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Model Editing

Is it possible to export all surfaces to DXF?

Slide2 does not have a batch exporter for all surfaces. The following options exist to export a single slip surface:

If the slip surface you are exporting is not the global minimum you will have to add a Query.
  • In the Interpreter, right-click on the surface and select Copy (Slide2 modeller format), then in the Modeler select Edit > Paste from Interpret.
  • In the Interpreter, right-click on the surface and select Export DXF.

How can I model a rock slope with many joint planes?

Slide2 does not allow the explicit modelling of joint planes. You can model joints as a thin material layer or a weak layer in Slide2, but if you have many joints, this becomes impractical. If your rock is highly jointed, you may consider using the Generalized Hoek-Brown rock mass failure criterion, and modelling the jointed area as a material region.

RS2, our finite element analysis program for excavations and slopes, allows you to model joints and joint networks explicitly. Note that the Generalized Hoek-Brown criterion can also be used in RS2 to model jointed rock as a material region.

Swedge and RocPlane are used for modelling the stability of rock wedges in jointed rock slopes.

Can I view the model coordinates in table format? Can I edit coordinates from the table view?

It is certainly possible to view Slide2 model coordinates in table format and to edit them when using the table view.

  • Simply right-click on the boundary in question and select Edit Coordinates. The table values can be edited, and clicking OK updates the model.
  • The Edit Coordinates option can also be found in the Boundaries menu.

Can I import multiple layers from AutoCAD into Slide2?

Yes. DXF files can be imported into Slide2 using the File > Import > Import DXF option.

Once you select the *.dxf file to be imported the *.dxf import dialog will appear. The individual layers in the *.dxf file can be assigned to the different boundary types in Slide2.

Importing entities in DXF format is equivalent to adding them using the options within Slide2 (e.g. Add External Boundary etc.). Therefore, the same rules apply, and model entities are automatically checked for validity, intersected if necessary, etc. Make sure that the external boundary is a closed 2D polyline, encompassing all material boundaries.

For a full description of importing *.dxf files in Slide2 see the Import DXF topic.

How can I create a model from an image file?

The steps are as follows to digitize an image to create a model:

  1. Use the File > Import > Import Image Wizard to select the image file. Click Next.
  2. Click the Scale Image button.
  3. Zoom into the grid, select the lower-left corner of the grid and give it the necessary coordinates. Click OK.
  4. Click the upper right corner and define the coordinates. Click OK.
  5. Turn on Transparency in the next dialog, and click Finish.

Now the coordinates in the y-direction should match. The grid is 100 units square and should have the coordinates previously defined. You can change the transparency at any time by right-clicking on the image and changing the format.

The next step is to trace over the image using boundaries. Start with the external, use the Add External option to trace over the image with the external boundary. Then add the material boundaries. Use the Format Tool option in the right-click to adjust transparency if needed.

I want to use my own script to update model files. How do I compute the file from Command Prompt (cmd)?

The syntax to use in cmd is:

cd C:\Program Files\Rocscience\Slide2\ 
 aslidew.exe -manualopen "<model-path-and-name>.<extension (slim, sli, or slmd)>" 


  • The install directory may vary if the user chose to install the program elsewhere.
  • The -manualopen parameter computes all of the computable scenarios in the file where it contains multiple scenarios.
  • The parameter -silentfailure can be added to ignore any warning boxes that may pop up to interrupt the computations.

As an example, Tutorial 1 can be computed as follows:

T1 example compute

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