Tutorials Overview
The Slide2 tutorials have been updated to focus on the most relevant topics. Looking for the old tutorials? Download them here.

1 - Quick Start Tutorial

2 - Materials and Loading

3 - Water Pressure Grid Tutorial

4 - Finite Element Groundwater Seepage
- Groundwater Seepage Analysis
- Groundwater Analysis Mode
- Finite Element Meshing

5 - Transient Groundwater Analysis

6 - Excess Pore Pressure Tutorial

7 - Support Tutorial

8 - Probabilistic Analysis Tutorial

9 - Overall Slope Reliability
- Overall Slope Method
- Overall Slope Reliability
- Critical Probabilistic Surface
- Probability of Failure

10 - Spatial Variability

11 - Probabilistic analysis with random shear strength (COV)
- Probabilistic Analysis
- Coefficient of Variation

12 - Sensitivity Analysis Tutorial

13 - Rapid Drawdown Tutorial

14 - Groundwater Flow in Cofferdam

15 - Levee with Toe Drain

16 - Handling Tension in Limit Equalibrium

17 - Generalized Anisotropic Material

18 - Slope Angle Optimization
- Slope Angle Editing
- Slope Angle Optimization
- Multi-Scenario Modeling

19 - Back Analysis of Material Properties

20 - Soil Profile Modelling

21 - Pile Resistance Using RSPile

22 - Weak Layers

23 - Statistical Correlation

24 - FOS for Geosynthetic Reinforced Retaining Wall

25 - Seismic Analysis with Newmark Method

26 - Analysis of Embankment using multi-modal optimization (MMO)

27 - Damage Regions (Generalized Hoek-Brown)
- Define Damage Region
- Define Material Properties
- Query Slice Data

28 - Using RSLog Cross Sections in Slide2
- Create RSLog Cross Section
- Import Cross Section (Online)
- Import Cross Section (Offline)

29 - Generalized Anisotropy – Exporting from Slide3 to Slide2
- Export 3D anisotropic surfaces
- Slide3/Slide2 integration
- Consider 3D Anisotropy
- Consider Apparent Dip

30 - Back Analysis
- Support Back Analysis Feature
- Geosynthetic Supports
- Adding Support Patterns
- Slip Surface Boundaries
- Particle Swarm search (non-circular search)

31 - Hydraulic Statistics
- Seepage Analysis
- Hydraulic Statistics
- Probabilistic Analysis
- Spatial Variability