
  9. Interpret. Removed point number preceding coordinates in clipboard output when using “Copy Coordinates” on slip surface.
  10. Interpret. Added Export to DXF for slip surface.

Version 6.013 – October 18 2011

  1. Modeler. Fixed Slide better handles the import of grids with negative pore pressures.
  2. Modeler. The Negative Pore Pressure Cutoff option for transient groundwater analyses did not work correctly. Fixed.
  3. Interpret. Fixed double-buffering issue that sometime caused a lot of flickering.
  4. All. Fixed detection of another instance which sometimes would erroneously delete all temporary files thus causing troubles with undo, staging and mess up currently computing files.
  5. Modeler/Interpret. Online Help would now launch in Internet Explorer if Google Chrome is the default browser. The online help does not properly work in Google Chrome.
  6. Modeler. Formatting of the scroll bar in the water pressure grid dialog was improved.
  7. Compute. Online Under rare conditions, a data file would be written that the Interpreter could not open. Fixed.
  8. Compute. Fixed the Axis option. Adding an axis of rotation for a single slip surface did not work.
  9. Modeler. Prevented most crashes during meshing of models with poor geometry. An error message will now pop up informing user of failure and advising to run geometry cleanup.

Version 6.012 – July 14 2011

  1. Modeler/Interpret. Fixed bug which didn’t allow you to delete axis entities from the main menu.
  2. Compute. The explore all vertices option for optimization of noncircular surfaces would sometimes result in reverse curvature failure surfaces. Fixed.
  3. Interpret. The Excel button didn’t work in the Export Query Data dialog. Fixed.
  4. Compute. In extremely rare cases, surfaces with tension cracks could create invalid data files.

Version 6.011 – May 10 2011

  1. Modeler. Slide 5.0 fiiles with a groundwater analysis and imperial units were not read correctly. This resulted in permeability units that were feet/second in version 5 being read as feet/year in version 6.
  2. Modeler. Groundwater analyses using permeability units of cm/s and mm/s. The permeability values were not written correctly to the data file.
  3. Interpret. Volumetric Water Content contours were showing wrong values for materials with custom volumetric curves.
  4. Modeler. A warning is now displayed if you try to compute a file in which the water table does not span all the materials that use it.

Version 6.010 – April 28 2011

  1. Modeler. Fixed window positioning issues with multiple monitors. Some dialog windows would initially come up on the primary monitor instead of the current monitor user is working on.
  2. Modeler. Change slope angle bug (program was crashing). Fixed.
  3. Modeler. The coordinate table no longer does any truncation of values.
  4. Huge display spaces (large resolutions on large monitors) would have trouble rendering the CAD view. Fixed.

Version 6.009 – March 28 2011

  1. Modeler. In some circumstances when using design standards, whether a load was variable or permanent was not being read correctly.
  2. Interpret. Fixed a crash when opening previously saved file or loading View options. If a file with transient analysis was saved in Interpret while viewing one of the last stages, then this stage and all stages after it were deleted in Modeler, the file would crash Interpret.
  3. Modeler/Interpret. Printing from Info Viewer to Adobe PDF would sometimes abort after first page with an error message. Fixed.
  4. Modeler/Interpret. Added option to File->Preferences for mouse wheel zooming. The choice is either zooming about the mouse cursor or zooming about the center of the view (Slide 5 way).
  5. Interpret. Progress bar would not show when opening files with non-circular analysis.
  6. Modeler. Fixed relative coordinates entry. Typing relative coordinates on the prompt in the form “@dx,dy” and “@r,theta” didn’t work when adding or moving boundaries or vertices.
  7. Interpret. Added “Copy Coordinates to Clipboard” right-click menu option to FEA water table, Iso-line, and flow line for easy export to Notepad, Excel or any other spreadsheet tool.
  8. Modeler. Paste from Interpret for polyline tools was fixed. The import dialog has also been resized to fit all the text.
  9. Modeler. Paste from Roclab/Rocdata uses the correct units.
  10. Modeler/Interpret. Material names in Data Tips would show incorrect symbols if non-ASCII characters were used in the names.
  11. Interpret. Hydraulic properties used in FEA groundwater analysis would not be shown in Data Tips for if slope stability results are present.
  12. All Modules. Slide would return error when trying to save or compute a file with non-English characters in the file name or path.
  13. Modeler. Saving a previously computed file after changes that should only affect slope stability analysis would also invalidate transient groundwater results. This would only happen for transient analysis models with initial pore pressure state other than FEA groundwater.
  14. Modeler/Interpret. Adhesion and friction was listed for geotextile support elements with both ends fixed. Since these values are not used in the computation of support force, they are no longer listed.
  15. Modeler. The axis range for shear/normal function plots was locked at zero to one. Fixed.
  16. Modeler/Interpret. Fixed a bug with window tab order after print preview is closed. The order was changed and the current window was first on the tab list after closing print preview.
  17. Slide Modeler. Fixed bug in Modeler for transient groundwater analysis where initial condition is not set to FEA and the mesh is 4 or 8-noded. Modeler would improperly write out initial conditions file which would crash in Interpret or abort file reading with an error.
  18. Engine. Slide 6 FEA engine and Phase2 engine shared the same temp folder. Running both engines at once could wipe out results of another instance.
  19. All modules. Added error checking for “Access denied” case when saving or updating SLIM file. If a file is in system protected location or locked by another process, Slide would not report the error.
  20. Modeler. Fixed a bug with GeoStudio file import. For certain files Slide would display error message “Unable to parse XML” and would not import them.
  21. Modeler. Fixed a bug with GeoStudio file import. If a Slope/W file had surcharge load close to a vertical slope edge sometime Slide would add a vertical load on the edge.
  22. Modeler. If you have previously defined an Anisotropic Function in the same model with the same name (User defined 1), then add Generalized Anisotropic function to the same model with the same name (User defined 1), the program will crash.
  23. Modeler/Interpret. Fixed zoom with a mouse wheel on multiple monitors.
  24. Advanced printing article added to help system.

Version 6.008 – January 14 2011

  1. Modeler. Changing project title and saving the file would delete results. This was missed in 6.007 feature addition.
  2. Modeler. Added Copy/Paste buttons to Project Summary grid to allow users to easily copy paste similar data between projects.
  3. Interpret. Fixed issue with faint white triangles showing up on top of contours when printing to PDF.
  4. Modeler and Interpret. Groundwater parameters for steady state and transient analyses are now listed in the Info Viewer.
  5. Model and Interpret. If you hit Reset inside the Edit Table Contents dialog the program would crash.
  6. Modeler and Interpret. Fixed issue with color selection pop-up and multiple monitors – the pop-up would only show up on primary monitor

Version 6.007 – December 22 2010

  1. Project summary text is now stored in the slide modeler tools file (sltm) instead of sli file. This allows user to change any text in project summary page without causing the results to be invalidated, i.e. file can be opened in Interpret without re-computing it again.
  2. Interpret. Fixed bug with textboxes and property tables not copied to Clipboard when user clicked on Copy Image and the picture format was selected as Enhanced Metafile.
  3. Modeler and Interpret. Printing was broken in the latest update of Slide. Unless user manually sets particular scale the final print out would always be to scale 1:10 regardless of what is shown in print preview.
  4. Modeler and Interpret. Fixed issue with output to Adobe PDF printer. The scale was slightly off from what was shown in print preview.
  5. Modeler and Interpret. Scale shown on the title block is always rounded to nearest integer.
  6. Modeler and Interpret. After printing to a different printer print preview maybe corrupted and drawn incorrectly. Users had to close and re-open preview.
  7. Interpret. If the value range of contoured groundwater analysis data is smaller than 1.0x10^-7 the contours would have white gaps.

Version 6.006 - November 25 2010

  1. Interpret. The Material Colours display option checkbox didn’t work. Fixed.
  2. Interpret. The Material Colours display option checkbox didn’t work. Fixed.
  3. Interpret. Interslice data is now shown by default in the Infoviewer.
  4. All. Under rare circumstances Slide will fail to open a slim file and will pop up a message: System Error Code 131 “An attempt was made to move the file pointer before the beginning of the file”
  5. Model. Mesh quality dialog for finite-element groundwater analyses has been improved. Now resembles the Phase2 dialog.
  6. Model/Interpret. Soil symbols in the properties tables did not resemble the symbols used to draw the soils. Fixed.
  7. Modeler. Import Image menu was disabled. Fixed.
  8. Modeler. Geometry Cleanup will only run if External or Materials get imported from DXF.
  9. Modeler/Interpreter. Active/Passive force application was mixed up in the Support Properties Table. Fixed.
  10. Modeler/Interpret. Formatted text from the Infoviewer can now be copied directly into MS Word.
  11. Help update.

Version 6.005 - September 12 2010

  1. Modeler. Improved Slope/W import.
  2. Modeler and Interpret were missing a preference for changing the location of custom title blocks used for printing.
  3. Interpret. Preferences were not saved and restored for some charts.
  4. Interpret. Fixed an occasional freeze when opening files.
  5. Interpret. Added back support for Slide 5 tools.
  6. Interpret/Modeler. groundwater tables would show SI units for permeability (m//s) when using imperial units (ft/s).
  7. Interpret. Stage and Time added to dynamic text for transient files.
  8. Modeler. The units for the transient nodal flow boundary condition were wrong in the data input table.
  9. Modeler. When applying boundary conditions to nodes, and when you want to right click and assign, the assign option was greyed out. Fixed.
  10. Modeler. Ks values in the infoviewer were wrong for groundwater analyses.
  11. Modeler. The number of load steps and tolerance are now saved for transient analyses.
  12. Interpret. Changed “contours off” right-click option for groundwater legend to “Contours off (show materials)”.
  13. Interpret. A reverse curvature failure surface was not be plotted correctly. Fixed.
  14. Compute. Nodal Flow boundary conditions did not work with transient analyses.
  15. Interpret. Under rare circumstances the drawing of the phreatic surface in groundwater analyses didn't work correctly. A mesh would be drawn instead.
  16. Compute. Batch computing multiple groundwater data files at the same time would sometimes result in garbage results being written to the data file.
  17. Interpret. The seismic icon is now visible when doing a groundwater analysis.
  18. Interpret. Bolt force diagrams are now drawn correctly for compression bolts. Shear strength is now built into the bolt force diagram.
  19. Modeler. Reading Slide files with Anisotropic Linear materials would define default values to the cohesion and friction angle. Phase2 now uses the rock mass cohesion and friction angle defined for the material.
  20. Installer. Can now define the folder location of the example files through a custom setup.

Version 6.004 - August 5 2010

  1. Modeler/Interpret. Added import and export of polyline tools to DXF.
  2. Modeler. Improved Slope/W file import.
  3. Modeler. Improved Expand/Shrink external functionality.
  4. Modeler. Improved DXF import for polygons.
  5. Modeler. Custom design standards are now saved as with defaults in Project Settings.
  6. Modeler/Interpret. Improved Print to Scale option and interaction in print preview. Users can now quickly define and save printing presets with each file.
  7. Modeler/Compute. The noncircular Auto Refine search method would crash or generate files that Interpret can't load if the number of iterations parameter was greater than 20. Fixed.
  8. Modeler. Improvements to Convert boundary.
  9. Modeler. Miscellaneous CAD modeling improvements.

Version 6.003 - July 7 2010

  1. Single license network customers could not run the Interpret program if the Slide Modeler was open. Fixed.
  2. Model/Interpret: A number of improvements based on customer feedback.

Version 6.002 - June 23 2010

  1. Initial program release.

Version 6.001 - May 4 2010

  1. Beta release.

Version 5.044 - February 01 2010

  1. Compute:A bug introduced in 5.043 for Cu with depth (see#1 below) was fixed. Models with Cu with depth and composite surfaces gave incorrect values of cohesion along the composite portion of the failure surface.
  2. Model: Improved method for launching Compute and Interpret from the Modeler.

Version 5.043 - September 29 2009

  1. Compute: In the undrained shear strength model, Cu with depth was sometimes incorrectly calculated when the failure surface was extremely close to a material boundary.
  2. Compute: Models with extremely thin layers would sometimes crash when geometry was modified.
  3. Modeler: When reading in a DXF file with a water surface, the program will now ask you to assign the water table to a material.
  4. Interpreter: Grid lines can now be added to graphs.
  5. The vertical stress ratio material model now has the option to define a minimum shear strength.

Version 5.042 - July 24 2009

  1. Interpret: Colors and marker styles for Sensitivity plot with multiple variables are now consistent. Previously colors were assigned in order of variables selected in the Sensitivity Plot dialog.
  2. Interpret: Fixed legend for Sensitivity plot. Legend did not always update after selecting different variables in Change Plot dialog.
  3. Compute: In rare cases the non-circular optimization would result in a surface of higher factor of safety then the path or block search. This surface would then be displayed as the global minimum. This is no longer the case.

Version 5.041 - July 7 2009

  1. Under rare circumstances the clipboard would be corrupted. Fixed.
  2. Excel charting of multiple datasets would sometimes not work with Excel 2007.
  3. Security system update to allow for educational updates and improve commercial network version.

Version 5.040 - May 4 2009

  1. Modeler: Improved XSTABL import and added ability to import other STABL files (e.g. PCSTABL). Fixed a few bugs with import of geometry, decreased number of extra vertical lines, improved logic for creating lower limit, added import of surcharge loads, added import of TIES, NAILS, GEOSYN, CRACK, BLOCK, circular surfaces and slope limits. Warnings are now issued for any unknown or incompatible features. if not specified, units will be determined from u.w. of water or av. weight of soil.
  2. Modeler: Added import of GeoStudio 2007 (version 7) files.
  3. Modeler: Added option not to prompt to save imported files when closing them - useful when you only want to view imported file. The option can be found in Preferences dialog.
  4. Modeler: For groundwater infiltration boundary conditions, the seepage face option is now on by default.
  5. Modeler/Interpreter: Fixed image drawing that made it disappear at high zoom levels. In modeler this affected images used for tracing when Pseudo Transparent or Transparent option was selected. In Interpret it affected Image Tool with Transparent option selected.
  6. Compute: Improved the algorithm for the calculation of segment length for the noncircular path search. This may result in small factor of safety changes for files that use a path search.
  7. Interpret: Improved the generation of flow lines, the agorithm now uses Runge Kutta integration with adaptive stepsize. The old algorithm (Euler integration) sometimes resulted in flowlines that crossed.

Version 5.039 - February 2 2009

  1. Modeler/Interpreter. DXF import has been improved and now uses the same code base as Phase2 7.
  2. Compute: When doing a probabilistic or sensitivity analysis with statistics on the water table, and the deterministic water table was NOT used as the mean water table, the program would incorrectly calculate the mean failure surface.
  3. Interpret. Under rare circumstances when the failure surface would skim the ground surface, the program would not draw the global minimum failure surface. Fixed.
  4. Model. Permeability functions would not draw correctly if there was no external boundary.
  5. Model. Default mesh quality numbers were changed to match Phase2 7.0.
  6. Interpret. The program would crash if tools with dynamic text were imported from another file.

Version 5.038 - December 12 2008

  1. Modeler/Interpreter. Optimized for models with very large number of vertices.
  2. Modeler: New boundary simplification option has been added.
  3. Interpret. Fixed bug in Export Raw Data dialog. Intersections were not exported when checked.
  4. Interpret. Moved "Reset legend, display and contour options" from View menu to Preferences.
  5. Interpret. Black and White settings for ruler and legend are now saved to registry.
  6. Compute. Loads on the last slice ending on a vertical ground surface were sometimes not applied correctly.

Version 5.037 - October 28 2008

  1. Model/Interpret: Fixed seismic symbol position when printing. The vertical position was fixed to top edge of the paper instead of the top edge of the print margin.
  2. Interpret: When drawing the global minimum failure surface in Interpret, you can now change the color and line thickness in the Display Options dialog.
  3. Model/Interpret: Fixed a menu drawing bug.

Version 5.036 - September 22 2008

  1. Compute. Improved the method of generating noncircular surfaces using the block search and block search windows. The method of randomly seeding points inside these block search windows has been improved.
  2. Model. Expand/Shrink external has been improved. If a boundary was completely outside the new external boundary an error would be generated. Fixed.
  3. Model. Ponded water in some groundwater models was not being drawn correctly. Fixed.
  4. Model. The tooltip for tensile strength of geotextiles when using imperial units mentioned metric units. Fixed.

Version 5.035 - June 12 2008

  1. Compute. Improved accuracy of the Ordinary/Fellenius method by introducing the Turnbull and Hvorslev 1967 method of writing the equations.
  2. Compute. In some rare circumstances, ponded water would not extend past the default slope limits even though the water table would. As a result, lateral water forces due to ponded water would not be properly applied. Fixed.

Version 5.034 - May 27 2008

  1. Compute: In rare cases, surfaces generated through material with different saturated and moist unit weights would not be computed. Fixed.

Version 5.033 - April 10 2008

  1. Compute. If a failure surface intersects a tension crack, and a bolt passes through the vertical portion of the failure surface associated with the tension crack, the bolt had no effect on the factor of safety. The bolt was basically ignored. The bolt force is now added to the sytem of equations and will have an effect on the factor of safety.
  2. Interpret. In some rare circumstances, compostite surfaces would be drawn incorrectly. They would pass through the bottom of the external boundary. Fixed. This had no effect on the results, the compute engine worked correctly.
  3. Updated Help System.

Version 5.032 - February 28 2008

  1. Fixed automatic geometry checking in Modeler. External boundary with overlapping segments was sometimes allowed to be entered by user. This could results in mysterious error messages later or even a crash of the application.
  2. Updated technical support dialog.
  3. Added new tutorials on tension cracks and groundwater flow through levees (#15 and #16).

Version 5.031 - October 10 2007

  1. Interpreter. Fixed a problem with Favourite Text tool where lines and arrows would not show up after reading previously saved tools file.
  2. Interpreter. Fixed problem where dotted lines on tools would print as solid lines.
  3. Interpreter. In tools Format dialog added ability to select any line style for lines with thickness of more than 1 pixel.
  4. Interpreter. Fixed a bug with orientation of discharge section arrows that was introduced in version 5.027. Depending on how they were drawn, some discharge sections would show flow in the opposite direction.

Version 5.030 - July 20 2007

  1. New Anisotropic Linear strength model has been added.
  2. Improved printing to Adobe Acrobat.
  3. Modeler: Importing Slope/W files with more than 20 material properties would crash the program.
  4. New Help system

Version 5.029 - April 25 2007

  1. Interpreter: Zoom to Scale option was removed and replaced by Print to Scale. Scaling now works correctly for imperial units.
  2. Interpreter: Added 4 options to control print out of the model: "Fit View" - default option which always fits everything visible inside the view window on to available printing area, "Fit Width" and "Fit Height" which fit width or height of the view into printing area, and "Print to Scale" - see below.
  3. Interpreter: Added "Print to Scale" option which allows user to output model on paper to a certain scale. The scale can be optionally displayed on the print out (go to Page Setup to turn it on or off). Print to Scale option can be found under File -> Print Area & Scale -> Print to Scale menu or on the toolbar.
  4. Interpreter: More options have been added to allow the user to save contour, legend and display options. A defaults button has been added to the contour and legend options dialogs to allow the user to save certain defaults.
  5. Interpreter: The default type of data displayed from a groundwater analysis can now be set in the Groundwater tab of the display options.
  6. Interpreter: Ruler now always has 10 divisions between major ticks for both imperial and metric unit system. Ruler spacing can be easily customized by right-clicking on the ruler.
  7. Interpret: Added options to draw Legend and Ruler in black and white for better looking screenshots.
  8. Interpret: Transparency and alpha-blending can now be applied to any type of imported image and not just bmp.
  9. Modeler/Interpret: Improved window tabs for multiple opened files. Tabs now automatically shrink to fit more tabs in a single row.
  10. Modeler/Interpret: Page Setup dialog was simplified and instead of pre-defined and custom formats the last settings are always remembered and stored in registry.

Version 5.028 - January 26 2007

  1. Modeler/Interpreter: Files are no longer opened for writing in exclusive mode. This sometimes conflicts with network shared drives and certain antivirus programs.
  2. Modeler: Fixed a problem where it was not possible to enter "t" for table of coordinates or "a" for arc at the prompt line when adding a non-circular failure surface.
  3. Compute: If the Janbu Corrected method was used in a probabilistic or sensitivity analysis, and another method other than Bishop or Janbu was also used, the program would mix up the statistical/sensitivity data.
  4. Compute: Back analysis of steeply dipping surfaces in clay would result in wrong results for the active or passive load. This due to m_alpha checks not being properly applied. Fixed.
  5. Compute: The elevation surface option with multiple slope limits did not work correctly for circular surfaces. Fixed.
  6. Compute: Circular surfaces now check that there are enough slices to handle all soil material intersections with the surface. This will help you improve the accuracy for models with huge numbers of material boundaries.
  7. Interpret: The picture format is now saved to the registry. As a result, when you start Interpret, the last setting of Picture Format is remembered.

Version 5.027 - October 16 2006

  1. Modeler/Interpreter: Zoom To Extents now takes into account Line load, Distributed load and Infiltration arrows.
  2. Modeler: Added warning when ratio of the model coordinates to the model dimensions is too large. Warning appears after adding an external boundary either manually or from a DXF.
  3. Modeler: Added "Restore All Warning Messages" option to Preferences. This allows to restore warning messages previously hidden with "Don't show this message again" option.
  4. Interpret/Compute: Discharge section on a boundary could cause a crash.
  5. New Help system was added with new verification examples and manual.

Version 5.026 - August 8 2006

  1. Modeler: A new option for the adding of a linearly varying head boundary condition in a groundwater analysis has been added.
  2. Modeler: A new option for ungrouping support patterns has been added. This allows you to add a pattern then indiviually change a particular bolt in the pattern. Added menu option and right-click shortcut to ungroup Support Pattern into individual support items
  3. Modeler: Bolts that are touching external with both ends could reverse their direction after adding a new anchor. Problem was fixed and bolts are now drawn with a faceplate on the first end.
  4. Interpret: "Enlargement factor" option was missing from Image Export feature for charts
  5. Modeler: Changed default color of mesh elements to light gray. The color can be changed in Display Options (and the setting is remembered).
  6. New Help system was added with new verification examples and manual.

Version 5.025

  1. Compute: Distributed loads located inside a material/slope (not on the slope surface) but outside a failure surface would be applied to the failure surface under certain circumstances. This is fixed.
  2. Interpret: In the case of ponded water, the seismic load plot would incorrectly use the water weight. This is a graphing issue only, the compute engine correctly removes the weight of water from the seismic load calculation. The factor of safety results are not effected.
  3. Interpret: In probabilistic mode when plotting histograms of data, and the secondary data was factor of safety<some number, invalid surfaces would be counted and displayed as failed surfaces on the plot. The numbers in the title of the plot would also be incorrect.
  4. Interpret: Strength function markers and values are now displayed in front of the supplemental contours.
  5. Interpret: In certain circumstances, the type of water surface assigned to a material would not be displayed incorrectly in the Infoviewer or data tips.
  6. Interpreter: Fixed precision issue in tools file. The precision for location of tool objects was not adequate. This especially affects contour labels.
  7. Interpret: Under certain circumstances, secondary contours of strength would sometimes come up blank. This is a graphing issue only and the factor of safety numbers are correct and use the correct strength.
  8. Model: When adding a water table in statistics mode, the assign dialog would sometimes not appear.
  9. Model/Interpret: Improved Toolbar code.
  10. Model: Tab stops in the material and bolt property dialogs were improved. A small text truncation issue in the distributed load dialog was also fixed.

Version 5.024

  1. Compute: Tension cracks under ponded water did not work correctly when the water depth in the tension crack was defined with any method other then the water table method. The hydro force in the tension crack now completely determines the force on the left/right side of the failure surface. The filled, filled to depth, filled below elevation, and percent filled now work correctly under ponded water. The depth of the tension crack now extends to the top of the ponded water.
  2. Compute: The thrust line was not computed correctly for left to right surfaces with ponded water on the left or right side of the surface.

Version 5.023

  1. Compute: Excess pore pressures were being generated in regions where the initial pore pressures were negative or zero. Now excess pore pressures are only generated in saturated (initial pore pressures > 0) regions. This only affects B-bar analyses (see the Groundwater tab in the Project Settings).

Version 5.022

  1. New help system including new, improved, and updated tutorials. New startup dialog for people that are new to the program. New start menu.
  2. Interpret: A new option called Show Coordinates has been added to the View menu. Coordinates of all the vertices can now be toggled on/off quickly using this option. A good option for quickly annotating your output with the vertex coordinates.
  3. Model/Interpret: All the vertex coordinates are now automatically added to the InfoViewer. This is for people who have to supply coordinates in their technical reports. If you wish to turn them off, use the option in the Preferences dialog.
  4. Compute: With the B-bar excess pore pressure option, the self-weight of a material can now generate its own excess pore pressure. This allows you to combine pore pressure due to a water table with pore pressure due to Ru effects.

Version 5.021

  1. Model: Fixed a bug in the mesh generation for groundwater models. This bug was introduced in version 5.02 and would result in elements that incorrectly crossed boundaries.

Version 5.020

  1. Groundwater Compute: Improved groundwater analysis algorithm for seepage faces.
  2. Compute: Now checks for ponded water below the left or right surface intersection point. It then does not include the unit weight of this material in the calculation of the hydrostatic water load on the left or right side of the surface.
  3. Model: Improved Seep/W file exporter. Better support for generating the model in Slide and exporting a file that runs in Seep/W.

Version 5.019

  1. Groundwater Compute: The engine will check to see if there is flow into the model from the unknown boundary condition type. The unknown boundary condition will be converted to zero nodal flow for such cases.
  2. Model: When groundwater finite-element modeling, deleting vertices could result in future incorrect discretization of boundaries when meshing and a resulting bad mesh.
  3. Model: Improved Slope/W 4 and 5 file reader. Added support for GeoStudio 2004 files.

Version 5.018

  1. Under very rare circumstances which almost always is associated with an optimized surface, the weight of a slice was inaccurately calculated.

Version 5.017

  1. Now supports multiple HASPHL locks on the same USB hub.

Version 5.016

  1. Modeler: In certain cases boundaries were not intersected properly and overlaps were not automatically fixed by Slide. This resulted in geometry error messages and sometimes prevented user from running Compute.
  2. Modeler: "Automatically fix boundary overlaps" option in Preferences was removed. Material boundary overlaps are now always fixed.
  3. Modeler: File Import for certain Slope/W files would abort with error "Could not read file". Fixed.
  4. Modeler: Geometry would not import correctly for certain Slope/W files. Fixed. Overall improvement of Slope/W file reading.
  5. Modeler: If you set the file to be probabilistic (or sensitivity), then defined a water table, the assign dialog to apply the water table to the materials is not shown. Fixed.
  6. Modeler/Interpret: The three groundwater levels for sensitivity or proabability analyses were shown if you reverted back to deterministic mode. Fixed.
  7. Modeler: The grid used for drawing is now saved to the registry so that when you restart the program, the grid settings you were using are restored. You can now restore the program default grid settings through a default button in the grid dialog.
  8. Compute: Modified Chugh's method of grid interpolation could result in wrong extrapolated pore pressures. Fixed. Also improved the interpolation/extrapolation of coarse grids of sample points.
  9. Modeler/Compute: Added the ability to use convex surfaces for optimization. See the optimization settings dialog.
  10. Modeler/Compute: Added the ability to use the convex surface setting during optimization. See the optimization settings dialog.
  11. Modeler/Compute: Added the ability to use the min depth and min elevation during optimization. See the optimization settings dialog.
  12. Modeler: Improved DXF import of files with multiple overlaps of line segments.
  13. Modeler/Compute: Added the ability to use the min depth and min elevation options for block searches.
  14. Modeler/Interpret: Menu checkmarks would sometimes not be rendered correctly.
  15. Interpret: Added the ability to plot more accurate and detailed pore water pressure and discrete strength function contours through the supplemental contours option. The old algorithm would sometimes produce coarse inacurate contours when a lot of sample points existed.

Version 5.015

  1. New Hasp-HL hardlock support. Removed support for old beige hardlocks.

Version 5.014

  1. "Copy (Slide Modeler Format)" in SlideInterpret, and "Edit->Paste from Interpret" in Slide now work for circular surfaces. Previously this functionality was only available for non-circular surfaces.
  2. Interpret: If a circular surface was input, and then the surface type was set to non-circular, the circular surface could, sometimes, still be visible in the Interpreter. This is fixed.
  3. Interpret: In rare instaces, optimized surfaces that hit the bottom boundary of the model would not load correctly into the Interpreter.
  4. Compute: Optimization with an option of optimizing failure surfaces with a factor of safety under a certain value would sometimes not properly display the optimized surface in the Interpreter.
  5. Modeler: In the Fredlund and Xing Hydraulic Parameters selection dialog, the units displayed were incorrect for the A and C parameters. The actual values were okay, it was just the text in the dialog that was wrong.

Version 5.013

  1. The Barton-Bandis strength criterion has been updated to include the 70 degree maximum at low confining stresses (Barton and Choubey 1976). Phib has also been changed to Phir to better represent the current criterion. The help has been updated as well.
  2. Compute: A problem with the optimization not including the distributed load in certain situations was fixed. In particular, if the load was on a vertical face.
  3. Compute: In rare situations, Janbu corrected, coupled with a circular analysis, would yield a problematic file.
  4. Interpret: Supplemental contours (Interpret->Data->Supplemental Contours->Setup) would not display "phi" contours properly for the first discrete strength function defined, if the function type was "drained" ("c" contours would be displayed instead of the "phi" contours). Only the supplemental contours for materials with a "discrete function" strength type were effected, the factor of safety calculations were not effected. Files do not need to be re-computed, only viewed again in the Interpreter.
  5. Compute - There was a small improvement in an iteration component of the surface optimization algorithm. The final step of the optimization was improved, so that a better (i.e. lower FOS) surface will be picked. Typically this will only result in a change of factor of safety of less than 0.00001, but some (very sensitive) models may experience better results (change in FOS ~ 0.04). At all times, the results that were displayed were correct.

Version 5.012

  1. Compute: Loads on vertical slope faces might not be applied correctly during optimization.
  2. Compute: The interslice normal force associated with a vertical slope face with an applied load is now set correctly to the value of this load. This has no effect on the factor of safety results.
  3. The point focus for a non-circular failure surface has been improved. You can now set it on the toe of a slope and have surfaces generated.

Version 5.011

  1. Compute: Improved the iteration mechanism for deeply submerged slopes.
  2. Interpret: Saving a tools file, while in the midst of adding the first drawing tool to a view, would create an invalid tools file (an error message would be display the next time the file was opened). This is fixed.
  3. Support for new Educational system. Also update dll's to latest microsoft versions.

Version 5.010

B-bar method added for excess pore pressure modeling

  • Can now combine Ru with water surfaces
  • New material model that combines drained and undrained material parameters.
  • Interpret:The favourite text entry "Coordinates (3 decimal places)" did not display the y coordinate properly. This is fixed.
  • Model: A bug with importing water tables using DXF files was fixed. Also improved the documentation on the subject.
  • Air Entry value for unsaturated shear strength can now be defined.
  • Rapid drawdown analysis using the B-bar method.

Version 5.008

  1. Compute: In certain cases, running batched computes of probabilistic files would not compute properly. This is fixed.
  2. Compute: The batch folder-loading ( Alt-F ) in Slide Compute, will now write a batch file to test against the existing batch folder-loading (in order to identify "batch compute" vs. "multiple individual computes" bugs). In the Interpreter, type "comparefolders" on the command line, and pick the two folders to generate the report. The folder loader is now in the system menu as well.

Version 5.007

  1. Interpret: "Multiple surfaces at this location" dialog is now shown much less frequently for "standard" data output files ". The Interpreter will automatically pick the appropriate surface, when possible.
  2. Model: Previously, if the file extension had any capital letters, the Interpret button would not be enabled. The Interpreter could still be started and load the file, but the button in the modeler would not be enabled. This is fixed.
  3. Model/Interpret: Restricted users could not set the Page orientation in Page Setup dialog. Fixed.

Version 5.006

  1. Model: Import of Slope/W files is much improved: i) Slide will now import files written by Slope/W version 5 (previously only version 4 files were imported). ii) Slide will now import Slope/W *.slz files, as well as the existing *.slp files. iii) The filter in the Open-file dialog was improved, to display all files that Slide can open (so "Files of type" doesn't have to be used). iv) The "material was renamed" warning that appeared if the lowest material was named "Bedrock" has been removed. v) Analysis Methods (eg. Bishop, Janbu, etc) are now imported. vi) Blocks are now imported, and converted to Slide's block search Point, Line or Window (as appropriate).
  2. Model: When importing Slope/W files with a grid of total head as the pore-water pressure option, the last entry in the grid would be missed. This is fixed.
  3. Model: The right-click menu for non-circular surfaces now has an option "Copy (list of coordinates)" When this option is selected, the list of vertices forming the slip surface is placed on the clipboard. This tabular list can then be pasted into Excel, or another program. This option is especially useful for comparing surfaces in different slope stability packages.
  4. Model: "Show Coordinates" in the Slide Modeler, has been much improved. Once objects are picked for show coordinates, the coordinates are listed in the Infoviewer. The Infoviewer is formatted with tabs, so the list can be easily pasted into a spreadsheet. Decimal place formatting, and selecting of specific objects is controlled by the show coordinates dialog.
  5. Model: Fixed check for overlapping segments that would sometimes erroneously report that boundary segments overlap for models where 2 vertices are located too close to each other.
  6. Model: Improved speed of geometry check routines for models with very large number of materials.
  7. Model: In DXF import, fixed a bug when polylines from layers other than the one specified could be imported. This could happen only if a single boundary was selected for import and the DXF file contained layer names not importable by Slide. This fix also improves the speed of import from such DXF files.
  8. Model: Added option to ignore all errors when importing DXF file. If a warning dialog with an error pops up during DXF import, user can choose not to show any more warnings and continue importing file.
  9. Model: Improved the DXF import.
  10. Model: In very rare cases, when vertices on the exterior boundary are very close together (fraction of a millimetre), the program would create empty zones within the slope. These zones have a white color and could not be assigned material attributes.
  11. Model: Added a note at the bottom of Water Pressure dialog: "NOTE: Pore pressure data can be contoured using Supplemental Contours option in Interpret"
  12. Model: Fixed a problem where Slide could crash after deleting an external boundary.
  13. Model: For boundary input using Coordinate Table, the requirement to input at least 3 points for External boundary and 2 points for material boundaries was removed.
  14. Model:Fixed a bug in the security class for nodelocking of customers with a userid<100
  15. Interpret:An uninitialized memory error was fixed.
  16. Interpret: Part 2 of the verification manual was added to the help menu.

Version 5.005

  1. For the Generalized Hoek-Brown failure criterion, GSI, mi, and D can now be defined as random variables in a probabilistic or sensitivity analysis. To do this, use the GSI calculator dialog in the material properties dialog and check the box stating that you want GSI, mi and D to be random instead of mb, s, and a.
  2. Model / Interpret: Change: Metric units are now properly listed as "kN" and "kPa" instead of "KN" and "KPa", in accordance with the official SI standards.
  3. Model: The coordinate table option in the right-click menu has been moved down the list. Often people would click this option when wanting to specify done.

Version 5.004

  1. Compute: The Optimize Surfaces Settings dialog now offers an option "Snap Shallow Surfaces to Slope". The optimization occasionally formed surfaces that had unrealistically shallow sections, near the start or end of the surfaces. This option will remove these sections of the surface, resulting in a more realistic failure surface. The distance criteria used for the snapping is calculated automatically, or it can be specified in the dialog by checking the "Specify Distance" checkbox.
  2. Groundwater Compute: Anosotropic permeabilites with an angle other than zero degrees did not work correctly.
  3. Model: Added Seepage face option to the infiltration and nodal flow boundary condition for groundwater finite element analysis. This additional boundary condition will ensure that the total head at a node does not exceed the elevation head.
  4. Model: Added coordinates table for boundary entry. While adding a boundary user can bring up a table to easily enter all the coordinates of the boundary. Coordinates can be typed in manually, pasted from a spreadsheet program or imported from a file.
  5. Model/Interpret: Added/Fixed printer setup option. A Printer Setup button was added to Page Setup dialog. It gives a user the ability to select a different printer, paper size and other printing options. The printer settings are remembered until user quits the program.
  6. Model: Fixed zoom on right click. Sometimes after panning, a right mouse click would do zoom in on window.
  7. Compute: Added tensile strength to the power curve strength model.
  8. Model/Interpret: Updated the Help files.
  9. Interpret: De-selecting groundwater mode, when there are no slope stability results available caused problems.
  10. Model: Statistical properties for materials and anchors were not imported (using File->Import->Properties, or using the default properties file) along with the standard set of properties for each material or anchor. The problem is now fixed.
  11. Model: Bug fix where correctly entered material or tension crack boundaries could be rejected by the modeler with the error message "Material and tension crack boundaries must lie within the external boundary".
  12. Model: Improved DXF import and Export.
  13. Model: Pore water pressure grids (PWP files) now allow the import of DXF files containing lines and polylines. The line/polyline vertices are entered as points in the grid.
  14. Model: Fixed a bug where Infiltration of 0 was not saved to the file.
  15. Model/Interpret: Fixed a bug where a dialog window could suddenly crash.
  16. Interpret: Five new data types for Finite Element Analysis groundwater models: Horizontal, vertical and total hydraulic gradients; horizontal and vertical permeabilities. User data variables corresponding to these data types (ix,iy,it,permx,permy) were also added. Existing Slide files must be re-computed (with Slide Compute 5.004 or later) to view any of these data types.
  17. Interpret: The Infoviewer did not list groundwater material properties, when the slope stability results were being viewed. This is fixed.
  18. Groundwater Compute: Saved files with a single or double quote in the title would not run correctly. The modeler now strips the quotes from the job title.
  19. Interpret: When closing multiple files with added tools, the program would only ask to save the tools for the first file.
  20. Interpret:There is now an option (Groundwater->Export->Allow Suction Pressures) to control suction pressures during the export of Phase2 pwp files. If this option is checked, the values are written to the file without modification. If this option is unchecked, all negative values are set to zero.
  21. Interpret: Drawing in the Interpreter could be very slow if a model had many (1000+) surfaces, all with identical locations and identical factors of safety (eg. a model that had a 5000 surface block search, with two block-search points).
  22. Model/Interpret: :When using FEA as the groundwater model, the datatips (the yellow text, that appears as you hover the mouse over a material) would list "Ky/Kx Ratio". The text should have been "K2/K1 Ratio", as is entered in the dialog. Only the datatip display was incorrect; the computation and results were not effected.

Version 5.003

  1. Model/Interpret: Better handling of large coordinates in models.
  2. Model: Two discrete functions could be defined with the same name leading to unpredictable results.
  3. Compute: Tangent line now works for slope search.
  4. Compute/Interpret: Overall slope reliability when the minimum surface is the same and goes through a material with non-random strength properties would sometimes yield an unreadable data file.
  5. Compute/Interpret: Error codes -119 (non-circular surface above tension crack zone), and -120 (tension on the base) were added.
  6. Compute: Fixed a bug which would crash the program if the sensitivity of certain bolt parameters was attempted.
  7. Compute: Effective tensile stresses on the base of a slice that exceeded the tensile strength for non-linear failure models (Hoek-Brown, Power Curve, Barton-Bandis, Hyperbolic, Shear-Normal Functions) were not being handled correctly. This resulted in data files that could not be read by the Interpreter.
  8. Compute: For non-linear failure envelopes (Hoek-Brown, Power Curve, Barton-Bandis, Hyperbolic, Shear-Normal Functions), improved the iteration and convergence checks.
  9. Modeler/Compute: Added the ability for users to define an advanced error check to look for effective tensile stresses on the base of slices and throw away surfaces that have these tensile stresses. This check is not on by default but can be turned on in the Methods…Advanced dialog in the Project Settings.
  10. Interpret: If two discrete functions were in the data file but the first one wasn’t used for a material, the Interpreter would not contour the functions correctly.
  11. Interpret: Composite surfaces were sometimes not drawn correctly.
  12. Interpret: Right-clicking on a single surface would not give the option to plot the data associated with the surface.
  13. Interpret: Plus sign added to the final contour interval for safety factor contours. This is to make sure customers understand that the last interval includes all safety factor data to infinity.
  14. Model/Interpret: Updated the Help system.

Version 5.002

  1. Model: When adding a valid Maximum water table, the program would incorrectly give error message that the boundary must be above.
  2. Model: When switching to Groundwater mode, statistical Min, Max, and Mean water table boundaries were not deleted.
  3. Model: If the user changes number of elements in Mesh Setup dialog and then clicks on Mesh button in the dialog, the model is not rediscretized before meshing.
  4. Model: In Demo version, it is probably confusing to the user why Undo/Redo is disabled after they perform any action. Added "(Disabled in Demo)" text to all disabled menu items in the Demo version.
  5. "Don't show me this" flag for Demo Startup dialog was saved to a file in the application folder. Now saved to the registry.
  6. Compute: On very rare occasions Compute engine might crash at the very end of computation.
  7. Fixed problem with commercial network nodelock.

Version 4.016

  1. Compute: Effective tensile stresses on the base of a slice that exceeded the tensile strength for non-linear failure models (Hoek-Brown, Power Curve, Barton-Bandis, Hyperbolic, Shear-Normal Functions) were not being handled correctly. This resulted in data files that could not be read by the Interpreter.
  2. Compute: For non-linear failure envelopes (Hoek-Brown, Power Curve, Barton-Bandis, Hyperbolic, Shear-Normal Functions), improved the iteration and convergence checks.
  3. Compute: Better handling of surfaces with error codes.
  4. Modeler: Water surfaces are now disabled for the undrained strength model.

Version 4.015

  1. Groundwater Compute: Flow sections would cause an abort. This is fixed.
  2. Computes: Added an IDLE state and the programs can now be paused.
  3. Computes: In some cases, on a slower machine, the compute engine would finish but the customer could not open the results for a few seconds. File writing is now better synced with program termination.
  4. Compute: If a line focus was drawn from farthest to closest to the grid, it sometimes would not work correctly.
  5. Interpret: Bolt force diagrams for grouted tiebacks with friction and material dependent tiebacks would only draw in the anchor portion.

Version 4.014

  1. Compute: Instantaneous cohesion and friction angles now calculated for all the nonlinear strength functions.
  2. Compute: The plot of shear, cohesive and frictional strength along the base of a slip surface was not correct for Hoek-Brown and Generalized Hoek-Brown strength materials. This does not affect the factor of safety.
  3. Compute: Undrained strength functions that are a function of depth and immediately above the lower boundary of the model would not give the correct shear strength results when used with composite surfaces. The strength at the top of the material was being used for the strength.
  4. Interpret: Polygon fill was not saved to the tools file.
  5. Interpret: Copy of the screen image to the clipboard would clip the legend so that it was not entirely visible (unless it was docked).
  6. Interpret: Coordinate clipping and improper drawing would occur if the coordinates used in the model where very very large (>32000).

Version 4.013

  1. Modeler: Using the drawing tools when the infoviewer was up was extremely slow.
  2. Modeler: Using the right-click assign of materials might cause problems when ponded water exists.
  3. Compute: Added a prompt for surface generation. This can sometimes take a bit of time and the program would look like it was hung.
  4. Compute: Sometimes a point filter with circular surfaces, when it was on the ground surface, would filter out incorrect surfaces with error code -113.
  5. Compute: Single circular surfaces no longer respect the filters.

Version 4.012

  1. Compute: In extremely rare circumstances, models with soils that have different unit weights above and below the water table would generate incorrect slices. This was obvious if you viewed the slices and slice data.
  2. Compute: Models with zero strength materials and a water table that cut through the material (not at the top of the material) would sometimes compute incorrect slice data.
  3. Compute: The precise centroid of triangular loads is now computed. The load is now applied through this centroid yielding more accurate results for models with triangular loads.
  4. Compute: Improved the Auto search and Slope search to handle zero width slope limits.
  5. Compute: Can now open more files for batch processing.
  6. Modeler: Materials dialog would reassign unit weight and water table info if the user changed the strength model.

Version 4.011

  1. Groundwater Compute: Improved iteration for the unknown boundary condition.
  2. New verification tests have been added to the slope stability and groundwater verification manuals.
  3. >Model: The modeler would not read the interslice side force function correctly from the data file if it was set to Constant.
  4. Model: Email files was sometimes disabled, it is now always enabled.
  5. Model: User-defined side force functions can now exceed 0 to 1.
  6. Model: When moving or inserting vertices, you would have to click in the input edit box with the mouse prior to entering coordinates through the keyboard. This has been fixed.
  7. Model: Improved the use of images as a stencil for drawing slope geometry. The transparency is done more efficiently.
  8. Model: Under rare circumstances, the entry of a user-defined grid could crash the program.
  9. Model: When trying to export user defined functions that contain certain characters in their name the Save As dialog would not show up.
  10. Compute: Single surfaces with multiple slope intersections would sometimes not be computed. This has been fixed.
  11. Compute: A non-circular surface with very very close vertices in the x dimension would be incorrectly altered.
  12. Compute: Non-circular surfaces with duplicate vertices is handled better.

Version 4.01

  1. Model: A large number of vertices on the slope (>150) would cause the program to abort.
  2. Model: Program would crash if putting in an anchor pattern with grouted-tiebacks and bonded length set to %.
  3. Model: After defining a triangular load, the load would be reversed.
  4. Model: Improved undo/redo. If multiple instances of the modeler were running, the undo/redo could be corrupted.
  5. Model: Piezo line numbering in the infoviewer was wrong.
  6. Model: Under very rare circumstances, a crash could occur when going into the distributed loads dialog or the slope limits dialog.
  7. Model: Combination right-click setting of groundwater boundary conditions in conjunction with using the boundary conditions dialog could cause the dialog to display bad data.
  8. Interpret: Circles drawn in the interpreter might not clip properly to the boundary.
  9. >Model: When changing the number of stages the load split would be reset. This has been changed such that it is no longer reset.
  10. Compute: Triangular loads were not being computed correctly. The loads at the two ends were being switched.
  11. Compute: Increased precision in the result file, eliminating problems with circles drawn in the Interpreter.
  12. Update to Hardlock and Nodelock software.
  13. Added a new groundwater verification example.

Version 4.009

  1. Compute: Seismic accelerations were being applied to ponded water. This is no longer the case.
  2. Compute: In cases where the unit weight above and below the water table were different, results were not being calculated for certain centers. This has been fixed.
  3. Compute: Completely submerged slopes with a depth of water greater than 20 units were not being calculated correctly. The weight of water was only due to 20 units of cover while the pore pressures were correct.

Version 4.008

  1. Modeler: The modify dialog for bolt patterns, when using imperial units, would quote metric units. This has been fixed.

Version 4.007

  1. Modeler: In certain cases, extra bolts could be installed on top of one-another in a pattern that was added with spacing measured horizontally or vertically. To repair your files, read and store the files again.
  2. Modeler: Documentation for the undrained strength model has been improved to reflect the correct definition of the cohesion as a function of depth.
  3. Modeler: The custom angle for geogrids and user-defined support can now be defined between -360 and 360 degrees.
  4. Compute: The custom angle for geogrids and user-defined support is now measured correctly from the positive x axis.

Version 4.006

  1. Compute: Instantaneous Mohr-Coulomb friction and cohesion are now properly reported for the Generalised Hoek-Brown failure criterion. This was only a problem when plotting c and phi on the base of the failure surface. Factor of Safety results are not affected.
  2. Modeler: New charts for Generalised Hoek-Brown added.
  3. Modeler: Generalised Hoek-Brown parameters GSI, mi, sigci and D are now written to file.
  4. Modeler: Bug fix with images and the cursor. Images are now faster.
  5. Modeler: Better DXF import and error checking.
  6. Modeler: Update to auto-update code and nodelock code.
  7. Modeler: Bug fix for network version and path dialog.
  8. Interpret: A bug with snapping would occur if a groundwater finite-element analysis is used. When adding drawing tools, the interpreter would snap to the nodes of the groundwater mesh, even though the mesh is not visible. This bug was introduced in version 4.005 and is now fixed.

Version 4.005

  1. Compute: The lateral force due to ponded water was not being applied if the left or right most limit of the ponded water corresponded to the x location of a slope limit.
  2. Compute: Circular surfaces that intersected the slope surface more than twice in conjunction with a tension crack intersection sometimes gave an incorrect surface.
  3. Compute: Circular composite surfaces in conjunction with slope surfaces with overhangs would give an incorrect surface.
  4. Compute: The resultant force due to geotextile support could point in the wrong direction if the load orientation was defined as the bisector.
  5. Interpret: Queried failure surfaces were sometimes not being drawn correctly, this has been fixed.
  6. Interpret: If a groundwater finte-element analysis is used, the slope stability interpreter now shows the phreatic surface computed using the groundwater analysis. The ponded water polyline is now properly clipped as well.
  7. All: Updated hardlock code to current API.

Version 4.004

  1. Modeler: A bug introduced in version 4.003 where the boundary conditions were inadvertently reset when you remeshed was fixed. This only occurred if the remesh was with elements with midside nodes.
  2. Modeler: A bug with moving vertices was fixed. Sometimes the base point associated with the move was getting misplaced.

Version 4.003

  1. Modeler: Groundwater file reading and writing has been highly optimized. Reading and writing now take a fraction of the time.
  2. Interpret: EMF/WMF image files now export correctly.
  3. Improved license management for network versions.
  4. Improved look under WinXP.

Version 4.002

  1. Groundwater Interpret: Help files added for the groundwater interpreter.
  2. Groundwater Interpret: Groundwater interpret reference manual added.
  3. Groundwater Interpret: Context sensitive help in all dialogs now works.
  4. Groundwater Interpret: Can now right-click on water tables and isolines for deletion.
  5. Groundwater Interpret: Can now hide boundary condition values from view.
  6. Groundwater Compute: Improved flow calculations for discharge sections in the groundwater analysis engine.
  7. Modeler: Some controls (i.e. undo menu) under win9x did not draw properly.
  8. Modeler: Number of decimals in coordinates tooltip is not synchronized with coordinates format settings.
  9. Modeler: Multiple file open. When last (or the only) file is not successfully opened, program would ask question "Continue opening files?". Fixed.
  10. Modeler: Undo/Redo may take you to groundwater mode screen. Fixed.
  11. Tooltips for the status bar have been removed (Modeler) or turned off by default (Interpreter).
  12. Modeler: The DXF reader is now smart enough to tell whether you have conformed to the Slide layer name format.
  13. Interpret: The interval contour option didn't work correctly. Fixed.
  14. Interpret: Hot-Cold would get switched to Cold-Hot in the contour options under rare circumstances. Fixed.
  15. Interpret: An autoformat contour option could not have both a filled and lines style. Now it can.
  16. Interpret: Context sensitive help in all dialogs now works.

Version 3.046

  1. Compute: Undrained strength functions that are a function of depth and immediately above the lower boundary of the model would not give the correct shear strength results when used with composite surfaces. The strength at the top of the material was being used for the strength.
  2. Modeler: Materials dialog would reassign unit weight and water table info if the user changed the strength model.

Version 3.045

  1. Compute: In extremely rare circumstances, models with soils that have different unit weights above and below the water table would generate incorrect slices. This was obvious if you viewed the slices and slice data.
  2. Compute: Models with zero strength materials and a water table that cut through the material (not at the top of the material) would sometimes compute incorrect slice data.
  3. Compute: The precise centroid of triangular loads is now computed. The load is now applied through this centroid yielding more accurate results for models with triangular loads.
  4. Compute: Can now open more files for batch processing.
  5. Modeler: Materials dialog would reassign unit weight and water table info if the user changed the strength model.

Version 3.044

  1. Compute: Triangular loads were not being computed correctly. The loads at the two ends were being switched.

Version 3.043

  1. Compute: Seismic accelerations were being applied to ponded water. This is no longer the case.
  2. Compute: In cases where the unit weight above and below the water table were different, results were not being calculated for certain centers. This has been fixed.
  3. Compute: Completely submerged slopes with a depth of water greater than 20 units were not being calculated correctly. The weight of water was only due to 20 units of cover while the pore pressures were correct.
  4. All: New Windows XP style menus under windows XP.
  5. Interpret: When filter surfaces was used with "All Circles" and the setting: "Display X surfaces with the lowest factors of safety", the program would not always display the correct surfaces. This problem only occurred when filtering "All Circles", filtering "Minimum Surfaces" was not affected.

Version 3.042

  1. If a model has ponded water which exists over the left most slope limit and the limit is at the left most vertex of your model then a circle that passes through this left most vertex will not contain the lateral thrust due to the ponded water. This will result in a factor of safety which is much less than it actually is.

Version 3.041

  1. Printer logic has been changed. Printers are now set up just before printing. This isolates a problem with printing to some HP printers due to a HP driver bug.

Version 3.04

  1. Automatic update technology added. Customers with a web connection will automatically be notified and allowed to update when a new minor version is released.
  2. A bug with circular search focuses being used with non-circular searches is fixed .
  3. A new splash screen.
  4. Nodelocking now possible.

Version 3.03

  1. Modeler: A single line segment could not be used to define a non-circular failure surface. This is fixed.
  2. Modeler: Improved the way single non-circular failure surfaces are defined. The surface is now intersected properly with the exterior boundary.
  3. Resource modifications in the Model, Compute, and Interpret modules to improve overall stability.

Version 3.026

  1. Modeler: Fixed a problem with reading some XSTABL files.
  2. Compute: A model with a mixture of materials, some with different unit weights below the water table and some materials that didn't, could cause problems with the slice generation.

Version 3.024/3.025

  1. Modeler: More work on the vertex snapping.

Version 3.023

  1. Modeler: Vertex snapping has been improved. You can now snap directly to a line segment as well as a vertex.
  2. Modeler: When moving a boundary, if the base point and new point are both typed in without moving the mouse a memory not initialized error could occur resulting in a crash.
  3. We've gone back to the old 6.0 runtime dll's which we believe were more stable.

Version 3.022

  • Modeler: Entry of angle line loads didn't work correctly.
  • Modeler: Reading complicated files is a lot faster.
  • Modeler: Data file is now exactly the same after reading and re-writing the file.
  • Modeler: Undo information is now saved after an Assign material.
  • Modeler: Better DXF reading and error management.
  • Modeler: When entering tractions using only the keyboard the program would sometimes crash.
  • Modeler: Version information is now written to the data files.
  • Modeler: Added color coding to the materials dialogs for easier identification of materials.
  • Compute: The way ponded water is handled has been improved.
  • Compute: Bug fix for infinite strength materials which intersect the slope surface. Sometimes the program would crash.
  • Compute: Focus objects now check for the surface actually passing through them. Under certain circumstances (multiple slope intersection), the analyzed surface would not pass through the focus object although the circle would.

Version 3.021

  1. Interpret: Pressing Ctrl-S would inadvertently delete the .sli input file.
  2. Interpret: Filter surfaces now automatically turns on display of all surfaces. Previously, if neither min or all surfaces was not toggled on, filtering for a minimum number of surfaces would display nothing. This was confusing so has been changed.
  3. Compute: If the path to an input file was greater than 100 characters then compute would not find the file.
  4. Model: A distributed load could not have a value > 1000 KN/m
  5. Model: The graphical size of the loads are now scaled differently. Distributed and Line loads are independently scaled.
  6. Model: A number of small bug fixes associated with uninitialized memory were fixed. Under certain situations these might have caused the program to abort.

Version 3.02

  1. Compute: Speed increase. The analysis phase is now 2 to 5 times faster due to changes in storage methods (see 2 below) and optimizations to the compute engine.
  2. Changed the way data is stored. In previous versions, all slice data was stored for every surface creating huge unmanageable files for analyses with large number of surfaces. This also slowed down the program. Now the program has a toggle in the Project Settings between a standard data mode and a maximum data mode. Standard saves slice data only for the global minimum while Maximum stores slice data for all surfaces (same as previous versions).
  3. Model: A filter for reverse curvature surfaces has been added. See the Surface Options dialog for circular grid searches.
  4. Model: Number of materials and anchors has been increased from 20 to unlimited. See the Project Settings dialog.
  5. Model: New material models for undrained soils. Can now define undrained cohesion as a function of depth. See the Define Materials dialog.
  6. Model: New material model. Can now define shear strength as a function of overburden pressure. See the Define Materials dialog.
  7. Model: Can now import an image file of a scale drawing of the slope and use it as a background for sketching your slope. See the View->Image option.
  8. Interpret: The infoviewer now lists the number of valid / invalid surfaces and better describes the error codes that occurred.
  9. Interpret: Can import image files as part of the annotation tools.
  10. Model: Default number of grid points for circular surfaces has been increased from approx. 100 to 400. For noncircular searches the default has been increased from 100 to 1000.
  11. Model: Pseudo-Random option for Path searches did not work. This has been fixed.
  12. Model: Undo/Redo now works for material properties definition.
  13. Model: Reset default slope now resets the slope limits as well.
  14. Interpret: Printing without previewing did not always center properly. This has been fixed.

Version 3.011

  1. Model: Escaping from a vertex move of the water table caused the program to crash. Fixed.
  2. Model: You could not turn vertex snap off when moving a grid. The wrong right click menu would come up. Fixed.
  3. Model: When assigning a material the slope limits would be reset. This is no longer the case.
  4. Model / Interpret: Rulers now show metric or imperial divisions.
  5. Interpret: Axes have been improved.
  6. Interpret: SF at grid points no longer scales.
  7. Compute: Anchors were not being modeled correctly for Lowe-Karafiath, GLE and Spencer. The horizontal component of the anchor force for right to left slopes was not in the correct direction.
  8. Compute: Improvements to the iteration scheme for Spencer and GLE resulting in faster and more reliable convergence.

Version 3.01

  1. Model: Improved calculation of default slope limits.
  2. Model: Reading Tension Cracks, Water Tables, Piezos and bolts via the DXF In option caused a reset of the materials. It now maintains the material definition.
  3. Model: Exporting Tension cracks through DXF would sometimes split them. When read back in they would cause problems. The modeler will now only read the first tension crack polyline it finds in the file.
  4. Model: Adding single centers now generates a warning instead of an error for suspect (possibly invalid) circular surfaces. As a result you can now enter circular surfaces with multiple slope intersections.
  5. Compute: A memory bug was fixed. This occurred very rarely (# intersections on exterior boundary>72) and resulted in a crash or obvious incorrect results.
  6. Compute: Improved intersection calculation for circular surfaces that intersected the slope geometry many times.
  7. Compute: Refined the minimum slice width allowed. As a result, smaller surfaces can now be computed.
  8. Compute: Multiple slope limits now properly filter surfaces outside the valid range. Better extent calculation is also done for this case.
  9. Compute: Improved intersection logic for reverse curvature circular surfaces. These are circles where the elevation of the center is below the upper slope intersection point.
  10. Interpret: Text sizing has now been removed. The text stays the same size and does not disappear when zoomed out.
  11. Interpret: Piezo lines and water pressure grid points were being hidden by the soil geometry. This has been fixed.
  12. Interpret: Incorrect numbering of Piezo lines has been fixed.
  13. Interpret: The "Query Invalid" option toggle is now off by default. Right click during query to turn it on.
  14. Interpret: Can now remove query tool-tip text during a query. Right click and toggle off the Query->Text option.

Version 3.003

  1. Compute: Improved intersection calculation with infinite strength materials.
  2. Model: Grid and vertex snap now work with adding point focus objects.
  3. Model: Reading material boundaries from a DXF file without the existence of an external boundary crashed the program. An error message is now generated and the program does not crash.

Version 3.002

  1. Compute: A bug with percentage filled tension cracks was fixed.
  2. Compute: Performance improvements were made to the Compute engine. The engine is now 3 times faster.
  3. Interpret: Chart properties were improved. (and minimum x value bug is fixed)
  4. Interpret: Dismissing the contour dialog by pressing esc could make it not come up again. Fixed.
  5. Interpret: Query Slice Data is now in the pop-up menu when you right-click on queries.
  6. Interpret: Query and Graph option is now in the pop-up menu when you right-click on globals.
  7. Interpret: SF Text for queries no longer scales with the size of the slope.
  8. Interpret: Contours could overlap the slope. Fixed.

Version 3.001

  1. Compute: A bug when you have a tension crack zone and a material line that intersects a circle to the right of the tension crack intersection is fixed.
  2. Compute: The point focus search entity now works.
  3. Modeler: The grid search can now be limited using a minimum elevation as in the Path Search.

Version 3.000 (from beta 1)

  1. Hoek-Brown and Generalized Hoek-Brown Soil models added.
  2. Random Non-Circular Path search added.
  3. Better support for Geo-Slope and XSTABL files.
  4. Can now Export any of the analysis data from the Interpreter for easy import into MS Excel or any other spreadsheet.
  5. Finished On-Line Help. Added an On-Line Reference Manual. Updated Tutorial Manual.
  6. Lots of small bug fixes and layout improvements.
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