Show Coordinates
The Show Coordinates option can be used to display the x,y vertex coordinates of any or all of the modelling entities used to define a Slide2 model. To use Show Coordinates:
- Select Show Coordinates in the View menu.
- In the Show Coordinates dialog, you will see a list of the currently defined modelling entities, which exist in your Slide2 model. Only entities which are currently part of the model, will appear in the list.
- To show or hide the coordinate display, for ALL entities of your model:
- select the Show All button in the dialog, to display all coordinates for all entities.
- select the Clear All button in the dialog, to HIDE the display of all coordinates for all entities
- when you select Show All or Clear All, the checkboxes beside the list of model entities, will all be selected (Show All), or all be cleared (Clear All).
- If you only want to show (or hide) the coordinate display for individual TYPES of entities, then you can use the checkboxes in the list of entity types. For example: if you only want to see the x,y coordinates of the Water Table, then ONLY select the Water Table checkbox.
- GRAPHICAL SELECTION: for the maximum degree of flexibility in displaying coordinates, while the Show Coordinates dialog is active, you can use the mouse to graphically click on individual entities on the screen, to show or hide the coordinate display for individual entities. (This is indicated in the text tip in the dialog). For example:
- If you have multiple Material Boundaries defined, but you only want to see the coordinates displayed for a particular boundary, then you can click on the boundary with the mouse, to display the coordinates. Only the coordinates for the clicked-on boundary will be displayed.
- Like the checkboxes, this graphical method of selection works as a toggle. If coordinates are displayed, then click to hide. If coordinates are hidden, then click to display.
- Entities can also be selected graphically, by drawing a selection window around the entities.
- The state of the checkboxes in the list will reflect the graphical selection. If multiple entities exist of a given type (e.g. Support), but only some support elements have coordinates displayed, then the Support checkbox will be selected, but greyed, indicating that some, but not all, support elements have their coordinates displayed.
- The Show Coordinates dialog can be minimized or maximized, by selecting the "up" or "down" arrow button in the title bar of the dialog, or by double-clicking on the title bar. If you are graphically selecting entities for coordinate display, you may want to minimize the dialog, so that you can view the full screen while selecting.
- Additional coordinate display options are available, by selecting the More button in the dialog. See below for details.
- When you are finished with the dialog, select the Close button, or the X in the upper right corner of the dialog.
TIP: you can use the Show All or Clear All buttons, to first select all or clear all checkboxes, and then customize the display by clearing or selecting individual checkboxes.
Coordinate Display Options
If you select the More button in the Show Coordinates dialog, the following Coordinate Format options will be available, for customizing the coordinate display:
- Number of Decimals
- Text Colour
- Background Colour
- Transparent Background
- If the Transparent Background checkbox is selected, the Background Colour option will be disabled.
- When you customize any of these Coordinate Format options, the selections you make are automatically saved in the registry on your computer, and will become the default selections (i.e. you will see the same selections, next time you use the dialog).
Coordinates on Selected Vertices
The Coordinates on Selected Vertices option has the following purpose:
- If this checkbox is selected, then coordinates will be displayed for selected vertices, while you are using the Move Vertex or Delete Vertex options.
- NOTE: This also applies to vertices of all model elements, not just boundaries (e.g. if you are moving the corners of a search grid or search object, or the vertices of support, etc).
- It also applies whether the option is accessed through the main menu, or by the use of the right-click editing options.
You can use this option if you find it useful to display coordinates while editing.