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Slide3 Maintenance+ Update History

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Version 3.030 - February 6 2025 [Download]

  1. NEW RSInsight access from Help menu

Version 3.029 - August 21 2024 [Download]

  1. NEW Sensitivity Analysis for material properties
  2. NEW Ability to add multiple search limits for Intelligent Search
  3. NEW RSData Integration for Material Properties
  4. FIXED Filter all surfaces button "Export Slide3 Model" not working
  5. FIXED Hardware accelerated contour rendering occasionally causes missing contour sections when using MMO
  6. FIXED Slide2 Results sometimes not visible after computing sections
  7. FIXED Critical surfaces that are extremely small are not drawn on the safety map
  8. FIXED Search not displacing the mins reported
  9. FIXED Warn user if shear/normal function has size zero.
  10. FIXED Selection box for discrete function interpolation method not showing the expected options
  11. CHANGED Improve speed of importing discrete functions with large number of points
  12. CHANGED ROI surface not generated by default after compute, added option to load it in the Interpret menu
  13. CHANGED Added Section Through Global Minimum option to the Slide2 Section Creator dialog
  14. CHANGED Slide3 Intelligent Search should export to Slide2 as PSO
  15. CHANGED Advanced settings cleanup of some obsolete settings

Version 3.028 - May 27 2024 [Download]

  1. FIXED Block-level Mohr-Coulomb parameters results in very low FS when only block-level cohesion is used in the material
  2. FIXED Issue with invalid inputs in block model wizard sometimes causing crash
  3. FIXED Units are wrong for volume in Slip Surface Filters
  4. FIXED Simplify triangulation on weak layer surface resulting in invalid surface

Version 3.027 - April 23 2024 [Download]

  1. CHANGED Block model tutorial using Intelligent Search

Version 3.026 - April 12 2024 [Download]

  1. NEW Block Model with block-level parameters, visualization of block model on 2D sections and export to Slide2, visualization of block model on external, accurate parameter estimation, and updated import wizard
  2. FIXED When a Slide2 file with two slope limits is opened in Slide3, the slope limits are displayed with the wrong default colours
  3. FIXED Exporting a Slide2 section with "Cohesion varies with depth" and F(undrained Cu) was not resulting in proper material cohesion type in Slide2
  4. FIXED Discrete function sometimes not recognized as being defined when pressing OK in the material dialog
  5. FIXED Issue importing properties from a Slide2 project with a discrete function defined
  6. CHANGED Change of interface when importing sensor data

Version 3.025 - March 20 2024 [Download]

  1. FIXED Compute Issue with Intelligent Search + Overall Slope
  2. CHANGED Decrease frequency of safety map refreshing during section creation
  3. CHANGED User-Defined surfaces from Slide3 should export to Slide2 when User-Defined surface generation method is used.

Version 3.024 - February 26 2024 [Download]

  1. NEW Ability to automatically create a 2D section through the middle of the global minimum
  2. NEW Intercolumn Force Diagram dialog added to Column Data Viewer.
  3. NEW Anisotropic Strength material exported from Slide3 will be converted to equivalent Generalized Anisotropic in Slide2.
  4. NEW Added surface generation method: Intelligent Search
  5. NEW Create 2D section for export from polylines
  6. NEW Draw polyline - plane origin selection tool
  7. FIXED Shear/normal function name resetting when switching function selection
  8. FIXED Pressure Head & Total Head Grids from Slide3 -> Slide2 Not Exporting
  9. FIXED Changing offset of a result's contoured inset geometry separates inset into upper and lower pieces
  10. FIXED Editing added bolt pattern creates a new bolt pattern
  11. FIXED Export of 3D anisotropy from Slide3 to Slide2 in cases where anisotropic surface doesn't intersect the 2D section.
  12. FIXED MMO results from Slide2 not displayed in Slide2 sections in Slide3.
  13. FIXED Search Limits drawn offscreen upon creation in some cases.
  14. FIXED Saving a model with the same name as an existing model with results causes a crash
  15. FIXED User-Defined Surface is missing from CAD views after re-opening a project
  16. FIXED Crash when editing slope limits imported from old Slide2 files.
  17. FIXED Symmetry line logic causing no results to compute in rare cases
  18. FIXED Material-dependent anchorage friction was not applied
  19. CHANGED Change to the Progress Bar control in compute dialog.
  20. CHANGED Display of surface search limits now consistent with display of volume search limits. Only volume can be assigned to arbitrary volume slope limit.
  21. CHANGED Improvements to slope wizard dialog.
  22. CHANGED Add units to compute time in Report Generator
  23. CHANGED Restrict the number of columns input within reasonable value
  24. CHANGED By default, don't export Slide3 surface to Slide2.
  25. CHANGED Allow user to create 2D section, even without Slide2 license

Version 3.023 - September 12 2023 [Download]

  1. CHANGED Improved message for Maintenance+ subscription.

Version 3.022 - June 13 2023 [Download]

  1. NEW Mapping Function options added to Generalized Anisotropic.
  2. NEW Update to Add Water by Location: ability to import Sysdam data
  3. NEW Advanced option in Generalized Anisotropic dialog.
  4. CHANGED Column bases at edges of slip surfaces no longer treated as weak layer material if only their underground vertices touch a weak layer
  5. CHANGED Improved algorithm for handling of vertical weak layers.
  6. CHANGED Some togglable advanced discretization improvements added to the advanced project settings dialog
  7. CHANGED Defaults option added to Slip Surface Options dialog along with some warning messages to guide the user.
  8. CHANGED Warning messages added about vertical weak layers and reverse curvature weak layers.
  9. CHANGED Revised searching logic relating to the minimum solution and filtering of slip surfaces.
  10. CHANGED New validation rule: material function input is required in Material Properties dialog.
  11. CHANGED Improved Multiple PSO algorithm.
  12. CHANGED Assign more precise tooltip mouse coordinates
  13. FIXED Columns of material property functions switch when using Import option.
  14. FIXED High memory usage during probabilistic multiple minima sampling method.
  15. FIXED Discrete functions and porewater pressure models could sometimes produce different results on different computers.
  16. FIXED Fixed skipped numbering of multiple particle swarm surface IDs in Show All Surfaces dialog
  17. FIXED Calculation of block model per-material bond strength of anchorage
  18. FIXED Warning message added in case where file needs to be saved before launching Report Generator.
  19. FIXED Rare crash when loading projected slope limit
  20. FIXED Tab functionality in User Defined Manufacturer and Geosynthetic Manufacturer library dialogs.
  21. FIXED Flip sign on bottom of contour legend.

Version 3.021 - February 13 2023 [Download]

  1. NEW Integration with Slide2 when exporting Generalized Anisotropic materials
  2. NEW Heuristic: New, faster weak layer handling option (available with Particle Swarm only
  3. NEW Water options added to tension cracks
  4. NEW File > Open File Location option
  5. NEW Button that resets viewport layout
  6. CHANGED Default search settings are now Type = Spline, Method = Particle Swarm Search, and Weak Layer Handling = Heuristic
  7. CHANGED Clicking the RSPile button in Support Properties dialog, before a file has been loaded, will now launch a new instance of RSPile
  8. CHANGED Tension cracks will only truncate regions of the slip surface if there are no columns behind (with respect to the slip direction) which extend below the tension crack
  9. CHANGED Tension cracks surfaces are assumed to extend upwards at the edges, forming a closed zone. The lowest tension crack at any point is assumed to govern
  10. CHANGED Slip Direction in 'Show All Surfaces' dialog now follows Dip Direction convention (CW from +y
  11. CHANGED Visibility tree doesn't reset when switching methods in Results tab
  12. CHANGED Word "altered" removed from MMO FS table
  13. CHANGED Order of minima in MMO table changed to show FS values in increasing order
  14. CHANGED Save As dialog now will input current project name as default
  15. CHANGED Box Window / Create External Box UI improvements
  16. CHANGED Improve the effectiveness of the search when the "Enhanced searching algorithm" checkbox option is toggled on
  17. CHANGED Some improvements to handling of vertical weak layers clipping a column
  18. FIXED Slow performance when projected load/bolt is added to model
  19. FIXED Importing Slide2 file with slope limits truncated completely inside box to slope limit with highest y-coordinate
  20. FIXED Colour of Block Model entities not updated when child material colour changed
  21. FIXED Pressure Head and Total Head units in Define Water Pressure Grid dialog
  22. FIXED Translation of block mode
  23. FIXED Repair failure could stop the program
  24. FIXED Multiple search limits with Cuckoo or Particle Swarm showing more result surfaces than expected
  25. FIXED Duplicate slip surfaces IDs showing up in the Show All Surfaces dialog
  26. FIXED "Hardware accelerated contour rendering" option in Display Options dialog displayed oddly with surface offset option
  27. Fixed Deleting a Weak Layer doesn't retrieve parent geometry
  28. FIXED Some auto tension crack surfaces have holes in the discretization
  29. FIXED Show All Surfaces does not update the tension crack location when switching between result surfaces
  30. FIXED Cancelling Material Properties dialog from Properties Pane while editing doesn't close the dialog
  31. FIXED The ponded water load option removed from Load dialog
  32. FIXED Slow processing time when loading or selecting large amounts of geometry
  33. FIXED Maximum contour colour was not updated when using Turbo Contour, reversed
  34. FIXED Borehole manager very slow performance in some cases
  35. FIXED Rare case where column base sampling causes slight change to FS after replicating a result slip surface as a user-defined surface
  36. FIXED Spline search returns no result if entire model below Z=
  37. FIXED Crash when overwriting an existing section in Section Creator
  38. FIXED 'Reverse Colour' checkbox wasn't displayed in Contour Options dialog in some cases
  39. FIXED Printing from the modeler wasn't showing any images due to Windows Security update
  40. FIXED Crash if unavailable printer was set as the default
  41. FIXED Manufacturer Library datagrid loses focus on editing
  42. FIXED Loading bar upon clicking Cancel on Contour Options dialog
  43. FIXED View > Align Camera with Selected Plane or Face error
  44. FIXED View setup resets after going into Display Options dialog

Version 3.020 - September 20 2022 [Download]

  1. NEW Add Spline Search Method to Slide3 slip surface type
  2. NEW Improve Metaheuristic search methods
  3. NEW Add Terrain Generator to Slide3
  4. NEW Add MMO feature for Wedge or Multiplanar surface search methods
  5. NEW Add Synteen Manufacturer to the support manufacturer library
  6. NEW Improve contour display option to match RS3
  7. CHANGED New checkboxes for the Advanced options for search methods
  8. CHANGED Improve Multi-Section Slide2 section creator in Slide3
  9. FIXED Removing the additional user defined surface removes the results
  10. FIXED Number of failed attempts to create a surface varies has undefined behaviour
  11. FIXED PSO Wedges for symmetric models not supported
  12. FIXED Cohesion and Friction Angle tabular values could be non-incremental
  13. FIXED Engine dialog not showing per region progress when model has multiple search regions with probabilistic active
  14. FIXED With multiple search regions and probabilistic ON, surface altering only occurs on the global min from all search regions
  15. FIXED Slide2 section creator in Slide3 with more than 40 sections does not allow click compute
  16. FIXED Wrong Scatter Plot Regression Line in Excel for the probabilistic analysis results
  17. FIXED Highlighting probabilistic data points based on FS considers negative FS (error) values
  18. FIXED Vertical weak layer not clipping the slip surface for this case
  19. FIXED PSO Multiplanar search not working for models with large X and Y coordinates
  20. FIXED Saturated unit weight in the material dialog is grayed out for all the cases
  21. FIXED Contour color turns black when "Display Geometry As Inset" is checked
  22. FIXED Block Model Function disappears when saving and reopening the model
  23. FIXED Block Model Material changes Unit Weight to zero after giving an error to user when they try to add another block model material

Version 3.019 - July 7 2022 [Download]

  1. NEW Reporting the volume of each material for the critical slip surface in the report generator
  2. NEW User defined option for geosynthetic manufacturer library
  3. CHANGED New look for manufacturer libraries in supports
  4. CHANGED Data Grid look added for the the support properties menu
  5. CHANGED Data Grid look added for the the material properties menu
  6. CHANGED Show/hide Rapid drawdown in Groundwater Project Settings
  7. CHANGED Better PWP Export/import between Slide2 and Slide3 and keeping the resolution of the grids
  8. CHANGED Default force orientation for anchors in Slide3
  9. FIXED Add warnings for supports that are not supported by Slide3 imported from Slide2
  10. FIXED Engine database crashes if a non-English alphabet is used
  11. FIXED Matching the Response surface option in the project settings for Slide3 to Slide2 exports
  12. FIXED Error for running multiple Slide2 sections
  13. FIXED Fixing a crash related to the old Slide3 files
  14. FIXED Models with porewater grid give different results when porewater pressure interpolator is precomputed versus if it isn't precomputed
  15. FIXED Slide2 file export from Slide3 crash because of the invalid 2D section
  16. FIXED Discretization issue caused by overlapping weak layers leading to unrealistic slip surfaces
  17. FIXED Wrong graph for the c-phi material type
  18. FIXED Normal stress validation in the shear normal function
  19. FIXED Fixing the Contour display option becoming black
  20. FIXED Fixing a crash related to the All entity selection option in the visibility menu in the 2D section creator in Slide3
  21. FIXED Validation added to normal stress in the shear normal function material type

Version 3.018 - April 29 2022 [Download]

  1. NEW Support Properties to be copied properly between Slide3 and Slide2
  2. NEW Search limits integration Slide3-Slide2
  3. NEW Search options and filter to be copied properly between Slide3 and Slide2
  4. NEW Texture Mapping
  5. NEW Project Settings options to be matched between Slide3 and Slide2
  6. NEW Surface Options to be copied properly between Slide3 and Slide2
  7. NEW Geosynthetic support properties to be exported properly from Slide3 to Slide2
  8. NEW Tension crack surfaces to be transferred from Slide3 to Slide2
  9. NEW Turbo color hot to cold
  10. NEW Sliding Direction Arrow display option
  11. NEW Contour for column depth
  12. NEW Add equations to Slide3 material dialog similar to Slide2
  13. NEW Add Reverse Colours Option for Contours
  14. NEW Show user defined surface in the 3D view of the 2D section creator
  15. CHANGED Coordinate system modifications
  16. CHANGED Change the transparency of the safety map to 10%
  17. CHANGED None option for Nut Capacity in Manufacturer Library
  18. FIXED Discrete function rendering, does not show the discrete function properly
  19. FIXED Change Unit for material properties and undo the change but the values stay as for the previous unit
  20. FIXED Changing execution priority in Slide3 Engine has no effect
  21. FIXED Click on repair crashed because of the weak layer removal
  22. FIXED Results Transparency is backwards in display option dialog compared to the visibility tree
  23. FIXED Project Settings Advanced between Slide2 and Slide3 should reset to default
  24. FIXED GHB conversion systems does not match
  25. FIXED Unit change bug in manufacturer library
  26. FIXED Show Contours Crash for MMO
  27. FIXED Slide2 file with a pore water pressure grid import to Slide3 change to water surface
  28. FIXED File Path Issues: exporting a Slide2 section with long file names does not open
  29. FIXED PSO: Number of Failure Slide2 to Slide3 does not match (MMO)
  30. FIXED Material statistics from Slide3 to Slide2 does not match
  31. FIXED Multiple 2D section creator Slide3 makes duplicate names
  32. FIXED Discrete function from Slide3 to Slide2 creates two materials
  33. FIXED Number of columns in Slide3 did not match Number of Slices in Slide2
  34. FIXED Drawdown drop down menu in the add water by location becomes empty after unchecking the option in the project settings
  35. FIXED Ground water material assignment from borehole does not update the material properties dialog
  36. FIXED Slide2 with Discrete function material import to Slide3 does not show
  37. FIXED Weak Layer option Slide2 to Slide3 did not match
  38. FIXED Mb, s, a parameters not imported correctly from Slide2
  39. FIXED Import material properties dialog gets hidden if the user clicks on the modeler
  40. FIXED Probabilistic analysis option stays greyed out if the previous option in the surface option was MMO for PSO and then change to Cuckoo search
  41. FIXED Import Anisotropic Surface while Importing Generalized Anisotropic property is broken
  42. FIXED Slide3 Applied Manufacturer Library Design Factor for Geosynthetic support type changes to None in Slide2
  43. FIXED Material stats are not imported from Slide2 to Slide3
  44. FIXED File location for the 2D section creator crash-the file location in the 2D section dialog does not change from one computer to another
  45. FIXED Slide2 & Slide3 Weak Layer Handling Different
  46. FIXED Support properties are not copied from Slide3 to Slide2
  47. FIXED Water grid option in Slide3 changes to water surface option in Slide2
  48. FIXED Improve handling of cliff columns in block models
  49. FIXED Slide3 2D section creator creates empty sections in Slide2
  50. FIXED Trying to link blank RSPile file gives confusing error
  51. FIXED Changing interval size in safety map contour option crash
  52. FIXED Add remove columns in view all surfaces changes to default after closing and opening show all surfaces
  53. FIXED Slide3 support dialog crash when user defined support is empty
  54. FIXED Wrong coordinate writing to the compute file for geosynthetic supports
  55. FIXED External transparency in display option bug-changing the transparency in the display option does not do anything

Version 3.017 – December 8 2021 [Download]

  1. CHANGED Improved the method for sampling weight of columns
  2. CHANGED Notification link in flow bar now launches 'Error Codes' dialog
  3. CHANGED Slow Geometry Importer
  4. FIXED Add Anisotropic Surface/Tension Crack by Location after adding Add Water By Location crash
  5. FIXED Added check for min/max values in material stats dialog for COV
  6. FIXED Anisotropic Surface/Weak Layers/Tension Cracks by Location allows for invalid input data and causing a crash
  7. FIXED Bug where themes were being associated with files
  8. FIXED Closing Change Plot Data saves the new changes
  9. FIXED Crash reviewing 'All Surfaces' results
  10. FIXED Custom TitleBlock Print Issue
  11. FIXED Engine crashes when adding bolt to the selected surface first then editing it
  12. FIXED Error when importing Material Properties when using a block model
  13. FIXED Fixed a crash from too many weak layer combinations
  14. FIXED Fixed some edge cases when handling geometric operations within the engine
  15. FIXED Fixes to property import between RS3, Slide3 and EX3
  16. FIXED Geometry written in wrong order when exporting to Slide2
  17. FIXED Import Generalized Anisotropic Model with Anisotropic Surface into RS3 issue
  18. FIXED Importing a blank CSV file would crash the program
  19. FIXED Material Import Allowing Empty Rows
  20. FIXED Max\Min Tensile Strength after Clear Selection don't change back to default values
  21. FIXED Maximum negative pore pressure settings correctly exported to Slide2 sections
  22. FIXED New Non-construction Geometry Invalidates Results
  23. FIXED Opening a previously computed model with results, adding property table saving and reopening it would remove its results
  24. FIXED Performance improvements for importing/pasting large data sets into grids
  25. FIXED Performance problem with history removal on large models
  26. FIXED Polyline Table Overflow
  27. FIXED Reading block models status bar appearing but no block model defined
  28. FIXED Selecting Manufacturer for Geosynthetic doesn't reset Min. Al. Tensile Strength.
  29. FIXED Shear Strength COV range check fix (lower bound set to zero)
  30. FIXED Slide2 Results Don't Show in Slide3 for Three Point Surface Results (e.g. Slope Search)
  31. FIXED Slide3 Surface Result Export and Import
  32. FIXED Soil Nail Grouted Tieback Nut and Plate Capacities not Refreshing
  33. FIXED Symmetry Points Are Inconsistent
  34. FIXED System Units Change Warning is Misleading
  35. FIXED Units when exporting Slide2 section
  36. FIXED User Data Dialog with Custom Variables

3.016 – September 14 2021 [Download]

  1. FIXED Bolts with bond strength defined by material with frictional region crossing multiple layers may give inaccurate reactions since 3.011

3.015 – August 16 2021 [Download]

  1. CHANGED Some tweaks to the handling of weak layers in specific cases where they are found to be discontinuous inside slip surfaces
  2. FIXED User-defined surfaces are not properly clipped to the external when exporting a section cut from Slide3 to Slide2
  3. FIXED Removing newly added Discrete New Function crashes the program
  4. FIXED Vectors in property grids weren't displaying correctly or editable
  5. FIXED Improved performance on reading and several operations when project has many items
  6. FIXED Crash (no info) when importing Tre Altamira sensor data with missing files
  7. FIXED Import Sensor Data Icons Inconsistency
  8. FIXED Can't Delete Discrete Strength Function
  9. FIXED Apply surface search filters when importing Slide2 file to Slide3
  10. FIXED Tensile Strength parameter name is missing from SHANSEP material type
  11. FIXED Fatal error when entering shear normal material strengths
  12. FIXED Block Model Geometry Transparency Update Issue
  13. FIXED Block Model Import Info Dialog Shows Empty
  14. FIXED Able to Delete Block Model Materials
  15. FIXED Import Search Limit Box Is In Wrong Location
  16. FIXED Computing Search Limit By Arbitrary Volume Issue
  17. FIXED Slide3 performance problem due to block model and discrete function
  18. FIXED Editing imported Slide2 slope limit Crash
  19. FIXED Unhandled error from printer setup
  20. FIXED Showing wrong windows version in tech support window
  21. FIXED Copy Paste Shear Normal Function in txt format doesn't work
  22. FIXED Error 146 thrown while calculating applied loads for some slip surfaces, rendering them invalid
  23. FIXED Crash during global min probabilistic with surface-based intersect slope limits

3.014 – July 9 2021 [Download]

  1. CHANGED Improved splash screen
  2. FIXED Mismatch between saved and loaded geometry
  3. FIXED Geometric operators on External could inadvertently move geometries
  4. FIXED Interpret Menu Item Toggles Broken
  5. FIXED Save As Overwriting Not Working
  6. FIXED Cancelling 'Draw Polyline' operation sets top left view to 'Front'
  7. FIXED Pressing Enter in Support Dialog Erases Changes
  8. FIXED Fatal Crash Deleting Search Limit by Surface (Projected)

3.013 – June 7 2021 [Download]

  1. FIXED Fixed a problem that slows down file reading in Slide3
  2. FIXED Performance improvement of several functions with models that have a large set of history
  3. FIXED Traction arrow drawing on tiny geometry
  4. FIXED Error with copy command

3.012 – May 7 2021 [Download]

  1. FIXED Models saved with periods at the end of the file name will now prompt a warning asking for the user to rename the model.
  2. FIXED Some issues with convergence of Factor of Safety in models containing materials with tensile strength
  3. FIXED Opening a model with modified MMO Table Options crashes the program
  4. FIXED Program crashes when constructing an elevation map due to floating external pieces
  5. FIXED Save As to Path Without Drive Letter

3.011 – April 18 2021 [Download]

  1. NEW Block model feature
  2. NEW Ability to define design standards
  3. NEW Faster file open/close using a database format
  4. NEW Ability to clean geometry history
  5. NEW Ability to compute multiple "completely within" search regions at once
  6. NEW Import Maptek Data
  7. NEW Add user-defined groups
  8. NEW Discrete function visualization
  9. CHANGED CSV Importer revamp
  10. CHANGED Slide2 section creator improvements
  11. CHANGED Tensar support manufacturer default values
  12. CHANGED Performance Issue with reading Point Cloud Data when adding a surface from points
  13. CHANGED Viewport Grid Options Modification
  14. CHANGED Missing selectable faces if the entire surface mesh is extremely smooth
  15. FIXED Output error when computing a model with invalid slope limit polyline
  16. FIXED User Defined Support sorts values automatically without giving an error to user
  17. FIXED Removing a property while its table is present issue when saving and reopening the model
  18. FIXED Multi-Sections Path Table Paste
  19. FIXED Traction arrow drawing on tiny geometry
  20. FIXED Coefficient of Variation Ranges dialog (dark theme) wrong background color
  21. FIXED Material stats dialog theme issue for error rows - wrong background color
  22. FIXED Water interpolation data wiped upon re-computing a previously computed file
  23. FIXED Section Creator Esc During Draw Closes Dialog
  24. FIXED Options edit bugs - saving selection, apply all, cancel not working
  25. FIXED Crash with results tables when double click opening a file
  26. FIXED With more than 3 annotation tables, spacing can be wrong
  27. FIXED Repair Crashes for Import Geometry
  28. FIXED Exception thrown from Zoomfit while loading entities in during geometry import

3.010 – November 25 2020 [Download]

  1. CHANGED Borehole diagram display
  2. CHANGED Add Viewport tab to Display Options
  3. CHANGED Remove report generator tab from Display Options
  4. FIXED Show surface as inset does not work with MMO
  5. FIXED Display Geometry as Inset
  6. FIXED Add Plane Coordinate Issue in models with global offset
  7. FIXED Error Saving Arbitrary Search Volume
  8. FIXED Error Saving Surface Search limit
  9. FIXED Pullout strengths by material not working properly
  10. FIXED Section Viewer 4k UI issue displaying ruler in 2D Section Preview
  11. FIXED Collapse Small Volumes ListBox Selection Issue
  12. FIXED Changing Method in Results resets Custom Range for Add Safety Map
  13. FIXED Losing license access crashes program

3.009 – November 9 2020 [Download]

  1. NEW Particle Swarm MMO (Multiple failures)
  2. NEW Probabilistic Shear (COV method)
  3. NEW Wavin Support
  4. NEW Copy Image
  5. NEW Section Cut Front View
  6. NEW Report weight in tonnes as well as kN
  7. NEW Option in the section cut dialog to turn off writing user defined surface
  8. NEW Display Weak Surfaces and Anisotropic Planes in Assign Materials Using Cutting Plane window
  9. NEW Add Section at Segment Midpoint
  10. NEW Ability to drop and drag geometry to import
  11. NEW Add interslice forces and surface metrics (slip dir, mass, etc.) to the Slide3 results file for all surfaces
  12. NEW Different Colours for Different Method Results
  13. NEW Column Width in Column Data Viewer
  14. NEW Add Interslice Forces to Contouring
  15. NEW Maximum Slip Surface Filters
  16. NEW New View Layout
  17. NEW Pore Pressure Grid Contour
  18. NEW Import Reutech and 3vGeomatics senso data
  19. NEW Save Progress Bar
  20. CHANGED Export Geometry File Name as Material
  21. CHANGED Material Dialog Auto Select New Material
  22. CHANGED Section Cut Select
  23. CHANGED Format of Column Viewer Excel Export
  24. CHANGED Moved Results Display Dialog to Tab in Display Dialog
  25. CHANGED Display All Surfaces Dialog
  26. FIXED Scale Crash in Reconstruct Surface
  27. FIXED Orientation Preview crash in Reconstruct Surface
  28. FIXED Loft Tool Crash
  29. FIXED RE: Can't export material info
  30. FIXED Orientation doesn't work properly
  31. FIXED Create As User-Defined crashes in "Display All Surfaces" dialog
  32. FIXED Null reference exception
  33. FIXED Report Generator crashes when opening it in a model with results
  34. FIXED Reading models with results (built with older builds) issue
  35. FIXED Import Geometry Crash
  36. FIXED Slide3 export of 2D section has wrong infill
  37. FIXED Chart in Excel crash
  38. FIXED Support pattern does not allow a value of 1m
  39. FIXED Paste from Excel to tables bug
  40. FIXED Discrete function input not written to file
  41. FIXED Reading results performance issue
  42. FIXED Slide3 view surfaces crash
  43. FIXED define material statistics dialog bug
  44. FIXED Same model different results
  45. FIXED Recomputing a model after opening the column viewer crashes the program
  46. FIXED Arbitrary Search Volume Saving and Compute fails
  47. FIXED Show surface as inset does not work with MMO
  48. FIXED Display Geometry as Inset Problems
  49. FIXED Slide3 crash
  50. FIXED Add Search Limit Box coordinates are off
  51. FIXED Opening any Slide3 model crashes the program
  52. FIXED Add Plane Coordinate Issue when having a model with the global offset
  53. FIXED Error Saving Arbitrary Search Volume
  54. FIXED ASC File has Optional Nodata Value
  55. FIXED Changing Method in Results resets Custom Range for Add Safety Map
  56. FIXED Add Elevation Map Crashes Program
  57. FIXED Results File Writing State doesn't change after modifying a model that initially gives error code
  58. FIXED Borehole UI Issues
  59. FIXED Remove display options for report generator in application
  60. FIXED MMO table is not being removed after saving as MMO model (minor UI issue)
  61. FIXED MMO bug: two identical surfaces printed
  62. FIXED Display All Surfaces Icons are too big
  63. FIXED Sl3 Modeler fatal error when changing from infinite strength material
  64. FIXED PWP Data Role Bug
  65. FIXED Slope limit rendering wrong colour
  66. FIXED Copy and Paste of Data into a User-Defined Support data grid misses the last item
  67. FIXED Discrete Function doesn't work for various combinations
  68. FIXED Slide3: Rotated weak layer surface not writing to compute file
  69. FIXED Model crashes when re-open in slide3 after adding a section
  70. FIXED Adding a 3D Primitive Geometry to a model with results in results workflow tab coordinate/scale issue after Saving and reopening
  71. FIXED Slide3: Gen aniso function update not saving when switching to another material
  72. FIXED When Max Neg Pore Pressure box not checked, value set to 0
  73. FIXED Don't allow entry of Ru that is less than zero
  74. FIXED YZ Plane is disabled in the Interpret
  75. FIXED Safety Map Custom Range min value has changed
  76. FIXED Import Geometry dialog missing Post Processing "Simplify Triangulation" and "Repair Option" page and directly imports the geometry
  77. FIXED Slide3 plane creation via normal vector seems to ignore sign of z
  78. FIXED Section cut compute issues
  79. FIXED Collapse Small Volumes ListBox Selection Issue
  80. FIXED Section Viewer UI issue displaying ruler in 2D Section Preview
  81. FIXED PWP Legend dos not get removed after water grid is being deleted
  82. FIXED Sensor Data Role Bug
  83. FIXED Reutech sensor Data Contour Min Max remains in the viewport after deleting it
  84. FIXED Opening old files with only user-defined surfaces causes it to change to a search method
  85. FIXED Column Viewer gets disabled for all surfaces after turning off "Show only selected outline"

3.008 – August 21 2020 [Download]

  1. Search volume bug fixed
  2. Import (search volume\slope surface\Anisotropic surfaces) coordinate bug fixed.
  3. Displaying Show All Surfaces bug fixed.
  4. Engine: Center of Rotation when falling below failure surface bug fixed.
  5. Displaying numbers in borehole manager bug fixed.
  6. Removing excavation role for Add Plane and fixing “fit plane to selected” option.
  7. Error codes -116 through -119 relating to slope limits renumbered to -150 through -153
  8. Error codes -130 and -137 weren’t being reported in file; fixed.

3.007 – July 9 2020 [Download]

  1. Fixed an issue with slip surfaces touching external boundaries being admitted during searching
  2. Fixed an issue with unexpected searching behaviour in models with rotated box slope limits

3.006 – June 11 2020 [Download]

  1. NEW: Import and Export search limits
  2. Fixed a rare issue with hydrostatic forces being applied in the wrong direction to some vertical column faces
  3. Improved algorithm for detecting vertical column faces, which is used to clip the column geometry
  4. Improved algorithm for detecting vertical discontinuities within a slip mass
  5. Fixed an issue with internal islands being created within slip masses
  6. Fixed an issue with some slip surfaces not being shown in the Display All Surfaces dialogue
  7. Fixed an issue with the program not being able to detect internally concave surfaces and outputting the appropriate error code (-121)
  8. Fixed an issue with slope limits not being fully respected as the edges of slip surfaces
  9. Improved properties import from Slide2 to Slide3
  10. Fixed a section viewer crash
  11. Fixed Elevation/Safety Map contours visibility
  12. Improved Support dialog UI (error handling)
  13. Fixed Add Water by Location crash
  14. GSI and MI value entry issue in material properties fixed (it was crashing entering a letter, it also had a UI issue not showing the entered value)
  15. Create external from surface decimal issue entering a value is fixed
  16. Assign aniso material to a weak layer results crash error fixed

3.005 – April 22 2020 [Download]

  1. Improved volume slope limits when determining whether a surface is inside or outside the limit.
  2. Fixed a bug with the computation of base area of columns under rare circumstances.
  3. Improved the computation of ponded water loads on vertical faces.
  4. Angle brackets in Material names sometimes caused the program to stop; fixed.
  5. Older projects with an External volume could have unexpected outcomes after Clear External; fixed.
  6. A Generalized Anisotropic Function window label was fixed.
  7. An Import Properties from Slide Project bug was fixed.
  8. The Compute message regarding undivided geometry was updated.

3.004 – March 27 2020 [Download]

  1. Importing arcs caused subsequent file open to fail; fixed.

3.003 – March 25 2020 [Download]

  1. Fix for response surface in cases where LE method returns error codes.
  2. Fix for trilinear interpolation.
  3. Fixed bug with slope limits.
  4. Boolean operations are now more robust and efficient, and there is more feedback if errors are encountered.
  5. The Slide2 section tool and export was improved.
  6. Tre Altamira data can now be imported and contoured.
  7. A primitive geometry Edit bug was fixed.
  8. Some Add Search Limit by Volume bugs were fixed.
  9. A Generalized Anisotropic editing bug was fixed.
  10. A Show All Surfaces > Export Surface bug was fixed.
  11. Some Add Surface From Points bugs were fixed.
  12. A Construction entity visibility bug was fixed.
  13. An Export Surface Results bug was fixed.
  14. Some Discard Selected Construction Geometry bugs were fixed.
  15. Some Add Loads and Add Support bugs were fixed.
  16. The Discrete Function point set was sometimes drawn incorrectly; fixed.
  17. A Borehole Manager Location bug was fixed.
  18. Some Clear External Visibility bugs were fixed.
  19. A Theme Light bug was fixed.
  20. Dip / Dip Direction entry boxes sometimes drew incorrectly; fixed.
  21. The Repair Settings panel was improved.
  22. Entities can now be selected in the Visibility pane even during Disable Selection.
  23. An Assign Materials Using Cutting Plane bug was fixed.
  24. When viewing imported sensor data, only parts completely inside the External extents are drawn by default.
  25. The Segmenter tool was improved.
  26. The freehand object manipulator was improved and added to more tools.
  27. Mouse coordinates were shown in the CAD views even when not being used; fixed.
  28. Opening multiple projects at the same time sometimes caused unexpected window states; fixed.
  29. The Search Limit was sometimes incorrectly set when importing a Slide2 project; fixed.
  30. A Shear Normal Function bug was fixed.
  31. Geometry Import Post-Processing is now only enabled for surface meshes.
  32. Discard Isolated External Pieces now considers the Construction Role.
  33. An Extrude bug was fixed.
  34. Certain tools using their own CAD view or geometry Preview entities were sometimes resulting in incorrect behaviour; fixed.
  35. A Section Cut bug was fixed.
  36. Add Surface From Existing Contours was improved.
  37. A Water Surface delete bug was fixed.
  38. A Draw Polyline bug was fixed.
  39. A Loft Undo / Redo visibility bug was fixed.
  40. An Import Slide2 Project Symmetry Line bug was fixed.
  41. Some Geotextile bugs were fixed.
  42. The grid from Viewport Grid or Draw Polyline was sometimes drawing incorrectly; fixed.
  43. A Project closing bug was fixed.
  44. Some Import Properties bugs were fixed.
  45. Interacting with the Geometry Import window is now faster.
  46. Grid lines in the CAD view sometimes flashed or disappeared; fixed.
  47. A view closing bug sometimes stopped the program; fixed.
  48. Some Geometry Import visibility bugs were fixed.
  49. When saving a project, warn the user if potential future additions to the project path would make it too long.
  50. Some geometry operations should complete much faster now.
  51. The CAD view ruler coordinates were sometimes incorrect; fixed.
  52. The Contour Legend context menu now contains "Toggle Density Histogram", converting the legend into a histogram.
  53. A DTM file import bug was fixed.
  54. The support database has been updated.
  55. Materials were sometimes not imported with a Slide2 project; fixed.
  56. An Autodesk export bug was fixed.
  57. The Geometry Repair tool is now faster when finding defects.
  58. A section tool visibility bug was fixed.
  59. A Geometry Import delete bug was fixed.
  60. Some Slide2 section bugs were fixed.
  61. Assign Materials Using Cutting Plane was not invalidating results; fixed.
  62. Opening large projects should now be a little faster.
  63. The Global Minimum entity visibility was sometimes inconsistent; fixed.
  64. A Slide2 import bug was fixed.
  65. A Discrete Function visibility bug was fixed.
  66. A Generalized Anisotropic dialog bug was fixed.
  67. There is now a report of issues when exporting a Slide2 section.
  68. Some Slide2 export bugs were fixed.
  69. A Geosynthetic dialog bug was fixed.
  70. A Draw Polyline coordinate entry bug was fixed.
  71. A file saving bug was fixed.
  72. A Collapse Material Boundaries Undo / Redo bug was fixed.

3.002 – January 17 2020 [Download]

  1. The Intersects slope limit did not work correctly, fixed.
  2. The Add Surface From Contours and Points dialogs were improved.
  3. Shapefile geometry can now be imported, with support for points, polylines, and polygons.
  4. Entries in the Undo / Redo lists have better names.
  5. Some Section Creator bugs were fixed.
  6. Some Bolt and Load dialog bugs were fixed.
  7. A Shear Normal Function dialog bug was fixed.
  8. The Section Creator's interactive manipulation was improved.
  9. A Geometry Merge bug was fixed.
  10. Some Contour Legend bugs were fixed.
  11. A Create External From Surface bug was fixed; the tool is now more flexible. There is now a Create Volume Under Surface operation.
  12. A Divide All Geometry bug was fixed.
  13. A Create External Box bug was fixed.
  14. The Import Geometry dialog is now faster; some dialog bugs were fixed.
  15. A geometry file reading bug was fixed.
  16. A data file import bug was fixed.
  17. Some Colour Table names were changed to be consistent with other Rocscience software.
  18. A borehole bug was fixed.
  19. Entity visibilities are now saved with the project, and used when the project is opened.
  20. A Safety Map bug was fixed.
  21. The Loft operation sometimes resulted in holes; fixed.
  22. Some Multi-Planar surface bugs were fixed.
  23. Help buttons were added to many dialogs.
  24. Importing geotextile reinforced Slide projects added some extra geometry; fixed.
  25. The label for Micro Pile supports has been changed to Pile / Micro Pile.

3.001 – December 5 2019 [Download]

  1. Maintenance+ version released.

2019.016 – September 10 2019 [Download]

  1. A bolt pattern bug was fixed.
  2. Undoing a Delete operation could add multiple copies of the deleted entities; fixed.
  3. The Properties pane sometimes displayed incorrect coordinates for single bolts; fixed.
  4. The Geometry Repair tool sometimes did not recognize surface entities; fixed.
  5. A Section tool bug was fixed.
  6. New Window sometimes did not work with Results; fixed.
  7. The Copy operation was incorrectly copying some entities; fixed.
  8. A contour surface bug was fixed.
  9. Some Add Supports and Add Loads bugs were fixed.
  10. A User-Defined Surfaces visibility bug was fixed.
  11. When editing values in the Add Supports dialog, the program sometimes drew a copy of the previous version of the supports; fixed.
  12. Some window management bugs were fixed.
  13. Some User-Defined Slip Surface bugs were fixed.
  14. Borehole surfaces sometimes incorrectly interacted with the External volume; fixed.
  15. Some Slide2 Compute bugs were fixed.
  16. A Theme editing bug was fixed.
  17. Import Properties from Slide3 didn't interact correctly with Anisotropic Surfaces; fixed.
  18. Some 3D viewport issues were fixed.
  19. After opening a file with a support pattern, the pattern could be un-editable; fixed.
  20. A borehole manager bug was fixed.
  21. Some user interface elements in the Add Geotextile dialog were improved.
  22. The Contour Plane dialog was improved.
  23. Show Error Codes now has more informative messages.
  24. Cuckoo, Grid, and Particle Swarm searches interacted incorrectly with large coordinates; fixed.
  25. A Slope Wizard material assignment bug was fixed.
  26. Improved error messages and the error log for slip surfaces that fail to yield a valid factor of safety
  27. Fixed a bug that could result in discarding some valid wedged due to error code -145 (invalid boundary columns)

2019.015 – July 4 2019

  1. Some Pore Pressure Grid interpolation bugs were fixed.
  2. The Load tool is now faster.
  3. A Section tool bug was fixed.
  4. While drawing a polyline, clicking on the space between viewports no longer adds vertices.
  5. An entity highlighting bug was fixed.
  6. Add Multiple Geotextiles is now more robust.
  7. Bolts sometimes used incorrect coordinates; fixed.
  8. "Lines to Center of Rotation" sometimes didn't draw; fixed.
  9. A Bolt Pattern bug was fixed.
  10. Allowing to save and load the hybrid interpolation grid in order to skip precomputation for unchanged pore water pressure data points.

2019.013 – June 14 2019

  1. The user is now warned about using Intersection search limits and Ellipsoids.
  2. The Edit Shortcuts window was not resizing correctly; fixed.
  3. The user is now warned about using infinite strength materials with weak layers.
  4. Some 3D view bugs were fixed.
  5. The Collapse Small Volumes tool now runs faster.
  6. Some sensor data import tool bugs were fixed.
  7. Simultaneously deleting multiple entities sometimes resulted in incorrect behaviour; fixed.
  8. The Seismic Coefficient was missing from the Seismic Loading window; fixed.
  9. An Anisotropic Surface visibility bug was fixed.
  10. Add Search Limit by Surface was incorrectly enabled for some entities; fixed.
  11. Some geometry bugs were fixed.
  12. An Extrude bug was fixed.
  13. Water tables were sometimes using incorrect X and Y coordinates; fixed.
  14. The Slide2 Section Creator was sometimes incorrectly enabled; fixed.
  15. A Create External From Surface bug was fixed.
  16. The Create Plane tool sometimes chose an undesirable initial location; fixed.
  17. An ambiguous Column Viewer error message was edited.
  18. Water Pressure Grids can now colour their points based on value.
  19. There was an issue interpolating pore pressures when importing a Slide project; fixed.
  20. Enabled user-abort in pre-computation for hybrid interpolation.
  21. Some 2D interpolation methods did not work correctly and were switched to a different fallback method. Fixed.

2019.012 – May 29 2019

  1. A Re-Triangulate bug was fixed.
  2. Some file open bugs were fixed.
  3. Some drawing bugs were fixed.
  4. Extruded geometry now has a better surface triangulation.
  5. Some Section tool bugs were fixed.

2019.011 – May 28 2019

  1. Fixed reading and applying maximum negative pore pressure in Slide3 models.
  2. Fixed a bug that in few occasions could cause wrong evaluation of the external boundaries.
  3. Union, Intersect, and Difference now behave more consistently regarding open-ness and closed-ness.
  4. When opening a project, the program now warns the user if some project files are missing.
  5. A Safety Map bug was fixed.
  6. Some pore pressure bugs were fixed.
  7. A volume collapsing threshold is now present in the Divide All Geometry options.
  8. Some drawing bugs were fixed.
  9. Simultaneously deleting multiple items sometimes stopped the program; fixed.
  10. A Contour Legend settings bug was fixed.
  11. The Results Display Options now include "Show Only Global Minimum Surface".
  12. A Bolt Pattern bug was fixed.
  13. A Load drawing bug was fixed.
  14. A Sphere primitive bug was fixed.
  15. Some Focus Search Region bugs were fixed.
  16. The borehole dialog was displaying incorrect units; fixed.
  17. A loft bug was fixed.
  18. User-defined Wedge surfaces weren't correctly responding to new geometry; fixed.

2019.010 – May 13 2019

  1. Fixed checking minimum number of active columns where on occasions could allow generating invalid slip surfaces.
  2. Improved the algorithm for extracting the 3D boundary polyline of the external geometry.
  3. Improved performance of models with Generalized Hoek-Brown material component used in anisotropic materials.
  4. Improved performance of anisotropic materials by rewriting trigonometric functions.
  5. The Repair tool was incorrectly allowed to operate on non-geology and non-excavation entities; fixed.
  6. The Borehole Manager was behaving incorrectly with large coordinates; fixed.
  7. Pore Pressure Grids were sometimes drawing incorrectly; fixed.
  8. The Load window was sometimes drawing the loads incorrectly; fixed.

2019.009 – April 18 2019

  1. Improved intersecting slip surface with small volumes with infinite strength material property.
  2. Added a new robust algorithm to reliably extract boundary polyline for complex geometries.
  3. Revised cleaning results folder for new computation to only apply on Slide3 files.
  4. Fixed multi-threading bug in hybrid interpolation.
  5. Fixed interpolation issues for discrete-function materials.
  6. Improved convergence behavior of LEM analysis methods based on given tolerance.
  7. Removed Z component of force in the computation of X and Y support force for the info viewer.
  8. Improved performance of generalized Hoek-Brown when used in materials with generalized anisotropy.
  9. Fixed creation of slip surfaces with very small number of columns that could happen in some rare scenarios.
  10. Improved performance for calculating anisotropic angles.
  11. Some point cloud data import dialog bugs were fixed.
  12. A Clear External bug was fixed.
  13. Some grid copy & paste bugs were fixed.
  14. Some Section Tool bugs were fixed.
  15. Some notifications were causing a crash; fixed.
  16. The Loft operation sometimes moved the model out of view; fixed.
  17. A CAD view selection bug was fixed.
  18. The Slide2 modeler or interpreter can now be opened from Slide3.
  19. The Column Viewer dialog is now resizable.
  20. Groundprobe DAT files can now be imported and displayed.
  21. Undoing Divide All Geometry can move the model out of view; fixed.
  22. Some Section Cut bugs were fixed.
  23. A User-defined Sphere / Ellipsoid Slip Surface bug was fixed.
  24. An Add Anisotropic Surface bug was fixed.
  25. A Results Plane bug was fixed.

2019.008 – March 27 2019

  1. Fixed a multi-threading bug in PSO search which caused slight differences in search output at different run times.
  2. Improved the algorithm for extracting top layer of model geometry, now more robust for models with non-conforming geometric meshes.
  3. Compression bolts consistent with Slide 2018.
  4. Incorrect mode reported for micropile.
  5. Improved detection of column base intersection with infinite strength blocks.
  6. The Geometry Repair operation didn't behave correctly when it didn't repair an entity; fixed.
  7. The Ungroup Disjoint operation is now faster.
  8. The info viewer was displaying some incorrect information; fixed. It now also displays more information.
  9. Some elements of the Draw Polyline pane were being cut off; fixed. Some polyline tool bugs were fixed.
  10. A Segmenter bug was fixed.
  11. The Section tool is now faster. Some section tool bugs were fixed.
  12. The Slide2 section export was incorrectly determining the slope segment; fixed.
  13. The Slide2 section export can now automatically determine slope failure direction.
  14. Weak layer geometry was not displaying correctly; fixed.
  15. The Infinite Strength model now disallows sliding along boundary by default.
  16. Editing a Search Limit volume was not behaving correctly; fixed.

2019.007 – March 12 2019

  1. The option to define different strength above the water table did not work. Fixed.
  2. Cuckoo search for wedge surfaces in some cases would fail to complete all the iterations. Fixed.
  3. Wedge analysis in some cases would produce slip surfaces with hanging columns. Fixed.
  4. Modified stopping condition for multi-planar search to stop computation where no progress is being made.
  5. Some geometry Boolean bugs were fixed.
  6. There was a display issue when using a Surface Cut on contoured surfaces. Fixed.
  7. "Display Geometry as Inset" is now optional.
  8. The CAD view labels and geometry repair tool now look better on high-DPI displays.
  9. Several data grids now look better.
  10. The Info Viewer was displaying some incorrect units and data types. Fixed.
  11. The Segmenter functionality was improved, and now works more reliably.
  12. The Section Viewer wasn't cutting through surfaces. Fixed.
  13. The Hydraulics tab in the Material window had a display issue. Fixed.
  14. Divide All Geometry is now more reliable, and the error messages are more clear.
  15. The Geometry Repair operation behaved incorrectly when not all entities were modified. Fixed.

2019.006 – March 1 2019

  1. Improved error analysis report for stochastic search methods, accessed from Interpret drop-down menu.
  2. Improved user abort command for computations, allowing to write computed slip surfaces for analysis methods that have been completed before hitting abort.
  3. In models with large coordinates, the Search Limit Volume was incorrectly used; fixed.
  4. A section tool bug was fixed.
  5. A Material dialog alignment problem was fixed.
  6. The Geometry Repair tool now allows multiple filters to be toggled before refreshing the view.
  7. A Sweep bug was fixed.
  8. Some user interface bugs were fixed.
  9. A Visibility Tree bug was fixed.
  10. A Bolt Force Diagram bug was fixed.
  11. A Divide All Geometry bug was fixed.

2019.005 – February 7 2019

  1. Fixed Slide2 import bug.
  2. Fixed a bug with defining Slope Limits. They were incorrectly written to the compute file.
  3. Modified vertical offset of safety map to be close to the ground surface.

2019.004 – February 5 2019

  1. Commercial release.

2019.001 – December 20 2018

  1. Beta release.

2017.022 – March 12 2019 [Download]

  1. The option to define different strength above the water table did not work. Fixed.

2017.021 – December 5 2018

  1. Making extraction of external boundary polyline more robust.
  2. More robust surface extraction.
  3. Fix for Cuckoo and PSO for multi-planar using too large a number of trials for convergence, resulting in hours of computation in some cases.

2017.020 – November 9 2018

  1. A bolt orientation bug was fixed.
  2. An annotation-related file reading bug was fixed.
  3. A Slide section export bug was fixed.
  4. A compute file writing bug was fixed.

2017.019 – September 27 2018

  1. Fix for weak layers that extend above ground surface of a slope.
  2. Fixed creation of concave slip surfaces caused by weak planes.
  3. Improved quality of slip surface discretization.
  4. Modified SA to output the relevant error code (instead of 100 when it does not converge in that iteration).
  5. Some fixes to ensure slip surface columns do not enter within infinite strength materials.
  6. Changed default process execution priority for compute console to below normal.
  7. Fixed a bug that caused ignoring slope limits for user-defined surfaces.
  8. Improved spline conversion of spline surfaces used in SA optimization.
  9. Improved slip surface clipping.
  10. Fixed some occasional slow computation caused by multi-threading in models with discrete functions.
  11. Changed shear normal and cphi to be consistent with Slide.
  12. Modified engine to be robust for handling models with non-conforming geometric meshes.
  13. Bolt orientation and end-points were sometimes incorrect; fixed.
  14. Supports now render more clearly.
  15. Old files were incorrectly handling transformed boreholes; fixed.
  16. "Add to External" is now more flexible.
  17. Single boreholes now produce better quality surfaces.
  18. A support pattern bug was fixed.
  19. Some GSI calculator bugs were fixed.
  20. Highlighting a face, edge, or vertex did not work for certain graphics hardware; fixed.
  21. Vertex imprinting now works better.
  22. When printing, the chosen logo image file is now more centered.
  23. Some conflicting menu shortcuts were fixed.
  24. Some old files were incorrectly handling slope limits; fixed.
  25. A result surface export bug was fixed.
  26. A section export bug was fixed.
  27. The Slide importer is now more robust.
  28. The results surface is now more robust.

2017.018 – July 17 2018

  1. Fixed a bug related to flat horizontal infinite planes.
  2. Reduced initialization time for computing.
  3. Fix for weak layers with portions above ground surface.
  4. Fix for occasional creation of abnormal failure surfaces due to weak layers.
  5. The Geometry Import validator now identifies more relevant problems.
  6. A Copy Geometry Array bug was fixed.
  7. Some Section Viewer and Cutting Plane bugs were fixed.
  8. The Section Viewer and Cutting Plane tools now perform faster.
  9. Some failed Boolean operations stopped the program, or modified the original geometry; fixed.
  10. Some geometry selection bugs were fixed.
  11. Geometry selection speed was improved.
  12. An Extrude bug was fixed.
  13. A point cloud import bug was fixed.
  14. Bolts sometimes caused slowness in the modeler; fixed.
  15. Exporting to Slide is now more robust.
  16. A Water Pressure Grid visibility bug was fixed.
  17. A Slide import bug was fixed.
  18. Some Column Viewer bugs were fixed.
  19. Show Excavated Geometry Only was not behaving as intended; fixed.

2017.017 – May 24 2018

  1. Added a new error code to make a distinction between the two cases of where the surface elevation is below a user-defined cut-off value or the surface elevation is below the external geometry.
  2. Weak planes are not considered infinite planes unless they are used in multi-planar search.
  3. Modified the criteria for material assignment at base of columns in presence of weak surfaces.
  4. Added a check to discard soil blocks with invalid material ids. Ideally, modeller should not output such blocks into the compute file.
  5. Several improvements have been made to memory usage and speed; see below for more details, and further improvements.
  6. Some geometry processing speed improvements were made.
  7. The visibility tree is now faster.
  8. A geometry file writing bug was fixed.
  9. The program sometimes crashed when creating new documents too quickly; fixed.
  10. Vertex, edge, and face selection is now faster.
  11. Some texture drawing bugs were fixed.
  12. Projects now consume less memory.
  13. Opening, saving, and closing projects is now faster.
  14. The Divide All Geometry operation is now more efficient.
  15. More operations are now allowed on pieces of the External volume.
  16. Entities were sometimes drawn with an incorrect selection state; fixed.
  17. There was a problem reading certain geometry in older files; fixed.
  18. The section tool was improved.
  19. A Project Settings bug was fixed.
  20. A slope limit surface bug was fixed.
  21. A Slide 2D import bug was fixed.
  22. A workflow tab switching bug was fixed.
  23. The column viewer is now more responsive.

2017.016 – April 17 2018

  1. Improved measure on closeness to anisotropic direction.
  2. Fix for anisotropic shear strength.
  3. Some geometry processing speed improvements were made.
  4. Imprinting is now more robust.
  5. A surface reconstruction bug was fixed.
  6. Opening files is now faster.
  7. The section tool was improved.
  8. The Slide 2D exported was improved.
  9. The Show All Surfaces window is now more responsive.
  10. A Groundwater Surface bug was fixed.

2017.015 – April 3 2018

  1. Polyline imprinting is now more robust.
  2. Updates to the 3D views are now faster.
  3. The selection state was sometimes incorrectly drawn in the 3D views. Fixed.
  4. A geometry import tool bug was fixed.
  5. A Sweep operation bug was fixed.
  6. Exporting Autodesk files is now more robust.
  7. Importing and exporting Slide models is more robust.

2017.014 – March 21 2018

  1. Fixed a bug regarding automatic extraction of external hull of input geometry. This would infrequently impact quality and location of surfaces generated by search methods in some models.
  2. Fixed a bug in interpreting flat surfaces of external geometry as infinite planes.
  3. Some surface entity bugs were fixed.
  4. Slide3 can now import Slide 2018 files.
  5. Anisotropic surfaces can now be exported to Slide.
  6. A material properties window bug was fixed.
  7. Some geometry import tool bugs were fixed.
  8. Rendering the 3D views is now faster.
  9. Some face, edge, and vertex selections bugs were fixed.
  10. A texture bug was fixed.
  11. The program now uses less RAM.
  12. Transparency can now be controlled without selecting any entities.
  13. Saving large files sometimes stopped the program; fixed.
  14. Several operations are now faster.
  15. DTM files can now be imported.

2017.013 – January 31 2018

  1. Fixed a bug in reading slope limits in engine.
  2. Removed compression from end anchored bolts.
  3. A Results data picker bug was fixed.
  4. Some Slide 7.0 import bugs were fixed.
  5. Setting a Slope Limit to Outside or Intersecting could cause the program to stop. Fixed.
  6. Opening certain files caused the program to stop. Fixed.
  7. The freehand manipulation tool is now more stable.
  8. A support pattern bug was fixed.
  9. The geometry import tool can now be resized more easily.

2017.012 – January 24 2018

  1. The geometry import tool now evaluates the quality of the imported geometry.
  2. The drawing guides were updated.
  3. Some Visibility pane bugs were fixed.
  4. Boolean operations can now be performed in more cases.
  5. The last saved location is now the same as the last open location.
  6. More entities can now be assigned the Construction Role.
  7. Polylines can now be attached to form longer polylines.
  8. Geometry creation and processing should now be faster.
  9. Extrusion and Sweeping now creates a closed volume by default, when possible.
  10. Primitive geometry creation windows now indicate when their parameters have changed.
  11. A Polyline Imprinting bug was fixed.
  12. The Project Summary window is now more appropriately sized.
  13. Geometry can now be copied without any history.
  14. A Contour drawing bug was fixed.
  15. The Generalized Anisotropic Failure Criterion is now available.
  16. Project Settings now contains a Force Failure Direction Trend.
  17. A Bolt Column Force rendering issue was fixed.
  18. The Excavation Role was removed.
  19. Contour surfaces should now draw in remote desktop or virtual machine environments.
  20. Some Tension Crack bugs were fixed.
  21. Tension Cracks - Create Automatically now has the option of "Maximum angle to sliding direction".
  22. Improved the algorithm to fit grid field used in discretizing slip surfaces into a set of columns.
  23. Modified weak layer option to automatically set it active in presence of any defined weak layers.
  24. Added angle option for tension cracks. Can now create a tension crack when a column base angle exceeds a user defined value.
  25. Tension crack surfaces now drawn with the failure surface in the Results area.
  26. Support that intersects a tension crack is now properly handled. Force is applied to the column.
  27. Geotextiles in compression is now handled.
  28. Multiple anisotropic directions for a single material better handled.
  29. Linear Critical Angle method added for anisotropic geogrids.

2017.011 – November 24 2017

  1. Got rid of experimental step in Surface Altering.
  2. Added geogrids with anisotropic strength.
  3. Modified the geogrid force computation to use the long length of the grid for pullout and stripping.
  4. Added an option to allow the user to remove geogrid compression as a mode of failure.
  5. Added extra checks to keep the NURBS fram above soil surface within SA.
  6. Added RU value in the Assign water to material dialog.
  7. Material dialog now disallows select None.
  8. Update used materials in the material property dialog.
  9. When importing generalized anisotropic material, surfaces are imported as well.
  10. Fixed a bug for Assign water to material dialog.
  11. Name change for copy property.
  12. Added Zero Strength in Compression check box in Geotextile bolt.
  13. Fixed a bug for importing generalized anisotropic material.
  14. Fixed small formatting error in Info Viewer.
  15. Fixed timing difference check for results comparison.
  16. Fixed material and bolt ordering when importing properties from another file.
  17. Import Slide3 properties from project file.
  18. A contour surface bug was fixed.
  19. Bolt patterns are now more robust.

2017.010 – October 20 2017

  1. Added anisotropic tensile strength for geogrids.
  2. Improved interpolation for pore pressure grids.
  3. Improved searching (SA, Cuckoo).
  4. Fix for force orientation for support.
  5. Fix for initial sliding direction and pore pressure.
  6. Focus point added.
  7. Fixed a small bug in intercolumn force computation.
  8. Added tangent plane focus.
  9. Added edge focus.
  10. Volume focus added.
  11. Improvements in the NURB computation for searching.
  12. Improved moment epsilon for symmetry computation.
  13. Improved conversion of GHB to shear normal for deep slopes.
  14. Fixed a bug in the number of column computation.
  15. Change to timing difference calculation in results comparison.
  16. Adding features to results comparison.
  17. Fixed a bug for not showing geotextile boundaries correctly.
  18. Group tree fix.
  19. Bug fix for deleting water surface previously assigned to material.
  20. Minor dialgo spacing fix.
  21. Restrain Slide3's boundary conditions not to be put on construction volumes.
  22. Bug fix for "Save As" not remembering the last folder location.
  23. Adding "perpendicular to support" to force orientation option for user-defined bolts/geotextiles.
  24. Fixed a crash when Slide is not installed and try to launch Slide after export.
  25. Improved geotextile selection performance.
  26. Changed the way geotextile bolts are delivered to Section viewer.
  27. Borehole setter in Project Settings corrected.
  28. Hide rotate tool button in viewport.
  29. Set horizontal ruler to be at bottom of viewport.
  30. Changed wording of profile center.
  31. Fix for Project Summary not working in RS3.
  32. Fix for borehole surface role error.
  33. Borehole updates: UI - text boxes, top/bottom surface correction, set top portion to construction role. Final construction volumes set to geology.
  34. Bug fix on partitioning the two sides of the imprinted path.
  35. Update liner results units.
  36. Fix interface jointing.
  37. Assign material by section dialog: added ability to change materials for current stage and all following stages.
  38. Specifying orientations is now more robust.
  39. Geodesic polylines now work better.
  40. Some finite element mesh file reading bugs were fixed.
  41. Some geometry creation and importing bugs were fixed.

2017.009 – September 26 2017

  1. Interface - Ability to add multiple geotextiles
  2. Interface - Ability to view multiplanar intersection
  3. Interface - multiplanar surface nodes now hide on file open
  4. Interface - better default offset for multiplanar search planes
  5. Interface - turn off search plane visibility by default
  6. Interface - Focus Search objects
  7. Interface - Minor textbox width fixes
  8. Interface - Help link for generalized anisotropic window
  9. Interface - Minor weak layer composite dialog fix
  10. Interface - Visibility tree list update
  11. Interface - selecting entity in 3D view now scrolls in visibility tree
  12. Interface - text output changes in info viewer
  13. Interface - slide section export bug fix (ru coefficient)
  14. Interface - Section viewer now views geotextile supports
  15. Interface - Bug fix for slope direction calculation (slide export)
  16. Interface - added hours to the compute time in the infoviewer. Fixed bug of files taking longer than 1 hour displaying incorrect times.
  17. Interface - Misc speed up fixes
  18. Interface - automatically hide no material geometry after a compute when switching to results tab
  19. Interface - Misc dialog display fixes
  20. Interface - improved performance of previewing a large number of geometry nodes as well as removing preview nodes.
  21. Interface - Section viewer can view bolt patterns
  22. Interface - Updating chart settings to display x, y min and max values and allow user to edit them
  23. Interface - fix for planeDefinitionWindow vector normalization.
  24. Interface - scaling and rotation windows now have limit on decimal places
  25. Compute - Enabled Surface Altering optimization for all user-defined surface types
  26. Compute - Focus search option added for spherical surface grid search
  27. Compute - Improvement on ponded water near vertical slopes
  28. Compute - Improved computation performance for composite surfaces with weak layers
  29. Compute - Improved nonlinear solver for spline surfaces
  30. Compute - Developed a more robust algorithm to extract boundary hull of external geometry
  31. Compute - Minor bug fix in intercolumn force computation for certain slip surfaces
  32. Compute - Added new error codes to identify geometrical defects in the error log

2017.008 – August 24 2017

  1. Improvements to searching.
  2. Bug fixes for crashing in engine.
  3. Added multi-planar searching.
  4. Unification with RS3 for certain UI properties.
  5. Updated Help.

2017.007 – June 21 2017

  1. Commercial Release.
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