The Copy option in the toolbar or the Edit menu, allows you to copy the contents of the active view to the Windows clipboard. This can then be pasted into word-processing or paint programs, for further editing, report writing etc.
- The highlighted dark blue title bar indicates the active view.
- The window border and title bar will NOT be copied, only the contents of the window.
- If the Report Generator is the active view, then the Copy option will copy the Report Generator text to the clipboard. By default, ALL text in the Info Viewer will be copied to the clipboard. If you only want selected text, then first highlight the desired text with the mouse, and then select Copy.
- Copy can also be performed by selecting the Ctrl + C keyboard combination.
- Remember that the entire screen can be copied to the Windows clipboard, with the Print Screen key on your keyboard. This is useful if you wish to capture multiple views in a single image, for example after tiling the views.
- Pressing the Alt + Print Screen keys together will capture the application window only to the clipboard (useful if the Slide2 Model program window is not maximized on your desktop).