Define Barrier Properties
The Define Barrier Properties
is available in the Barriers menu. Alternatively, the dialog can be accessed from the Define Barrier dialog, which opens automatically when a barrier is added. In this dialog, the existing barrier property definitions are displayed in a list on the left side. Definitions can be created/deleted by clicking on the Add/Delete Barrier Property icons. Barrier Name and Barrier Color can be edited as well. Other barrier properties are specified in three sections: Fence Model, Barrier Properties, and Fence Properties.
Fence Model
Here, it is possible to select from one of the predefined barriers or create a custom definition.
A Custom barrier is the default basic type where you can set a capacity (or infinite capacity) in the Barrier Properties section. You can also set an elongation in the Fence Properties section that has no effect on the analysis.
The Predefined barrier type draws on attributes set in the Barrier Design Library. You can either use the MEL or SEL data. The capacity and elongation are set automatically.
Barrier Properties
This section lists the barrier capacity. If the Custom barrier type is selected in the Type section above, then the Capacity and Elongation can also be edited. If one of the barriers from the drop-down list in the Type section is selected, then the capacity value that corresponds to that barrier type is displayed.
The rock’s translational kinetic energy is compared to the input barrier capacity upon impacts. The simulation ends when the rock’s translational kinetic energy is less than the input barrier capacity. The rock is considered to have been stopped by the barrier. If the rock’s translational kinetic energy is greater than the input barrier capacity, the rock’s translational kinetic energy is reduced by the barrier capacity and the simulation will continue with the reduced energy. If “Infinite” Barrier Capacity is selected for a “Custom” barrier, the simulation ends when the rock’s center of mass location meets the barrier.
Fence Properties
For deformable barriers, check Show Elongation to display the Maximum Energy Level (MEL) Elongation. The display colour for the elongation can be changed. Note that the elongation will appear hatched, and the colour you specify is the line colour. If one of the barriers from the drop-down list in the Type section is selected, then the Elongation value that corresponds to that barrier type is displayed.
The Flipped option changes the side that the Elongation is drawn on.