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Graph Query

After a query is created with the Add Query option, detailed analysis results for the slip surface can be plotted, or exported for post-processing in another application, with the Graph Query option.

To graph data for Queries:

  1. Select Graph Query Graph query icon from the toolbar or the Query menu.
  2. If only a single Query exists, Slide2 will automatically select this Query, and display the Graph Slice Data dialog.
  3. NOTE: if no queries currently exist, Slide2 will automatically create a Query for the Global Minimum surface, and display the Graph Slice Data dialog.

  4. If more than one Query exists, then you will first have to select one (or more) queries. You can select individual Queries with the left mouse button, or multiple Queries with a selection window. NOTE: to select a Query, you can select either the slip surface, or the radial lines joining the slip center to the slip surface endpoints.
  5. If you used step 3, then right-click and select Graph Selected, or press Enter. You will see the Graph Slice Data dialog.
  6. In the Graph Slice Data dialog:
  • select the data you would like to plot from the Primary data drop-down list.
  • select the Horizontal axis data you would like to use (Distance, Slice number or X coordinate)
  • If desired, select the Secondary data checkbox, and select the Secondary data you would also like to see on the plot (NOTE: the Secondary data available to plot, will depend on the Primary data which is chosen)
  • Select the Create Plot button, and Slide2 will create the graph in a new view.

Graphing Multiple Queries on the same Plot

Data for any number of Queries can be plotted on the same graph, if desired. To do this, simply select the desired queries, as described in step 3 above. Then follow steps 4 and 5, and a graph will be generated with data for all selected Queries.

Shortcut to Graph a single Query

A useful shortcut to graph data for a single Query, is to right-click on the Query, and select Graph Query from the popup menu. NOTE: you can click EITHER on the slip surface, or on the radial lines joining the slip center to the slip surface endpoints. You will then see the Graph Slice Data dialog. Follow step 5 above to create a graph.

Customizing a Graph

After a Query graph has been created, many options are available to the user to customize the graph data and appearance.

Chart Properties

If you right-click the mouse on a graph, and select Chart Properties, the Chart Properties dialog allows you to change axis titles, minimum and maximum values, etc.

Change Plot Data

If you right-click the mouse on a graph, and select Change Plot Data, this will display the Graph Slice Data dialog, allowing you to plot completely different data, for the same query(s), while still remaining in the same view.


If you right-click the mouse and select Grayscale, the view will be grayscaled, suitable for black and white image capture. Grayscale is also available in the toolbar, and in the View menu, and can be toggled on or off at any time.

Changing the Analysis Method

After a graph is created, you can change the Analysis Method, to view data for different methods. Simply select a method from the toolbar, and data corresponding to the method will be displayed.


  • Depending on the data being viewed, results may or may not vary with Analysis Method. For example, Slice Weight will NOT vary with Analysis Method. Base Normal Stress will vary with Analysis Method.
  • Also, "No Data Available" may be displayed, if the minimum surface for the Analysis Method chosen, is different from the surface on which you originally added the query. (i.e. different analysis methods can result in different minimum surfaces, at the same grid point). This applies to circular surfaces only. "No Data" may also be displayed, for circular or non-circular surfaces, if no data is available for the slip surface and analysis method chosen (for example, if Slide2 was not able to calculate a safety factor for any reason, for a given Analysis Method and slip surface).

Plotting in Excel

If you select the Plot in Excel button in the Graph Slice Data dialog:

  1. The Microsoft Excelä program will automatically be launched (if you have Excel installed on your computer).
  2. The raw data used to generate a graph, will be exported to an Excel spreadsheet.
  3. A graph will be created in Excel.

Copy Graph Data to Clipboard

If you select the Copy button in the Graph Slice Data dialog, the raw data used to generate a graph, for the currently selected data, will be copied to the Windows clipboard. From the clipboard, it can be pasted into other applications for report writing, or further data processing etc.

Export All Data

The Export All Data button in the Graph Slice Data dialog, allows the user to export ALL data for a query (or multiple queries, if more than one query was selected), for post-processing outside of the Slide2 program. When you select Export All Data, you will first see a dialog:

  • The Copy option will copy the data to the Windows clipboard, where it can be pasted into another application (e.g. word processor or spreadsheet)
  • The Save option allows you to save the data to a text (.TXT) file
  • NOTE that Interslice Data and Slice Data are exported separately, because Interslice Data is recorded at the slice boundaries, while Slice Data is recorded at the midpoint of the base of each slice.

Zoom and Pan

All of the Zoom and Pan options can be used for graph views, in the same manner as regular model views. See the Zoom and Pan topics for details.

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