What's New
The following is a listing of major feature additions which have been made in the latest release of Slide2.
For a list of changes and bug fixes since the initial release of Slide2, see the Slide2 Update History page.
Version 9.038
- RSWall Integration
- Undrained/Vertical Stress material failure criterion
- AASHTO and Australian design standards
- CNI material failure criterion
- Menu option to launch RSInsight+ in Help menu
Version 9.037
- Option to export a range of samples and multiple materials as a discrete function or Ks grid from property viewer
- Copy, hide, and edit coordinate options in right-click menu of hydraulics query
- Advanced option for computing the model at the origin
Version 9.035
- Hydraulic statistics: Ability to carry out probabilistic analysis considering random and spatial variability of soil hydraulic parameters and considering their cross correlations.
- New Tutorial 31 - Hydraulic Statistics
- Ability to see the relationship between Lambda and FS for GLE and Spencer methods
- Prompt to add Spencer or GLE method when using non-circular surface generation method
- Option for custom RSLog server in preferences
Version 9.033
- Ability to define tensile strength for all failure criterion
- Added option to define boundary conditions with coordinate entry in command line
Version 9.032
- Back analysis for support available for non-circular surfaces and different LEM approaches
- New Tutorial 30: Back Analysis
- Option to show angle between the bolt and the slip surface
- Bolt force arrow display options
- User-Defined slip surface option
Version 9.030
- Option to consider sliding along interface of geosynthetic (treated as weak layer).
- Heuristic weak layer handling option added for Particle Swarm Optimization method.
Version 9.028
- New Tutorials: new set of updated and refreshed tutorials for Slide2
- Copy Boundary (Multiple): Ability to copy boundaries multiple times along a direction.
- Advanced option in Generalized Anisotropic dialog
- New design for RSLog Import dialog interface
- Updated design for Material Properties dialog
- Three borehole cross section can now be imported from RSLog with a warning
- B-bar added to Material Properties table
- Improvements to PSO algorithm (can be toggled off in Advanced Project Settings)
- Ability to define slope wizard coordinates through command prompt
Version 9.027
- Integration of Slide3 files with Generalized Anisotropic when exporting to Slide2.
- New Tutorial: Generalized Anisotropy – Exporting from Slide3 to Slide2
- Added warning messages when there are near-coincident vertices in model.
Version 9.025
- RSLog integration: Import your RSLog cross sections into Slide2.
- New Tutorial: Using RSLog Cross Sections in Slide2
- Unit selection added when importing user-defined manufacturer library.
Version 9.024
- C/Phi function: new material strength type added
- Ability to assign multiple anisotropic surfaces to Generalized Anisotropic, and support blended properties via A and B angles.
- Synteen added to Geosynthetic Manufacturer Library
Version 9.021
- New option to add or import user-defined geosynthetic manufacturers in Manufacturer Library
- New support type available: Helical Anchors
- Coefficient of Interaction and Friction Factor inputs added to Geosynthetic support
- Degree of Saturation results added to seepage analysis
- Geomatrix manufacturer added to Manufacturer Library
Version 9.020
- New Verification Example added to Slide2 Slope Stability Verification Manual
- New Support Type added: Retaining Wall (EFP)
- Updated Tutorial - Pile Resistance Using RSPile
Version 9.019
- Generalized Hoek-Brown (GBH) Discrete function
- GBH: Damage zone defined by polyline
- Latest Water Compute Engine from RS2
- Naue Secugrid added to Manufacturer Library
- New Tutorial - Damage Regions (Generalized Hoek-Brown)
Version 9.018
- RSPile option in Define Supports dialog updated for integration with RSPile 3.006
- New examples (106-109) added to Slope Stability Verification manual
Version 9.015
- Improved Display Options for discharge sections
- User can now copy and paste tools between views and windows
- New option to export and report Discharge Section data and add table to view
- Add View Limits option added to Print Preview
Version 9.013
- Updated Design Standards
- Improvements to Add View function of Report Generator
- Redesigned Support Properties dialog
- Define Connection Strength option added to Geosynthetics
- SIRIVE anchors added to Manufacturer Library
Version 9.009
- Define Probabilistic shear strength using coefficient of variation (COV) (New tutorial)
- Multi-Modal Optimization (New tutorial)
- New Weak Layer Algorithm (Updated tutorial)
- New improved Surface options dialog
- User defined Defaults for tables (materials, support)
- Support force font can now be adjusted
- Slope ratios can now be shown when drawing polylines
- Ability to link views from the toolbar for print preview
- Can now read pore pressure grids from other multi-scenario files (slmd files).
- Wavin added as a support vendor for the Manufacturer Library
Version 9.001
- Faster sampling method, Response Surface, added for probabilistic analysis
- Improved Info Viewer, now called the Report Generator, lets user customize the look and feel of reports by adding images, comments, selecting sections to include, and customizing headers and footers; includes new PDF export option
- Batch printing option now available when using multi-scenario modelling feature
- Built in list of Common Geotextile Supports from popular manufacturers added